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The Adventure of Physics - Vol. II: Relativity
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0.0 stars

This book is written for anybody who is curious about nature and motion. Curiosity about how people, animals, things, images and empty space move leads to many adventures. This volume presents the best of them in the domains of relativity and cosmology. In the study of motion – physics – special and general relativity form two important building blocks.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Motion Mountain
Christoph Schiller
Date Added:
The Adventure of Physics - Vol. IV: The Quantum of Change
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0.0 stars

This book is written for anybody who is curious about nature and motion. Have you ever asked: Why do people, animals, things, images and space move? The answer leads to many adventures; this volume presents those due to the discovery that there is a smallest change value in nature. This smallest change value, the quantum of action, leads to what is called quantum physics. In the structure of modern physics, quantum physics covers three points; this volume covers the introduction to the point in the lower right: the foundations of quantum theory.

The present introduction to quantum physics arose from a threefold aim I have pur- sued since 1990: to present the basics of motion in a way that is simple, up to date and captivating.

In order to be simple, the text focuses on concepts, while keeping mathematics to the necessary minimum. Understanding the concepts of physics is given precedence over using formulae in calculations. The whole text is within the reach of an undergraduate.

In order to be up to date, the text is enriched by the many gems – both theoretical and empirical – that are scattered throughout the scientific literature.

In order to be captivating, the text tries to startle the reader as much as possible. Read- ing a book on general physics should be like going to a magic show. We watch, we are astonished, we do not believe our eyes, we think, and finally we understand the trick. When we look at nature, we often have the same experience. Indeed, every page presents at least one surprise or provocation for the reader to think about. Numerous interesting challenges are proposed.

The motto of the text, die Menschen stärken, die Sachen klären, a famous statement by Hartmut von Hentig on pedagogy, translates as: ‘To fortify people, to clarify things.’ Clar- ifying things – and adhering only to the truth – requires courage, as changing the habits of thought produces fear, often hidden by anger. But by overcoming our fears we grow in strength. And we experience intense and beautiful emotions. All great adventures in life allow this, and exploring motion is one of them. Enjoy it!

Physical Science
Material Type:
Motion Mountain
Christoph Schiller
Date Added:
The Adventure of Physics - Vol. VI: The Strand Model - A Speculation on Unification
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0.0 stars

This book is written for anybody who is intensely curious about nature and motion. Have you ever asked: Why do people, animals, things, images and empty space move? The answer leads to many adventures, and this book presents one of the best of them: the search for a precise, unified and final description of all motion.

The wish to describe all motion is a large endeavour. Fortunately, this large endeavour can be structured in the simple diagram shown in Figure 1. The final and unified description of motion, the topic of this book, corresponds to the highest point in the diagram. Searching for this final and unified description is an old quest. In the following, I briefly summarize its history and then present an intriguing, though speculative solution to the riddle.

The search for the final, unified description of motion is a story of many surprises. For example, twentieth-century research has shown that there is a smallest distance in nature. Research has also shown that matter cannot be distinguished from empty space at those small distances. A last surprise dates from this century: particles and space are best described as made of strands, instead of little spheres or points. The present text explains how to reach these unexpected conclusions. In particular, quantum field theory, the standard model of particle physics, general relativity and cosmology are shown to follow from strands. The three gauge interactions, the three particle generations and the three dimensions of space turn out to be due to strands. In fact, all the open questions of twentieth-century physics about the foundations of motion, all the millennium issues, can be solved with the help of strands.

The strand model, as presented in this text, is an unexpected result from a threefold aim that I have pursued since 1990, in the five previous volumes of this series: to present the basics of motion in a way that is up to date, captivating and simple. In retrospect, the aim for maximum simplicity has been central in deducing this speculation. While the previous volumes introduced, in an entertaining way, the established parts of physics, this volume presents, in the same entertaining and playful way, a speculation about unification. Nothing in this volume is established knowledge – yet. The text is the original presentation of the topic.

The search for a final theory is one of the great adventures of life: it leads to the limits of thought. The search overthrows our thinking habits about nature. A change in thinking habits can produce fear, often hidden by anger. But by overcoming our fears we gain strength and serenity. Changing thinking habits thus requires courage, but it also produces intense and beautiful emotions. Enjoy them!

Physical Science
Material Type:
Motion Mountain
Christoph Schiller
Date Added:
The Adventure of Physics - Vol. V: Motion Inside Matter - Pleasure, Technology, and Stars
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0.0 stars

This book is written for anybody who is curious about nature and motion. Curiosity about how bodies, images and empty space move leads to many adventures. This volume presents the best adventures about the motion inside people, inside animals, and inside any other type of matter – from the largest stars to the smallest nuclei.

Motion inside bodies – dead or alive – is described by quantum theory. Quantum theory describes all motion with the quantum of action h, the smallest change observed in nature. Building on this basic idea, the text first shows how to describe life, death and pleasure. Then, the text explains the observations of chemistry, materials science, astrophysics and particle physics. In the structure of physics, these topics correspond to the three ‘quantum’ points in Figure 1. The story of motion inside living and non-living matter, from the coldest gases to the hottest stars, is told here in a way that is simple, up to date and captivating.

In order to be simple, the text focuses on concepts, while keeping mathematics to the necessary minimum. Understanding the concepts of physics is given precedence over using formulae in calculations. The whole text is within the reach of an undergraduate.

In order to be up to date, the text is enriched by the many gems – both theoretical and empirical – that are scattered throughout the scientific literature.

In order to be captivating, the text tries to startle the reader as much as possible. Read- ing a book on physics should be like going to a magic show. We watch, we are astonished, we do not believe our eyes, we think, and finally we understand the trick. When we look at nature, we often have the same experience. Indeed, every page presents at least one sur- prise that makes the reader think. Also numerous interesting challenges are proposed.

The motto of the text, die Menschen stärken, die Sachen klären, a famous statement by Hartmut von Hentig on pedagogy, translates as: ‘To fortify people, to clarify things.’ Clar- ifying things – and adhering only to the truth – requires courage, as changing the habits of thought produces fear, often hidden by anger. But by overcoming our fears we grow in strength. And we experience intense and beautiful emotions. All great adventures in life allow this, and exploring motion is one of them. Enjoy it!

Physical Science
Material Type:
Motion Mountain
Christoph Schiller
Date Added:
The Adventurers
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

This selection is an informational narrative in the form of a play or Readers' Theater. The play is about a group of boys and girls who are summertime campers at the National Sea Base camp in the Florida Keys. Their adventure includes camping, snorkeling, and sailing aboard the ship. This is a new adventure for the characters in this story.

Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Reading Informational Text
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
Basal Alignment Project
Provider Set:
Columbus District
Author Unknown
Date Added:
Adventures in ABC & 1, 2, 3
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This activity is an indoor/outdoor activity that incorporates both literacy and scientific observation to make an ABC book based on Antler, Bear, Canoe by Betsy Bowen. Family participation is encouraged.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Pedagogy in Action
Julie Roettger
Date Added:
Adventures in ABC and 1,2,3
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0.0 stars

This activity is an indoor/outdoor activity that incorporates both literacy and scientific observation to make an ABC book based on Antler, Bear, Canoe by Betsy Bowen.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Pedagogy in Action
Date Added:
Adventures in Advanced Symbolic Programming
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0.0 stars

This course covers concepts and techniques for the design and implementation of large software systems that can be adapted to uses not anticipated by the designer. Applications include compilers, computer-algebra systems, deductive systems, and some artificial intelligence applications. Topics include combinators, generic operations, pattern matching, pattern-directed invocation, rule systems, backtracking, dependencies, indeterminacy, memoization, constraint propagation, and incremental refinement. Substantial weekly programming assignments are an integral part of the subject.
There will be extensive programming assignments, using MIT/GNU Scheme. Students should have significant programming experience in Scheme, Common Lisp, Haskell, CAML or some other “functional” language.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Sussman, Gerald
Date Added:
Adventures in Antibody Identification: Enzymes and Dara
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0.0 stars

Only around 0.2-2.0% of the patient population will have detectable RBC antibodies -- fewer still will have multiplePatients more frequently exposed to RBC antigens are more likely to have antibodies (multiply transfused sickle cell adult patients ~47%)So you've mastered the type & screen and antibody panels... but what do you do if an antibody panel is inconclusive?Selected Cell Panels - select cells with minimal overlap of antigens; helpful for patients with a known history of an antibodyEnzyme-treated panels - destroy certain antigens and enhance expression of others; modify RBC surface by removing sialic acid residues and by denaturing or removing glycoproteinsExamples: ficin, papain, bromelin, trypsinOne-step enzyme method: enzymes utilized in place of enhancement media (instead of LISS or PEG)Two-step enzyme method: panel RBCs are treated with an enzyme first, then the antibody ID panel is done with treated cells; should compare reactivity to antibody ID panel of same cells without enzyme treatmentA special case seen in blood banking: Daratumumab ("Dara") patientsDaratumumab is a drug used in treatment of Multiple MyelomaPlasmacytoma or plasma cell cancer - plasma cells express CD 38~30k new cases, ~12.5k deaths per yearAnemia is a key symptom (with calcium levels, renal insufficiency, bone lesions)CD 38 is a cyclic ADP ribose hydrolase - with roles in calcium signalling & NAD metabolismExpressed on all cell types: notably Plasma cells and RBCsOne option for treating Multiple Myeloma is the drug Daratumumab: a monoclonal antibody IgG1K anti-CD 38; kills myeloma cells through patient's own immune responseWhat does this have to do with blood bank?CD38 is found on RBCs -- including screen and panel cells, in crossmatchesDara patients show PANAGGLUTINATION in all AHG testing - positive screen, panel, crossmatch, variable/weak positive DAT (at IgG)Multiple myeloma patients need frequent transfusions - increased chance of developing alloAbEnzyme treated panel case studyDara patient case study

Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Ann Barrett
Date Added:
Adventures in Nonfiction: A Guided Inquiry Journey
Read the Fine Print
Some Rights Reserved
0.0 stars

Students are guided through an informal exploration of nonfiction texts and child-oriented Websites, learning browsing and skimming techniques for the purpose of gathering interesting information.

Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Reading Informational Text
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Provider Set:
Date Added:
The Adventures of General Beauregard and His Charger--In Four Parts
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

A folding comic puzzle in which the heads of Confederate General P.G.T. Beauregard and a donkey switch bodies. An example of mass of anti-Beauregard material published in the north after the outbreak of hostilities leading to Civil War.|Published by Samuel Upham, 310 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1861, by Samuel C. Upham, 310 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, in and of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.|Title appears as it is written on the item.|Forms part of: American cartoon print filing series (Library of Congress)

U.S. History
Material Type:
Primary Source
Library of Congress
Provider Set:
Library of Congress - Cartoons 1766-1876
Date Added:
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This collection uses primary sources to explore The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. Digital Public Library of America Primary Source Sets are designed to help students develop their critical thinking skills and draw diverse material from libraries, archives, and museums across the United States. Each set includes an overview, ten to fifteen primary sources, links to related resources, and a teaching guide. These sets were created and reviewed by the teachers on the DPLA's Education Advisory Committee.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Primary Source
Digital Public Library of America
Provider Set:
Primary Source Sets
Susan Ketcham
Date Added:
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain - Reader's Guide
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

Humor, trouble, and adventure follow Tom Sawyer everywhere--from the banks of the Mississippi to the brink of death and back in Mark Twain's first full novel. The Big Read Reader's Guide deepens your exploration with interviews, booklists, timelines, and historical information. We hope this guide and syllabus allow you to have fun with your students while introducing them to the work of a great American author.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
National Endowment for the Arts
Provider Set:
The Big Read
Date Added:
Adventures of a Young Language Broker (videogame)
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0.0 stars

Software created by the Eylbid Strategic Partnership co-financed by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union (agreement no. 2019-1-ES01-KA201-064417). This video game can be used as a classroom activity with the following objectives:

to show that language brokering is a common practice that takes place in many schools around the world;
to promote a deeper understanding of what language brokering usually implies for young people;
to present some situations that teachers can analyze and discuss with their students from multiple perspectives as part of reflective practice;
to appreciate multilingualism and raise awareness among young people who translate and interpret in schools;
to provide young language brokers with tools and strategies to express how they feel about language brokering, and thus to take care of emotional health.
The videogame is multilingual and can be played in English, Catalan, German, Italian, and Spanish.


Programari creat per l'Associació Estratègica Eylbid cofinançada pel programa Erasmus+ de la Unió Europea (acord núm. 2019-1-ES01-KA201-064417). Es tracta d'un videojoc pensat perquè es faci servir com a activitat d'aula amb els objectius següents:

mostrar que la intermediació lingüística és una pràctica comuna que es duu a terme a moltes escoles arreu del món;
promoure una comprensió més profunda del que sol implicar la intermediació lingüística per part dels joves;
presentar algunes situacions que els docents puguin analitzar i discutir amb els seus alumnes des de múltiples perspectives com a part de la pràctica reflexiva;
apreciar el plurilingüisme i sensibilitzar els joves que tradueixen i interpreten a les escoles;
proporcionar als joves intermediaris lingüístics eines i estratègies per expressar com se senten en relació amb la intermediació lingüística i per tenir cura de la salut emocional.
El videojoc té diverses llengües disponibles: alemany, anglès, català, castellà i italià.

Higher Education
Language Education (ESL)
Material Type:
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Anna Gil-Bardají
Carmen Bestué
Evangelia Prokopiou
Gema Rubio Carbonero
Jordi Arnal
Judith Raigal Aran
Mariana Orozco-Jutorán
Marta Arumí Ribas
Marta Estévez Grossi
Mireia Vargas-Urpí
Rachele Antonini
Sarah Crafter
Sofía Garcia-Beyaert
Date Added:
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

An adverb is a word or an expression that generally modifies a verb, adjective, another adverb, determiner, clause, preposition, or sentence. Adverbs typically express manner, place, time, frequency, degree, level of certainty, etc., answering questions such as how, in what way, when, where, and to what extent.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Tshepo Donald Seala
Date Added:
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0.0 stars

 Nebraska Standards: 3.2.2.d, 3.2.1h, 3.2.2.aTarget: Students will review and practice parts of speech, specifically adverbs with self, partners or/and class. When students know how to correctly use adverbs they can enhance thier wrting by making it more interesting, adding details, and using good word choice. Time- 20 minutesMaterials- all optional: paper, pencils, video, partner 

Elementary Education
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Meghan Roeser
Date Added:
Advertise a Form of Advertising
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0.0 stars

Students will create an advertisement promoting their chosen form of advertising, including advantages and disadvantages of their form of advertising. These should then be presented to the class to teach the class about their form.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Date Added:
Advertisement Techniques
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

The definition of advertisement is the means of communication in which a product, brand, or service is promoted to customers in order to attract interest, engagement, and sales at times. The attached picture provides the most important techniques that help make a successful advert.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Tshepo Donald Seala
Date Added:
Advertising: Dollars and Decisions
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

Consumers see or hear thousands of advertisements each day. The April 2017 issue of Page One Economics: Focus on Finance reviews advertising history and strategies ads use to create demand and influence consumer tastes and preferences.

Business and Communication
Social Science
Material Type:
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Provider Set:
Page One Economics
Jeannette Bennett
Date Added: