This course studies the relations of affect to cognition and behavior, feeling …
This course studies the relations of affect to cognition and behavior, feeling to thinking and acting, and values to beliefs and practices. These connections will be considered at the psychological level of organization and in terms of their neurobiological and sociocultural counterparts.
This module provides a brief overview of the neuroscience of emotion. It …
This module provides a brief overview of the neuroscience of emotion. It integrates findings from human and animal research to describe the brain networks and associated neurotransmitters involved in basic affective systems.
So we've been talking about civil rights for the last few episodes …
So we've been talking about civil rights for the last few episodes now, and we're finally going to wrap this discussion up with the rather controversial topic of affirmative action. We'll explain what exactly affirmative action is, who it is for, and why it still exists. Now, affirmative action is a pretty problematic concept. So we'll get into the court's rationalization for it in the 70s as well as its fall from favor in more recent years. Now, people tend to have pretty strong, and varying opinions, about this stuff - so we'll start talking about how these opinions are informed next week when we start our discussion on politics.
This course considers how, despite its immense diversity, Africa continues to hold …
This course considers how, despite its immense diversity, Africa continues to hold purchase as both a geographical entity and meaningful knowledge category. It examines the relationship between articulations of “Africa” and projects like European imperialism, developments in the biological sciences, African de-colonization and state-building, and the imagining of the planet’s future. Readings in anthropology and history are organized around five themes: space and place, race, representation, self-determination, and time.
African Americans have a long history in Oklahoma. They first came to …
African Americans have a long history in Oklahoma. They first came to Oklahoma during the forced removal of American Indians because some tribes held African Americans as slaves. There were also African Americans who were American Indian and free. During the Civil War, many of these men in Indian Territory joined the war on both the Union and Confederate sides. Called Buffalo Soldiers, these African American servicemen played a vital role in Oklahoma and Indian Territory as well as in other regions of the West. Both the 9th and the 10th Cavalries and the 24th Infantry served in Indian Territory during the latter nineteenth century. Stationed at Fort Gibson, the 1st Kansas Colored Volunteers Infantry Regiment (later supplemented with the 2nd Kansas) fought at Cabin Creek and at the pivotal engagement of Honey Springs in July 1863. After the Civil War ended in 1865, all of the slaves in the United States, including Indian Territory, were freed. Known as freedmen, many continued living among the Indians.
By the end of this section, you will be able to:Identify the …
By the end of this section, you will be able to:Identify the factors that prompted African American and European immigration to American cities in the late nineteenth centuryExplain the discrimination and anti-immigration legislation that immigrants faced in the late nineteenth century
The purpose of this course is to examine the African American experience …
The purpose of this course is to examine the African American experience in the United States from 1863 to the present. Prominent themes include the end of the Civil War and the beginning of Reconstruction; African Americans' urbanization experiences; the development of the modern civil rights movement and its aftermath; and the thought and leadership of Booker T. Washington, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, W.E.B. Du Bois, Marcus Garvey, Martin Luther King Jr., and Malcolm X. WARNING: Some of the lectures in this course contain graphic content and/or adult language that some users may find disturbing.
This collection uses primary sources to explore the experiences of African American …
This collection uses primary sources to explore the experiences of African American Soldiers in World War I. Digital Public Library of America Primary Source Sets are designed to help students develop their critical thinking skills and draw diverse material from libraries, archives, and museums across the United States. Each set includes an overview, ten to fifteen primary sources, links to related resources, and a teaching guide. These sets were created and reviewed by the teachers on the DPLA's Education Advisory Committee.
Short Description: African American Studies: 50 Years at the University of Florida …
Short Description: African American Studies: 50 Years at the University of Florida provides an impactful overview of African American Studies; documents the research of Black faculty at UF; examines how African American Studies encourages community engagement and service; contains testimonies from community elders; and includes reflections by and about prominent UF alumni such as Judge Stephan Mickle and Dr. David Horne.
Long Description: African American Studies: 50 Years at the University of Florida provides an impactful overview of the history of African American Studies at the University of Florida. Chapters are based on papers presented at the 50th Anniversary Commemoration of the African American Studies Program at the University of Florida. In addition to providing a comprehensive history of African American Studies at the University of Florida, the book also documents the research of Black faculty at UF; examines how students, faculty, and staff involved with African American Studies practice community engagement and service; contains testimonies from community elders; and includes reflections by and about prominent UF alumni such as Judge Stephan Mickle and Dr. David Horne.
African American Studies: 50 Years at the University of Florida presents readers with a valuable opportunity to reflect on the past, celebrate the present, and plan for the future of African American Studies, at the University of Florida and beyond.
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Word Count: 67558
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After the Ice: Our Food discusses changes in historic food sources for …
After the Ice: Our Food discusses changes in historic food sources for Arctic Native Americans. Global climate change is altering yearly cycles of both ice coverage and depth in the Bering Sea. Changes in the ice affect the way local native groups hunt in order to feed their community.
This 7-minute video illustrates how the historic homeland for Arctic Native Americans …
This 7-minute video illustrates how the historic homeland for Arctic Native Americans is being affected by climate change. Shorefast ice and pack ice are present for a shorter part of the year. This has profound affects on the way of life in the Bering Sea region, to the point where the community may have to relocate.
People are getting older – not just in the individual sense, but …
People are getting older – not just in the individual sense, but the human population itself. Today we’re going to explore those shifting patterns and their implications. We’ll go over the biological, psychological, and cultural aspects of aging, including some of the particular challenges that older individuals face.
Short explanation with graphical quiz to check understanding, on the changes in …
Short explanation with graphical quiz to check understanding, on the changes in aggregate demand, short run aggregate supply and long run aggregate supply and the things that can change them.
We've learned about demand for a good or service, but aggregate demand …
We've learned about demand for a good or service, but aggregate demand is different: its the demand for everything bought in an economy. In this video, we discuss how aggregate demand (AD) is different from demand and why aggregate demand is downward sloping. Created by Sal Khan.
This module discusses the causes and consequences of human aggression and violence. …
This module discusses the causes and consequences of human aggression and violence. Both internal and external causes are considered. Effective and ineffective techniques for reducing aggression are also discussed.
In our final episode of Crash Course Psychology, Hank discusses the ideas …
In our final episode of Crash Course Psychology, Hank discusses the ideas of Aggression and Altruism. These two things are difficult to understand and explain so sit tight and get ready to run the gauntlet of human emotions.
Chapters: Introduction: Robber's Cave Experiment Conflict vs. Cooperation Aggression Genetic, Neurological, & Biochemical Reasons for Aggression Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis Altruism Bystander Effect Why do we help others? Social Exchange Theory & the Norm of Reciprocity Social Responsibility Norm Conflict & Self-Interest Review & Credits Credits
Word Count: 7231 (Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by …
Word Count: 7231
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