Be sure to reflect on your accomplishments and areas of growth!
- Subject:
- Business and Communication
- Psychology
- Social Science
- Material Type:
- Lesson
- Author:
- Date Added:
- 04/14/2023
Be sure to reflect on your accomplishments and areas of growth!
Information is inherently valuable. Access to it, or lack of access, has the potential to affect the quality of one’s life. In this lesson, students will learn how access to information shapes people’s lives and how they can make informed decisions related to access to information in their lives and in their communities.
Join Aujalee Moore (ODE), Debra Fitzgibbons (OTAP), Linda Brown (ODE), and Michael Cantino (BVIS) for shared learning about accessibility and instructional materials in Oregon K-12 schools.
This animation seeks to lead students to a deeper understanding of the challenges that come with online learning for those with disabilities, and a newfound or renewed sense of empathy towards others.
Music by VYEN.
This resource will contain all of the links and resources from the Accessibility in OER - IHE Spring 2023 Cohort webinar series.
This resource contains all of links and materials for the Accessibility in OER Webinar One that is co-facilitated by CAST and ISKME.
This resource contains all of links and materials for the Accessibility in OER Webinar Four that is co-facilitated by CAST and ISKME.
This resource contains all of links and materials for the Accessibility in OER Webinar Five that is co-facilitated by CAST and ISKME.
This resource contains all of links and materials for the Accessibility in OER Webinar Six that is co-facilitated by CAST and ISKME.
File used for testing purposes.
This best practice report pertains to exploring the challenges and processes surrounding to support organizations in promoting inclusion through ICT by ensuring the procurement of accessible platforms that will support the access needs of PWD within the environment.
Il s’agit d’un fichier Excel (Outil de gestion du stock)
Ce module vise à renforcer les compétences des étudiants de licence 3 à l’analyse des défis et enjeux urbains dans les pays en développement. Il met l’accent sur les études de cas à Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), Bamako (Mali) Accra (Ghana) et Maputo (Mozambique).
Learn how to research companies, industries and other critical business information to give you an edge in the job search process with this interactive tutorial.
Produto educacional destinado, principalmente a pescadores artesanais e comunidades ligadas a pesca artesanal, contendo informações sobre espécies relacionadas a acidentes que envolvem animais aquáticos e pescadores artesanais, o perigo de determinados procedimentos inadequados e procedimentos recomendados como medidas de primeiros socorros.
Acquiring the accessible formats a learner needs is part of a multi-step decision-making process. By prioritizing accessibility, access barriers for learners with disabilities will be minimized when materials are acquired. In cases where inaccessible materials have been selected, alternative forms - accessible formats - of those materials will have to be acquired for learners who need them. Examples of accessible formats include audio, braille, large print, tactile graphics, and digital text conforming with accessibility standards.
Accessible formats of materials can be acquired from:
Accessible Media Producers (AMPs)
Local Conversion
Los estudiantes deben escuchar el audio:
- Entender el significado del material escuchado.
- Traducir el conocimiento a un nuevo contexto.
- Interpretar hechos del audio.
- Inferir causas y predecir consecuencias.
El objetivo de este trabajo es brindar herramientas para que sean utilizados en diferentes centros de adultos mayores y / o jubilados, para que estos se sientan acompañados y puedan continuar viviendo de forma activa.
What cognitive styles do you use to interact with technology? PRE-REQ: LAST UPDATE: Changed title
The activity packet is part of a trainers guide developed primarily for the use of the Local DRRM.