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  • Higher Education
SMART Goals for OER Adoption and Creation
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This SMART Goals Worksheet is designed to help educators develop clear, actionable, and achievable objectives using the SMART criteria. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. By applying these criteria, users can create well-defined goals that are easier to track and achieve.

Higher Education
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Rachel Becker
Cassandra Propst
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San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment
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0.0 stars

The Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) recognizes the need to improve the ways in which the outputs of scholarly research are evaluated. The declaration was developed in 2012 during the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology in San Francisco. It has become a worldwide initiative covering all scholarly disciplines and all key stakeholders including funders, publishers, professional societies, institutions, and researchers. The DORA initiative encourages all individuals and organizations who are interested in developing and promoting best practice in the assessment of scholarly research to sign DORA.

Other resources are available on their website, such as case studies of universities and national consortia that demonstrate key elements of institutional change to improve academic career success.

Higher Education
Material Type:
American Society for Cell Biology
Date Added:
Sarah Carter Final Pressbooks
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0.0 stars

Word Count: 15869

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Higher Education
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Schedules & Routines in the Classroom
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0.0 stars

In this resource, you will learn what routines are and how to establish them in your daily schedule, how to decide how much time you spend on a section of your day to increase instructional time, and the importance of including brain breaks throughout the day.

Elementary Education
Higher Education
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Kamrynn Adams
Julia Duran
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Scholarly Communication
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0.0 stars

Researchers, scholars and scientists main business is scholarly communication. We communicate about our work to others, as we push the boundaries of what we know and the society knows. We question established notions and truths about science. We share our findings with others, and in a way that is popularly known as scholarly communication which emerged with the publication of first journal in 1665. However, the term gained popularity only in the 1970s, as access to peer reviewed and scholarly communication became difficult. This module has four units covering introduction to scholarly communication, peer reviewed journals, electronica journals and databases and the Serials Crisis. At the end of this module, the learner is expected to be able to:
- Explain philosophy, mission, and objectives of scholarly communication
- Describe the process of scholarly communication
- Identify different channels of scholarly communication
- Discuss the dysfunctioning of the scholarly communication
In Unit 1, Introduction to scholarly communication, we have discussed different aspects of scholarly communication – particularly its genesis, importance and ethics of academic publishing, and different communication channels available in academic publishing. Some of these channels are commonly described as primary sources as they provide first-hand testimony or direct evidence concerning a topic under investigation. Historically, scientific journals were initiated by learned societies and other scholarly communities for reporting results of concluded research works or scientific discoveries. Now many forprofit publishers have started publishing research journals.
Unit 2, Communicating with Peer Review Journals, covers two important academic publishing channels, namely peer reviewed journals, conferences and their proceedings. This Unit also highlights different methods and procedures of peer reviewing for publishing primary literature emanated from research studies. The peer reviewing is essential for validating quality of research findings conveyed by researchers, which are subject to fulfilment of ethical standards and appropriate research design, sampling and other methodological issues.
In Unit 3, Electronic journals and databases, we have discussed the emergence of electronic journals in academic and research environment due to wide proliferation of information and communication technologies (ICT) in research communications and academic publishing. Scientific communities and scientific communications from the global South are getting substantive attentions through adaptation of electronic journals and electronic academic databases in the process of research communications.
In Unit 4, the Serials Crisis, we discuss the cost of peer reviewed publications and the problems faced by researchers in developing countries. The focus of this unit is on highlighting the problems and discusses possible solutions including the emergence of open access as one of the solutions. Open access journal publishing helps in mitigating some of the problems associated with serials crisis.
This is Module One of the UNESCO's Open Access Curriculum for Researchers.
Full-Text is available at http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0023/002319/231938e.pdf

Career and Technical Education
Educational Technology
Higher Education
Material Type:
Full Course
Unit of Study
Anup Kumar Das
Date Added:
Science Around Us: Innovative Pedagogies for Connecting Science with Life
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0.0 stars

Science around us: Innovative Pedagogies for connecting science with life”, a pioneering exploration into cutting edge science teaching approaches that revolutionize the learning experiences. The groundbreaking book delves into the dynamic intersection of science and pedagogy, offering fresh perspectives, creative strategies, and transformative methodologies that inspire curiosity, critical thinking, and a deep appreciation for the wonders of the scientific world. Explore engaging teaching methodologies, inspiring case studies, and practical applications that will revolutionize the way we learn and engage with science. This book serves as a beacon for educators, students, parents and enthusiasts alike, illuminating a path towards a more vibrant and interactive approach to learning and experiencing in all its splendor. Join us as we embark on a quest to redefine science education through innovation, engagement, and empowerment.

Higher Education
Material Type:
Ali Haider
Faiza Altaf
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The Science Education Initiative Handbook
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0.0 stars

A practical guide to fostering change in university courses and faculty by embedding discipline-based education specialists within departments.

Long Description:
This Handbook is based on the Science Education Initiative (SEI), a transformative initiative aimed at changing STEM teaching practices in university settings. The SEI was successfully implemented in two institutions (University of Colorado Boulder and The University of British Columbia) over a period of 10 years. The SEI centered on department-based Discipline-Based Education Specialists (DBESs), disciplinary experts with training in the science of teaching and learning who serve as catalysts of change within departments. The two SEIs have influenced the teaching of hundreds of faculty and the learning of tens of thousands of students per year by promoting the use of evidence-based teaching practices in STEM. These teaching practices are informed by research on teaching and learning, and often include some element of active learning.

This Handbook shares the accumulated wisdom of practice in how to effectively implement a model of change based on the SEI. It provides advice to the three main stakeholders in such initiatives: the initiative leaders who provide central direction and management, the departmental leaders who help lead the activities and engage faculty, and the Discipline-Based Education Specialists who partner with faculty to transform courses.

Word Count: 65685

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Higher Education
Material Type:
Chasteen Warren J Code
Stephanie V
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The Science of Reading (SoR)
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0.0 stars

According to the Institute of Multi-Sensory Education (IMSE)  the Science of Reading (SoR) is a comprehensive body of research that encompasses years of scientific knowledge, spans across many languages, and shares the contributions of experts from relevant disciplines such as education, special education, literacy, psychology, neurology, and more. , literacy, psychology, neurology, and more. This resource is intended to help teacher candidates begin to understand the Science of Reading and it's educational implications. 

Elementary Education
Higher Education
Reading Foundation Skills
Special Education
Material Type:
Elizabeth Quezada
Date Added:
Scientific Writing for Publication
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

A transdisciplinary approach

Short Description:
This book presents a genre-based approach emphasizing strategies that derive from a field of research focusing on strengthening the language skills of multilingual English speakers.

Word Count: 30964

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Arts and Humanities
Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
Higher Education
Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
Material Type:
Oklahoma State University
Date Added:
Scoping Review on Employability Skills of Teacher Education Graduates in the Philippines: A Framework for Curriculum Enhancement
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

The demand in the workplace is rapidly changing brought about by the educational reforms and the
emergence of disruptive technology. The changes increase the importance of employability skills
and literacy that would ensure career success and degree program relevance. On this premise,
a study was carried out using a scoping review to examine the existing literature that published
information related to employability skills of Teacher Education graduates in the Philippines.
The review covered fifteen published articles that qualified in inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Results revealed the top employable skills which include communication; information and
communication technology; problem-solving and critical thinking; collaboration, cooperation,
and teamwork; research; and leadership. This study offers these skills as a framework in the
curriculum enhancement of teacher education programs. It was recommended to Teacher
Education Institutions to revisit their curriculum and find out if these competencies were given
considerable emphasis in instruction. The partially employable skills of graduates from teacher
education programs imply the furtherance of the inquiry to confirm if these skills are employable
or not. Future tracer studies may take the lens of the framework in evaluating the responsiveness
of the curriculum.

Higher Education
Material Type:
Manuel E. Caingcoy
Date Added:
Sensory Space Design: Framing Awareness
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0.0 stars

In this space planning module we are going to explore taking our open learning environments to the next step beyond technology, to a richer higher level of mindfulness.  It is a step away from the ledge that is catapulting students into robotic mindlessness and a lack of cognitive control.  In our eagerness to connect students with technology we forget the human side of learning.  Our brains function with either a perception-action, bottom-up learning cycle or a more advanced top-down goal, attention setting process. “The perception-action cycle is fed by sensory inputs from the environment—sights, sounds, smells, and tactile sensations, whose signals enter the brain via an expansive web or specialized nerves.” (21 Gazzaley) There has always been a role for our senses to play not only in learning but in survival.  Enriching the sensory environment should be a goal in space design. But our ability to control the perception-action cycle or pause it is critical.  “During this pause, highly evolved neural processes that underlie our goal-setting abilities come into play, the executive functions.  These abilities of evaluation, decision making, organization, and planning disrupt the automaticity of the cycle and influence both perception and actions via associations, reflections, expectations and emotional weighting.  This synthesis is the true pinnacle of the human mind, the creation of high level goals.” (23 Gazzaley)  Creating a space for students to use all their sensory perceptions should be filled with energy.  They are the spaces we have been designing in recent course modules.  Now we should ask does that environment also encourage a pause; allow the individual to focus, be mindful of themselves, and learn cognitive control?We will start by looking at the scope of information and environmental overload,” the clutter”,  we have dropped learners into in our schools.  When technology came into libraries very little was taken out.  As technology has expanded expeditiously, libraries hesitate to remove aging equipment or under used print resources allowing the environment to become dense, difficult to navigate, simply cluttered.   Excessive clutter impends cognitive control and our ability to focus on finishing a goal. Before you can see the potential of a new library space we have to de-clutter, remove what is not contributing to student learning every day, and open the space to possibilities.  The environment can be a partner in learning, but first obsolete elements, not contributing to K-12 learners, need to be removed. In Adam Gazzaley and Larry Rosen’s research driven book, The Distracted Mind, they explore neutral processing and how easily young minds become addicted to distractions, especially when using digital devices while rapidly scanning through text, graphics, images and auditory sounds.  …three out of four K-12 teachers asserted that student use of entertainment media (including communication tools such as social media) has hurt students’ attention spans a lot or somewhat, 87 percent of teachers reported that the use of technologies is creating “an easily distracted generation with short attention spans” and 64 percent felt that “digital media do more to distract students than to help them academically”. (145, Gazzaley, Rosen)  The question now becomes: Have we introduced technology too pervasively without understanding its neurological side effects to developing minds?   Are our learning environments become a noisy distraction and if so how do we create more balance? We will look at design elements that can be added into the environment to shift attention back to sensory awareness and reflection. The inclusion of sensory design elements, like nature can add richness and focus to learning.  Contemporary learning environments should support active, collaborative learning but also invite quiet, reflection.  A “whole person” is coming into our schools and our learning spaces need to support that “wholeness.”  The next evolution of educational space planning, specially libraries, should focus on linking the physical, neurological and emotional well being of the learner.  We have designed educational spaces for pedagogy, for efficiency, for all the traditional educational tools and for all the new digital tools.  Now it is time to focus on the whole user and our need to encourage innovative thinkers through matching innovative environments.  Ellen J. Langer”s argues that “behavior depends on context.”  If we want students to be creative,  innovative thinkers we should pay more attention to the “context” through which they are learning.  This includes the tools and the pedagogy of their learning but also the environment.   We will explore Langer's concept of “sideways learning” which includes openness to novelty, alertness to distinction, sensitivity to different contexts, implicit, if not explicit, awareness of multiple perspectives and orientation in the present.  Being mindful of the present, moving beyond the comfortable categories of our past and what those two concepts mean for space planning.  

Architecture and Design
Higher Education
Material Type:
Margaret Sullivan
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Sexy Smells - A case study using preen oil composition of the Dark Eyed Junco
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0.0 stars

A poster presented at the BioQUEST Wicked Problems Workshop Summer 2018 on a case study in progress.

Higher Education
Life Science
Material Type:
Case Study
Davenport University
Melissa Haswell
Sarah Prescott
University Of New Hampshire
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Shakespeare and the Nature of Science: Examining Scientific Inquiry Through Time
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0.0 stars

This resource explores the cultural context of scientific inquiry through an interdisciplinary lens. Undergraduate students are invited to follow two characters from William Shakespeare’s play King Lear who debate the cosmos with various scientists from the 17th – 20th centuries, including Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, and Marie Curie. The joined scientific / literary lens models how intellectual questions about knowledge and analysis often draw from interrelated traditions of thought and practice, and asks students to consider the nature of their own intellectual questions. The resource is broken into five brief modules and can be completed entirely in class, or in partial increments as take-home.

Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Higher Education
Physical Science
Reading Literature
World History
Material Type:
Case Study
Lesson Plan
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Sharing Your Work in Open Access
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0.0 stars

This is the last Module of the course on Open Access for researchers. So far you have studied about Open Access, its history, advantages, initiatives, copyrights and licensing, evaluation matrix for research – all in the context of scholarly communication. In this Module with just two units, we would like to help you share your work in Open Access though repositories and journals. At the end of this module, you are expected to be able to:
- Understand the publication process involved in dissemination of scholarly works;
- Choose appropriate Open Access journals and repositories for sharing research results;
- Use social media to promote personal research work and build reputation.
In Unit 1, we discuss the research publication process at five stages – planning stage, preparing stage, pre-publication stage, publication stage and postpublication stage. We emphasize the importance of social media in sharing and making your work visible to the target groups.
In Unit 2, we focus on sharing your research through OA repositories and Journals. First we discussed the different types of repositories to select and highlighted the steps that you may consider including deposit in your own institutional repositories or in global open repositories. We then discuss the sources of finding and deciding on OA journals. This unit also provides guidance on choosing the right OA journals, as the quality of OA journals is often questioned.
This is Module Five of the UNESCO's Open Access Curriculum for Researchers.
Full-Text is available at http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0023/002322/232211E.pdf

Applied Science
Business and Communication
Career and Technical Education
Educational Technology
Higher Education
Information Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Unit of Study
Anup Kumar Das
Sanjaya Mishra
Date Added:
Short Astronomy Videos to Use with Each Chapter of OpenStax Astronomy
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0.0 stars

This listing includes a wide range of short videos (15 minutes or less) that can be used in introductory astronomy courses.  It is organized by the chapter topics in the OpenStax Astronomy textbook.  We don’t include simulations.  To suggest other video that you have found particularly useful for Astro 101 courses, please drop a line to the compiler at: fraknoi@fhda.edu

Educational Technology
Higher Education
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Andrew Fraknoi
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Short Fiction Unit
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0.0 stars

This short fiction unit provides lectures regarding specific texts, discussion assignments, a short writing assignment, and resources for writing a character analysis essay. Unless otherwise noted on the individual pages, the materials in this resource are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA.

Composition and Rhetoric
Higher Education
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
Graham Harkness
Judith Westley
Daniel Kelley
Nina Adel
Date Added:
Six Acceptance and Commitment Training Conversations: Psychological flexibility skills for study and life
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0.0 stars

A resource to help post-secondary students make the most of their studies, using evidence-informed psychological skills.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Higher Education
Material Type:
RMIT University
Julian Mcnally
Michael Swadling
Date Added: