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Individual and Family Development, Health, and Well-being
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0.0 stars

This book provides an overview of lifespan developmental tasks (physical, cognitive, language, social, emotional) examined from individual and family theoretical perspectives. It covers topics related to families, diversity, individual and family health and well-being, and reciprocal relationships as affected by external factors.

Life Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Iowa State University
diana lang
laura overstreet
lumen learning
nick cone
Date Added:
Informal Calculus
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

With Applications to Biology and Environmental Science

Short Description:
This book is an approachable introduction to calculus with applications to biology and environmental science. For example, one application in the book is determining the volume of earth moved in the 1959 earthquake that created Quake Lake. Another application uses differential equations to model various biological examples, including moose and wolf populations at Isle Royale National Park, ranavirus in amphibians, and competing species of protozoa. The text focuses on intuitive understanding of concepts, but still covers most of the algebra and calculations common in a survey of calculus course.

Word Count: 37976

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Material Type:
Tyler Seacrest
Date Added:
Information Literacy: Research and Collaboration across Disciplines
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

This collection brings together scholarship and pedagogy from multiple perspectives and disciplines, offering nuanced and complex perspectives on Information Literacy in the second decade of the 21st century. Taking as a starting point the concerns that prompted the Association of Research Libraries (ACRL) to review the Information Literacy Standards for Higher Education and develop the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education (2015), the chapters in this collection consider six frameworks that place students in the role of both consumer and producer of information within today's collaborative information environments. Contributors respond directly or indirectly to the work of the ACRL, providing a bridge between past/current knowledge and the future and advancing the notion that faculty, librarians, administrators, and external stakeholders share responsibility and accountability for the teaching, learning, and research of Information Literacy.

Applied Science
Information Science
Material Type:
WAC Clearinghouse
Barbara J. D'Angelo
Barry Maid
Sandra Jamieson
Date Added:
The Information Literacy User’s Guide
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
Return to milneopentextbooks.org to download PDF and other versions of this textNewParaThe Information Literacy User’s Guide introduces students to critical concepts of information literacy as defined for the information-infused and technology-rich environment in which they find themselves. This book helps students examine their roles as information creators and sharers and enables them to more effectively deploy related skills. This textbook includes relatable case studies and scenarios, many hands-on exercises, and interactive quizzes.

Long Description:
Good researchers have a host of tools at their disposal that make navigating today’s complex information ecosystem much more manageable. Gaining the knowledge, abilities, and self-reflection necessary to be a good researcher helps not only in academic settings, but is invaluable in any career, and throughout one’s life. The Information Literacy User’s Guide will start you on this route to success.

The Information Literacy User’s Guide is based on two current models in information literacy: The 2011 version of The Seven Pillars Model, developed by the Society of College, National and University Libraries in the United Kingdom1 and the conception of information literacy as a metaliteracy, a model developed by one of this book’s authors in conjunction with Thomas Mackey, Dean of the Center for Distance Learning at SUNY Empire State College.2 These core foundations ensure that the material will be relevant to today’s students.

The Information Literacy User’s Guide introduces students to critical concepts of information literacy as defined for the information-infused and technology-rich environment in which they find themselves. This book helps students examine their roles as information creators and sharers and enables them to more effectively deploy related skills. This textbook includes relatable case studies and scenarios, many hands-on exercises, and interactive quizzes.

Word Count: 41806

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Allison Hosier
Daryl Bullis
Deborah Bernnard
Greg Bobish
Irina Holden
Jenna Hecker
Tor Loney
Trudi Jacobson
Date Added:
Information Strategies for Communicators
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0.0 stars

The definitive text for the information search and evaluation process as practiced by news and strategic communication message producers. Currently used at the University of Minnesota School of Journalism and Mass Communication; JOUR 3004W/V, Information for Mass Communication.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
University of Minnesota
Provider Set:
University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing
Date Added:
Information Systems
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Students need to understand systems and the systems concept, and they need to understand the role of ICT in enabling systems. Students will learn the characteristics of good systems (e.g., intuitive, likable, error-resistant, fast, flexible, and the like). Knowing the characteristics of good systems will permit students to demand well designed systems and to suggest how existing systems should be changed. Students need to understand the affordances, directions, and limits of hardware, software, and networks in both personal and organizational dimensions. They also need to appreciate that, as technical capabilities change and new ones arise, more opportunities to apply ICT for efficiency, effectiveness, and innovation are afforded. They need to understand the process for developing and implementing new or improved systems and the activities of IS professionals in this process.

Applied Science
Information Science
Material Type:
Provider Set:
BCcampus Open Textbooks
Richard T. Watson
Date Added:
Information Systems
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0.0 stars

Information Systems: A Manager’s Guide to Harnessing Technology is intended for use in undergraduate and/or graduate courses in Management Information Systems and Information Technology. For questions about this textbook please contact textbookuse@umn.edu

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
University of Minnesota
Provider Set:
University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing
[Author removed at request of original publisher]
Date Added:
Information Systems: A Manager's Guide to Harnessing Technology
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0.0 stars

Information Systems: A Manager’s Guide to Harnessing Technology V1.2 is intended for use in undergraduate and/or graduate courses in Management Information Systems and Information Technology.Version 1.2 of John's book retains the same structure and theory of version 1.1, but refreshes key statistics, examples, and brings case material up to date (vital when covering firms that move as fast as Facebook, Google, and Netflix). Adopting version 1.2 guarantees your students will have the most current text on the market, drawing real and applicable lessons from material that will keep your class offerings current and accessible.One of BusinessWeek’s "Professors of the Year", John Gallaugher of Boston College, brings you a brand new Management Information Systems textbook that teaches students how he or she will experience IS from a Managers perspective first hand through interesting coverage and bleeding-edge cases.Get involved with John's community by visiting and subscribing to his blog, The Week In Geek, where courseware, technology and strategy intersect and joining his Ning IT Community site where you can get more resources to teach Information Systems.Shockingly, at a time when technology regularly appears on the cover of every major business publication, students find IS among the least appealing of management disciplines.The teaching approach in Information Systems: A Manager’s Guide to Harnessing Technology V 1.2 can change this. The text offers a proven approach that has garnered student praise, increased IS enrollment, and engaged students to think deeper and more practically about the space where business and technology meet. Every topic is related to specific business examples, so students gain an immediate appreciation of its importance. Rather than lead with technical topics, the book starts with strategic thinking, focusing on big-picture issues that have confounded experts but will engage students. And while chapters introduce concepts, cases on approachable, exciting firms across industries further challenge students to apply what they've learned, asking questions like:Why was NetFlix able to repel Blockbuster and WalMart? How did Harrah's Casino's become twice as profitable as comparably-sized Caesar's, enabling the former to acquire the latter? How does Spain's fashion giant Zara, a firm that shuns the sort of offshore manufacturing used by every other popular clothing chain, offer cheap fashions that fly off the shelves, all while achieving growth rates and profit margins that put Gap to shame? Why do technology markets often evolve into winner-take-all or winner take-most scenarios? And how can managers compete when these dynamics are present? Why is Google more profitable than Disney? How much is Facebook really worthThe Information Systems course and discipline have never seemed more relevant, more interesting, and more exciting. Gallaugher's textbook can help teachers make students understand why.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
University of Minnesota
Provider Set:
University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing
John Gallaugher
Date Added:
Information Systems for Business and Beyond
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0.0 stars

This book is written as an introductory text, meant for those with little or no experience with computers or information systems. While sometimes the descriptions can get a little bit technical, every effort has been made to convey the information essential to understanding a topic while not getting bogged down in detailed terminology or esoteric discussions.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Information Science
Material Type:
David T. Bourgeois
James L. Smith
Joseph Mortati
Shouhong Wang
Date Added:
Information Systems for Business and Beyond
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Welcome to Information Systems for Business and Beyond. In this book, you will be introduced to the concept of information systems, their use in business, and the larger impact they are having on our world.

Applied Science
Business and Communication
Computer Science
Material Type:
David T. Bourgeois
Date Added:
Informed Arguments: A Guide to Writing and Research - Third Edition
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0.0 stars

Welcome to composition and rhetoric! While most of you are taking this course because it is required, we hope that all of you will leave with more confidence in your reading, writing, researching, and speaking abilities as these are all elements of freshman composition. Many times, these elements are presented in excellent textbooks written by top scholars. While the collaborators of this particular textbook respect and value those textbooks available from publishers, we have been concerned with disenfranchising students who do not have the resources to purchase textbooks. Therefore, we decided to put together this Open Educational Resource (OER) explicitly for use in freshman composition courses at Texas A&M University. Thanks to a generous grant from Dean David Carlson of the Texas A&M University Libraries, this project became a reality. It is a collaborative endeavor undertaken by faculty in the libraries and English Department as part of the Provost’s Student Success Initiatives at Texas A&M and continues to be a work in progress. Combined, Dr. Terri Pantuso, Dr. Kathy Anders, and Prof. Sarah LeMire have over 30 years of experience in writing and research instruction. Our goal is for students to leave this course as critical thinkers, polished writers, and informed citizens who can engage in civil public discourse. Gig ‘em, Ags!

Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
Material Type:
Texas A&M University
Kathy Anders
Sarah LeMire
Terri Pantuso
Date Added:
Ingeniería del Software II: Implementación, Pruebas y Mantenimiento
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0.0 stars

En este libro se investigó los procesos de implementación, pruebas y mantenimiento de la ingeniería del software y se documentó los diferentes tipos de pruebas de software para validar el correcto funcionamiento de un software, se documentó también los procesos de evolución de un software para lograr un correcto mantenimiento del software. Este libro tiene como objetivo aplicar los conceptos y teorías de validación del software con el fin de crear de software de calidad, confiable, que se encuentre disponible, protegido y seguro, para que el profesional de sistemas informáticos sea capaz de gestionar con eficiencia y en ambientes éticos y de responsabilidad proyectos inmersos en la creación software. Se investigó varios libros llegando a realizar un compendio de las partes más importantes y se llegó a la conclusión de que la ingeniería del software proporciona varias técnicas para la evaluación y validación del software y varias metodologías para el desarrollo de software confiable y seguro que el profesional puede utilizar dependiendo las diferentes necesidades, situaciones o proyectos a desarrollar.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Editorial Grupo AEA
Date Added:
Ingeniería del Software I: Requerimientos y Modelado del Software
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0.0 stars

En este libro se investigó los fundamentos de la ingeniería del software y se documentó los conceptos básicos del software y los procesos para la creación de software, se documentó también cómo llevar a cabo un análisis de requerimientos de software, cuáles son los tipos de requerimientos, cómo obtenerlos, documentarlos, validarlos y modelarlos mediante diferentes tipos de diagramas. Este libro tiene como objetivo aplicar los conceptos y teorías de administración para la creación de software de calidad mediante las diferentes metodologías, técnicas y herramientas de la ingeniería del software para que el profesional de sistemas informáticos sea capaz de gestionar con eficiencia y en ambientes éticos y de responsabilidad proyectos inmersos en la creación software. Se investigó varios libros llegando a realizar un compendio de las partes más importantes y se llegó a la conclusión de que la ingeniería del software proporciona varias metodologías para el desarrollo del software y varios modelos para el diseño de software que el profesional puede utilizar dependiendo las diferentes necesidades o las diferentes situaciones o proyectos a desarrollar.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Editorial Grupo AEA
Date Added:
Innovations in Active Learning in Higher Education
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Word Count: 65273

ISBN: 978-1-912319-96-1

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Material Type:
University of Sussex
Mark Warnes
Simon Pratt-Adams
Uwe Richter
Date Added:
Innovative Learning and Teaching: Experiments Across the Disciplines
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0.0 stars

This book is about teachers who care about students’ learning and are motivated to take risks and actively reflect on how to best facilitate that learning. What is most resonant for me after reading “Innovative Learning and Teaching” is how important relationships and communities are to effective higher education.

Material Type:
University of Minnesota
Provider Set:
University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing
Ilene D. Alexander and Robert K. Poch
Date Added:
Inquiry: A New Paradigm for Critical Thinking
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0.0 stars

Long Description:
This volume reflects the development and theoretical foundation of a new paradigm for critical thinking based on inquiry. The field of critical thinking, as manifested in the Informal Logic movement, developed primarily as a response to the inadequacies of formalism to represent actual argumentative practice and to provide useful argumentative skills to students. Because of this, the primary focus of the field has been on informal arguments rather than formal reasoning. Yet the formalist history of the field is still evident in its emphasis, with respect to both theory and pedagogy, on the structure and evaluation of individual, de-contextualized arguments. It is our view that such a view of critical thinking is excessively narrow and limited, failing to provide an understanding of argumentation as largely a matter of comparative evaluation of a variety of contending positions and arguments with the goal of reaching a reasoned judgment on an issue. As a consequence, traditional critical thinking instruction is problematic in failing to provide the reasoning skills that students need in order to accomplish this goal. Instead, the goal of critical thinking instruction has been seen largely as a defensive one: of learning to not fall prey to invalid, inadequate, or fallacious arguments.

Word Count: 116090

ISBN: 978-0-920233-85-6

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Windsor Studies in Argumentation
Mark Battersby
Sharon Bailin
Date Added:
Instances of Cognition
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0.0 stars

This is a free, open-educational textbook and set of course materials for an introductory undergraduate course in cognition.

The suite is developed using open-source software (R, RStudio, Bookdown). The source code for this project is available at https://github.com/CrumpLab/cognition.

The suite includes:

This textbook: https://www.crumplab.com/cognition/textbook
A course website: https://www.crumplab.com/cognition/
Web-based slide decks for a one semester long course (see course website)
An exam test bank (email mcrump@brooklyn.cuny.edu)

We have plans to continually revise, improve, and add to this suite. In particular, a major stretch goal for the textbook is to embed lab activities in the form of web-based experiment demonstrations, and data-analysis demonstrations. Another goal is to develop tutorials showing others how to copy, use, and/or collaborate on content development.

Social Science
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
Matthew J. C. Crump
Date Added:
Instruction in Functional Assessment
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
Return to milneopentextbooks.org to download PDF and other versions of this textNewParaInstruction in Functional Assessment introduces learners to functional assessment (FA), which includes a variety of assessment approaches (indirect, observational, and experimental) for identifying the cause of an individual’s challenging behavior for the purpose of designing effective treatments. FA is mandated by federal law and is a recognized empirically based approach to treatment of individuals with challenging behaviors (e.g., disruptive, self-injurious, and aggressive behaviors). Instruction in FA is essential for students who will one day enter professions as educators, psychologists, social workers, counselors, or mental health professionals.The purpose of this textbook is to provide instruction in FA skills for pre-professionals in the fields of education and psychology. This supplemental resource provides the context, background, and knowledge to facilitate students’ acquisition of the methods, decision-making, and skills involved in conducting FA. Each chapter begins with focus questions designed to promote reflective thinking and ends with discussion questions. To promote application of FA in diverse situations and teach important lessons, case studies of individuals with challenging behaviors, interactive activities, and opportunities for practice are embedded in the chapters. Moreover, the text includes the ingredients to facilitate students’ role play and rehearsal of appropriate FA skills while working in cooperative groups and using performance-based training.

Long Description:
Instruction in Functional Assessment introduces learners to functional assessment (FA), which includes a variety of assessment approaches (indirect, observational, and experimental) for identifying the cause of an individual’s challenging behavior for the purpose of designing effective treatments. FA is mandated by federal law and is a recognized empirically based approach to treatment of individuals with challenging behaviors (e.g., disruptive, self-injurious, and aggressive behaviors). Instruction in FA is essential for students who will one day enter professions as educators, psychologists, social workers, counselors, or mental health professionals.

Word Count: 43097

ISBN: 978-0-9897226-7-4

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Special Education
Material Type:
State University of New York
Marcie Desrochers
Moira Fallon
Date Added:
Instructor’s Guide to Concepts of Biology
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0.0 stars

This Instructor’s Guide contains the brief outlines of Chapters 12-21 as found in Concepts of Biology, though some underwent revision. Also, instructors will find detailed outlines of the text for use in lecturing, as well as structured outlines that may be used by students to take notes while reading the chapter or during lecture. All outlines are derived from the OpenStax text. Additionally, study guides that contain a variety of questions are provided for students.

Life Science
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
Student Guide
Teaching/Learning Strategy
University System of Georgia
Provider Set:
Galileo Open Learning Materials
Molly Smith
Date Added: