A one-stop shop to get started on the key considerations about data …
A one-stop shop to get started on the key considerations about data for AI! Learn how crowdsourcing offers a viable means to leverage human intelligence at scale for data creation, enrichment and interpretation, demonstrating a great potential to improve both the performance of AI systems and their trustworthiness and increase the adoption of AI in general.
This course introduces the ethnographic study of politics, i.e., what anthropologists understand …
This course introduces the ethnographic study of politics, i.e., what anthropologists understand to be “political” in various social and economic systems, from small-scale societies to liberal democratic states. It examines politics across three contemporary contexts: electoral politics, public spheres, bureaucracies and humanitarian governance. Students consider and analyze how questions of authority, coercion, and violence have been theorized to relate to the political, and how some aspects of social life are regimented in explicitly non-political ways.
This course examines how people learn, practice, and evaluate traditional and contemporary …
This course examines how people learn, practice, and evaluate traditional and contemporary craft techniques. Social science theories of design, embodiment, apprenticeship learning, skill, labor, expertise, and tacit knowledge are used to explore distinctions and connections among art, craft, and science. We will also discuss the commoditization of craft into market goods, collectible art, and tourism industries. Ethnographic and historical case studies include textiles, glassblowing, quilting, cheese making, industrial design, home cooking, factory and laboratory work, CAD-CAM. In-class demonstrations and hands-on craft projects will be included.
Biology is designed for multi-semester biology courses for science majors. It is …
Biology is designed for multi-semester biology courses for science majors. It is grounded on an evolutionary basis and includes exciting features that highlight careers in the biological sciences and everyday applications of the concepts at hand. To meet the needs of today’s instructors and students, some content has been strategically condensed while maintaining the overall scope and coverage of traditional texts for this course. Instructors can customize the book, adapting it to the approach that works best in their classroom. Biology also includes an innovative art program that incorporates critical thinking and clicker questions to help students understand—and apply—key concepts.
By the end of this section, you will be able to:Explain fetal …
By the end of this section, you will be able to:Explain fetal development during the three trimesters of gestationDescribe labor and deliveryCompare the efficacy and duration of various types of contraceptionDiscuss causes of infertility and the therapeutic options available
The Lawrence Textile Strike was a public protest mainly of immigrant workers …
The Lawrence Textile Strike was a public protest mainly of immigrant workers from several countries, including Austria, Belgium, Cuba, Canada, France, England, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Scotland, Spain, Syria, and Turkey. According to the 1910 census, 65% of mill workers (many of whom eventually struck) lived in the United States for less than 10 years; 47% for less than five years. Prompted by a wage cut, the walkout spread quickly from mill to mill across the city. Strikers defied the assumptions of conservative trade unions within the American Federation of Labor that immigrant, largely female and ethnically diverse workers could not be organized. The Lawrence strike is referred to as the Bread and Roses strike and The Strike for Three Loaves." The first known source to do so was a 1916 labor anthology, The Cry for Justice: An Anthology of the Literature of Social Protest by Upton Sinclair. Prior to that, the slogan, used as the title of a 1911 poem by James Oppenheim, had been attributed to Chicago Women Trade Unionists. It has also been attributed to socialist union organizer Rose Schneiderman. James Oppenheim claimed his seeing women strikers in Lawrence carrying a banner proclaiming We Want Bread and Roses Too inspired the poem, Bread and Roses. The poem, however, was written and published in 1911 prior to the strike. Later the poem was set to music by Caroline Kohlsaat and then by Mimi Farina. The song and slogan are now important parts of the labor movement and womens movement worldwide. This exhibition was made in collaboration with the Lawrence History Center and the University of Massachusetts Lowell History Department.
Economics in U.S. History is comprised of seven lessons and is designed …
Economics in U.S. History is comprised of seven lessons and is designed to introduce students to basic economic concepts through analyzing diverse perspectives on the subject. Students will be engaged in a dynamic, interactive, and constructivist process of exploring media representations of economic issues in U.S. history. Such issues include the free market, industrialization, and The Living Wage Campaign. The kit will teach students to identify the Ě_Ě_ÝlanguageĚ_Ě_ĺ of construction of different media forms and to analyze and evaluate the meaning of mediated messages about economics. This kit was designed for 8th grade U.S. history, but the document-decoding approach can be adapted for and used from middle school through high school.
Since the CoVID19 pandemic, essential workers have been impacted beyond that of …
Since the CoVID19 pandemic, essential workers have been impacted beyond that of others in the labor force. Statistics on nonmedical essential workers and how CoVid19 affects their health and livelihood are lacking. No centralized reporting exists and corporations do not either collect or provide this data. This OER attempts to bring together various sources information from March-July 2020 for future research. This material is a compilation of original sources of varying restrictions to be used for educational purposes, so I have chosen the CC BY NC ND license.
El objetivo fue Evaluación del Satisfacción Laboral y Rendimiento Productivo de los …
El objetivo fue Evaluación del Satisfacción Laboral y Rendimiento Productivo de los Piscicultores Comunitarios. El trabajo de investigación se realizó en las unidades productoras de truchas de la comunidad de Pacococha, distrito y provincia de Castrovirreyna. Las variables de estudio fueron la satisfacción laboral y la productividad. El tipo de investigación es básica. El nivel de la investigación es Correlacional. El método es descriptivo, cualitativo y cuantitativo, describiéndose las variables involucradas y analizando su incidencia e interrelación en función a la relación causa – efecto. El diseño de investigación fue descriptivo – correlacional. En la investigación se tuvo como población a 20 piscicultores entre trabajadores y jefes, y debido a que el número de unidades que la integraron resulto accesible en su totalidad, esta fue igual a la muestra, es decir los 20 piscicultores. Para el sustento de la parte teórica se consultó diferentes fuentes bibliográficas y para el trabajo de campo se aplicó cuestionarios a la muestra identificada, formulándose dos instrumentos, que fueron validados oportunamente por juicio de expertos, a fin de efectivizar su aplicación correspondiente, los instrumentos utilizados fueron los cuestionarios de encuesta de satisfacción laboral y productividad, donde cada pregunta fue realizada de acorde a las variables considerando sus dimensiones e indicadores, con los cuales se obtuvo la información pertinente de los trabajadores de las unidades productoras. Los resultados nos muestran un coeficiente de correlación de Pearson r = 0.672, con un nivel de significancia menor a 0,05 (p-valor = 0,001). Por lo tanto, al ser el p-valor significativo concluimos que existe correlación entre las variables de estudio, se acepta la hipótesis alterna con un nivel de confianza del 95%. Como conclusión principal se ha determinado a través de la investigación que la productividad del factor humano se relaciona de forma positiva y moderada con la satisfacción laboral del personal de producción de las piscigranjas, con un grado de relación del 45.2%.
This course will explore food in modern American history as a story …
This course will explore food in modern American history as a story of industrialization and globalization. Lectures, readings, and discussions will emphasize the historical dimensions of—and debates about—slave plantations and factory farm labor; industrial processing and technologies of food preservation; the political economy and ecology of global commodity chains; the vagaries of nutritional science; food restrictions and reform movements; food surpluses and famines; cooking traditions and innovations; the emergence of restaurants, supermarkets, fast food, and slow food. The core concern of the course will be to understand the increasingly pervasive influence of the American model of food production and consumption patterns.
Urban governance comprises the various forces, institutions, and movements that guide economic …
Urban governance comprises the various forces, institutions, and movements that guide economic and physical development, the distribution of resources, social interactions, and other aspects of daily life in urban areas. This course examines governance from legal, political, social, and economic perspectives. In addition, we will discuss how these structures constrain collective decision making about particular urban issues (immigration, education…). Assignments will be nightly readings and a short paper relating an urban issue to the frameworks outlined in the class.
This course will provide students with an analytic framework to understand the …
This course will provide students with an analytic framework to understand the roles that gender, race, and class play in defining and determining access to leadership and power in the U.S., especially in the context of the workplace. We will explore women and men in leadership positions within the corporate, political and non-profit sectors, with attention to the roles of women of color and immigrant women within this context. We will also look at specific policies such as affirmative action, parental leave, child-care policy, and working-time policies and the role they play–or could play–in achieving parity. We will further investigate ways in which these policies address gender, racial, and class inequities, and think critically about mechanisms for change. The course will be highly interactive, and will combine texts, theater, videos and visual arts.
This course explores how gender shaped the historical experiences and cultural productions …
This course explores how gender shaped the historical experiences and cultural productions in the North American West during the time it was being explored, settled, and imagined. The North American West of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries provides a fascinating case study of the shifting meanings of gender, race, citizenship, and power in border societies. As the site of migration, settlement, and displacement, it spawned contests over land, labor disputes, inter-ethnic conflicts and peaceful relations, and many kinds of cultural productions. The Graduate Consortium in Women’s Studies (GCWS) This course is part of the Graduate Consortium in Women’s Studies. The GCWS at MIT brings together scholars and teachers at nine degree-granting institutions in the Boston area who are devoted to graduate teaching and research in Women’s Studies and to advancing interdisciplinary Women’s Studies scholarship. Learn more about the GCWS.
Created by NHPRC Teacher Participant/Creator Julia Ng-Karpieszuk for AP US History; Adaptable …
Created by NHPRC Teacher Participant/Creator Julia Ng-Karpieszuk for AP US History; Adaptable to other grades. Group assignment designed to have students make connections between primary resources, historical and neighborhood sites, and the values and persons associated with the Gilded Age. The 3-part culminating project includes a research presentation, a walking tour map, and a creative work.
What was the early modern economy like, and how did monetization impact …
What was the early modern economy like, and how did monetization impact artistic production, consumption, and the afterlife of objects? This seminar-format class explores major topics and themes concerning interconnections between early modern artistic and architectural creation and the economy. We will approach capitalism not as an inevitable system, but rather as a particular historical formation. Core course themes: commodification, production, and consumption, using case studies of the impact of the mercantile economy on chapels; palaces; prints and paintings, and their replication; and other material objects, including coins.
This course explores how information technology is reshaping different dimensions of the …
This course explores how information technology is reshaping different dimensions of the U.S. labor market: the way work is organized, the mix of occupations, the skills required to perform in an occupation, economy-wide labor productivity, and the distribution of wages.
This introductory survey course is intended to develop an understanding of key …
This introductory survey course is intended to develop an understanding of key issues and dilemmas of planning in non-Western countries. The issues covered by the course include state intervention, governance, law and institutions in development, privatization, participatory planning, decentralization, poverty, urban-rural linkages, corruption and civil service reform, trade and outsourcing and labor standards, post-conflict development and the role of aid in development.
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