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  • open-access
Creative Commons for Educators and Librarians
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This open access book is tailored to educators and librarians to teach them more about how to use and apply creative commons licenses. The book covers the basics of copyright law and licensing, as well as how to choose, find, and use creative commons licensed materials. There is an entire section of the book specifically dedicated to creative commons for educators and librarians, including chapters on open access to scholarship, open pedagogy, open educational resources, and more.

Applied Science
Information Science
Material Type:
2020 Creative Commons
Date Added:
Data Sharing, Mandates, and Repositories
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Some research funders have a mandate for data resulting from their funded research to be shared. This presentation provides a general definition of data sharing and how scholars can identify and follow data sharing mandates.

Applied Science
Higher Education
Information Science
Material Type:
Kristy Padron
Date Added:
Deep Dive into Open Scholarship: Preprints and OA
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

In this deep dive session, we discuss the current model of scholarly publishing, and highlight the challenges and limitations of this model of research dissemination. We then focus on the value of open access and elaborate on different open access levels (Gold, Bronze, and Green), before discussing how preprints/postprints may be leveraged to promote open access.

Material Type:
Stacy Shaw
Bryan Cook
Date Added:
Deep Dive on Open Practices: Understanding Preprints and Open Access, Unconference 2022
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Bryan Cook and Stacy Shaw provide an introduction to preprints with a focus on their contributions and limitations in the context of current models of scholarly publishing. We discuss various "levels" of open access publishing (Gold, Bronze, and Green), and how the use of preprints can supplement some of the limitations of these common open access publishing models. Research on the use of preprints are highlighted, and we discuss how preprints/postprints may be leveraged to promote open access.

Material Type:
Stacy Shaw
Bryan Cook
Date Added:
Democracy in difference: Debating key terms of gender, sexuality, race and identity
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0.0 stars

Democracy in difference: Debating key terms of gender, sexuality, race and identity focuses on concepts and analytical frames we use when discussing how marginalised identities navigate their place in an assumed common culture.

This ebook offers a path for exploring how we might build a shared vocabulary when working through the muddle of public debates like identity politics, political correctness, pronouns and what constitutes racism. Democracy in Difference is an unconventional interdisciplinary guide to key concepts, which borrows from decolonial methodologies, Marxism, feminism, queer theory and deconstruction.

Key terms are illustrated through written text, La Trobe Art Institute artworks (centering Indigenous artists), poetry, comedy and song, and customised animations which make difficult terms accessible.

This text is published by the La Trobe eBureau.

Arts and Humanities
Ethnic Studies
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Carolyn D'Cruz
Date Added:
Differentiating Between Open Access and Open Educational Resources
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Differentiating open access and open educational resource can be a challenge in some contexts. Excellent resources such as "How Open Is It?: A Guide for Evaluating the Openness of Journals" (CC BY) https://sparcopen.org/our-work/howopenisit created by SPARC, PLOS, and OASPA greatly aid us in understanding the relative openness of journals. However, visual resources to conceptually differentiate open educational resources (OER) from resources disseminated using an open access approach do not currently exist. Until now.

This one page introductory guide differentiates OER and OA materials on the basis of purpose (teaching vs. research), method of access (analog and digital), and in terms of the relative freedoms offered by different levels of Creative Commons licenses, the most common open license. Many other open licenses, including open software licenses also exist.

Applied Science
Information Science
Material Type:
Virginia Tech
Provider Set:
VTech Works
Walz Anita
Date Added:
Digital Project Preservation Plan: A Guide for Preserving Digital Humanities / Digital Scholarship Projects
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

A Digital Project Preservation Plan is designed to help with organizing preservation efforts for digital projects. Initially drafted as a companion guide meant to fill the gap on best methods for preserving digital scholarship or digital humanities projects, it can also be applied to digital projects outside the humanities. This preservation plan is most beneficial to those digital humanities (DH) project creators who need guidance on how to start a digital project with preservation in mind. Although the DH community has shared resources and case studies, the examples available tend to focus on DH development, and less on DH preservation. These resources are also located in disparate locations. The Digital Project Preservation Plan is a singular guide, focusing on DH preservation, as a starting point with references to more resources and related DH practices. This is a working document, available to practitioners in whole or part; ideally, it will be used in the early stages of project planning and consulted and revised regularly. The preservation infrastructure should be designed and built as a collaborative effort from the beginning of the project. As priorities, methods and technologies change, the preservation plan will need to be updated and modified accordingly.

This book has been used in humanities (history) and media courses but is applicable to any course that has digital/web project components.

The Table of Contents for this publication includes:
Summary, Project Charter, Digital File Inventory, Additional Considerations, Preservation Plan-A Summary and Checklist, References/Plan Resources, Appendix A: Project Charter, Appendix B: Digital File Inventory, Appendix C: Project Profile, Appendix D: Collaborators Web Publishing Agreement, Appendix E: Universal Design Checklist, Appendix F: Preservation Guidance Checklist, and the Glossary.

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
Career and Technical Education
Graphic Arts
Graphic Design
Information Science
Material Type:
Student Guide
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Miller A
Date Added:
Digitize Me, Visualize Me, Search Me
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

Digitize Me, Visualize Me, Search Me takes as its starting point the so-called ‘computational turn’ to data-intensive scholarship in the humanities. What Digitize Me, Visualize Me, Search Me endeavours to show is that such data-focused transformations in research can be seen as part of a major alteration in the status and nature of knowledge. It is an alteration that, according to the philosopher Jean François Lyotard, has been taking place since at least the 1950s, and involves nothing less than a shift away from a concern with questions of what is right and just, and toward a concern with legitimating power by optimizing the social system’s performance in instrumental, functional terms. This shift has significant consequences for our idea of knowledge.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Open Humanities Press / JISC
Provider Set:
Living Books About Life
Gary Hall
Date Added:
Directory of Open Access Books
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

DOAB is a community-driven discovery service that indexes and provides access to scholarly, peer-reviewed open access books and helps users to find trusted open access book publishers. All DOAB services are free of charge and all data is freely available.

Higher Education
Material Type:
Data Set
Primary Source
Date Added:
Directory of Open Access Journals
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This link will take you to DOAJ, the Directory of Open Access Journals. The following is from their home page:

DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals. DOAJ is independent. All funding is via donations, 50% of which comes from sponsors and 50% from members and publisher members. All DOAJ services are free of charge including being indexed in DOAJ. All data is freely available.

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
Business and Communication
Life Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Data Set
Primary Source
Date Added:
Empirical Study of Data Sharing by Authors Publishing in PLoS Journals
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Background Many journals now require authors share their data with other investigators, either by depositing the data in a public repository or making it freely available upon request. These policies are explicit, but remain largely untested. We sought to determine how well authors comply with such policies by requesting data from authors who had published in one of two journals with clear data sharing policies. Methods and Findings We requested data from ten investigators who had published in either PLoS Medicine or PLoS Clinical Trials. All responses were carefully documented. In the event that we were refused data, we reminded authors of the journal's data sharing guidelines. If we did not receive a response to our initial request, a second request was made. Following the ten requests for raw data, three investigators did not respond, four authors responded and refused to share their data, two email addresses were no longer valid, and one author requested further details. A reminder of PLoS's explicit requirement that authors share data did not change the reply from the four authors who initially refused. Only one author sent an original data set. Conclusions We received only one of ten raw data sets requested. This suggests that journal policies requiring data sharing do not lead to authors making their data sets available to independent investigators.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Andrew J. Vickers
Caroline J. Savage
Date Added:
Enshittification: How the Internet Went Bad and How to Get it Back
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0.0 stars

In this Open Education Week keynote talk, Cory Doctorow discusses how the collapse of the internet into “five giant websites, each filled with screenshots of text from the other four” wasn’t inevitable. From privacy to harassment to garden-variety ripoffs, the internet’s degradation was the result of identifiable policy choices that can – and must – be reversed. Learn how they broke the internet – and how we can fix it.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Primary Source
Cory Doctorow
Date Added:
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Scholarly Communications Outreach
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Open access has been identified as a way to support diversity, equity and inclusion in new publishing models, compared to inequities in traditional publishing models.Despite the open movement being decades old, there is still a gap in research on Black, Indigenous, and faculty of color (BIPOC) in the context of open access. Understanding the motivations for and barriers against Open Access (OA) publishing (and the relationships between them) among BIPOC faculty helps LIS practitioners and Open advocates design incentives to increase participation and decrease lack of knowledge and stigma around OA.

In 2020, Camille Thomas served as co-PI on a research team that designed an original qualitative study (Perceptions of Open Access Publishing among Black, Indigenous, and people of color Faculty, forthcoming College & Research Libraries) that uncovers ways in which pre-tenure and tenured BIPOC perceive attitudes towards the legitimacy of open access publishing, especially as it relates to their own tenure and promotion processes. This study illuminates how their perceptions motivate or diminish their own interest in and adoption of open access as well as their level of advocacy for open access in their field, campus, and department, et al.

To foster practical application of outreach needs based on responses from the study, this resource includes:
- Readings
- Discussion questions
- Sample Scenarios, Events and Initiatives
- Assignments

Assignments were specifically created for developing strategic initiatives and outreach to support marginalized scholars. While these materials do not seek to solve systemic issues in academic research, they will encourage building equitable open infrastructure and an inclusive culture when discussing open access at institutions. This resource provides hands-on assignments to integrate inclusive practices in outreach and technical work. It will prepare students for practical experience with open advocacy and encourage deliberate outreach planning, execution and assessment as scholarly communication continues to evolve.

Learning Objectives
To understand diverse needs of researchers and scholars based on their positionality and intersectionality (student, post-doc, research topics, discipline and departmental culture, identities)
To identify when encouraging open may harm researchers or communities
To develop messaging that highlights social justice through open access’ benefits of transparency, access and non-traditional formats
To develop strategic initiatives that address the unique needs of an institution and its surrounding community
To develop advocacy, leadership and management skills by planning, executing and assessing strategic initiatives

Applied Science
Information Science
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Camille Thomas
Date Added:
Ethical and Policy Considerations for Digitizing Traditional Knowledge
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

An open educational resource

Short Description:
An open educational resource to introduce ethical and policy considerations which apply to digitizing traditional knowledge.

Long Description:
Ethical and Policy Considerations for Digitizing Traditional Knowledge is a comprehensive instructional resource designed to introduce library professionals to the ethical and policy issues which accompany the digitization of traditional knowledge collections. This instructional resource includes a lesson plan, a slide deck, a case study with accompanying worksheet, and an annotated bibliography. Instructors will lead students through a lesson plan which includes identification of prior knowledge, direct instruction, guided practice and independent practice. Through this “I do, we do, you do” approach, students will learn about the definition of traditional knowledge, how and why it might be preserved, ethical considerations when preserving it, and examples of traditional knowledge collections. The resource also includes an opportunity for students to work through an authentic case study from a library which digitized a traditional knowledge collection. Using a worksheet that includes guided criteria, students can review the case study to determine how the community was considered within each stage of the digital content lifecycle. The resource also includes background reading on digitizing and preserving traditional knowledge with brief annotations for both instructors and students.

Word Count: 3900

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Information Science
Material Type:
Scholarly Communication Notebook
Jenna Kammer
Kodjo Atiso
Date Added:
FOSTER - Research Data Management
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

The FOSTER portal is an e-learning platform that brings together the best training resources addressed to those who need to know more about Open Science, or need to develop strategies and skills for implementing Open Science practices in their daily workflows. Here you will find a growing collection of training materials. Many different users - from early-career researchers, to data managers, librarians, research administrators, and graduate schools - can benefit from the portal. In order to meet their needs, the existing materials will be extended from basic to more advanced-level resources. In addition, discipline-specific resources will be created.

The link takes users to "Research Data Management" topic. Howevere, there are other topics to explore.

Note: Unless otherwise stated, all materials created by the FOSTER consortium are licensed under a CREATIVE COMMONS ATTRIBUTION 4.0 INTERNATIONAL LICENSE.

Applied Science
Information Science
Material Type:
Primary Source
Date Added:
Good practices for university open-access policies
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This is a guide to good practices for college and university open-access (OA) policies. It's based on the type of rights-retention OA policy first adopted at Harvard, Stanford, MIT, and the University of Kansas. Policies of this kind have since been adopted at a wide variety of institutions in North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia, for example, at public and private institutions, large and small institutions, affluent and indigent institutions, research universities and liberal arts colleges, and at whole universities, schools within universities, and departments within schools.

Material Type:
Harvard University
Date Added:
A Graduate Student's Guide to Open Education and Scholarship
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This openly licensed e-book provides an introduction to open education and scholarship for graduate students in all disciplines. In addition to providing introductory overviews of open education, open licenses, OER, open pedagogy, open access, open science, and open data, the guide offers advice and insights on how to establish oneself as an early-career open practitioner in higher education.

Higher Education
Material Type:
Andrea Kingston
Date Added:
HowOpenIsIt? A Guide for Evaluating Open Access Journals
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This guide provides a means to identify the core components of OA and how they are implemented across the spectrum between “Open Access” and “Closed Access”. Journals have built policies that vary widely across the six fundamental aspects of OA – reader rights, reuse rights, copyrights, author posting rights, automatic posting, and machine readability. This, in turn, has caused confusion among authors seeking to make informed publishing decisions, funders seeking to formulate and enforce their access policies, and other stakeholders within the research ecosystem. The HowOpenIsIt? Open Access Guide consolidates the key elements of journal policies into a single, easy-to-follow resource that interested parties can use to move the conversation beyond the deceptively simple question of, “Is It Open Access?” toward a more productive evaluation of “How Open Is It?”.

Applied Science
Information Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
How significant are the public dimensions of faculty work in review, promotion and tenure documents?
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Much of the work done by faculty at both public and private universities has significant public dimensions: it is often paid for by public funds; it is often aimed at serving the public good; and it is often subject to public evaluation. To understand how the public dimensions of faculty work are valued, we analyzed review, promotion, and tenure documents from a representative sample of 129 universities in the US and Canada. Terms and concepts related to public and community are mentioned in a large portion of documents, but mostly in ways that relate to service, which is an undervalued aspect of academic careers. Moreover, the documents make significant mention of traditional research outputs and citation-based metrics: however, such outputs and metrics reward faculty work targeted to academics, and often disregard the public dimensions. Institutions that seek to embody their public mission could therefore work towards changing how faculty work is assessed and incentivized.

Applied Science
Information Science
Material Type:
Carol Muñoz Nieves
Erin C McKiernan
Gustavo E Fischman
Juan P Alperin
Lesley A Schimanski
Meredith T Niles
Date Added: