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  • participation
Ancient Lives
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For classics scholars, the vast number of damaged and fragmentary texts from the waste dumps of Greco-Roman Egypt has resulted in a difficult and time-consuming endeavor, with each manuscript requiring a character-by-character transcription. Words are gradually identified based on the transcribed characters and the manuscripts' linguistic characteristics. Both the discovery of new literary texts and the identification of known ones are then based on this analysis in relation to the established canon of extant Greek literature and its lexicons. Documentary texts, letters, receipts, and private accounts, are similarly assessed and identified through key terms and names. Furthermore, an immense number of detached fragments still linger, waiting to be joined with others to form a once intact text of ancient thought, both known and unknown. The data not only continues to reevaluate and assess the literature and knowledge of ancient Greece, but also illuminates the lives and culture of the multi-ethnic society of Greco-Roman Egypt.

Ancient History
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Citizen Science Alliance
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Building Academic Literacy
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0.0 stars

While many study skills, composition and reading skills texts separate these activities into discrete skills to be learned separately, this books recognizes that these skills are interconnected. A student who struggles with the reading will have a hard time writing about it or discussing it. A student who has inadequate strategies for listening to lectures will struggle to see the connections between the lecture and the reading. Therefore, this book moves away from the “skills and drills” texts that are so common in reading and writing textbooks. Instead, this book features process and provides opportunities for students (and instructors) to think about the best ways to approach academic tasks. For example, a “skills and drills” oriented book might teach students how to take Cornell Notes and use graphic organizers, but it does not provide any information for students that would allow them to decide when it would be best to choose one note taking method over the other. This book’s main focus is helping students develop that sort of judgement.

Higher Education
Material Type:
Minnesota State Opendora
Katie Klopfleisch
Loti-Beth Larsen
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Forms of Political Participation: Old and New
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0.0 stars

How and why do we participate in public life? How do we get drawn into community and political affairs? In this course we examine the associations and networks that connect us to one another and structure our social and political interactions. Readings are drawn from a growing body of research suggesting that the social networks, community norms, and associational activities represented by the concepts of civil society and social capital can have important effects on the functioning of democracy, stability and change in political regimes, the capacity of states to carry out their objectives, and international politics.

Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Tsai, Lily
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Galaxy Zoo: Hubble
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0.0 stars

Roughly one hundred billion galaxies are scattered throughout our observable Universe, each a glorious system that might contain billions of stars. Many are remarkably beautiful, and the aim of Galaxy Zoo is to study them, assisting astronomers in attempting to understand how the galaxies we see around us formed, and what their stories can tell us about the past, present and future of our Universe as a whole. Are you an educator? Would you like to use Galaxy Zoo with a group of students? The Navigator is an interactive tool that allows groups to classify galaxies together and then investigate galaxy characteristics. Zoo Teach is where educators can share lessons, resources and that compliment the citizen science projects that are part of the Zooniverse.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Citizen Science Alliance
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Guide for the promotion of youth civic participation at the local level
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0.0 stars

Guide for the promotion of youth civic participation at the local level: this guide has different objectives, first of all to involve youth at risk and keep them involved, then to diagnose the needs of local communities, and finally to understand and cooperate with the local institutional context.

Social Science
Material Type:
Marina Berhault
Date Added:
The Milky Way Project
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0.0 stars

Measure and Map Our Galaxy: The Milky Way Project needs your help looking through tens of thousands of images from the Spitzer Space Telescope. By telling us what you see in this infrared data, we can better understand how stars form. The scale of this project necessitates group participation. We need the help of the public to classify the thousands of images we have on file. If all 900,000 Zooniverse members classified a few images, this project would be done in no time!

Physical Science
Material Type:
Citizen Science Alliance
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Moon Zoo
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0.0 stars

The goal of the Moon Zoo website is "to provide detailed crater counts for as much of the Moon's surface as possible." On the website, interested parties can help out with this effort by examining images of the moon's surface and providing feedback to be used by the team of researchers in charge of the Moon Zoo project. First-time visitors should click on the "How To Take Part" for a tutorial that will help determine which project they might be best suited for. Visitors who wish to take part in the project will need to register on the website, and that process only takes a few minutes. Moving on, the website has an online forum where users can trade information as well as a blog.

Physical Science
Space Science
Material Type:
Citizen Science Alliance
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Online training programme
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0.0 stars

Online training programme for activities and specialized educators on how to use the methodology and tools developed under the project : It targets youth activists and specialized educators who want to involve youth people in civic participation projects, with the goal of training more youth activists and educators.  

Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Marina Berhault
Date Added:
Online training programme for the promotion of youth participation at the local level in civic projects
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0.0 stars

The online training programme for activities and specialized educators aimed at introducing how to use the methodology and tools developed under the project : It targets youth activists and specialized educators who want to involve youth people in civic participation projects, with the goal of training more youth activists and educators.

You will find a Guide for the promotion of youth civic participation at the local level: this guide has different objectives, first of all to involve youth at risk and keep them involved, then to diagnose the needs of local communities, and finally to understand and cooperate with the local institutional context.

And a training programme for YOUNG PEOPLE involved in civic participation projects: the program targets youth-at-risk and contains lesson plans and related materials that youth activists and educators can use to train and guide youth-at-risk involved in local change projects.

This training is doable online with quiz to assess the progress of each students.
It is free.

YOUC project for Promoting Youth Participation in Local Communities is aimed at young activists, youth workers, educators and organizations who want to promote the empowerment, initiative and civic participation of young people at risk of marginalization.

The project is based on a methodology and a set of tools to promote youth participation and active citizenship at the local level of young people in difficulty supported by groups of young activists and volunteers, as well as educators from associations in each partner country.

YOUC project supports the capacity building of youth leaders and educators by providing them with an effective methodology and tools to reach marginalized youth and involve them in local civic participation. For the same reason, the project focuses on the horizontal management of the professional development of youth workers.

YOUC aims to:
• Promote the activation of NEETs
• Improve the level of key competences and skills of young people, in particular the European key competence social and civic responsibility
• Promote the participation of young people in civil society
• Promote inclusion and solidarity

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Magenta Consultoria
Social Innovation Center
Viva Femina
CDE Petra Patrimonia
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Philosophieren mit Kindern. Anregungen für die alltagsintegrierte sprachliche Bildung
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0.0 stars

Bildung hat das Ziel, kreatives und kritisches Denken zu entwickeln und erweitert unsere Teilhabemöglichkeiten. Bekommen Kinder die Chance, häufig und regelmäßig mit anderen Kindern und mit Erwachsenen über schwierige Fragen nachzudenken, hilft ihnen dies von Anfang an, selbstkritisch und kreativ zu denken. Sie lernen, Überzeugungen zu begründen, zu diskutieren und sich ein eigenes Urteil zu bilden. Die hier zur Verfügung gestellte Auflistung bietet in dem Zusammenhang einen Überblick über bestehende Materialien zur Thematik für die Anregung einer inklusiven Pädagogik in Kindertageseinrichtungen.

Early Childhood Development
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Lena Gruber
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Planet Hunters
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0.0 stars

On December 16, 2010, the Zooniverse launched the original Planet Hunters to enlist the public's help to search data from the NASA's Kepler spacecraft for the characteristic drop in light due to an orbiting extrasolar planets (exoplanets) crossing in front of their parent stars. Back then we didn't know what we would find. The project was a gamble on the ability of human pattern recognition to beat machines just occasionally and spot the telltale dip from a transiting planet that was missed by automated routines looking for repeating patterns. It may have been the case that no new planets were discovered and that computers had the job down to a fine art. The gamble paid off. The original Planet Hunters project discovered a bounty of unknown planet candidates and several confirmed planets, resulting from the efforts of nearly 300,000 volunteers worldwide.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Citizen Science Alliance
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Practical and methodological guide for prospecting and mobilizing participants
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

The Intellectual Output “Practical and methodological manual for prospecting and mobilizing participants” is aimed to make the link between the profile of participants, their history and the skills required to accomplish the project mission; to search and find potential participants; to show that it is possible, when spotting potential participants; to consider their background, skills and profile at once; to explain how it is possible to recruit participants based on all the above elements; to highlight the main difficulties encountered by the partners, as well as the keys to success and the developed solutions. This document is available in 6 languages and can also be download in other languages then english on : https://citiesbyheart.aeva.eu/index.php/portfolios/io1/

Social Work
Material Type:
Case Study
Sud Concept
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Project-Based Learning: Changing the Face of Traditional Education
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0.0 stars

Project-based learning in a technology rich environment can be effective in K-12 classrooms

allowing students to negotiate understanding and construct knowledge in social situations.

Benefits include connecting students in communities in and outside of their cultures, and meeting

learning goals in non-institutional fashion, while educators share practices and resources using

technology tools. When projects endure over time, characteristics of communities of practice

begin to emerge in which shared content grows and is amended by participants, generating

historical artifacts. Once instantiated, the project philosophy provides an ongoing basis for

immersive learning, using wikis, blogs, and other social networking applications. A projectbased

classroom philosophy sets an engaging, attractive environment for students by meeting

their needs to be socially involved, as opposed to being passive receivers. An example long term

Internet learning event called the Monster Project is examined in this paper. Widespread use of

project-based learning has been curtailed by a strong focus on traditional instruction to meet

testing goals. Research shows that active participation in project-based education results in

students being more intrinsically motivated, more likely to show conceptual understanding, and

more well adjusted than students in traditional education modes. These characteristics are those

of a community of practice, where members are informally connected by their accomplishments

and by what they learn together. The range of academic content that can be integrated into

project-based learning as the main approach in a classroom is bounded only by a teacher’s

energy and creativity.

Material Type:
Terry K. Smith
Date Added:
Smart and Sustainable Cities: New Ways of Digitalization & Governance
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0.0 stars

Explore the key governance challenges for smart sustainable city (SSC) initiatives and the approach required. Learn to organize co-creation and to use a roadmap that support planning, implementation, close monitoring and risks mitigation.

Urban planners, policy makers and managers have an important role in making cities and communities more sustainable and resilient by incentivizing and developing smart solutions. Medellín in Colombia is a good example of how effective governance and cooperation with citizens led to the remake of the city and transformed it to a safer environment with a thriving economy. But how can those initiatives be sustained and governed? How can we deal with the challenges along the way, like effective stakeholders’ engagement, conflicting interests, decision-making under deep uncertainty, interdependent problems, spatial justice, and the transformation towards a digital society? To sum it up: building smart sustainable cities initiatives requires a strong governance capacity and new approaches!

This course will:

- provide the principles for incentivising, planning, developing and managing sustainable smart city initiatives
- present an overview of the drivers and barriers for SSC development
- present sustainability challenges and tools for SSC development
- show practical recommendations to strengthen SSC governance capacity
- introduce a smart city governance roadmap
- explain the conditions for effective stakeholder engagement and ways to organize co-creation pathways
- clarify the regulatory and legal framework for SSC including privacy and cybersecurity issues
- describe the conditions to implement digital innovation that benefit citizens including data governance
- show the importance of close monitoring and assessing SSC projects including data reliability and algorithms
- equip you with knowledge and learnings from case studies from various projects that were carried out in Latin America, next to familiarizing you with common challenges that arise in the process. These cases range from urban transportation to participatory budgeting, safety and waste management applications, but always making the connection with the governance and sustainability aspects.

The course will be moderated in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

This MOOC is a spin-off of the EU-funded Cap4City project.

This course has been developed, and will be delivered by experts in the field of Smart Sustainable Cities from twelve different universities in Latin America and Europe. You will find more information on the instructors while you navigate the course.

Applied Science
Business and Communication
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
TU Delft OpenCourseWare
Gabriela Viale Pereira
Marijn Janssen
Prof. Dr. Edimara Luciano
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Solar Stormwatch
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0.0 stars

Solar scientists need you! Help them spot explosions on the Sun and track them across space to Earth. Your work will give astronauts an early warning if dangerous solar radiation is headed their way. And you could make a new scientific discovery.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Citizen Science Alliance
Provider Set:
Date Added:
Students' participation in higher education (ESPAQ learning materials)
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0.0 stars

ESPAQ (Enhancing Students' Participation in the Quality Assurance in Armenia) aimed to strengthen the quality assurance (QA) processes and practices in the Armenian higher education by ensuring the involvement of all the stakeholders, especially the students – the key beneficiaries.

We are happy to share the learning materials for next generation of students and students' representatives in Armenia, which will allow them to deepen the knowledge and experience and empower next Armenian students ready to shape their learning environment.

Material Type:
Student Guide
Date Added:
Symbiosis in the Soil
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

In this project, students will assume the role of citizen scientists—helping researchers answer questions about how dandelions acquire beneficial symbiotic microbes from different soil types. Students will collect and transplant dandelions, conduct experiments on dandelion growth and microbe growth, and then submit data to scientists at the Genomics and Microbiology Research Lab at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences. The researchers will use these data to supplement DNA and RNA sequencing efforts. Students will receive results from the genetic analyses from a limited set of classrooms whose dandelions had previously been sequenced. By maintaining a connection with researchers, students will have an active, hands-on role in current science. Besides aiding scientists with research, students will also create their own inquiries.

Life Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
North Carolina State University
Provider Set:
Kenan Fellows Program for Curriculum and Leadership Development
Amy Lawson
Arthina Blanchard
Laura Cochrane
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