Short Description: This text was created by students in PHED 301 - …
Short Description: This text was created by students in PHED 301 - Advanced Anatomy in the Sport, Health & Physical Education department at Vancouver Island University.
Word Count: 115766
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This book was created by upper-year kinesiology students in a Fall 2020 …
This book was created by upper-year kinesiology students in a Fall 2020 seminar class entitled “Sport and Culture” at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. This term was a very different learning experience for all of us, as we had to do our courses online due to the coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic threw a lot of challenges our way, but we adapted as needed, and we think our class was still very successful. KNPE 473 focused on looking at big social issues through a sport lens and then funneling out beyond sport to look at these issues from a broader sociological perspective. As a class, the 25 students, our Teaching Assistant, Niya St. Amant, and our professor, Dr. Mary Louise Adams, worked together to create learning objectives, grading contracts, and this book.
A step-by-step guide for (trainee) teachers using online resources Word Count: 66946 …
A step-by-step guide for (trainee) teachers using online resources
Word Count: 66946
(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)
Short Description: The contents of this online book were created by Prof. …
Short Description: The contents of this online book were created by Prof. Rick Bonus and his students as a final project for a course on “Critical Filipinx American Histories” in the Fall quarter of 2019 at the University of Washington, Seattle campus. In collaboration with the UW Libraries, the UW Burke Museum, and the UW Department of American Ethnic Studies, this book explores and reflects on the relationships between Filipinx American histories and selected artifacts at the Burke Museum. It is a class project that was made possible by the Allen Open Textbook Grant.
Word Count: 18767
(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically as part of a bulk import process by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided. As a result, there may be errors in formatting.)
Short Description: An open pedagogy project of student-authored essays to help readers …
Short Description: An open pedagogy project of student-authored essays to help readers develop a better understanding of the ways that narrative media like movies and television represent issues of difference, power, and discrimination in American culture, both today and in the past.
Long Description: An open pedagogy project of student-authored essays to help readers, particularly high school and college students interested in movies and television, develop a better understanding of the ways that narrative media like movies and television represent issues of difference, power, and discrimination in American culture, both today and in the past. Authors are students in English 223: Difference, Power, and Discrimination in Film course at Linn-Benton Community College in Albany, Oregon taught by Dr. Stephen Rust.
Word Count: 165456
ISBN: 978-1-63635-079-0
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A Student-Centered Anthology & Handbook for College Writers Short Description: EmpoWord is …
A Student-Centered Anthology & Handbook for College Writers
Short Description: EmpoWord is a reader and rhetoric that champions the possibilities of student writing. The textbook uses actual student writing to exemplify effective writing strategies, celebrating dedicated college writing students to encourage and instruct their successors: the students in your class. Through both creative and traditional activities, readers are encouraged to explore a variety of rhetorical situations to become more critical agents of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in all facets of their lives. Straightforward and readable instruction sections introduce key vocabulary, concepts, and strategies. Three culminating assignments (Descriptive Personal Narrative; Text-Wrestling Analysis; Persuasive Research Essay) give students a chance to show their learning while also practicing rhetorical awareness techniques for future writing situations.
Long Description: EmpoWord is a reader and rhetoric that champions the possibilities of student writing. The textbook uses actual student writing to exemplify effective writing strategies, celebrating dedicated college writing students to encourage and instruct their successors: the students in your class. Through both creative and traditional activities, readers are encouraged to explore a variety of rhetorical situations to become more critical agents of reading, writing, speaking, and listening in all facets of their lives. Straightforward and readable instruction sections introduce key vocabulary, concepts, and strategies. Three culminating assignments (Descriptive Personal Narrative; Text-Wrestling Analysis; Persuasive Research Essay) give students a chance to show their learning while also practicing rhetorical awareness techniques for future writing situations.
Word Count: 139371
(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)
English Language Learners Bring You the World is an annual publication of …
English Language Learners Bring You the World is an annual publication of writings by the students in the English as a Second Language and Intensive English programs at South Puget Sound Community College. In it, you will find paragraphs of a few sentences by beginning writers as well as longer essays from our most advanced classes. Regardless of length, each piece offers a window into the writer's unique perspective on culture, language, and life as an immigrant.
Since the year 2000, English language learners at SPSCC have shared their writings in this annual digest. After a two-year hiatus during the global COVID-19 pandemic, in a time of many challenges, it is with joy that we renew our publication of volume 20 of English Language Learners Bring You the World.
This year, over 70 students from 37 countries have shared their stories and essays. The contributions are organized alphabetically by country of origin. Student biographies are listed in an About the Authors section at the end of the book. Although the students in the English as a Second Language and Intensive English programs at South Puget Sound Community College come from all over the world, their common experiences and dedication to learning English bring them together. As teachers, we are honored to have students who are so caring and so interested in learning. We hope you draw as much inspiration from reading their stories as we have.
This book is written by students in an Integrated Basic Education Skills …
This book is written by students in an Integrated Basic Education Skills and Training (I-BEST) class at Lake Washington Institute of Technology. Jessica Dunker and Paul Redman, instructors, have contextualized the reading, writing and classroom activities for this course around topics related to diversity and ethnic studies. This Pressbook is a reflection of the work our students have made in writing as well as gaining a better understanding of themselves and each other.
In the sections of Chapter 1, we’ve included interactive learning content to …
In the sections of Chapter 1, we’ve included interactive learning content to test your knowledge over Theater history and production, with many knowledge checks over Theatrical Worlds, Edited by Charles Mitchell, as well as Playhouse Square theaters and productions, and other theater content. This content can be used by Theater students anywhere in the world, but will be helpful to those reading Theatrical Worlds.
In Chapter 2, there are analyses of local live performance, written by CSU Theater students and Heather Caprette. They serve as examples of exemplary work for the open assignment 2, as well as provide information about performances of interest to the public theater goers. * A Note of Caution: These analyses can not be copied by other Theater students to satisfy the requirement for an assignment in a course, but will give an idea of what a well written analysis paper looks like. Copying of these assignments to turn in as your own assignment constitutes plagiarism and academic misconduct.
Chapter 3, is an example of how a group of students working together on the recreation of a scene or small part of a play can share their ideas. The part should be less than 10% of a play. The example is being produced by Heather Caprette, MFA, but in the assignment, different students would work on various aspects of the theater production. Elements recreated include: dialogue, character design, set design, stage lighting, costume design, and sound design.
At this time, it’s best to view the Pressbook in Chrome browser, due to some display issues caused by a recent upgrade. documents the course materials and student-created OER from the University of … documents the course materials and student-created OER from the University of Colorado Boulder's Mechanical Engineering course on the physics and art of fluid flows. Students create and document images and videos of gases and liquids, and all work is published under a Creative Commons license. Lecture notes, lecture videos, course documents (syllabi, schedule, assignments) and the accompanying textbook are also published.
In September 2022, students from Centennial College’s Community Development Work Program did …
In September 2022, students from Centennial College’s Community Development Work Program did a deep dive into the topic of waste. Students from the Sustainable Community Development class dug into these topics and produced a book exploring six different dimensions of waste: fashion, plastics in the ocean, e-waste, food waste, sewage, and medical waste. Small groups of students worked on each topic and came back together to teach each other about what they were learning. The class was made up of students from around the world, and so they researched the topic of waste in Canada, but also drew on their experiences to research the topics globally in countries like the Philippines, India, and China. Students also highlighted one article per topic that brought new perspectives to their research.
Each chapter illuminates both the problems that exist, and also the sustainable and innovative solutions that are being found. In the spirit of collaboration, these chapters were edited and published by students in the Centennial College Publishing Program and the Open Educational Resources (OER) Lab.
Undergraduate business law textbook written by Melissa Randall and Community College of …
Undergraduate business law textbook written by Melissa Randall and Community College of Denver Students in collaboration with lawyers and business professionals for use in required 200 level business law courses in the United States. This book is an introductory survey of the legal topics required in undergraduate business law classes.
This is the Afrikaans translation of the OER textbook How to be …
This is the Afrikaans translation of the OER textbook How to be a journalist in the 21st century, written by the same authors and available here on OER commons:
The description below is in Afrikaans (it is the same description as for the English version, which can be accessed through the link above).
Hierdie handboek is ’n inleiding tot joernalistiek, in die Afrika- en Suid-Afrikaanse konteks, geskryf vir jong mense wat in die digitale omgewing beweeg. Die handboek is uniek in die sin dat studente en die dosent dit saam geskryf het, dit is dus 'n hulpbron wat fokus op leer deur die oë van studente in Afrika en die dinge wat hulle graag wil leer om joernaliste te word. Die skrywers is Andre Gouws, dosent in joernalistiek aan die Noordwes-Universiteit in Potchefstroom, Suid-Afrika, en sy eerstejaar- en tweedejaarstudente van 2021.
Die doel van hierdie oop handboek is om ’n algemene inleiding tot joernalistiek in die 21ste eeu te verskaf aan beide joernalistiekstudente en enigiemand wat, miskien onwetend, reeds hul eie soort joernalistiek skep. Hierdie nuwe soorte joernaliste sluit onder andere in bloggers, entrepreneuriese joernaliste, sosialemedia-gebruikers, nuusbriefskrywers en YouTube- en TikTok-inhoudskeppers. In die digitale era is joernalistieke vaardighede waardevolle vaardighede vir enigiemand wat nuus of inligting skep of versprei. Joernalistiekvaardighede sluit in begrip van nuus, die konteks van die media, regs- en etiese kwessies rondom die skep en verspreiding van alle soorte inhoud, en praktiese vaardighede. Hierdie handboek bevat idees om voornemende onafhanklike joernaliste met joernalistieke entrepreneurskap te help. Geleerdes stem saam dat joernalistiek vandag baie wyd gedefinieer kan word. Dit is nie meer iets wat net opgeleide joernaliste doen nie. Om joernalistiek te ken en te verstaan sal almal help om beter stories te vertel; om dalk inkomste te verdien daaruit; en, belangriker, om dit op die regte etiese en deernisvolle manier te doen.
This textbook is an introduction to journalism, in the African and South …
This textbook is an introduction to journalism, in the African and South African context, written for digital natives. The textbook is unique in the sense that students and the lecturer wrote it together, it is therefore a resource that focuses on learning through the eyes of students in Africa and the things they would like to learn to become journalists. The writers are Andre Gouws, lecturer in journalism at North-West University in Potchefstroom, South Africa, and his first-year and second-year students from 2021.
The purpose of this open textbook is to provide a general introduction to journalism in the 21st century to both journalism students and anyone who, perhaps unknowingly, create their own types of journalism. These new types of journalists include bloggers, entrepreneurial journalists, social media users, newsletter writers, and YouTube and TikTok creators, among others. In the digital era, journalism skills are valuable skills to anyone who creates or distributes news or information. Journalism skills include an understanding of news, the context of the media, legal and ethical issues around creating and distributing all types of content, and practical skills. This textbook contains ideas to help prospective independent journalists with journalistic entrepreneurship. Scholars agree that journalism can be defined very broadly today. It is no longer something that only trained journalists do. Knowing and understanding journalism will help everyone to tell better stories; to perhaps earn an independent income; and, importantly, to do it an ethical and compassionate way.
Text authored via open pedagogy: Introduction, Theory, Radio, Film, Television, Internet, Social …
Text authored via open pedagogy: Introduction, Theory, Radio, Film, Television, Internet, Social Media, Journalism, Public Relations, Advertising, Media Law and Ethics, International Media.
Long Description: This book was created by the students of PSY 3031: …
Long Description: This book was created by the students of PSY 3031: Sensation and Perception, as a class project, because there is no existing open-source textbook for S&P. Content is, for the most part, re-used and re-mixed from existing open-source materials from Psychology and Anatomy textbooks. We needed to do this project because we need a resource that goes into greater depth than the Sensation and Perception sections of introductory psychology textbooks. We also wanted to create a resource with a stronger neuroscience foundation than your average psychology textbook, with strong links between physiology and perception. The final product will always be a work in progress, but hopefully a useful collection of materials to support college-level courses that want to understand how human physiology supports human perceptual experiences.
The course has two over-arching themes or guiding principles, both of which rest on the basic understanding that perception is an interpretive act, which means that our perceptions are sometimes only loosely based on our sensory experiences: Our brains shape our environment: there are many things that we simply do not perceive because we are not prepared to perceive them. Our environments shape our brains: color categories and phonetic boundaries are just two examples of how our conscious access to sensory information is limited by the culture we grew up in.
Word Count: 63330
ISBN: 978-1-946135-80-3
(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)
This book represents student research from the Applied Research Symposium at Lake …
This book represents student research from the Applied Research Symposium at Lake Washington Institute of Technology on May 23, 2024. The Applied Research Committee welcomes and supports student work including research and project work in all disciplines across the college. In this issue, students contributed research from fields of mathematics, biology, microbiology, design, computer science, robotics, and public health. This was the third annual symposium on campus. The symposium was organized by the Applied Research Committee.
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