Austin Community College (ACC) Learn OER includes a series of self-paced online …
Austin Community College (ACC) Learn OER includes a series of self-paced online learning modules. The first nine modules will serve as an introduction to open educational resources (OER) and as an opportunity for further exploration and discovery of open education practices. The tenth module serves as a final assessment of your learning. Throughout the modules there are opportunities for you to test your knowledge and further explore a concept. The modules allow you to learn at your own pace. While you can follow the modules in any order, it is recommended that you start with Module 1 and progress through in order.
This resource is a video abstract of a research paper created by …
This resource is a video abstract of a research paper created by Research Square on behalf of its authors. It provides a synopsis that's easy to understand, and can be used to introduce the topics it covers to students, researchers, and the general public. The video's transcript is also provided in full, with a portion provided below for preview:
"Artificial intelligence is transforming our way of life. Able to spot patterns invisible to the human eye, algorithms are learning how to make our lives easier, safer, and more fun. That power is not lost on materials researchers. During the next decade, artificial intelligence or AI-driven research could fundamentally transform how new and better materials are developed. What’s more, it might even revamp how materials research itself is carried out, enabling promising new materials and processes to be developed more quickly. Machine learning methods come in a variety of flavors, with some requiring more guidance, or “supervision,” from researchers. But, generally, a machine-learning algorithm designed to discover and understand the behavior of materials looks for patterns connecting the composition, structure, and properties of known materials..."
The rest of the transcript, along with a link to the research itself, is available on the resource itself.
This curriculum, which may be used in whole or in part, offers …
This curriculum, which may be used in whole or in part, offers an overview of foster care, background on the characteristics of kin and non-kin foster parents, and trends in foster care. Special emphasis is placed on foster care recruitment, training, and retention efforts as well as the foster care payment rate structure. A comprehensive look at the elements that comprise quality of care in kinship and non-related foster homes is included. The curriculum highlights the philosophical reasons for providing quality care, the history and philosophy of kinship care, a legal history and brief policy analysis of kinship care, and domains of quality. Practice tips for child welfare workers and administrators are included, as well as a chapter where kin and non-kin foster parents address their relationship with the child welfare system and recent child welfare policies affecting foster parents and kinship caregivers. (332 pages)Berrick, J. D., Needell, B., Shlonsky, A., Simmel, C., & Pedrucci, C. (1998).
Basic Kitchen and Food Service Management is one of a series of …
Basic Kitchen and Food Service Management is one of a series of Culinary Arts open textbooks developed to support the training of students and apprentices in British Columbia’s foodservice and hospitality industry. Although created with the Professional Cook, Baker and Meatcutter programs in mind, these have been designed as a modular series, and therefore can be used to support a wide variety of programs that offer training in foodservice skills.
The three case studies written for this project reflect training needs in …
The three case studies written for this project reflect training needs in crucial parts of the child welfare system. They may be used individually or together, and each includes an introduction that highlights the area of child welfare practice that governs the situation, and a variety of classroom exercises. An effort was made to be ethnically sensitive by emphasizing language and cultural diversity differences in family lifestyles as expressed in parenting and disciplinary styles and varying cultural norms and values. The authors strongly recommend the use of collaborative teaching with guest speakers from local departments of Social Service, substance abuse programs, etc., to supplement the case studies. (93 pages)Brewer, L. K., Roditti, M., & Marcus, A. (1996).
The work plan outlined here is intended to facilitate a 4-hour session …
The work plan outlined here is intended to facilitate a 4-hour session for a collaborative work group of subject matter experts. This group's mission is to develop course learning outcomes that blend collaborators’ course learning outcomes into one set of outcomes. Our objective is to craft a course module template aligned with the new course learning outcomes that is versatile enough to be adopted by multiple institutions across the globe.
This resource is a video abstract of a research paper created by …
This resource is a video abstract of a research paper created by Research Square on behalf of its authors. It provides a synopsis that's easy to understand, and can be used to introduce the topics it covers to students, researchers, and the general public. The video's transcript is also provided in full, with a portion provided below for preview:
"Uncontrolled hypertension is a leading risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Despite available treatments, less than half of those with hypertension have optimal blood pressure control, with that percentage continuing to go down. Self-measured blood pressure monitoring (or SMBP) with clinical supports is one effective way of controlling blood pressure. Unfortunately, in the US, as few as 25% of adults with hypertension measure their blood pressure at home, and even fewer follow an [evidence-based protocol] to take regular home measurements and share them with their care team. Limited use of SMBP is due to a variety of barriers that both patients and their health care provider teams encounter. In search of ways to improve these poor statistics, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Association of Community Health Centers, the YMCA of the USA, and the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials conducted a pilot project in nine community health centers across three states..."
The rest of the transcript, along with a link to the research itself, is available on the resource itself.
This resource provides access to the Northern California Training Academy's Core for …
This resource provides access to the Northern California Training Academy's Core for Social Workers Module 1 training materials.. To learn more about the Academy, please visit
This toolbox aims to: - create the foundations in cybersecurity - inspire …
This toolbox aims to: - create the foundations in cybersecurity - inspire with very practical cybersecurity non-formal activities - give cyber tips for youth organisation
This unit depicts the medical model of healthcare in the US, with …
This unit depicts the medical model of healthcare in the US, with an overview of the organization of healthcare and the physical structure of healthcare delivery in the outpatient, inpatient and long-term care settings, including an overview of the organization of the Veterans Affairs (VA) system. This unit is intended primarily for the student who does not have a background in healthcare, though the topics of this unit will be described at a relatively advanced level.
In this course learners will look at the wide spread diagnosis of …
In this course learners will look at the wide spread diagnosis of ADHD among primary school aged children from the prospective of the instructors and administrators. The course will begin with researching the disorder and how to recognize its symptoms. The course will progress into medical diagnosis, medical treatments, common school accommodations, proposed alternative treatments then concluding with students researching classroom practices and discussing how practices help and hinder students with ADHD and how the proposed alternatives may be implemented to combat those common educator tactics that are perceived to hinder students with ADHD.
This course outlines the practical and tactical ins and outs of how …
This course outlines the practical and tactical ins and outs of how to sell technical products to a sophisticated marketplace. How to build and manage a sales force; building compensation systems for a sales force, assigning territories, resolving disputes, and dealing with channel conflicts. Focus on selling to customers, whether through a direct salesforce, a channel salesforce, or building an OEM relationship.
This 5-day curriculum teaches digital storytelling and media literacy skills through engaging …
This 5-day curriculum teaches digital storytelling and media literacy skills through engaging youth to think critically on issues relevant to their life and future. This unit is guided by the question, "How does media contribute to positive social change?”
This unit discusses the health professionals who deliver healthcare and the training …
This unit discusses the health professionals who deliver healthcare and the training needed to work in these professions. The following professionals are described in this unit: physicians, nurses, advanced practice nurses, physician assistants, pharmacists, therapists, allied health professionals, paramedics, EMTs, dental professionals, mental health professionals, and social workers.
Human resource or manpower planning is of great important in the general …
Human resource or manpower planning is of great important in the general development and growth of organizations. Thus personnel and Human resources experts, managers and practitioners have now made it known to management that adequate attention be given to it with a view to ensuring better use of other resources especially capital. Organisations have also realized that with increasing competition and complexity in business, more time should be devoted to effective human resources planning to achieve desired goals. Furthermore organisations have known that not only is the overall cost of human resources high , that human element is complex, unpredictable and sometimes difficult to develop or change unlike capital that is relatively easier to acquire, manager or control.
ILLUMINE Teacher Professional Development Toolkit includes a guide and materials for running …
ILLUMINE Teacher Professional Development Toolkit includes a guide and materials for running a 20-hour ILLUMINE teacher professional development course. It provides summaries of conducted workshops for primary school (Spain, Serbia), secondary and vocational schools (Spain, Portugal, Serbia, Portugal), and a mix of school levels (Estonia). The ILLUMINE training course involves having educators design and run their own research lessons to improve their teaching practices. Strategies such as retrieval practice, distributed practice, and cognitive reappraisal (reframing of stress) are introduced.
ISKME's OER Services are described for states and other partners to focus …
ISKME's OER Services are described for states and other partners to focus on their Common Core implementation strategies that include deepening engagement with OER infrastructure, content, and teacher professional learning.
The purpose of this class is to offer students a new perspective …
The purpose of this class is to offer students a new perspective on the importance of our bodily experience to our cognitive and social lives. The curriculum is designed to foster a working appreciation for how better bodily awareness can positively affect how we feel in our bodies, carry and present ourselves for improved social sensitivity and more successful social interactions.
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