This article introduces a free online collection of images, video clips, and …
This article introduces a free online collection of images, video clips, and animations that teachers can use in creating resources for use with students. The four steps in creating a video clip, an animation, or other resource are presented.
This course is an introductory exploration of documentary film theory and production, …
This course is an introductory exploration of documentary film theory and production, focusing on documentaries about science, engineering, and related fields. Students engage in digital video production as well as social and media analysis of science documentaries. Readings are drawn from social studies of science as well as from documentary film theory. The courses uses documentary video making as a tool to explore the worlds of science and engineering, as well as a tool for thinking analytically about media itself and the social worlds in which science is embedded. The course includes a hands-on lab component devoted to digital video production, in addition to classroom lectures and in-class film screenings.
This resource was created by Katie Wright in collaboration with Crystal Hurt as …
This resource was created by Katie Wright in collaboration with Crystal Hurt as part of the 2019-20 ESU-NDE Digital Age Pedagogy Project. Educators worked with coaches to create Lesson Plans promoting both content area and digital age skills. This Lesson Plan is designed for 12th grade Career Education. Students create a Vesume (video resume).
The 12th grade learning experience consists of 7 mostly month-long units aligned …
The 12th grade learning experience consists of 7 mostly month-long units aligned to the Common Core State Standards, with available course material for teachers and students easily accessible online. Over the course of the year there is a steady progression in text complexity levels, sophistication of writing tasks, speaking and listening activities, and increased opportunities for independent and collaborative work. Rubrics and student models accompany many writing assignments.Throughout the 12th grade year, in addition to the Common Read texts that the whole class reads together, students each select an Independent Reading book and engage with peers in group Book Talks. Language study is embedded in every 12th grade unit as students use annotation to closely review aspects of each text. Teacher resources provide additional materials to support each unit.
Students will consider the different ways that humor can be used by …
Students will consider the different ways that humor can be used by a writer to criticize people, practices, and institutions that he or she thinks are in need of serious reform. Students will read satirists ranging from classical Rome to modern day to examine how wit can be used to make important points about culture.
Students research an aspect of modern life that they would like to lampoon. Students read from satirists across history to absorb the style and forms of humor and institutions satirized. Students write their own satire, drawing on techniques of famous satirists to criticize their targets.
These questions are a guide to stimulate thinking, discussion, and writing on the themes and ideas in the unit. For complete and thoughtful answers and for meaningful discussions, students must use evidence based on careful reading of the texts.
What is satire, and when is it too harsh? How can humor and irony make you more persuasive? What do you think is funny? How far would you go to satirize it? Who gets more reaction—satirists or protestors?
In this lesson, students will study voice in the comedy of a …
In this lesson, students will study voice in the comedy of a contemporary satirist, this time in the comic’s writing. Then students will look at their own voice in a piece of writing.
In this lesson, students will start to think about the satirical videos …
In this lesson, students will start to think about the satirical videos they will create to end this unit. Students will sort through all the satirical pieces and videos they have considered and use them as a springboard for their own ideas.
A film festival assignment or video competition assignment for freshmen at University …
A film festival assignment or video competition assignment for freshmen at University of North Carolina Wilmington. Includes templates for storyboards, scripts, and rubrics for grading. All information is editable and can be personalized for your institution. This assignment could be utilized for a single class or a number of courses.
Kids' Vid is an instructional web site that gives teachers and students …
Kids' Vid is an instructional web site that gives teachers and students the tools necessary to implement video production in the classroom. Kids? Vid is part of A free service for teachers in public and non-profit schools, grades k-12, with sole funding provided by ALTEC at the University of Kansas.
Production of Educational Videos is an introduction to technical communication that is …
Production of Educational Videos is an introduction to technical communication that is situated in the production of educational videos; the assignments are all focused on the production of videos that teach some aspect of MIT's first-year core curriculum. The objective of these assignments is improvement in both communication ability and communication habits; these improvements are effected by providing participants with instruction, practice, feedback, and the opportunity for reflection. In addition to improvements in communication skills, improvement is expected in students' attitude towards writing, oral presentations, and collaboration; as the semester progresses, students should feel confident of their ability to write, present, and collaborate.
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Your remixing, redistributing, or making derivatives works comes with some restrictions, including how it is shared.
Your redistributing comes with some restrictions. Do not remix or make derivative works.
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Copyrighted materials, available under Fair Use and the TEACH Act for US-based educators, or other custom arrangements. Go to the resource provider to see their individual restrictions.