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An Introduction to Geological Field Trips: Case Study Avonlea Badlands, Saskatchewan
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
"An Introduction to Geological Field Trips: Case Study Avonlea Badlands, Saskatchewan" emerged out of the passion of a few people for fieldwork. During the COVID-19 pandemic there was a real need to replace the actual field trips - forbidden during the pandemic - with something else that will give the student a taste or a tease of fieldwork. More than being the conclusion, this project wants to be the inspiration that will carry the student out of the classroom and into the field. Consequently, how do you prepare for a field trip? It is easy to assume that somebody else will know everything about the area where you're going and you're just going along for the ride - because at the end of the day you are there to learn. Absolutely true, but being mentally prepared will make everything seem less overwhelming, less foreign and consequently, way more enjoyable. Yet, even the preparation process can feel like a big white elephant in the room. Where do you start? Obviously with the first page of the book.The authors are grateful to receive funding support from the University of Regina’s OER Publishing Program Small Project Grant, which enabled us to actually carry real fieldwork in the Avonlea Badlands in Southern Saskatchewan to collect all the data for this book.

Long Description:
“An Introduction to Geological Field Trips: Case Study Avonlea Badlands, Saskatchewan” is trying to fill the gap between the student and the fieldwork. Most commonly, the geology student is thrown into the fire while in the field trips and has to process a lot of information on the fly. Consequently, sometimes is hard to see the full picture. This book wants to be the starting point for every student looking to embark in that first geological field trip. How to prepare? What to do? How to approach the field work? Which data should be collected? Where to start? It is a work in progress and as the students will learn more about preparation so, too, the authors will learn more and more about the questions that the student has before, during and after the field trip. We are grateful to all the people that contributed to this book. Your dedication to student success is admirable!

Word Count: 17033

ISBN: ISBN-13:978-0-7731-0780-9

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Applied Science
Environmental Science
Life Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
University of Regina
Maria Velez
Monica Cliveti
Date Added:
Introduction to Higher Education
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
This book introduces new concepts of teaching and learning at higher learning institutions. We will assess the meaning of education over the centuries, especially in relation to Africa. We will look at its roots and its development. This perspective may later help us to perceive more clearly the dimensions of the services provided by a university as well as future challenges and developments.

Long Description:
This book introduces new concepts of teaching and learning at higher learning institutions. We will assess the meaning of education over the centuries, especially in relation to Africa. We will look at its roots and its development. This perspective may later help us to perceive more clearly the dimensions of the services provided by a university as well as future challenges and developments. History exerts a powerful influence on education, in the sense that educational development is a function of societies’ historical development, that education bears many traces of the past and, finally, that it is time for education to help make history by preparing for it.

Word Count: 31483

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Higher Education
Material Type:
Date Added:
Introduction to Instructional Design
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Word Count: 77071

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Material Type:
Date Added:
Introduction to Linguistics
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

OER Fundamentals are invited to remix this course planning template to design and share their OER project plans, course information and syllabus, and reflection.

Material Type:
Khaleel Abusal
Date Added:
Introduction to Literature Texts:
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

These are two resources that I find helpful for teaching an Introduction to Literature course. This material would be useful for teaching an introduction to literature course that aims to instruct students on how to read, analyze, and write critically about literature. The resources comprise important terms, readings, and information on how to engage with literary scholarshi

Material Type:
Trever Holland
Date Added:
Introduction to Open Access
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0.0 stars

Progress of every profession, academic discipline and society at large rides on the back of research and development. Research generates new information and knowledge. It is a standardized process of identifying problem, collecting data or evidence, tabulating data and its analysis, drawing inference and establishing new facts in the form of information. Information has its life cycle: conception, generation, communication, evaluation and validation, use, impact and lastly a fuel for new ideas. Research results are published in journals, conference proceedings, monographs, dissertations, reports, and now the web provides many a new forum for its communication. Since their origin in the 17th century, the journals have remained very popular and important channels for dissemination of new ideas and research. Journals have become inseparable organ of scholarship and research communication, and are a huge and wide industry. Their proliferation (with high mortality rate), high cost of production, cumbersome distribution, waiting time for authors to get published, and then more time in getting listed in indexing services, increasing subscription rates, and lastly archiving of back volumes have led to a serious problem known as "Serials Crisis". The ICT, especially the internet and the WWW, descended from the cyber space to solve all these problems over night in the new avatar of e-journals. Their inherent features and versatility have made them immensely popular. Then in the beginning of the 21st century emerged the Open Access (OA) movement with the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI). Philosophy of open access is to provide free of charge and unhindered access to research and its publications without copyright restrictions. The movement got support from great scientists, educationists, publishers, research institutions, professional associations and library organizations. The other OA declarations at Berlin and Bethesda put it on strong footings. Its philosophy is: research funded by tax payers should be available free of charge to tax payers. Research being a public good should be available to all irrespective of their paying capacity. The OA has many forms of access and usage varying from total freedom from paying any charges, full permission to copy, download, print, distribute, archive, translate and even change format to its usage with varying restrictions.
In the beginning, OA publications were doubted for their authenticity and quality: established authors and researchers shied away both from contributing to and citing from OA literature. But Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE, 1997) and its code of conduct formulated in collaboration with DOAJ and OASPA, etc. have stemmed the rot. They have defined best practices and compiled principles of transparency for quality control to sift the grain from the chaff; to keep the fraudulent at bay. Now it is accepted that contributors to OA get increased visibility, global presence, increased accessibility, increased collaboration, increased impact both in citations and applications, and lastly instant feedback, comments and critical reflections. This movement has got roots due to its systematic advocacy campaign. Since 2008 every year 21-27 October is celebrated as the OA week throughout the world. There are many organizations which advocate OA through social media and provide guidance for others.
Open Access research literature has not only made new ideas easy and quick to disseminate, but the impact of research can be quantitatively gauged by various bibliometric, scientometric and webometric methods such as h-index, i-10 index, etc. to measure the scientific productivity, its flow, speed and lastly its concrete influence on individuals, and on the progress of a discipline. The OA movement is gaining momentum every day, thanks to technology, organizational efforts for quality control and its measureable impact on productivity and further research. It needs to be strengthened with participation of every researcher, scientist, educationist and librarian. This module covers five units, covering these issues. At the end of this module, you are expected to be able to:
- Define scholarly communication and open access, and promote and differentiate between the various forms of Open Access;
- Explain issues related to rights management, incl. copyright, copy-left, authors’ rights and related intellectual property rights;
- Demonstrate the impact of Open Access within a scholarly communication environment.
This is Module One of the UNESCO's Open Access Curriculum for Library Schools.
Full-Text is available at http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0023/002319/231920E.pdf.

Applied Science
Information Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Unit of Study
Anup Kumar Das
Uma Kanjilal
Date Added:
Introduction to Open Educational Resources
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

What they are and how to use them

Short Description:
A course for those unfamiliar with how open works that provides all the essential information that you need to know to get started working with open educational resources.

Word Count: 8496

Included H5P activities: 12

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Material Type:
Date Added:
Introductory Algebra
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This textbook is aligned with the British Columbia Adult Basic Education learning outcomes for Mathematics: Intermediate Level Algebra. The textbook introduces the fundamental concepts of algebra, geometry, and trigonometry while addressing the needs of students with diverse backgrounds and learning styles. Each topic builds upon previously developed material to demonstrate the cohesiveness and structure of mathematics.

Long Description:
This textbook is aligned with the British Columbia Adult Basic Education learning outcomes for Mathematics: Intermediate Level Algebra. The textbook introduces the fundamental concepts of algebra, geometry, and trigonometry while addressing the needs of students with diverse backgrounds and learning styles. Each topic builds upon previously developed material to demonstrate the cohesiveness and structure of mathematics.

Word Count: 166774

ISBN: 978-1-77420-095-7

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Material Type:
Izabela Mazur
Date Added:
Intro to Social Media
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This book is aimed at managers, business owners, marketing managers, and aspiring social media marketing interns and managers. I will assume that however accomplished in your own field - baker, developer, teacher and that even as successful business owners, you approach the topic of social media marketing as a beginner. Even if you are an avid personal user of social networks, we will treat this book as a guided tour of social media for marketing purposes.

Long Description:
This book is aimed at managers, business owners, marketing managers, and aspiring social media marketing interns and managers. I will assume that however accomplished in your own field – baker, developer, teacher and that even as successful business owners, you approach the topic of social media marketing as a beginner. Even if you are an avid personal user of social networks, we will treat this book as a guided tour of social media for marketing purposes.

While this is a textbook, it is not meant to read like a traditional textbook, especially on a topic that is rooted in digital to an audience who, let’s be honest, doesn’t really like to read. No shade. I too would rather watch a YouTube video on how to fix a problem with my laptop than read the manual.

Like many of my Generation X peers, I began using forums and chat rooms in the early 1990’s and have watched social networks come and go (AOL and Yahoo chat rooms, Friendster, Myspace) – To those not inclined to spend countless hours online over the past couple of decades, it may seem as if things change too often.

For others, particularly those born into the technology, aka digital natives, social networks as with most technology, are second nature to you, but not having work experience may leave you perplexed as to what your boss/ client / customers really want from you as a social media manager.

If you fall within either one of these audiences, this book is for you. I will do my best to help you sort out a basic understanding of the why of social media as a marketing tool for business, for personal brand building, and perhaps more importantly, where to find supporting information and research to help you design, monitor, test, and re-define a social media marketing strategy.

If you are utilizing this book as an instructor or are considering using this book as an instructor, first of all, Thank you very much! Here, you will find the instruction plan and a practical way of teaching students how the principles of marketing work. We will also explore the principles for each prominent social website. Also, the exercises with every chapter will give students a better chance at understanding these concepts as well.

To sum it up, the target audience for the book is a person who is interested in social media marketing for brand building.

Word Count: 23734

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Business and Communication
Higher Education
Social Science
Material Type:
Oklahoma State University
Cheryl Lawson
Date Added:
Inzicht - Academische Vaardigheden voor Bouwkundigen
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
Het boek Academische Vaardigheden voor Bouwkundigen geeft een verdiepend beeld van bouwkunde als wetenschappelijke discipline, gaat expliciet in op de relatie tussen ontwerp en onderzoek en richt zich met name op praktische vaardigheden die bouwkunde studenten ontwikkelen gedurende hun bachelor opleiding in Delft. Het boek is opgebouwd uit vier delen. Deel A richt zich op de plaats van bouwkunde binnen de wetenschap. DeelB richt zich op basisvaardigheden: algemene academische vaardigheden voor bouwkundigen. Deel C diept specifieke bouwkundige methoden vanonderzoek uit. Deel D, het laatste deel is enerzijds gericht op de praktijk enanderzijds op reflectie. Door deze brede opzet kan het boek niet alleen direct gebruikt worden door studenten en docenten in de leerlijn Academische Vaardigheden, maarjuist ook in de andere leerlijnen en modulen. Tevens is het boek een naslagwerk voor andere Bouwkunde en Architectuur opleidingen in binnen- en buitenland dat inzicht geeft hoe wij binnen de faculteit Bouwkunde van de TU Delft aankijken tegen het vakgebied en welke academische vaardigheden op bachelor niveau daar bij horen.

Word Count: 102957

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Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Higher Education
Material Type:
Technische Universiteit Delft, Faculteit Bouwkunde
Date Added:
It’s All Greek to Me! Using Authentic Readings to Improve Knowledge of the English Language and Western Culture
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0.0 stars

“It’s All Greek to Me!” has everything—entertaining stories, academic articles in a variety of disciplines, vocabulary crossover in literary and academic readings, connections to local, American, and Western culture, and plenty of chances for critical thinking for advanced students of English as a Second Language (ESL). All readings are authentic with minimal adaptation from a variety of sources.

This textbook also gives help for advanced level grammar and writing issues, using outside sources, and reading and vocabulary strategies.

English Language Arts
Language Education (ESL)
Material Type:
Charity Davenport
Date Added:
It’s All Greek to Me! Using Authentic Readings to Improve Knowledge of the English Language and Western Culture-Openbooks
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

“It’s All Greek to Me!” has everything—entertaining stories, academic articles in a variety of disciplines, vocabulary crossover in literary and academic readings, connections to local, American, and Western culture, and plenty of chances for critical thinking for advanced students of English as a Second Language (ESL). All readings are authentic with minimal adaptation from a variety of sources.

This textbook also gives help for advanced level grammar and writing issues, using outside sources, and reading and vocabulary strategies.

Arts and Humanities
Language Education (ESL)
Material Type:
University of Tennessee Knoxville
Provider Set:
Tennessee Research And Creative Exchange
Charity Davenport
Date Added:
Jephinah: Project Management for Instructional Designers
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

First Canadian Edition

Short Description:
Project Management for Instructional Designers (PM4ID) is a textbook about project management tailored specifically for instructional designers, intended for use in graduate programs in educational technology. This book is based on a pre-existing openly licensed textbook donated to the commons by a benefactor who desires to remain anonymous. It has been collaboratively revised and updated by students and faculty at the University of Saskatchewan.

Long Description:
PM4ID, the First Canadian Edition, offers new features and improvements, including: New cover design, updated fonts, and enhanced list of Glossary terms. Addition of four new case studies, written to deepen reader comprehension. Inclusion of images with diverse skin tones, body shapes, abilities, and gender to increase representation. Revised content to feature Canadian spelling and contexts. Overall review of all written material in the textbook with detailed notes documenting content revisions. Comprehensive revisions based on peer reviews collected by the Open Textbook Library. Significant revisions to Chapter 6, with major updates to content on communication and scheduling (project management) software focusing on web-based solutions. Multiple versions of the book, including Print PDF, Digital PDF, EPUB, MOBI, and all chapters are available in natural voice audio recordings. A series of video cases with interviews of Canadian instructional design experts (video and audio recordings). Interactive reviews of three chapters using H5P activities.

Word Count: 98705

Included H5P activities: 3

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Educational Technology
Material Type:
Date Added:
Journal on Empowering Teaching Excellence, Spring 2023
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Student participation in syllabus development; re-envisioning pedagogical practices that move beyond traditional lectures; learning from past crises to improve communication, equity, and inclusion in the classroom; promoting student reflection through writing tasks; and using simulations to shift students' attitudes toward poverty.

Long Description:
The Spring 2023 issue presents research and guidance on topics related to student self-reflection, participatory learning, and returning to the in-person learning following the COVID-19 pandemic. The first article takes a critical approach to understanding pedagogy with adult learners by involving students in the creation of course syllabi as a way to challenge ideologies related the roles of instructor and students. The second article blends research and narrative to explore how the experiences of the COVID-19 shift to online learning can be translated to in-person learning environments to redefine what participation looks like and to advance faculty collaboration. The third article continues to explore how the COVID-19 pandemic can lead to opportunities for improved course development and delivery as faculty and students return to the classroom, particularly in the areas of communication, equity, and inclusion. The fourth article presents a selection of prompts used to promote student learning through written reflection tasks and describes how such tasks can be applied to various teaching contexts. The fifth article describes the use of a digital poverty simulation with business students and examines how the activity affected the students’ attitudes toward poverty.

Word Count: 37782

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Higher Education
Material Type:
Utah State University
Date Added:
The Journey to Open
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0.0 stars

A Practical Guide to OER Implementation

Short Description:
The Journey to Open (First Edition) is a resource cataloging the development and implementation of Fanshawe College’s Open Educational Resource initiative. This resource charts the journey to establish an OER Design Studio to support college-focused OER design and delivery for teaching and learning. This guide contains resources on how to establish a design studio, an incubator process, a design process, a grant program, and the adoption process for OER. In addition, a team reflective practice, an OER showcase, and specific lessons for OER implementation are included. As with many OERs, this guide is a work in progress.

Long Description:
The Journey to Open (First Edition) is a resource cataloging the development and implementation of Fanshawe College’s Open Educational Resource initiative. This resource charts the journey to establish an OER Design Studio to support college-focused OER design and delivery for teaching and learning. This guide contains resources on how to establish a design studio, an incubator process, a design process, a grant program, and the adoption process for OER. In addition, a team reflective practice, an OER showcase, and specific lessons for OER implementation are included. As with many OERs, this guide is a work in progress.

Word Count: 29611

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Material Type:
Fanshawe College
Date Added:
JumpStart: A Support Program For Success
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0.0 stars

Helping you succeed on personal and academic levels!

Short Description:
To support students as they experience their post-secondary educational journey at the University of Windsor.

Long Description:
To support students as they experience their post-secondary educational journey at the University of Windsor, we have created JumpStart, a program intended to provide resources, support, and strategies that are intended to help you succeed!

Word Count: 9666

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Higher Education
Material Type:
Date Added:
Jupyter Open Textbook: demo book
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This demonstration book is meant as an explanation and working example of the possibilities of making an online open textbook with the Jupyter books software. Jupyter books are made for the web. They incorporate many of the features we expect from modern websites, such as adaptive layout (readable on phones, tablets, and large computer screens), internal and external referencing, and adaptable formatting (separation of content and layout).
Besides some information on how to work with MarkDown, this book shows examples of different interactive elements, like graphs with sliders, applets, 3D interactive figures, embedded websites and a quiz.

Educational Technology
Material Type:
Delft University of Technology
Timon Idema
Date Added:
K-12 Technology Integration
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This book has been moved to EdTech Books. Please go here to access the most recent version of content: https://edtechbooks.org/k12handbook

Long Description:
This book has been moved to EdTech Books. Please go here to access the most recent version of content.

Word Count: 39355

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Material Type:
Date Added:
Kirkwood Community College Academic Coaching Resources
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0.0 stars

Build on Academic Skills, Improve Time Management, & Increase Your Student Success

Short Description:
Study strategies and academic resources are provided to foster student success. This resource is designed for online students at Kirkwood Community College.

Word Count: 7122

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Material Type:
Date Added: