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Applied Science

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Python for Everybody: Exploring Data In Python 3
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

New Edition! The goal of this book is to provide an Informatics-oriented introduction to programming. The primary difference between a computer science approach and the Informatics approach taken in this book is a greater focus on using Python to solve data analysis problems common in the world of Informatics.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Charles Severance
Date Added:
Python textbook for Statistical inference and data science
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

The chapters in their current form have been made available to students who used Python in my Decision Science course in Fall 2019 (the course I had to prep for. Most students used R, but this helped those who choose Python). It has also been used as reference for students and project partners who use Python but have not had any training on using Python for data management.

This work is still useful for those learning Python as a data analysis platform as well as those who need to convert R code into Python due to deployment needs or to take advantage of Python resources in other domains. While it was not used as a textbook, the material was used by students in my decision models course and in senior capstone course for those who choose to use Python instead of R. While it seemed to help, the students had more difficulty than students who used R.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Kiatikun Louis Luangkesorn
Date Added:
Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs for the Biosciences
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This textbook was created for Austin Community College's Biotechnology Program online course: Quality Assurance for the Biosciences, BITC1340. The 10-chapter activity eBook covers quality assurance topics ranging from the history of quality and regulations in the US, an overview of the FDA and its structure and function, and the approval process for a variety of biotechnology products such as food, drugs, and medical devices. Throughout the eBook are exploratory activities, videos, and case studies.

Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Case Study
Full Course
Student Guide
Jack O'Grady
Date Added:
Quantitative Problem Solving in Natural Resources
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This textbook is intended to support courses that bridge the divide between mathematics typically encountered in U.S. high school curricula and the practical problems that natural resource students might engage with in their disciplinary coursework and professional internships.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Iowa State University
Peter L. Moore
Date Added:
Radiation Safety
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
The purpose of this OER is to provide students with a comprehensive textbook aligned with the NDT 130 (Radiographic Testing) course as taught at Linn-Benton Community College. See the bottom of each page for downloadable Spanish translation. Order a print copy: http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/radiation-safety/26088192

Long Description:
Radiation Safety (NDT 130) is the first in a series of Industrial Radiographic Testing classes taught at Linn Benton Community College (LBCC) in Albany, Oregon. 40 hours of Radiation Safety training is required of any individual working with x-ray and Gamma radiation sources in industrial radiographic testing, including industrial radiographic inspection students. NDT 130 is part of LBCC’s two-year Associate of Applied Science program in Non-Destructive Testing (NDT). The purpose of this OER is to provide students with a comprehensive textbook aligned with the NDT 130 course as taught at LBCC. NDT 130 is taught in accordance with ASNT, SNT TC-1A recommended practice and topical outline following ANSI/ASNT CP-105 2016 guidelines (page 63) for Basic Radiographic Physics Course and Appendix A (pages 113-114) for Radiation Safety topical outline.

The OER is organized so each unit represents approximately a week in our term and includes printable Word documents at the end of each Unit section. Included at the conclusion of each section is a Spanish translation in a printable Word File.

Order a print copy: http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/radiation-safety/26088192

Word Count: 17921

ISBN: 978-1-63635-021-9

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Open Oregon Educational Resources
Jason S. Ballard
Date Added:
Rain or Shine
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

An Introduction to Soil Physical Properties and Processes

Word Count: 44714

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Oklahoma State University
Tyson Ochsner
Date Added:
Redesigning Lives: Learning How Space Impacts Residents in Affordable Supportive Housing Initiatives
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Redesigning Lives: Learning How Space Impacts Residents in Affordable Supportive Housing Initiatives is a research project funded through a SSHRC Explore Grant. This research was a collaborative venture between the Faculty of Applied Science and Technology and the Faculty of Applied Health and Community Studies at Sheridan College. The goal of this research was to look at the impact that design can make to mental health and wellbeing and community-building through the lens of affordable and supportive housing. Bringing together the strengths of the two disciplines, this research looked at physical design and how it intersects with social determinants of health (SDOH).

Long Description:
Within the literature on Social Determinants of Health, there is a consensus that stable housing plays an important role in good mental health. However, there have been very few substantive studies on the impacts of design in that process (Hernadez & Suglia, 2016). From of architectural and design perspectives, there has been a long-standing interest in creating thoughtfully-designed affordable living spaces that address both the individual and community. Many such large-scale attempts have failed, for a number of reasons including their neglect of local scale, their inherent maintenance challenges, and most significantly, the stigmatization of both people and places that they create (Dunn, 2012). In addition to this, these 1960s ideological panaceas have more recently caused large-scale displacement of individuals and discontinuity of community through their drastic revitalization and reconfiguration into mixed-income neighbourhoods. One such example is Regent Park in Toronto which has seen a complete demolition and redesign into socially-mixed housing over the past several years. While the reintroduction of services such as grocery stores and shops, and infrastructure such as community centres and schools bring with them many positives, the path to get there is fraught with discontinuity for many. Of further detriment to stable housing conditions, it is significant to note that when attempts are not made to socially mixed redevelopments, low-income residents are fully displaced, along with their previous residences, to make way for high-priced condos which provide high-yield results for developers (Chong, 2018).

This investigation looks at developments that are local, community-based adaptive reuse projects that addresses issues of social and affordable housing for approximately 600 residents on a manageable scale. Based in Hamilton, Ontario, they are led by a community partner who “creates affordable housing communities that support people seeking health, wellness and belonging,” (Indwell, 2020) and is mindful of the social determinants of health. This partner is, as well, mindful of the impact that buildings and their construction have on the environment.

Indwell is an independent Hamilton-based Christian charity that has evolved from renting and purchasing buildings for their tenants, to designing and constructing their own since 1970. For the last ten years, Indwell has become a trailblazer in creating affordable supportive housing that reflects the community in which it is situated. In partnership with Hamilton’s Invizij Architects, their housing developments in the Hamilton-Wentworth Region, are also formidable for their emphasis on sustainable building science and construction technology. It is this intersection between sustainability and community-minded health and wellness that makes them unique within the framework of supportive housing. Locations that had been abandoned to all but the desperate are infused with new life using principles of design that incorporate both cutting edge environmental design principles (i.e. Passive House[1] principles) and an intent towards community-building. Indwell has repurposed these discarded buildings and returned them to the community, transforming both the landscape and community morale. These developments are built to provide either affordable, or affordable and supportive housing options depending on the needs of their occupants. They have been purposeful in thinking about the design of their buildings, partnering with Invizij Architects who have a commitment to leading environmental design (Cubitt & Cubitt, 2018) and have worked with Indwell to create community space both inside and outside the restored properties. The team has been steadfast in their thinking when it comes to the needs of residents who struggle with addictions, mental health or other poverty-related issues. With their collective effort to refine and create durable spaces that address the dignity of the individual and the making of community, they are essentially redefining the housing typology for this demographic, keeping at the forefront the tenet that adequate housing contributes directly to mental health and wellbeing, thus creating the potential for transformed lives and communities (CMHA, n.d.).

Globally, there are very few housing projects or development models that are similar to what Indwell and Invzij Architects delivers. No one has examined or reviewed the short-term and longer term impacts that this kind of project can have on communities and residents, especially with regard to the synergies created between socially responsible design and environmentally-committed building science. With this in mind, the purpose of this short-term study is to identify and interview the key players in order to better understand their method of development and project execution. It is clear that the team works with intention and outlining their specific objectives enables us to lay the groundwork for a more in-depth study on the correlation between sustainable design approaches and better health outcomes that are not only physical, but also related to social determinants of health.

[1] Passive House (German: Passivhaus) is a rigorous, voluntary standard for energy efficiency in a building, which reduces the building’s ecological footprint. These super-insulated buildings consume up to 90 percent less heating and cooling energy than conventional buildings, even in northern climates. The name Passive House can lead designers to think that it is only applicable to homes, yet it is applicable to most designs, whether commercial, institutional, or otherwise. See www.passivehousecanada.com/about-passive-house/ for more information.

Word Count: 22508

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Bethany Osborne
Shannon Pirie
Date Added:
Relational Databases and Microsoft Access
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This text is a free introductory text that introduces MS Access and relational database design. The motivation is to support a second-year course on database systems which, to the student, is either a service course providing an introduction to database concepts, or, as a prerequisite for more advanced study in the field.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Ron McFayden
Date Added:
Remote Sensing
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This introductory book on Remote Sensing is intended to be the equivalent of a textbook for an undergraduate-level university course. There is also a French version titled "Télédétection".

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Physical Geography
Physical Science
Material Type:
Anders Knudby
Date Added:
Research Methods for the Social Sciences: An Introduction
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This textbook provides a broad overview of research methods utilized in sociology. It will be of particular value for students who are new to research methods.

Word Count: 72589

Included H5P activities: 4

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Information Science
Material Type:
Valerie Sheppard
Date Added:
Research Methods in Psychology
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

4th edition

Short Description:
A comprehensive textbook for research methods classes. A peer-reviewed inter-institutional project.

Long Description:
This adaptation constitutes the fourth edition of this textbook, and builds upon the second Canadian edition by Rajiv S. Jhangiani (Kwantlen Polytechnic University) and I-Chant A. Chiang (Quest University Canada), the second American edition by Dana C. Leighton (Texas A&M University-Texarkana), and the third American edition by Carrie Cuttler (Washington State University) and feedback from several peer reviewers coordinated by the Rebus Community. This edition is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 International License.

Word Count: 131367

ISBN: 978-1-9991981-0-7

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Information Science
Social Science
Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Carrie Cuttler
Dana C. Leighton
Rajiv S. Jhangiani
Date Added:
Research Methods in Psychology - 2nd Canadian Edition
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Note: An updated edition of this book was published October 2020. You can find it here: Research Methods in Psychology - 4th Edition. With this textbook, we introduce students to the fundamental principles of what it is like to think like a psychology researcher. We also hope to connect with the Canadian audience to show them the fantastic research being generated in Canada as well as provide them with an accurate picture of the Canadian context for ethical human research.

Long Description:
Note: The second edition of this book was published October 2020. You can find it here: Research Methods in Psychology – 4th Edition

With this textbook, we introduce students to the fundamental principles of what it is like to think like a psychology researcher. We also hope to connect with the Canadian audience to show them the fantastic research being generated in Canada as well as provide them with an accurate picture of the Canadian context for ethical human research.

Word Count: 119700

ISBN: 978-1-77420-011-7

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Information Science
Social Science
Material Type:
I-Chant A. Chiang
Paul C. Price
Rajiv S. Jhangiani
Date Added:
Responsible Innovation: Ethics, Safety and Technology, 2nd edition
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This textbook is based on the MOOC Responsible Innovation offered by the TU Delft. It provides a framework to reflect on the ethics and risks of new technologies. How can we make sure that innovations do justice to social and ethical values? How can we minimize (unknown)risks?
The book explains:
•The concept and importance of responsible innovation for society
•Key ethical concepts and considerations to analyse the risks of new technologies
•Different types of innovation (e.g. radical, niche, incremental, frugal)
•Roadmap for Responsible Innovation by Industry
•The concept of Value Sensitive Design (VSD)
It includes a link to all the web lectures as well as case studies ranging from care robots and nuclear energy to Artificial Intelligence and self-driving vehicles.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Delft University of Technology
Provider Set:
TU Delft OpenCourseWare
Joost Groot Kormelink
Date Added:
Risk Assessment
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Risk analysis, assessment, and management is essential to any engineering field. This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of how to perform a comprehensive risk assessment applicable to a wide variety of engineering problems. The course will focus on failure mode and effect analysis, fault tree analysis, probabilistic risk analysis, and human reliability analysis. The course will also cover fundamental probability and statistics content.

Applied Science
Material Type:
University of Idaho
R.A. Borrelli
Date Added:
Scientific Inquiry in Social Work
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
As an introductory textbook for social work students studying research methods, this book guides students through the process of creating a research project. Students will learn how to discover a researchable topic that is interesting to them, examine scholarly literature, formulate a proper research question, design a quantitative or qualitative study to answer their question, carry out the design, interpret quantitative or qualitative results, and disseminate their findings to a variety of audiences. Examples are drawn from the author's practice and research experience, as well as topical articles from the literature. The textbook is aligned with the Council on Social Work Education's 2015 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards. Students and faculty can download copies of this textbook using the links provided in the front matter. As an open textbook, users are free to retain copies, redistribute copies (non-commercially), revise the contents, remix it with other works, and reuse for any purpose.

Long Description:
Based on my years teaching research methods, this is the book I’ve wanted to write and use. It builds on the work of educators in other disciplines by including greater detail on multi-paradigmatic research methods and new content specific to the social work discipline. It is the first textbook produced by Open Social Work Education (http://www.opensocialworkeducation.com)

Word Count: 135856

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Information Science
Social Science
Social Work
Material Type:
Open Social Work Education
Matthew Decarlo
Date Added:
Scientific Inquiry in Social Work
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
As an introductory textbook for social work students studying research methods, this book guides students through the process of creating a research project. Students will learn how to discover a researchable topic that is interesting to them, examine scholarly literature, formulate a proper research question, design a quantitative or qualitative study to answer their question, carry out the design, interpret quantitative or qualitative results, and disseminate their findings to a variety of audiences. Examples are drawn from the author's practice and research experience, as well as topical articles from the literature. The textbook is aligned with the Council on Social Work Education's 2015 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards. Students and faculty can download copies of this textbook using the links provided in the front matter. As an open textbook, users are free to retain copies, redistribute copies (non-commercially), revise the contents, remix it with other works, and reuse for any purpose.

Long Description:
Based on my years teaching research methods, this is the book I’ve wanted to write and use. It builds on the work of educators in other disciplines by including greater detail on multi-paradigmatic research methods and new content specific to the social work discipline. It is the first textbook produced by Open Social Work Education (http://www.opensocialworkeducation.com)

Word Count: 137954

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Information Science
Social Science
Social Work
Material Type:
University of Regina
Matthew DeCarlo
Date Added:
Semiconductor Devices: Theory and Application
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This text covers the theory and application of discrete semiconductor devices including diodes, bipolar junction transistors, JFETs, MOSEFETs and IGBTs. It is appropriate for Associate and Bachelors degrees programs in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology, Electrical Engineering and similar areas of study. Applications include rectifying, clipping, clamping, switching, small signal amplifiers and followers, and class A, B and D power amplifiers. A companion laboratory manual is available. The text is also available in Open Document Text (.odt) format.

Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Electronic Technology
Material Type:
James M. Fiore
Date Added:
Short Guides in Education Research Methodologies
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Short guides in common research methodologies, created by doctoral students for doctoral students.

Word Count: 29950

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Information Science
Material Type:
Indiana University Bloomington
Alexandra Fields
Amanda Deliman
Amani Gashan
Amy Walker
Aslihan Guler
Beth Lewis Samuelson
Bo Hyun Hwang
Brandon Locke
Breanya Hogue
Casey Pennington
Christian Perry
Dee Degner
Ebrahim Bamanger
Erin McNeill
Geoffrey Hoffman
JJ Ray
Jeannette Armstrong
Jill Scott
Julie Marie Frye
Kerry Armbruster
Laura Boyle
Leslie Smith
Lindsay Herron
Maria Lisak
Megan Covington
Michelle Koehler
Nadia Alqahtani
Natalia Ramirez Casalvolone
Nicole Ayers
Pengtong Qu
Sarah Hare
Simon Pierre Munyaneza
Summer Davis
Yanlin Chen
Yeoeun Park
Youngjoo Seo
Date Added: