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0.0 stars

Portraits de femmes engagées pour le bien commun

Short Description:
Série de 31 portraits de femmes engagées pour le bien commun, du XVIIIe siècle à 2014, sur tous les continents.

Long Description:
Ce livre propose les portraits de 31 femmes de différents pays et de différentes époques qui ont un point commun : elles se sont engagées à un moment de leur vie pour transformer la société dans laquelle elles vivaient, dans l’espoir de la rendre plus vivable, plus juste, plus équitable, plus libre. Le cœur du message est que la politique n’est pas l’affaire d’une seule élite, les citoyens et citoyennes doivent et peuvent se la réapproprier. D’Olympe de Gouges, rédactrice de la Déclaration des droits de la femme et de la citoyenne en 1791 à Laure Waridel, militante environnementaliste québécoise, en passant par Wangari Maathai (Kenya) ou Irena Sendler (Pologne), découvrez ces femmes ordinaires devenues exceptionnelles par leur engagement en faveur du bien commun. Une production de l’Association science et bien commun, au profit d’Accès savoirs, la boutique de science de l’Université Laval qui œuvre à rapprocher les étudiantes et étudiants de la société civile. Pour plus de renseignements, consultez scienceetbiencommun.org et accessavoirs.ulaval.ca.

Word Count: 60160

ISBN: 978-2-9814827-3-0

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Cultural Geography
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Social Science
Material Type:
Éditions science et bien commun
Collectif d'écriture sous la direction de Florence Piron
Date Added:
Citoyennes de la Terre
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Comment s’engager dans des actions en faveur de la vie et du bien commun en cette période marquée par des problèmes d’envergure planétaire tels que le réchauffement climatique, la pollution accrue, l’acidification des océans ou les menaces sur la biodiversité? Des gouvernements tentent tant bien que mal de s’entendre pour agir.

Cultural Geography
Social Science
Material Type:
Science et Bien Commun
Collectif d'écriture sous la direction de Florence Piron
Date Added:
The ‘Clash of Civilizations’ 25 Years On: A Multidisciplinary Appraisal
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0.0 stars

The purpose of this collection is to present Samuel P. Huntington’s ‘Clash of Civilizations’ thesis, and to appraise its validity and shortcomings 25 years after the publication of his landmark article.The notion of a ‘clash of civilizations’ is examined from a multidisciplinary perspective. First, the volume examines Huntington’s contribution from a theoretical perspective, focusing on his ideas about politics and the concept of civilization. Second, the individual articles also consider Huntington’s thesis in the light of recent events, including the conflict in Ukraine, the rise of ISIS, China–India relations, the electoral success of far-right movements in Europe, the refugee crisis in the Mediterranean and the activity of the International Criminal Court in Africa. In sum, this book offers a vibrant and multifaceted conversation among established and emerging scholars on one of the most important paradigms for the understanding of international politics.

Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
E-International Relations
Davide Orsi
Date Added:
Classical Sociological Theory and Foundations of American Sociology
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
There are many excellent introductory readers to sociological theory out there. Why another one? The primary reason is that this is an Open Access textbook, free to you, the student, thanks to Oregon State University. We know that textbooks can be very expensive, and we think it is particularly problematic to charge students for access to work that has been published, in its original form, several decades ago. If you wanted, you could find all of the work included here in your local library, although you would have to put together many different books and articles. That is the second reason for this textbook – important passages have been collected for you, assembled here in one handy volume. Data dashboard

Word Count: 129508

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Social Science
Material Type:
Oregon State University
Allison L. Hurst
Date Added:
Climate Justice in Your Classroom
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0.0 stars

Weaving Climate, Environmental Justice and Civic Engagement into Your Courses

Short Description:
As the inequitable impacts of climate change become more evident and destructive, it is essential for climate and environmental justice, as well as methods of civic engagement, to be taught at a high-level to college-level students. This book provides real examples of how professors at the University of Washington integrated these critical issues into their teachings, both in targeted lessons and as throughlines across an entire course. These samples of how environmental and climate justice have been successfully integrated into higher-level education can serve as both a record of the UW's progress towards centering JEDI at the heart of all students, and as a model for future instructors to use as they work to incorporate more aspects of justice and engagement into their own material.

Long Description:
With the increased effect of anthropogenic climate change, the impact of environmental issues on human societies has never been more essential to understand. With science-backed research showcasing that human activities are actively worsening the effect of many environmental issues including severe temperatures, natural disasters, and biodiversity loss, there is severe need for all, whether we are scientists, activists, educators, or policy-makers, to take action. However, the global nature of both our society and the dangers we are facing necessitates careful consideration in analyzing and combatting environmental issues in a modern world. To properly adapt to and mitigate these issues, which may directly target specific communities or affect societies across the globe, not only do we need a proper grasp of environmental and climate science, but we need to ensure that solutions are mindful of the communities and ecosystems that are affected. We must not be content with climate and environmental solutions that fail to consider diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility as key tenets. In short, justice must be at the heart of our climate and environmental work going forward.

Yet, facilitating just solutions cannot be done while the institutions that teach the next generation fail to highlight climate and environmental justice in their teachings. Without a natural and focused inclusion of DEIA values in environmental courses in higher education, there is reduced capacity for students who wish to engage to garner an understanding of what just solutions look like and how to implement them. This book seeks to remedy that gap.

Throughout this book, we synthesize the current efforts towards including climate, environmental justice, and civic engagement in courses taught at the University of Washington – Seattle. These examples range from specific lessons on environmental injustice to course-long integration of climate justice values, and include course details, lesson plans, and other resources provided by course instructors in an easy-to-access format. The chapters in this book each constitute a real method of integrating climate and environmental justice into a course, and thus provide a bounty of instruction for increasing the inclusion of justice in course material for instructors across any discipline. Lessons will be regularly added to the book as they are implemented and adapted. The existence of this book marks not only the history of environmental justice in courses at the UW, but also the emphasis on the topic of justice that the college is placing in the current day, as well as serving as a guide or model for instructors to use as more courses begin to fully integrate justice into their curriculum. Through this work, we can be more reliably assured that the people we are training to practice civic engagement and climate and environmental action can not just protect the planet, but preserve the life of the people, communities, and ecosystems who depend on it.

This book has been created with support from the University of Washington Program on Climate Change, the UW Program on the Environment, and the University of Washington College of the Environment, especially from material created at our annual Climate and Environmental Justice Faculty Institute.

Word Count: 9944

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Applied Science
Atmospheric Science
Career and Technical Education
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies
Ethnic Studies
Higher Education
Physical Science
Social Science
Social Work
Material Type:
Affiliates of the UW Program on Climate Change
Date Added:
College Success
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0.0 stars

College Success takes a fresh look at what it means, in today’s world, with today’s students, to be successful in college.Although many of the topics included—from study skills to personal health, from test-taking to managing time and money—will look familiar to those who have used student success texts that have been around for many editions, College Success takes a new approach. The focus is on realistic, practical tools for the students who need them. This is a book designed, frankly, for students who may have difficulty with traditional college texts. The style is direct and to the point. Information is presented concisely and as simply as possible. This is not a weighty tome that discusses student success—this is a manual for doing it.College student demographics have changed considerably in recent decades. More than a third of all students enroll not directly from high school but after a delay of some years. More students are working and have families. More students come from varied ethnic and cultural backgrounds. More students are the first in their family to attend college. More students have grown up with electronic media and now read and think in ways different from the previous generation. With these and so many other cultural changes, more students are not well prepared for a college education with the study skills and life skills they need to become successful students.For each student to get the most out of College Success and their college experience they must understand who they are as it relates to college. To that end, in every chapter students explore themselves, because success starts with recognizing your own strengths and weaknesses. Students make their own goals based on this self-assessment, determining what success in college really means for them as individuals. Interactive activities then help students learn the choices available to them and the possibilities for improving their skills. Skills are presented in step-by-step processes, tips for success in manageable highlighted displays. Most important, students always see the value of what they are reading—and how they can begin to apply it immediately in their own lives.College Success is intended for use in Freshmen Orientation, Study Skills or Student Success courses. A 2009 study revealed that currently nationwide, 34% of college freshmen do not return to their college for their sophomore year. This book is designed to help change that.

Business and Communication
Social Science
Social Work
Material Type:
Date Added:
Community Resilience to Climate Change: Theory, Research and Practice
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0.0 stars

This reader is an Open Educational Resource, meant to accompany a graduate or higher-level undergraduate university course in climate change resilience, adaptation, and/or planning. While the material is geared toward students in urban and regional planning, it may also be of interest to students of urban studies, public health, geography, political science, sociology, risk management, and others.

Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Portland State University
Dana E. Hellman
Vivek Shandas
Date Added:
Comprehensive Midwifery: The role of the midwife in health care practice, education, and research
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0.0 stars

An Interactive Guide to the Theory and Evidence of Practice

Short Description:
The re-emergence of midwifery as a primary health care profession is one of the great stories of Canadian health care systems, but this story has been largely undocumented. This invaluable interactive e-book details the history and philosophy of midwifery, how current midwifery theory and policies are developed, and the role of education and research in advancing the field. We include a special focus on the social determinants of women’s health throughout Canada and the world, the principle of health care as a human right, and the principles and scope of midwifery practice. A must-read for Canadian student midwives and others interested in midwifery.

Long Description:
The re-emergence of midwifery as a primary health care profession is one of the great stories of Canadian health care systems, but this story has been largely undocumented. This comprehensive e-book details the history and philosophy of midwifery, how current midwifery theory and policies are developed, and the role of education and research in advancing the field. We include a special focus on the social determinants of women’s health throughout Canada and the world, the principle of health care as a human right, and the principles and scope of midwifery practice. A must-read for Canadian student midwives and others interested in midwifery.

Unit 1 discusses the history and philosophy of Midwifery, and how the profession now works within health care systems in Canada and internationally. It also outlines midwifery’s role in developing government policies for their practice and clients, with particular attention given to disparities in health care access, and midwifery’s role in ensuring appropriate health care is accessible to all.

Unit 2 addresses the midwife’s role in a clinical setting as a primary care giver including scope of practice, competency, and organizations that regulate midwifery practice. Particular emphasis is placed on developing the practitioner-client relationship through respect, empathy, and awareness of social barriers to healthcare.

Unit 3 focuses on the midwife’s role as an educator both in the academic setting with student midwives and in the clinical setting working with clients. It discusses the development of curricula for midwifery students and current approaches to parenthood education for clients.

Unit 4 covers the importance of evidence-based practice and producing knowledge through midwifery research, with emphasis on the importance of midwives contributing to research in their field, and how to participate.

Word Count: 98738

ISBN: ISBN 978-1-927565-15-5

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Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Higher Education
Social Science
Material Type:
McMaster University
Beth Murrary-Davis
Eileen K. Hutton
Elaine Carty
Karyn Kaufman
Michelle Butler
Date Added:
Conflict and Diplomacy in the Middle East: External Actors and Regional Rivalries
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0.0 stars

The Middle East’s geographical and strategic uniqueness has made every great power in history to seek to advance its interests in the region. Yet, the region constitutes the greatest single reserve of oil in the world, which has made it a regular source of foreign interference in the post-World War II era. In addition to its geographical and strategic uniqueness, the Middle East is the birthplace and spiritual center of the world’s three most important monotheistic religions. Due to its geopolitical importance, any inter- and intra-state conflict in the Middle East has the potential not only for destabilizing the region as a whole or upsetting the regional balance of power but also affecting global stability. After employing the Regional Security Complex Theory (RSCT) in order to define and delimit the region of the Middle East, the chapters of this book address the question of regional order, examine how regionalism and globalism feature in Middle Eastern integration processes, explore regional bids for hegemony, and investigate the approaches and policies of major international actors.

Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
E-International Relations
Yannis Stivachtis
Date Added:
Contemporary Families: An Equity Lens
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This openly licensed text, created with students, approaches the current status of contemporary families in the U.S. from an equity lens. It asks and answers the questions “What do families need?” and “How do society and institutions support or get in the way of families getting what they need?" Original content is licensed under CC BY, except as otherwise noted. More specific information can be found under Licenses and Attributions at the bottom of each section. Print copy: https://www.lulu.com/en/us/shop/elizabeth-pearce/contemporary-families/paperback/product-rjq8mm.html

Long Description:
This openly licensed text approaches contemporary families from an equity lens. It was created by a Human Development and Family Services (HDFS) faculty member and 13 students from a variety of majors at Linn-Benton Community College (LBCC), using an open pedagogy approach. It asks two questions relevant to the Difference, Power, and Discrimination outcomes at LBCC: “What do families need?” and “ How do society and institutions support or get in the way of families getting what they need?” This book includes remixed content. Please note that some sections may have more restrictive licenses, and some all rights reserved content is included under fair use. More specific information can be found under Licenses and Attributions at the bottom of each section. Print copy: https://www.lulu.com/en/us/shop/elizabeth-pearce/contemporary-families/paperback/product-rjq8mm.html

Word Count: 97187

ISBN: 978-1-63635-078-3

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Ethnic Studies
Social Science
Social Work
Material Type:
Linn-Benton Community College
Elizabeth B. Pearce
Date Added:
Creative Clinical Teaching in the Health Professions
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
This peer reviewed e-book is a must-read for nurses and other health professionals who strive to teach with creativity and excellence in clinical settings. Each chapter presents current evidence informed educational practice knowledge. Each topic is also presented with text boxes describing ‘Creative Strategies’ that clinical teachers from across Canada have successfully implemented. For those who are interested in background knowledge, the authors provided a comprehensive literature base. And, for those interested mainly in 'what to do,' the text box summaries offer step-by-step directions for creative, challenging activities that both new and experienced instructors can begin using immediately.

Long Description:
About the Book

This peer reviewed e-book is a must-read for nurses and other health professionals who strive to teach with creativity and excellence in clinical settings. Each chapter presents current evidence informed educational practice knowledge. Each topic is also presented with text boxes describing ‘Creative Strategies’ that clinical teachers from across Canada have successfully implemented. For those who are interested in background knowledge, the authors provided a comprehensive literature base. And, for those interested mainly in ‘what to do,’ the text box summaries offer step-by-step directions for creative, challenging activities that both new and experienced instructors can begin using immediately.

The authors also address other issues familiar to clinical teachers. How do the theoretical foundations of teaching apply to clinical learning environments? How does one articulate a personal philosophy of teaching? How can clinical teachers support and socialize students towards becoming competent professionals? How can technology assist clinical instruction? What are the best methods of evaluating student progress in clinical ‘classrooms?’ What can preceptors do to promote student success? By considering these and other concerns, and by providing the kinds of practical strategies that can begin to resolve them, this open educational resource will be invaluable to clinical teachers from a variety of different disciplines and health care settings.

About the Authors

Sherri Melrose, Caroline Park, and Beth Perry teach in the Faculty of Health Disciplines at Athabasca University. Melrose has published widely on educating health professionals, facilitates a graduate course in clinical teaching and is a winner of the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing Award for Excellence in Nursing Education. Park, currently the Chair of Graduate Programs, has taught in a variety of nurse education settings and leads research projects related to technology enhanced clinical education and mobile learning. Perry is an established author and is the principal investigator of a SSHRC-funded study exploring artistic pedagogical technologies. Perry is also a winner of the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing Award for Excellence in Nursing Education.

Recommended Citation

Melrose, S., Park, C. & Perry, B. (2015). Creative clinical teaching in the health professions. Retrieved from https://clinicalteaching.pressbooks.com

Word Count: 108788

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Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Social Science
Material Type:
Athabasca University
Sherri Melrose
Date Added:
Critical Epistemologies of Global Politics
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0.0 stars

Critical Epistemologies of Global Politics combines social science and cultural studies approaches to IR, showing why contemporary Border Studies needs to be trans-disciplinary if it is to avoid reproducing the epistemological and political order that has led to contemporary global crises like the rise of ISIS, global migration, or increasing contestations of the State form as such. The volume offers a critical epistemology of global politics and proposes an enriched vision of borders, both analytically and politically, that not only seeks to understand but also to reshape and expand the meanings and consequences of IR.

Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
E-International Relations
Marc Woons
Sebastian Weier
Date Added:
Critical Filipinx American Histories and their Artifacts
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
The contents of this online book were created by Prof. Rick Bonus and his students as a final project for a course on “Critical Filipinx American Histories” in the Fall quarter of 2019 at the University of Washington, Seattle campus. In collaboration with the UW Libraries, the UW Burke Museum, and the UW Department of American Ethnic Studies, this book explores and reflects on the relationships between Filipinx American histories and selected artifacts at the Burke Museum. It is a class project that was made possible by the Allen Open Textbook Grant.

Word Count: 18767

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Cultural Geography
Ethnic Studies
Social Science
U.S. History
Material Type:
University of Washington
Rick Bonus
UW AAS 360 2019 Students
Date Added:
Critical Perspectives on Migration in the Twenty-First Century
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0.0 stars

Thousands of people risk their lives daily by crossing borders in search of a better life. During 2015, over one million of these people arrived in Europe. Images of refugees in distress became headline news in what was considered to be the worst humanitarian crisis in Europe since 1945. This book provides a critical overview of recent migration flows and offers answers as to why people flee, what happens during their flight and investigates the various responses to mass migratory movements. Divided in two parts, the book addresses long-running academic, policy and domestic debates, drawing on case studies of migration in Europe, the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific. Coming from a variety of different fields, the contributors provide an interdisciplinary approach and open the discussion on the reasons why migration should be examined critically.

Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
E-International Relations
Jakob Steiner
Laura Southgate
Marianna Karakoulari
Date Added:
Critical Thinking
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

MHCC - WR122

Short Description:
Using a combination of the newest findings in hemispheric science, neuropsychology, and brain development, along with the long-established rhetorical algorithms for analyzing the structure of arguments, this course explores the boundaries of critical and creative thinking in pursuit of developing a clearer and more robust model for the construction and deconstruction of various forms of argument. A variety of "texts" are used to help students develop rhetorical analysis skills, critical thinking tools and a diverse, integrative apparatus for establishing the veracity of truth claims in both academic and cultural contexts.

Long Description:
This project was funded by the MHCC Foundation OER Grant Program and published by MHCC Library Press. MARC record available at the end of the book.

Word Count: 10313

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Applied Science
Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Social Science
Material Type:
Andrew Gurevich
Date Added:
Culturas hispanas a través de la pantalla / Hispanic Cultures Through the Screen
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
Este libro de texto busca fomentar el visionado crítico de productos audiovisuales contemporáneos y el reflexionar sobre la representación de las culturas hispanas en webseries y vídeos musicales. This textbook aims to promote critical viewing of contemporary audiovisual products and thinking about the representation of Hispanic cultures in web series and music videos.

Long Description:
Culturas hispanas a través de la pantalla busca fomentar el visionado crítico de productos audiovisuales contemporáneos y el reflexionar sobre la representación de las culturas hispanas en webseries y vídeos musicales. La difusión y la popularidad de estos dos géneros justifican que se les dedique espacio en el currículo junto a otros géneros audiovisuales más consagrados, caso de los cortos y los largometrajes. El libro se ofrece en inglés y en español para que pueda ser utilizado en una amplia variedad de disciplinas académicas. Asimismo, el libro está organizado en unidades didácticas independientes, las cuales presentan diferentes estructuras y temáticas de forma que el profesor/a pueda seleccionar aquellas que mejor se ajusten a los objetivos concretos de su curso. Hispanic Cultures Through the Screen aims to promote critical viewing of contemporary audiovisual products and thinking about the representation of Hispanic cultures in web series and music videos. Increasing popularity of these two genres justify dedicating part of the curriculum to them along with other more established audiovisual genres, such as short and feature films. The book is presented in English and Spanish so that it can be used in a wide variety of courses. Finally, it is organized into separate units (each based on a different audiovisual product) with different themes, structures and length, so that teachers can select those units that interest them the most for a specific course.

Word Count: 52525

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Career and Technical Education
English Language Arts
Ethnic Studies
Film and Music Production
Social Science
Material Type:
Bemidji State University
Ana M. López-Aguilera
Date Added:
Culture and Psychology
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0.0 stars

How People Shape and are Shaped by Culture

Short Description:
Culture is one of the most powerful forces in the world. It shapes how we make sense of our world, how we express ourselves and how we understand and relate to others. In this textbook we introduce cultural universals and culturally specific constructs in psychology. This textbook was created for an undergraduate course that appeals to psychology majors and non-majors because it meets several general education and transfer credit requirements.

Long Description:
This textbook was part of a grant supported project that remixed and reused existing OER materials, as well as created new content which emphasized cultural universals and culturally specific constructs in psychology. This textbook was created for an undergraduate course that appeals to psychology majors and non-majors because it meets several general education and transfer credit requirements. Additionally, our materials were aimed at meeting lower division curriculum needs where options for psychology and culture are limited.

Word Count: 80452

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Social Science
Material Type:
Fernando Romero
L D Worthy
Trisha Lavigne
Date Added:
Data Analysis in the Psychological Sciences: A Practical, Applied, Multimedia Approach
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0.0 stars

This open resources textbook contains 10 Units that describe and explain the main concepts in statistical analysis of psychological data (managing data, measures of central tendency, measures of spread, correlations, simple linear regression). In addition to conceptual descriptions and explanations of the basic analyses for descriptive statistics, this textbook also explains how to conduct those analyses with common statistical software (Excel) and open-source free software (R). This book is directed to undergraduates studying basic statistics, especially basic statistics in psychological research.

Measurement and Data
Social Science
Statistics and Probability
Material Type:
University of Iowa
Provider Set:
Iowa Research Online
J. Toby Mordkoff
Leyre Castro
Date Added:
Defend Dissent
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0.0 stars

Digital Suppression and Cryptographic Defense of Social Movements

Short Description:
Defend Dissent is an introduction to cryptography paired with the social impacts of surveillance and the protective potential of encryption, with a focus on US social movements. Each chapter ends with a story that brings social context to the material—from surveillance used against contemporary US protests to the African National Congress’s use of partially manual encryption in fighting apartheid in South Africa in the 80s. This book can be read linearly, or you can pick and choose what you would like to learn about. Each chapter is prefaced with what you should read first (for background) and concludes with what you might want to read next. También disponible en Español Data dashboard

Word Count: 67802

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Applied Science
Computer Science
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Oregon State University
Glencora Borradaile
Date Added:
Democracy in Brief
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Democracy in Brief touches on topics such as rights and responsibilities of citizens, free and fair elections, the rule of law, the role of a written constitution, separation of powers, a free media, the role of parties and interest groups, military-civilian relations and democratic culture.

Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Provider Set:
BCcampus Faculty Reviewed Open Textbooks
United States Department of State Bureau of International Information Programs
Date Added: