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Social Science

Anthropology, Archaeology, Cultural Geography, Economics, Ethnic Studies, Linguistics, Political Science, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology and Women's Studies.

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Desafíos De La Formación Ciudadana En La Era Digital: Estadodelarte
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Esta publicación es posible gracias al proyecto “Fortaleciendo la Democracia a través del Ciudadanía Digital en Chile y México”, desarollado por La Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional de Chile y el Instituto Belisario Domínguez del Senado de México, y financiado por el Fondo Conjunto de Cooperación México–Chile (convocatoria 2015). Dicho fondo es administrado por la Agencia de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo de Chile (AGCID) y la Agencia Mexicana de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AMEXCID).

Social Science
Material Type:
Antonio Tapia Zúñiga
David Aceituno Silva
David Contreras Guzmán
Date Added:
Developing Organizational and Managerial Wisdom - 2nd Edition
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This book presents novel research results in the dynamics of values, rationality, and power in organizations. Through this understanding, readers will gain insights and frameworks to understand others' actions within their environment. Armed with the knowledge of how values, rationality, and power influence people's actions, readers will gain tools they can use to navigate the complexity of organizations to foster wise action.

Long Description:
Can we develop organizational and managerial wisdom? Can we even put words like “organization” and “manager” in the same sentence as wisdom?

You bet we can.

This book presents novel research results in the dynamics of values, rationality, and power in organizations. Through this understanding, readers will gain insights and frameworks to understand others’ actions within their environment. Armed with the knowledge of how values, rationality, and power influence people’s actions, readers will gain tools they can use to navigate the complexity of organizations to foster wise action.

Word Count: 61795

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Arts and Humanities
Business and Communication
Social Science
Material Type:
Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Brad C. Anderson
Date Added:
Development Policies: Local Opportunities and Local Development
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
The Local Development and Local Opportunities book is one of the first of its kind, in particular in the context of development of the small Anatolian cities. The book, on one hand, discusses opportunities offered by the small Anatolian cities; and on the other hand, shares new proposals for potential development programs.

Long Description:
The Local Development and Local Opportunities book is one of the first of its kind, in particular in the context of development of the small Anatolian cities. The book, on one hand, discusses opportunities offered by the small Anatolian cities; and on the other hand, shares new proposals for potential development programs. The book, as the last in a series of new academic activities between 2016-2018, is related to development concerns in a self-organized small city in the Eastern Anatolia.

Word Count: 4270

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Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Bilal Bagis
Date Added:
Developmental Psychology
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This course is designed to provide an engaging and personally relevant overview of the discipline of Developmental Psychology. In this course you will examine the cultural, social, psychological, and physiological influences which imp[act human development from conception to death. You - the student - will provide much of the substantive content and teaching presence in this course.

Long Description:
This course is designed to provide an engaging and personally relevant overview of the discipline of Developmental Psychology. In this course you will examine the cultural, social, psychological, and physiological influences which imp[act human development from conception to death. You – the student – will provide much of the substantive content and teaching presence in this course.

Except where expressly noted otherwise, the contents of this course are based on materials published in the Open Source Library by Linda Overstreet. These materials were originally published freely under a Creative Commons Attribution License (you can review the license at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/). The original version of the materials as published as Psyc 200 Lifespan Development may be accessed for free at http://opencourselibrary.org/econ-201/.

Word Count: 137474

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Social Science
Material Type:
Bill Pelz
Date Added:
Dictionnaire panafricain pluriversel et plurilingue des changements climatiques
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
Ce dictionnaire a été d’abord pensé pour répondre aux besoins de formation des équipes internationales du projet Yanayi[1], qui vise la co-création d’une base internationale de données ouvertes qualitatives sur les changements climatiques tels que vécus, observés, analysés et combattus par des aînés et des aînées d’Afrique francophone subsaharienne et d’Haïti et racontés à des étudiants et étudiantes affilié-e-s à 10 boutiques des sciences et des savoirs.Cet ambitieux et énorme projet ne pourra avancer que s’il repose sur la collaboration de nombreux participants et nombreuses participantes.Il est possible de : se proposer pour rédiger une entrée qui est encore disponible, c’est-à-dire qui apparaît dans la table des matières du Dictionnaire; proposer une entrée qui est absente du dictionnaire, avec ou sans texte; proposer ses services pour traduire des entrées dans des langues africaines; réviser et compléter une entrée; réviser les références bibliographiques et la qualité linguistique des entrées.L’adresse mail de contact est reseauliraj@gmail.com. Merci d’y envoyer toutes vos questions ou propositions.

Long Description:
Ce dictionnaire a été d’abord pensé pour répondre aux besoins de formation des équipes internationales du projet Yanayi[1], qui vise la co-création d’une base internationale de données ouvertes qualitatives sur les changements climatiques tels que vécus, observés, analysés et combattus par des aînés et des aînées d’Afrique francophone subsaharienne et d’Haïti et racontés à des étudiants et étudiantes affilié-e-s à 10 boutiques des sciences et des savoirs.

Cet ambitieux et énorme projet ne pourra avancer que s’il repose sur la collaboration de nombreux participants et nombreuses participantes.

Il est possible de : se proposer pour rédiger une entrée qui est encore disponible, c’est-à-dire qui apparaît dans la table des matières du Dictionnaire; proposer une entrée qui est absente du dictionnaire, avec ou sans texte; proposer ses services pour traduire des entrées dans des langues africaines; réviser et compléter une entrée; réviser les références bibliographiques et la qualité linguistique des entrées. L’adresse mail de contact est reseauliraj@gmail.com. Merci d’y envoyer toutes vos questions ou propositions.

Word Count: 2493

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically as part of a bulk import process by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided. As a result, there may be errors in formatting.)

Cultural Geography
Social Science
Material Type:
Éditions science et bien commun
Collectif international
Date Added:
Difference, Power, and Discrimination in Film and Media: Student Essays
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
An open pedagogy project of student-authored essays to help readers develop a better understanding of the ways that narrative media like movies and television represent issues of difference, power, and discrimination in American culture, both today and in the past.

Long Description:
An open pedagogy project of student-authored essays to help readers, particularly high school and college students interested in movies and television, develop a better understanding of the ways that narrative media like movies and television represent issues of difference, power, and discrimination in American culture, both today and in the past. Authors are students in English 223: Difference, Power, and Discrimination in Film course at Linn-Benton Community College in Albany, Oregon taught by Dr. Stephen Rust.

Word Count: 165456

ISBN: 978-1-63635-079-0

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Art History
Arts and Humanities
Business and Communication
Social Science
Material Type:
Linn-Benton Community College
Students at Linn-Benton Community College
Date Added:
Digging into Archaeology: A Brief OER Introduction to Archaeology with Activities
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0.0 stars

This book is intended for use in a variety of introductory archaeology settings, such as in lectures and lab courses. This text can complement an existing traditional text or completely replace a standard text. It can be used for its activities or as a study resource. When we wrote this text, we designed the chapters to be brief, providing concise and to-the-point information. This book is not intended to replace lectures or direct instruction from an instructor; rather, it supports learning in a variety of settings and formats. The book can be printed in whole, read digitally, or used piecemeal in either format. However you use this text, we hope that you find it serves as an instructive learning tool and that you dig archaeology as much as we do!

Social Science
Material Type:
Amanda Walcott Paskey
AnnMarie Beasley Cisneros
Date Added:
Digital Citizenship: Misinformation & Data Commodification in the Twenty-First Century
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0.0 stars

Misinformation & Data Commodification in the Twenty-First Century

Short Description:
An instructional text that seeks to untangle the social complexities and ethical dilemmas of online data and information. DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP will educate readers on the economics of the Internet and the means by which political bad actors exploit its platforms to pervert the public discourse.

Word Count: 15176

ISBN: 978-1-55195-464-6

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Applied Science
Computer Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Medicine Hat College
Adrian Castillo
Sarah Gibbs
Shawn Graham
Date Added:
Discover Psychology 2.0 - A Brief Introductory Text
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0.0 stars

This textbook presents core concepts common to introductory courses. The 15 units cover the traditional areas of intro-to-psychology; ranging from biological aspects of psychology to psychological disorders to social psychology. This book can be modified: feel free to add or remove modules to better suit your specific needs.

This book includes a comprehensive instructor's manual, PowerPoint presentations, a test bank, reading anticipation guides, and adaptive student quizzes.

Social Science
Material Type:
Diener Education Fund
Provider Set:
Cara Laney
David M. Buss
David Watson
Edward Diener
Elizabeth F. Loftus
Emily Hooker
George Loewenstein
Henry L. Roediger III
Jeanne Tsai
Kathleen B. McDermott
Mark E. Bouton
Max H. Bazerman
Richard E. Lucas
Robert Siegler
Robert V. Levine
Ross Thompson
Sarah Pressman
Sudeep Bhatia
Susan T. Fiske
Yoshihisa Kashima
Date Added:
Diversity and Multi-Cultural Education in the 21st Century
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0.0 stars

Diversity and Multiculturalism

Short Description:
In this course in addition to culture, we will learn about norms, values, systems of beliefs, social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, race and ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation and gender, technology and culture, cultural universalism and relativism and how these affect our shared or distinct day to day cultural practices and social interaction in our various communities. Students will share their day-to-day social interactions, travels, and cross - cultural experiences in and around New York City.

Long Description:
The fundamental knowledge of understanding culture and teaching from diverse backgrounds. Examination of the nature and function of culture, development of individual and group cultural identity, definitions and implications of diversity, and the influences of culture on learning, development, and pedagogy. This course has a required field experience component – an ethnographic survey of diverse cultures and groups in New York City.

At the end of this course, students will work on an assignment on eliminating biases, prejudice, racism, discrimination on gender, sexual, cultural, religious, disabilities, and aging. They will provide recommendations, suggestions and solutions on how to promote diversity, inclusion, equity, cross-cultural understanding and include anti – racist activities in schools and in our communities. The assignment will be based on student experiences or observations as a minority or majority living in the US. In addition, students will provide critical thinking analysis on case study scenarios on issues in cultural diversity and multi -culturalism as they relate to the individual and society.

This course has been designated as an OER / COIL / ZTC . The instructor will provide the learning materials and will collaborate with a faculty at the Institute for Cultural Studies at the Obafemi Awolowo University [OAU], Nigeria in providing additional learning resources on “living in complex societies”. A list of recommended texts have been provided for students wishing to obtain them for their personal libraries and research.

Please see the Note/Disclaimer page for book content info.

Word Count: 140711

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Ethnic Studies
Social Science
Material Type:
Dr. Remi Alapo
Date Added:
Doing Human Service Ethnography
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0.0 stars

"EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. Human service work is performed in many places – hospitals, shelters, households – and is characterised by a complex mixture of organising principles, relations and rules. Using ethnographic methods, researchers can investigate these site-specific complexities, providing multi-dimensional and compelling analyses. Bringing together both theoretical and practical material, this book shows researchers how ethnography can be carried out within human service settings. It provides an invaluable guide on how to apply ethnographic creativeness and offers a more humanistic and context-sensitive approach in the field of health and social care to generating valid knowledge about today’s service work."

Social Science
Social Work
Material Type:
Jaber Gubrium
Katarina Jacobsson
Date Added:
Domestic Violence in Immigrant Communities: Case Studies
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
“Domestic Violence in Immigrant Communities: Case Studies” is a freely accessible eCampus Ontario Pressbook containing case studies of immigrant women experiencing domestic violence to be used as educational materials. The book highlights the complexity of domestic violence cases in immigrant communities and the different legal processes that these women encounter in seeking justice and the challenges they face in relation to re-establishing their own lives and the lives of their children. The book contains questions for reflection; a description of legal processes involved in DV cases, and a glossary of the terms used throughout the case studies.

Long Description:
“Domestic Violence in Immigrant Communities: Case Studies” is a freely accessible eCampus Ontario Pressbook containing case studies of immigrant women experiencing domestic violence to be used as educational materials. The contents were created by analysing closed legal case files of 15 immigrant women living in Ontario who experienced domestic violence. The comprehensive case studies that emerge from this research present domestic violence experienced by immigrant women in all its complexity, highlighting their unique vulnerability at the intersections of race, gender and immigration status. The book also highlights the different legal processes that these women encounter in seeking justice and the challenges they face in relation to re-establishing their own lives and the lives of their children. In addition to the cases, the book contains questions for reflection; a description of legal processes involved in DV cases, and a glossary of the terms used throughout the case studies. This interactive Pressbook is an ideal resource for social work and legal practitioners, including students in social service work, social work and law programs, in order to increase their understanding about the complexity of domestic violence cases in immigrant families and develop strategies for culturally informed interventions.

Word Count: 42082

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Cultural Geography
Social Science
Social Work
Material Type:
eCampus Ontario
Archana Medhekar
Bethany Osborne
Ferzana Chaze
Purnima George
Date Added:
Dress, Appearance, and Diversity in U.S. Society
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This book introduces topics about identity, dress, and the body. Through the content, readers explore how individuals and communities use dress as a way to communicate (i.e. “negotiate” in fashion studies) their various identities. There is heightened attention to social justice, power, privilege, and oppression. That is, the content focuses on the experiences of historically marginalized communities and the ways they navigate dress and dressing their bodies in different contexts. In the first part of the book, readers are introduced to concepts and theories related to fashion, clothing, dress, and/or accessories. In the second part, readers examine the role that fashion, clothing, dress, and/or accessories play in identity development for individuals in marginalized communities in the United States.

Long Description:
This book introduces topics about identity, dress, and the body. Through the content, readers explore how individuals and communities use dress as a way to communicate (i.e. “negotiate” in fashion studies) their various identities. There is heightened attention to social justice, power, privilege, and oppression. That is, the content focuses on the experiences of historically marginalized communities and the ways they navigate dress and dressing their bodies in different contexts. In the first part of the book, readers are introduced to concepts and theories related to fashion, clothing, dress, and/or accessories. In the second part, readers examine the role that fashion, clothing, dress, and/or accessories play in identity development for individuals in marginalized communities in the United States.

Word Count: 33371

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Social Science
Material Type:
Iowa State University
Kelly L. Reddy-Best
Date Added:
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Études culturelles africaines

Short Description:
Comment lire et comprendre les pratiques culturelles africaines? Comment mobiliser les savoirs sur l’Afrique, ses arts et ses cultures sans verser dans la réification ou le folklorisme? Profondément novateur, cet ouvrage collectif mobilise les outils théoriques des cultural studies pour proposer un généreux panorama de l’étude de la culture en Afrique. Il rassemble des textes d’auteurs et d’autrices d’Afrique de l'Ouest, théoriques ou descriptifs, qui mettent en lumière la réévaluation passionnante des modes d’appréhension des pratiques et objets en contexte africain que proposent les études culturelles africaines. L’épilogue qui clôt le livre n’est donc point fermeture, mais plutôt ouverture sur les enjeux relatifs à ce nouveau champ d’études, plein de promesses pour rendre compte de l’extraordinaire créativité des cultures africaines.

Long Description:
Comment lire et comprendre les pratiques culturelles africaines? Comment mobiliser les savoirs sur l’Afrique, ses arts et ses cultures sans verser dans la réification ou le folklorisme? Profondément novateur, cet ouvrage collectif mobilise les outils théoriques des cultural studies pour proposer un généreux panorama de l’étude de la culture en Afrique. Il rassemble des textes d’auteurs et d’autrices d’Afrique de l’ouest, théoriques ou descriptifs, qui mettent en lumière la réévaluation passionnante des modes d’appréhension des pratiques et objets en contexte africain que proposent les études culturelles africaines. L’épilogue qui clôt le livre n’est donc point fermeture, mais plutôt ouverture sur les enjeux relatifs à ce nouveau champ d’études, plein de promesses pour rendre compte de l’extraordinaire créativité des cultures africaines.

Word Count: 78460

ISBN: 978-2-924661-82-6

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Arts and Humanities
Performing Arts
Physical Geography
Physical Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Éditions science et bien commun
Salaka Sanou
Sous la direction d'Isaac Bazié
Date Added:
ECHO: Ethnographic, Cultural and Historical Overview of Yukon's First Peoples
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
Today, First Nations peoples living in Yukon, Canada are reviving and practicing their cultural traditions in exciting ways. At the same time, there has been an influx of newcomers to the territory who want to learn more about Yukon's Indigenous peoples and their cultures. With hundreds of references for those wanting to delve deeper into particular topics, ECHO is a handbook that provides the most current research pertaining to Yukon First Nations peoples. Topics include archaeology, ethnology, and lifeways, relationships with newcomers (in the past and currently), the arts, and modern-day land claims. The volume also includes interviews with research collaborators who discuss the importance of community-based research. Castillo, Schreyer, and Southwick's solidly researched handbook serves as an important tool, both for teachers and students, seeking accurate information pertaining to the Indigenous cultures of Yukon.

Long Description:
Recently, Yukon, Canada has experienced huge growth in First Nations cultural revival as well as an influx of newcomers brought on by the growth of the education, industrial and tourism sectors, who are also interested in learning about Yukon First Nations peoples and their cultures. The need for academic teaching materials that can educate adult learners about Indigenous peoples of the Yukon has resulted in the publication of this handbook. ECHO is meant as a teaching tool that provides the most current research pertaining to Yukon First Nations peoples on topics such as archaeology, ethnology and traditional lifeways, and relationships with newcomers (in the past and currently), as well as the arts. With a focus on topics that are relevant to students learning about Yukon Indigenous peoples history and culture, such as collaborative research with anthropologists, the history of the Yukon, and, most importantly, an overview of the modern-day land claims movement. Although generalized material on Yukon First Nations is provided within other publications, these are primarily out-of-date and out-of-print books. Castillo, Schreyer, and Southwick’s solidly researched ECHO: Ethnographic, Cultural, and Historical Overview of Yukon’s First Peoples will serve as an important tool, both for teachers and students, seeking accurate information pertaining to Indigenous cultures of the Yukon.

Word Count: 62227

ISBN: 978-1-988804-32-3

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Ethnic Studies
Social Science
Material Type:
Institute for Community Engaged Research Press
Christine Schreyer
Tosh Southwick
Victoria Elena Castillo
Date Added:
Economics – Theory Through Applications
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0.0 stars

This textbook, Economics: Theory Through Applications, centers around student needs and expectations through two premises: … Students are motivated to study economics if they see that it relates to their own lives. … Students learn best from an inductive approach, in which they are first confronted with a problem, and then led through the process of solving that problem.

Many books claim to present economics in a way that is digestible for students; Russell and Andrew have truly created one from scratch. This textbook will assist you in increasing students’ economic literacy both by developing their aptitude for economic thinking and by presenting key insights about economics that every educated individual should know.

Social Science
Material Type:
The Saylor Foundation
Russell Cooper, Andrew John
Date Added:
Economics for Life: Real-World Financial Literacy
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0.0 stars

America has evolved into an ownership society. Home-buying decisions, resource allocation, debt exposure, and financial planning for the future are now left to individuals, many of whom may lack the financial understanding to evaluate and make sound decisions. Economics, with its insistence on quantifying ideas and putting specific quantitative values on all manner of phenomena, can help sort through the questions. Economics for Life: Real-World Financial Literacy is designed to help soon-to-be college graduates start their "real lives" with a better understanding of how to analyze the financial decisions that they will soon have to make. Written in an easy-to-read, conversational style, this textbook will help students learn how to make decisions on saving and investing for retirement, buying a car, buying a home, as well as how to safely navigate the use of debit and credit cards.

Business and Communication
Social Science
Material Type:
Temple University
Donald T. Wargo
Date Added:
The Economics of Food and Agricultural Markets
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0.0 stars

The Economics of Food and Agricultural Markets is written for applied intermediate microeconomics courses. The book showcases the power of economic principles to explain and predict issues and current events in the food, agricultural, agribusiness, international trade, and natural resource sectors. The field of agricultural economics is relevant, important and interesting. The study of market structures, also called industrial organization, provides powerful, timely, and useful tools for any individual or group making personal choices, business decisions, or public policies in food and agriculture industries.

Social Science
Material Type:
New Prairie Press
Andrew Barkley
Date Added:
Educational Psychology
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This books lays the foundation for prospective teachers to learn about various teaching methodologies and covers material typically found in many teacher training programs. Chapters in the text can be assigned either from beginning to end, as with a conventional printed book, or they can be selected in some other sequence to meet the needs of particular students or classes. In general the first half of the book focuses on broader questions and principles taken from psychology per se, and the second half focuses on somewhat more practical issues of teaching. But the division between “theory” and “practice” is only approximate; all parts of the book draw on research, theory, and practical wisdom wherever appropriate. Chapter 2 is about learning theory, and Chapter 3 is about development; but as we point out, these topics overlap with each other as well as with the concerns of daily teaching. Chapter 4 is about several forms of student diversity (what might be called individual differences in another context), and Chapter 5 is about one form of diversity that has become prominent in schools recently—students with disabilities. Chapter 6 is about motivation, a topic that is heavily studied by psychological researchers, but that also poses perennial challenges to classroom teachers.

Social Science
Material Type:
The Saylor Foundation
Provider Set:
Saylor Textbooks
Kelvin Seifert
Rosemary Sutton
Date Added: