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  • Lesson Plan
50 Nifty United States
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We live on the continent of North America in the country of the United States. There are 50 states in this great country and as citizens of the United States we should know what those states are. In this seminar you will learn the names and locations of all 50 states. Wow your friends and family with your geographical knowledge!  Standards7.1.4.B Describe and locate places and regions as defined by physical and human features.

Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Bonnie Waltz
Deanna Mayers
Tracy Rains
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5.3 Games and Hobbies
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Bu derste öğrenciler yabancı dildeki oyun ve hobi kelimelerini kavrar ve bunları indoor games ve outdoor games olarak iki gruba ayırabilir.

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Ceyda Celik
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54th Massachusetts (1863-1865)
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In January 1863, President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation went into effect, and the Union Army began recruiting Black Americans to fight the Civil War. Thousands answered the call. Soldiers of the 54th Massachusetts infantry regiment came from all over the country, dedicated to both the destruction of slavery and the advancement of racial equality nationwide. Their heroism transformed the conflict from a battle to preserve the Union to a grand struggle for freedom. Discover the true story of the men whose fame was restored to public memory by the celebrated 1989 film Glory.

The Woodson Center's Black History and Excellence curriculum is based on the Woodson Principles and tells the stories of Black Americans whose tenacity and resilience enabled them to overcome adversity and make invaluable contributions to our country. It also teaches character and decision-making skills that equip students to take charge of their futures. These lessons in Black American excellence are free and publicly available for all.

Ethnic Studies
Social Science
U.S. History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Woodson Center
Curriculum Team
Date Added:
54th Massachusetts (1863-1865) - HS
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0.0 stars

In January 1863, President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation went into effect, and the Union Army began recruiting Black Americans to fight the Civil War. Thousands answered the call. Soldiers of the 54th Massachusetts infantry regiment came from all over the country, dedicated to both the destruction of slavery and the advancement of racial equality nationwide. Their heroism transformed the conflict from a battle to preserve the Union to a grand struggle for freedom. Discover the true story of the men whose fame was restored to public memory by the celebrated 1989 film Glory. The Woodson Center's Black History and Excellence curriculum is based on the Woodson Principles and tells the stories of Black Americans whose tenacity and resilience enabled them to overcome adversity and make invaluable contributions to our country. It also teaches character and decision-making skills that equip students to take charge of their futures. These lessons in Black American excellence are free and publicly available for all.

Ethnic Studies
U.S. History
Material Type:
Case Study
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Curriculum Team
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5.5 Theorems used in Finding Zeros of Polyomials
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This worksheet can be used as an in-class group worksheet or as a prequel to the lecture on this section.  Students will describe each of the theorems introduced and give an example to show how it is used.  After completion, discussion should include examples of finding zeros and how these theorems are helpful in the process.

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Sandy Porter
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5-6 Gender Roles, Gender Expectations Lesson (Online Adaptation)
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The Oregon Department of Education released this online lesson adaptation, as a part of the Distance Learning for All Erin's Law Toolkit for Districts. The lesson is an Advocates for Youth Rights, Respect, Responsibility (3Rs) Fifth/Sixth Grade lesson entitled Gender Roles Gender Expectations. This lesson focuses on the core sexuality education topics: Respecting Difference, Bullying and Abuse Prevention, Feelings, and Empathy, which are foundational to child abuse prevention education. 3Rs Authors: Elizabeth Schroeder EdD MSW, Eva Goldfarb PhD, Nora Gelperin MEd 

Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Angie Foster-Lawson
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5. Hive Alive! Sweet Virginia Foundation: Honey Lesson
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Learn how honey is made and used. This lesson includes learning objectives, material and resource lists, background information, activities, reading selections, writing assignments, a game, assessments, and support documents. See the Educator's Guide for more video links and recommended readings. 

Elementary Education
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies
Life Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
The Bee Cause Project
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5 - Home: My Room Activity
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These lesson plans and activities were developed by Janine Darragh, Gina Petrie, and Stan Pichinevskiy and were previously located on the Reaching for English app. Created for K-12 English teachers in Nicaragua, the materials may be used and adapted for any country's specific context and needs. 

Language Education (ESL)
Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
Speaking and Listening
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Marco Seiferle-Valencia
Janine Darragh
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5 Love Languages
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In this lesson, students will learn about the five love languages. Students will be able to identify them, and will learn how to apply them in various relationships. Students will take the quiz to learn their top love language and will reflect on how they will apply this information to bettering their life. 

Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Shelby Wallick
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5 Most Important Essay Writing Points Which Will Help Your Writing Skill
0.0 stars

For some such understudies, each exposition carries with it the test of improving it that tad than the last one. The issue is that when you write essays frequently, it's anything but difficult to stall out stuck of rehashing a similar recipe each time – especially when you as of now get great criticism from the educators who read them. So how would you take your essays to the following level and go from extraordinary to splendid? Here are some down to earth tips and systems that will enable you to write reliably great essays.  Get Knowledge From Others Esssay Similarly as the books you read intuitively help shape your own written work style, so perusing other individuals' essays can enable you to create and expand alone article composing style. Endeavor to peruse a scope of different essays, including those of your associates and of scholastics. Read essays on a wide assortment of subjects, not really simply those that you're examining; diverse controls may apply various types of contentions or styles, so the more extensive you read, the more conceivable systems there are for you to get and use in essays of your own. Before reading more essay writing tips, if you need essay writing services only say us WriteMyEssayOnline, we will give you best services.As you read other individuals' essays, don't simply fully trust them. Be basic: what do you like about them? What don't you like about them? How enticing do you think they are? Is the contention an adjusted one, with focuses sufficiently upheld with prove? Has the writer utilized any systems you've not seen previously? Another great wellspring of essays is the broadsheet daily papers. Read the feeling pieces and analyze how the writer has upheld their focuses with confirm, and once more, be basic; note where they've forgotten things to attempt to induce you to a specific conclusion. Essays ought to be adjusted, so you can gain from the best of these writers and get a few systems to enable you to shape an adjusted piece.  Your Vocabulary Must Be Good And Use It In Your Essay Properly A decent vocabulary will enable you to express precisely what you mean, as obviously and briefly as could be expected under the circumstances. Economy with words is a normal for all great essays, in light of the fact that perusers (and exposition markers) don't care for having their chance squandered with long, meandering focuses that could have been communicated down the middle the quantity of words. One method for guaranteeing that you can convey plainly and to the fact of the matter is through precise and successful utilization of cutting edge vocabulary. A decent article writer ought to never lay on their trees with regards to vocabulary; it's something you ought to take a shot at persistently, as there are in every case new words to discover that could help pass on a point all the more viably. Additionally, sending a decent vocabulary shows knowledge and enables you to be more enticing in your article composing. Here are some manners by which you can fabricate your vocabulary: Subscribe to a 'word multi day' email, (for example, this one from Merriam-Webster). Make an organizer in your email represent new word messages, with the goal that you can record each email and have them across the board put prepared to flick through and gain from in a sit without moving minute. Read generally, and allude to a lexicon for words you don't know as you come; thusly, you'll take in the new word and additionally observing it in setting so you know how to utilize it legitimately. Read diverse types of fiction, and verifiable covering a scope of subjects, and you'll have the special reward of augmenting your general learning and also your vocabulary. Use a thesaurus – on the off chance that you end up utilizing similar words again and again, change up your dialect by looking into those words in a thesaurus and finding different words that mean a similar thing. An expression of caution: words you find in a thesaurus can't simply be utilized reciprocally; even words with comparable implications can vary quietly in a way that makes them unseemly in specific settings, so discover cases of a word utilized accurately before you utilize another word out of the blue. Learn prefixes, additions and roots – it sounds exhausting, however this alternate route will enable you to take in a large number of more words. Numerous roots originate from Latin and Greek words, for example, "bene" in Latin, signifying "great", which offers ascend to words, for example, "advocate", "considerate" and "advantage". It's regularly conceivable to conclude the significance of another word in the event that you know its root and read it in setting. Prefixes are added to the start of a word to change the importance, for example, "semi" or "bet", while additions are added to the end, for example, "- capable" or "- ance". Start a vocabulary book – you most likely have one in case you're taking in an outside dialect, so why not have one for your local dialect also? Get yourself a decent scratch pad and utilize it to gather new words and their implications. The demonstration of recording the definition will enable you to recollect it, and you could incorporate a case of how the word is utilized to expand your odds of retaining it for use in essays. It might have distinctive segments for words on specific topics; you could have a general segment, and after that further parts of the scratch pad could be committed to expressions of utilization in history essays, science essays et cetera.  Plan Your Essay Before Writing We've presumably all had it pounded into us that we ought to write a paper plan before we begin composing, however before you even do that, you have to realize what the contention you will make really is. At exactly that point would you be able to begin composing the structure for an article that develops to your general decision. To consolidate what you're endeavoring to state into a short, smart rundown for you to work from, take a stab at making an 'Elevator Pitch' style synopsis of what you expect to write and why perusers ought to be occupied with it. The Elevator Pitch is a system utilized by sales representatives when consolidating the contentions for purchasing an item into the most limited conceivable outline of why a client ought to think about a buy. The businessperson is advised to envision themselves in a lift; in the time it takes for that lift to achieve the coveted floor, they ought to have given a convincing contention for that item that would result in the client getting it, or if nothing else needing to know more. Your Elevator Pitch for your paper should pitch the possibility of it to a peruser, abandoning them needing to peruse the article being referred to. This is a significant extreme exercise, as it constrains you to be heartlessly compact in your reasoning and selection of words; however you can utilize this rundown to enable you to write your presentation, and it'll enable you to accomplish lucidity in what you're endeavoring to state.  Give Solid Information To Reader What Other People Say We've said this on a past article on exposition composing, however it appears to be germane to specify it here as well. Essays are a shot for you to flaunt how broadly read you are, so ensure you quote other individuals' assessments, and unique sources, on what you're expounding on. For instance, if you somehow managed to write a history paper on early religious practices in Britain, you could cite unique messages on that point, (for example, Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People) and furthermore specify what a scope of current researchers need to say in regards to the theme. Differentiating perspectives ought to be looked for; it's far-fetched that everybody concedes to the subject, so indicate you've taken a gander at all the conceivable points. For every one of the subjects you're examining, begin a page in a journal for vital individuals in that field, with a synopsis of when they lived and what their perspectives are. That way, you'll have something to allude to when you're composing an article and need to counsel proper researchers or different writers whose assessments you may wish to incorporate. Try not to cite excessively; blend references with your own assessments so it doesn't look as if you need to take cover behind other individuals' words. It's fine to differ with a researcher you quote, if you can give proof and thinking for doing as such. This demonstrates you have contemplated it and influenced your own brain to up, as opposed to aimlessly tolerating what that researcher has said; this shows solid basic thinking aptitudes, one of the signs of splendid understudies.  Your Punctuation Must Be Good  You may not deliberately acknowledge it when you're perusing, but rather refined sentence structures have the universe of effect to how clever you sound. As we've just stated, the most vital thought when you're composing is making yourself simple for perusers to see; however you can in any case do this and use a scope of intriguing punctuation in the meantime. Utilize an assortment of sentence structures, long and short, yet don't give your sentences a chance to end up too long and meandering, or they wind up hard to peruse. Successful accentuation is fundamental in passing on your contentions influentially; the exact opposite thing an instructor or teacher needs to peruse is an article loaded with poor language structure. Also, the peruser shouldn't need to peruse a sentence more than once to comprehend it. You likely as of now have a manner of speaking you use for composing essays, however is it fascinating and locks in? Read through a portion of your old essays and ask yourself genuinely whether you discover them engrossing. In the event that they're not, it could well be on the grounds that you've not built up the correct manner of speaking. Essays constitute a formal, scholastic setting, yet that doesn't mean you need to exhaust. A sure manner of speaking will help demonstrate the peruser that you hear what you're saying and promise them that they're in safe hands. 

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Jashon Langer
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5 Senses in the School Garden -- Out Teach
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Students may recognize the importance of their senses, but they don't often focus on them individually. Students will experiment with sounds made by leaves, feeling different textures, observing different colors, and much more.

Life Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Out Teach
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5 Themes of Geography: Your Home
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This is a lesson plan to introduce the 5 Themes of Geography. Students will take notes on the 5 Themes and apply them to their school as a whole class. Students will have this example to refer back to when they eventually move on to applying the 5 Themes to where they live!

Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
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5th Grade Ecosystems
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In this unit students will build and construct an understanding of how matter and organisms interact creating change in our biosphere and in turn affect all types of ecosystems. Then using these skills and content they will be able to communicate, model and create solutions to phenomena, environmental emergencies or concerns. environmental concerns or endangered organisms.

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Unit of Study
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5th Grade Reading and Writing - Tall Tale
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This lesson uses tall tale read alouds to reinforce the common elements, or text structure, of tall tales. As the text is read aloud, students examine the elements of the book that are characteristic of tall tales. Then using what they've learned, they write and perform tall tales of their own.

Composition and Rhetoric
Elementary Education
English Language Arts
Performing Arts
Reading Literature
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Beth Einspahr
Date Added:
6.1 Light & Matter
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

How does a one-way mirror work? Though most everyone knows that one-way mirrors exist, having students model how they work turns out to be a very effective way to develop their thinking about how visible light travels and how we see images. Initial student models reveal a wide variety of ideas and explanations that motivate the unit investigations that help students figure out what is going on and lead them to a deeper understanding of the world around them.

As the first unit in the OpenSciEd program, during the course of this unit, students also develop the foundation for classroom norms for collaboration that will be important across the whole program.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
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6.2 Thermal Energy
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This unit on thermal energy transfer begins with students testing whether a new plastic cup sold by a store keeps a drink colder for longer than the regular plastic cup that comes free with the drink.

Through a series of lab investigations and simulations, students find two ways to transfer energy into the drink: (1) the absorption of light and (2) thermal energy from the warmer air around the drink. They are then challenged to design their own drink container that can perform as well as the store-bought container, following a set of design criteria and constraints.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
Date Added:
6.3 Weather, Climate & Water Cycling
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0.0 stars

The goals of OpenSciEd are to ensure any science teacher, anywhere, can access and download freely available, high quality, locally adaptable full-course materials. REMOTE LEARNING GUIDE FOR THIS UNIT NOW AVAILABLE!

This unit on weather, climate, and water cycling is broken into four separate lesson sets. In the first two lesson sets, students explain small-scale storms. In the third and fourth lesson sets, students explain mesoscale weather systems and climate-level patterns of precipitation. Each of these two parts of the unit is grounded in a different anchoring phenomenon.

Applied Science
Atmospheric Science
Environmental Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Unit of Study
Date Added: