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  • marketing
Selling Teens: Using the Merchants of Cool PBS documentary to examine media influence on teens
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This is a PBS Frontline broadcast support site which examines the role of marketing to teens, and the influence marketing has on teen culture.

Business and Communication
Social Science
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Starting Point (SERC)
Michelle Kunz
Date Added:
Sentiment Analysis on Social Media: Definition and Application
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

An OER that explored the concept of sentiment analysis, its vital role in analyzing social media content, and its application in a multitude of industries and disciplines. 

Computing and Information
Material Type:
Primary Source
Minh Pham
Date Added:
Small Business Management
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This course introduces Entrepreneurship and Business Planning. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: analyze the entrepreneurial process through which business ideas are evaluated; identify the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs; demonstrate an awareness of strategies supporting entrepreneurship; distinguish between business ideas and opportunities; write a formalized business plan; write a marketing plan; examine their personal entrepreneurial potentials; know how to finance their business ventures; demonstrate an understanding of team-building dynamics. (Business Administration 305)

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Full Course
Lecture Notes
The Saylor Foundation
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Social Media Marketing 101
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This lesson prepares learners for posting marketing ad to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The lesson explores the benefits of marketing on social media and how to cater to different customers based on the platform's features and functionality.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Unit of Study
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Special Topics: Designing Sociable Media
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This project-based course explores new design strategies for social interaction in the computer mediated world. Through weekly readings and design assignments we will examine topics such as:

Data-based portraiture
Depicting growth, change and the passage of time
Visualizing conversations, crowds, and networks
Interfaces for the connected city
Mobile social technologies

The course emphasizes developing visual and interactive literacy.

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
Business and Communication
Career and Technical Education
Computer Science
Graphic Arts
Graphic Design
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Donath, Judith
Date Added:
Spiking neural networks recognize brain preferences to marketing stimuli before conscious perception
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This resource is a video abstract of a research paper created by Research Square on behalf of its authors. It provides a synopsis that's easy to understand, and can be used to introduce the topics it covers to students, researchers, and the general public. The video's transcript is also provided in full, with a portion provided below for preview:

"Understanding how human decision-making and preferences manifest before conscious thought has long challenged researchers focused on cognitive and information science. Now, the field of neuromarketing – a discipline that looks at the neurocognitive underpinnings of consumer behavior – is starting to uncover, in amazing detail, exactly how the brain goes about recognizing a brand. An international research team based in Auckland University of Technology and Nottingham Trent University has devised a new machine learning method that tracks brain responses to logos on the millisecond timescale…even before conscious thoughts are formed. Their results shed light on the early spikes in brain activity that are tied to brand awareness. The method utilizes one of the most promising recent trends in artificial intelligence research: spiking neural networks. These networks use algorithms loosely modeled on the behavior of the human brain to recognize patterns in sets of streaming data..."

The rest of the transcript, along with a link to the research itself, is available on the resource itself.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Research Square
Provider Set:
Video Bytes
Date Added:
Supply Chain Management Simulation Activity
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A free online simulation that demonstrated the bull-whip effect, and the complexities of supply chain management, responding to changes in customer demand.

Business and Communication
Social Science
Material Type:
Data Set
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Starting Point (SERC)
Michelle Kunz
Date Added:
Teaching Direct Marketing and Small Farm Viability: Resources for Instructors
Read the Fine Print
Some Rights Reserved
0.0 stars

For farmers, growing crops is just one step in running a successful farm—making the farm or market garden economically viable requires another suite of skills, including finding land, planning what crops to grow, marketing the crops, and managing income and expenses. This resource builds on our experience educating hundreds of apprentice growers in organic production, farm and business planning, direct marketing at a roadside farm stand, and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) management through hands-on training in the running of our 100-member CSA program. Teaching Direct Marketing and Small Farm Viability: Resources for Instructors is organized into six units, three focusing on marketing and three covering other topics related to making a small farm economically viable. Included are lessons and resources for running a CSA project, selling at farmers' markets, forming collaborative marketing groups and grower cooperatives, and selling to restaurants. Also covered are strategies to improve small farm planning, including enterprise visioning and market assessment; creating a business plan, including marketing and crop plans; and managing cash flow. Land tenure options such as cash-rent leases from non-profits, shared ownership models, conservation easements, and community land trusts are reviewed as additional mechanisms for addressing the complex issue of the economic viability of small-scale agriculture. This resource also reviews the trends and factors that influence small-scale agriculture's economics, and provides an overview of produce marketing in the U.S. The training manual is designed for – •Instructors at college and universities, agriculture organizations, farm-training programs, apprenticeship programs •Agricultural extension personnel •Farmers with interns •Growers, teachers, and organizers at urban farms, community gardens, and food projects with direct-marketing outlets This instructor's resource features class and field demonstration outlines, trainee exercises, and resource materials, with a focus on CSA. The manual can be used in a classroom setting or adapted for other training formats, such as short courses, conferences, and field days.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
U.C. Santa Cruz
Provider Set:
Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems
Date Added:
Technology Strategy for System Design and Management
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0.0 stars

This course provides you with a framework to understand the structure and dynamics of high-tech businesses, together with an approach for their effective strategic management. It is focused on domains in which systems are important, because either or both products are parts of larger and more complex systems, or they are comprised of systems. The domains covered include computing, communications (in particular the mobile and IP domains), consumer electronics, industrial networking, automotive, aerospace and medical devices. The course will be of particular interest to those interested in managing a business in which technology will likely play a major role, and also to those interested in investing in or providing counsel to these businesses.
The emphasis throughout is on the development and application of ways of thinking or mental models that bring clarity to the complex co-evolution of technological innovation, the demand opportunity, systems architecture, business ecosystems, and decision-making and execution within the business.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Davies, Michael
Date Added:
Transmedia Storytelling: Narrative worlds, emerging technologies, and global audiences MOOC
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

Transmedia storytelling is the practice of designing, sharing, and participating in a cohesive story experience across multiple traditional and digital delivery platforms - for entertainment, advertising and marketing, or social change.

This course will help you to design a strategy for developing and telling your own transmedia story. You will learn about what it takes to:
• Shape your ideas into compelling and well structured narratives and complex story worlds
• Identify, understand, and engage different audiences in your stories
• Create cohesive user experiences across different platforms
• Evaluate existing and emerging technologies to share your story with the world, and help your audience participate in the larger storyworld you create

The course provides you with a unique, authentic, and industry relevant learning opportunity. You will have access to current theory, industry examples and advice and undertake learning activities that will equip you with the tools you need to start developing your own ideas.

Arts and Humanities
Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Full Course
Date Added:
Using PRIZM Look-up to Identify Consumer Markets
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This activity demonstrates geo-demographic consumer segment lifestyle consumption patterns. The information available on the site is relevant to segmentation and targeting strategies used by marketers.

Business and Communication
Social Science
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Starting Point (SERC)
Michelle Kunz
Date Added:
Where Would Shoppers Go?
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0.0 stars

Two formulas and a scenario for students to apply two retail gravitation models used to predict where shoppers will choose to shop.

Business and Communication
Social Science
Material Type:
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College
Provider Set:
Starting Point (SERC)
Michelle Kunz
Date Added:
Writing your FIRST ScreenPlay !
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  Lesson TitleWriting your FIRST ScreenPlay for a Commercial TV Ad. !  AbstractThis lesson focuses on writing activity where the learner will explore and perform research activity and involve with other co-participants in brainstorming sessions.  Observing and analyzing the characters, objects and the way the flow of story will be experienced. The learners will be involved either individually or in a group activity while performing the tasks.  The final product will be creating a storyboard on screen through goanimate.com by the learner to visualize the screenplay on computers and edit.  Learner Audience / Primary UsersThis lesson has been developed for adult learners who want to improve their ability to read, write, listen and speak  English text.  As a demonstration activity in class, the learners will be watching a series of eight short video clips and extract the elements in bullet points to be performed. Learners will be observing very carefully as a self-study activity. Learners will note the relevant information in a paper or type in a word processor or in google drive for collaborative online discussion. The final product would be to write screenplay with characters, dialogues, scenes, music, objects required and create an electronic portfolio in Goanimate.com for visualizing and further improvement purpose in the screenplay.] Educational UseCurriculum / Instruction Language[English.] Material Type[Demonstration short video clips (8) Short Video Clips ] KeywordsDesigners for LearningAdult EducationStory outlineScene by Scene plottingCharacter bibleLinkedInRecruitersJobseekersDialoguesVoice to text toolSubjectResumePost Interview TechniquesActionStandardized format of screenplayGoanimate.com Time Required for Lesson4  classes ( 60 minutes each class). Targeted SkillsKey skills covered in this lesson include:Language Writing, Reading, Speaking, Listening, Interpersonal skills, Analytical Skills, Creativity Skills, Communication Skills, Critical thinking skills, Collaborative Skills. Visualizing skills Learning ObjectivesBy the end of this lesson, the learner should be able to:Read closely, write clearly, edit and understand written english textIdentify and list various types of commercial advertisement through researching in youtube.Analyze objects, characters, dialogues, scenes, sounds, costumes, setup in all the ads.Use a wordprocessor or google drive word doc and type/edit sequential events with characters and corresponding dialoguesCompose and edit the screenplay after brainstorming session.Develop an electronic portfolio of the screenplay in Goanimate.com for visualizing for further improvement. College & Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) AlignmentLevel: Adult EducationGrade Level: CCRS Grade Level E ( 9 - 12-grade reading level )Subject: English Language Arts / Literacy Domain or Strand: CCRS Writing Strand Domain: English Language ArtsStrand: English Language Arts:Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening Sub-strand: Reading of Informational Text, Literature,  History/Social Studies Text, or Scientific and Technical text, or Writing of History/Social Studies, or Scientific and Technical subjects)Standard Description: [CCR Anchor 3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences for a TV commercial advertisement] Prior Knowledge Very basic conversational EnglishWord processing software MS WordTyping SkillsInternet searching skills through googleBasic Google Word DocsBasic Reading skillsBasic Drawing SkillsBasic Animation] Required ResourcesSkilled teacher with experience teaching learners of ESLComputer,InternetPrinterPencil Scale / RulerBlank A3 SizeSketch PenHeadsets with microphone for listening to Youtube commercial advertisementsPrintout: Standardized format sample copyPrintout: Assignments  Lesson Author & License Lesson Author: [Salim Pinjar]License: [ Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license ] Part 2: LessonInstructional Strategies and ActivitiesWarm-UpTime: 20 minutesThe Instructor introduces with learners and asks students to introduce themselves, background and what they want to be after two years. The instructor will explain the activity in brief on how to  research on any five commercial advertisements in youtube,  The learners will create a list in bullet format targeted audience, product, duration in seconds, characters, Dialogues,Objects.Background Sound / MusicWrite the story outline on any one of the five commercial observed and liked the most.Assignment 1: Create an activity to focus on the topic to be taughtAs a writing practice, write every single day that just doesn't apply to a screenplay, any kind of writing. Repeat the writing activity of story outline for the remaining commercial advertisements that were observed.Assignment 2: The learners will use feature of google tool voice to text tool feature for writing screenplay without typing in google docs.  IntroductionTime: 30 minutesThe instructor will explain about following viewing tasks to the learners in brief for the given link. The learners need to summarize in writing for all 8 short clips.   ·         Describe the purpose by stating and writing the objectiveo   Story outlining :  The instructor will describe the purpose of the storyline and how this will explore the learner's analytical skills.  The learners after watching, whatever had been observed, heard and imagined need to be specified in writing.o   Scene by Scene plotting:  This will benefit the learner the writing skills by presenting it specifically in context for each scene. The minute details, expression, dress, the camera angles, the number of scenes and its duration.o   Character Bible: This activity will help to know the character or person's characteristics, personality, behavior that needs to be known while building a character. The main focus will be on the subject of the video that was observed, what kind of information is being delivered, who are targeted audience. Assignment 3: o   Story outline:  Describe in broad strokes what happens in the short clips titled "Make Recruiters come to you" Assignment 4:o   Scene – by – scene plotting : Create a series of notes (8) and write down that happens in the short video clips provided  ("Make Recruiters come to you")on each note. Assignment 5o   Character bible: Write up a list of characters with few paragraphs who they are, where they have been and what motivates them in the videos observed. ·         Describe the content and benefits by relating the objective to learner's livesThe Instructor will tell the learners to watch carefully the content of below-mentioned titles by clicking the URL given above. This activity will help the learners in knowing the current trend of job search about how to make the recruiters attract towards you.  The learners will observe, read and write points from the available transcript in each title given below.1.       Welcome (Duration: 1m 10s)2.       The state of job search today (Duration: 1m 37s)3.       A Recruiter's typical day (Duration: 3m, 14s)4.       How a recruiter searches for you on 'LinkedIn' (Duration: 1m 49s)5.       Optimize your LinkedIn profile for recruiters (Duration: 1m 49s)6.       Delight a recruiter with your resume (Duration: 3m 29s)7.       How to hook a recruiter with your cover letter and follow-up with a recruiter (Duration: 2m 18s)8.       How to connect with a recruiter (Duration: 2m 18s)9.       Post-interview techniques that impress recruiters  (Duration:v3m 9s)Assess learners' prior knowledge of the new material by asking oral questions on following topics The Instructor will ask the learners the definition and main uses and advantage of Screenplay  o   Story outlineo   Scene by Scene plottingo   Character Bible] Presentation / Modeling / DemonstrationTime: 30 minutes[Create an activity to introduce new vocabularyAssignment 6o   Select the video clip no. 1 to 5 and click the transcript tab to write the dialogues displayed on the screen.Assignment 7o   Describe in broad strokes what happens in the video as a job seeker which should include the journey ahead by setting up circumstances, challenges faced in short, sweet, and simple.The learners will Introduce new information (jobseeker) with a variety of strategies using visuals, description, explanation, written text.Assignment 8Create illustrations by hand five scenes for the circumstances, challenges faced  as a recruiter  (Note: Each scene is one-minute duration in actual video clip.)·         Check for level of learner understanding by asking questions, using polls, etc (comprehension check)Assignment 9o   Mention the total number of characters, background scenes, objects, costumes, accessories and references of information delivered given in video clips 1-5. Assignment 10o   Write the dialogues for clips 1-8 in bulleted format in a paper or can use a word processor/google drive ms-word] Guided PracticeTime: 30 minutes[·         Model the activity or skill that learners are to practice the activity or skillAssignment 11o   The instructor will ask the learners ‘What kind of revised setup would be suitable for the viewers to be more attractive in the clips 1-5?’ Assignment 12o   Learning log will be maintained in for voice recording with learner's voice over in goanimate.com.·         Instructor will monitor learner practice by moving around the room·         Provide an immediate feedback of the activity to learnersAssignment 13The instructor will ask the learners to find a sample copy of standardized format of screenplay writing from google search and print a copy.The instructor will provide a printout copy of standardized format for observation purpose and tell the learners to create the same template in MS Word or Google Drive MS docs..] EvaluationTime: 30 minutes[Create an activity to assess each learner's attainment of the objective Assignment 14o   Compare the first write-up with the copy of standardized format and identify the differences and submit to the instructor.· Assess using oral, written or applied performance assessmentsThe Instructor will ask verbally in the class to the learners about the standardized format of writing screenplay for eg.  the setup of page format, font, line spacing, paragraph spacing.o   MCQ quiz on keywordsAssignment 15o   Assignment to be given for writing the dialogues from the transcript tab from clips 6-8 ·         Create an activity that helps learners reflect on their learning and/or the strategies used to teach the lesson Assignment 16The instructor will ask the learners to have a group discussion among the learners  as follows ‘What kind of revised setup would be suitable for the viewers to be more attractive and informative in the clips 1-5?’As a job-seeker what additional information should be provided] ApplicationTime: 30 minutes[·         Provide an activity that requires learners to apply the learning beyond the lesson and connect their own lives Project 1 o   As a job-seeker create or illustrate 5 scenes of challenges faced by an adult learner in job searching.·         Provide an activity to transfer the skills: Writing activity for a given subject.Project 2o   A newly opened fast-food joint in the neighborhood,  write a screenplay that will help the owner in attracting people from different cultures and regions to come in and eat their delicious food inside the restaurant or place an order by phone from office, home for home delivery.Project 3o   Create one subject of your own by thinking of action and character and create an electronic portfolio in goanimate.com..] Key Terms and Concepts[o   Screenplayo   Story outlineo   Scene by Scene plottingo   Character Bibleo   Subject] Part 3: Supplementary Resources & ReferencesSupplementary Resources[Download below mentioned Reference book The Foundations of Screenwriting : A step by step guide from concept to finished script here.] References[LinkedIn Learning 8 videos "Make Recruiters Come To You".Textbook: - The Foundations of Screenwriting: A step by step guide from concept to finished script, by Syd Field, Revised Edition, 2005. Attribution Statements[LinkedIn Learning videos "Make Recruiters come to you".The Screenplay: A Guide to Getting it Done by Miguel Cima) ] 

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Salim Pinjar
Date Added:
eMarketing: The Essential Guide to Online Marketing
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0.0 stars

eMarketing: The Essential Guide to Online Marketing by Rob Stokes, a marketing guru and CEO of Quirk eMarketing, Sarah Blake, and his team of QuirkStars, consolidates 11 years of real marketing experience doing online marketing at Quirk into a full length textbook that draws on both academic theory and practical experience. It is intended for third and fourth year marketing students, this textbook covers all of the important aspects of online marketing, including chapters on each of the following areas:* Search Engine Marketing* Affiliate Marketing* Web Analytics and Conversion Optimisation* Web Development* Online Copywriting* Online Advertising* WebPR* Online Reputation Management* Pay Per Click Advertising* Viral Marketing* Social Media Marketing* Search Engine Optimisation* eMarketing Strategy* Market Research* Mobile Marketing* Crowdsourcing* Customer Relationship ManagementIt also features a glossary and index as well as summaries, learning objectives and discussion points for each chapter. This eMarketing textbook offers students information that is highly applicable with examples to which they can easily relate. It is a must-have guide for each and every undergraduate and post-graduate marketing student as well as anyone working in the digital or traditional marketing sphere.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
The Saylor Foundation
Rob Stokes and The Minds at Quirk
Date Added:
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0.0 stars

Представлений матеріал адресований  для здобувачів вищої освіти ступеня "бакалавр", які вивчають курс "Реклама", "Теорія і практика реклами". Презентація має на меті ознайомити здобувачів бакалаврського ступеня з видами та засобами реклами.

Material Type:
Lecture Notes
Olha Vochanska
Date Added: