While big data infiltrates all walks of life, most firms have not …
While big data infiltrates all walks of life, most firms have not changed sufficiently to meet the challenges that come with it. In this course, you will learn how to develop a big data strategy, transform your business model and your organization.
This course will enable professionals to take their organization and their own career to the next level, regardless of their background and position.
Professionals will learn how to be in charge of big data instead of being subject to it. In particular, they will become familiar with tools to:
assess their current situation regarding potential big data-induced changes of a disruptive nature, identify their options for successfully integrating big data in their strategy, business model and organization, or if not possible, how to exit quickly with as little loss as possible, and strengthen their own position and that of their organization in our digitalized knowledge economy The course will build on the concepts of product life cycles, the business model canvas, organizational theory and digitalized management jobs (such as Chief Digital Officer or Chief Informatics Officer) to help you find the best way to deal with and benefit from big data induced changes.
This resource was created by Melissa Dux in collaboration with Kristen Evans as …
This resource was created by Melissa Dux in collaboration with Kristen Evans as part of the 2019-20 ESU-NDE Digital Age Pedagogy Project. Educators worked with coaches to create Unit Plans promoting BlendEd Learning Best Practices. This Unit Plan is designed for students in grades 9-12 enrolled in an Introduction to Business course.
This is the first edition of the open text book Building a …
This is the first edition of the open text book Building a Competitive Investment Climate on First Nation Lands. This textbook is for students who are First Nation and tribal government employees or students who would like to work for or with First Nation and tribal governments. The purpose of this textbook is to help interested First Nation and tribal governments build a competitive investment climate. Work began on this text book in early 2012 with a generous grant from the Donner Canadian Foundation. Financial support was also provided by the First Nations Tax Commission and the Tulo Centre.
Introduction to Business is a survey business course providing a multidisciplinary exami-nation …
Introduction to Business is a survey business course providing a multidisciplinary exami-nation of how culture, society, human behavior and economic systems interact with le-gal, international, political, and financial institutions to affect business policy and practic-es within the U.S. and the global marketplace. Students will evaluate how these influences impact the primary areas of business in-cluding: organizational structure and design; leadership, human resource management, and organized labor practices; marketing; organizational communication; technology; entrepreneurship; legal, accounting, and financial practices; the stock and securities markets; and therefore, affect a business’ ability to achieve its organizational goals.
Business Administration: Personal Finance Syllabus BA 218 COURSE DESCRIPTION: Students develop personal …
Business Administration: Personal Finance Syllabus
BA 218
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Students develop personal financial skills to help them make informed and smart monetary decisions.
COURSE OBJECTIVES: The successful student will be able to demonstrate the following skills: Personal budgeting techniques. Knowledge of banking practices and typical fee structures as they relate to the student’s personal finances including bank reconciliation. Knowledge of consumer credit including the value of credit scores and interest rates as it applies to personal debt. Knowledge of the decision variables when making major purchase decisions. Knowledge of investing and how to maximize retirement plan decisions.
This is the complete course for Business Applications. The content consists of …
This is the complete course for Business Applications. The content consists of lectures, templates and instructions to create a stratgeic business plan.
This course provides an introduction to applied concepts in Calculus that are …
This course provides an introduction to applied concepts in Calculus that are relevant to the managerial, life, and social sciences. Students should have a firm grasp of the concept of functions to succeed in this course. Topics covered include derivatives of basic functions and how they can be used to optimize quantities such as profit and revenues, as well as integrals of basic functions and how they can be used to describe the total change in a quantity over time.
This is an online textbook for a one semester calculus course aimed …
This is an online textbook for a one semester calculus course aimed at business students. The material covered is fairly standard: differentiation and integration without trigonometry, partial derivatives and optimization of functions of several variables. There are several characteristics that differentiate the text from other texts: Excel is used as the main computational engine throughout the text and the needed Excel skills are taught rather than assumed. Examples, exercises, and vocabulary are tailored to uses in a business curriculum. There is a modeling thread throughout the text. Webwork versions of exercises are available on request.
Business communication also happens across channels. We have come a long way …
Business communication also happens across channels. We have come a long way as the human race in terms of the channels we use to communicate with each other. With the development of language, much of communication was oral, with humans passing knowledge and information to other humans through the mouth. Sometimes we would use actions, whether through body language or through the use of other methods, such as smoke signals. However, most of communication was restricted to oral communication. With the invention of writing, we had yet another channel of communication, which turned out to be a little more permanent than speech. Information could now be recorded for posterity and knowledge could be passed down from father to son without the loss of accuracy.
Business Communication for Success 2021 edition provides the definitions for key words …
Business Communication for Success 2021 edition provides the definitions for key words and concepts that include: Effective Business Communication, Delivering Your Message, Understanding Your Audience, Effective Business Writing, Writing Preparation, Revising and Presenting Your Writing, Informative Presentations, Recommendation Report, Business Writing Using Memos, Developing Business Presentations: The Outline and PowerPoints, Nonverbal and Verbal Speech Delivery Skills, Organization and Outlines Using APA Formatting, and Presentations to Inform (Teach).
Business Communication for Success (BCS) provides a comprehensive, integrated approach to the …
Business Communication for Success (BCS) provides a comprehensive, integrated approach to the study and application of written and oral business communication to serve both student and professor.
Business Ethics is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of …
Business Ethics is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the single-semester business ethics course. This title includes innovative features designed to enhance student learning, including case studies, application scenarios, and links to video interviews with executives, all of which help instill in students a sense of ethical awareness and responsibility.
Ethics is an integral part of both corporate and personal world. This …
Ethics is an integral part of both corporate and personal world. This book comprises of 10 critical chapters on ethics. This book is designed to meet the requirements of a single semester of ethics course and includes case studies, video links and application scenarios that can help students with understanding the concepts.
Ethics is about determining value; it's deciding what's worth doing and what …
Ethics is about determining value; it's deciding what's worth doing and what doesn't matter so much.Business ethics is the way we decide what kind of career to pursue, what choices we make on the job,which companies we want to work with, and what kind of economic world we want to live in and thenleave behind for those coming after. There are no perfect answers to these questions, but there's adifference between thinking them through and winging it. The Business Ethics Workshop provides aframework for identifying, analyzing, and resolving ethical dilemmas encountered through working life.
Designed to introduce students to the essential concepts of business and other …
Designed to introduce students to the essential concepts of business and other organizations. Focus is on small, entrepreneurial start-ups, and expanding the discussion in each chapter to include issues that are faced in larger organizations when it is appropriate to do so.
This lesson was created for use in a law class. Through this …
This lesson was created for use in a law class. Through this lesson, students will understand the advantages and disadvantages of negotiation, arbitration, mediation, and litigation.
Business Law I Essentials is a brief introductory textbook designed to meet …
Business Law I Essentials is a brief introductory textbook designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of courses on Business Law or the Legal Environment of Business. The concepts are presented in a streamlined manner, and cover the key concepts necessary to establish a strong foundation in the subject. The textbook follows a traditional approach to the study of business law. Each chapter contains learning objectives, explanatory narrative and concepts, references for further reading, and end-of-chapter questions.
Business Law I Essentials may need to be supplemented with additional content, cases, or related materials, and is offered as a foundational resource that focuses on the baseline concepts, issues, and approaches.
Law, in its simplest form, is used to protect one party from …
Law, in its simplest form, is used to protect one party from another. For instance, laws protect customers from being exploited by companies. Laws protect companies from other companies. Laws even protect citizens and corporations from the government. However, law is neither perfect nor all encompassing. This course will introduce the student to the laws and ethical standards that managers must abide by in the course of conducting business. Laws and ethics almost always shape a company's decision-making process; a bank cannot charge any interest rate it wants to charge that rate must be appropriate. By the end of this course, the student will have a clear understanding of the legal and ethical environment in which businesses operate. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: Identify sources of law in the United States; Describe the function and role of courts in the US legal system; Differentiate litigation from methods of alternative dispute resolution; List the elements of the major torts; List the essential elements of a valid contract; Describe how a contract can fail; Summarize the remedies available for breach of contract; Distinguish between real and personal property; Identify the various interests in real property and how they pass; Identify the requirements to hold various rights under intellectual property laws; Analyze the impact of the digital era on intellectual property rights; Distinguish between at-will employment and contractual employment; Identify laws that generally regulate the employer-employee relationship; Identify criminal acts related to the business world; Define white collar crime; Describe the various forms of business organization; Identify the major laws regulating business in the United States; Identify major ethical concerns in business today. (Business Administration 205)
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