14.462 is the second semester of the second-year Ph.D. macroeconomics sequence. The …
14.462 is the second semester of the second-year Ph.D. macroeconomics sequence. The course is intended to introduce the students, not only to particular areas of current research, but also to some very useful analytical tools. It covers a selection of topics that varies from year to year. Recent topics include:
Growth and Fluctuations Heterogeneity and Incomplete Markets Optimal Fiscal Policy Time Inconsistency Reputation Coordination Games and Macroeconomic Complementarities Information
Students will learn about their state as they collect and organize business …
Students will learn about their state as they collect and organize business information using State Facts for Students, a U.S. Census Bureau data tool. Students have the opportunity to examine data about kids their age, as well as a variety of other facts selected to appeal to young students. Students will create a bar graph to represent how the numbers of selected business types have changed between 2010 and 2016.
This lesson is part of a series called “Changing Demographics, Changing Identity, …
This lesson is part of a series called “Changing Demographics, Changing Identity, Changing Attitudes” The series focuses on how the American identity has and will continue to change as we move toward a plurality nation, how the nation responds to that evolving identity, how changing demographics relate to issues of equality, and what we can do to promote respect for all people living in the United States.
In this lesson, students consider actions we can take to promote respect and ensure equality for all people living in the United States.
Explore the future through modeling, reading, and discussion in an open-ended seminar! …
Explore the future through modeling, reading, and discussion in an open-ended seminar! Our fields of interest will include changes in science and technology, culture and lifestyles, and dominant paradigms and societies.
Students will learn about the nature and importance of qualitative research as …
Students will learn about the nature and importance of qualitative research as a complement to numerical data — specifically how sociologists use in-depth ethnographic research to study specific places and groups. After students investigate census data on the demographics of their school’s ZIP code, they will observe a location at their school (e.g., a student center or cafeteria). Students will record their notes, understanding the importance of reflexivity in field research. Then they will write a short paper about their field study.
Sociology often looks at different age cohorts. A cohort is simply a …
Sociology often looks at different age cohorts. A cohort is simply a group of people, but here we're looking specifically at different age groups or generations, because these people all lived through the same certain events through a certain time that affected their lives similarly.
The Future of Food is an introductory-level science course that emphasizes the …
The Future of Food is an introductory-level science course that emphasizes the challenges facing food systems in the 21st century, and issues of sustainability for agriculture and other food production activities, as well as the challenges posed by food insecurity and modern diets to human health and well-being. Topics covered include introduction to the coupled-system perspective, historical development of food systems, socioeconomic aspects of the food system, interaction of the food system with the Earth's environment including soil, water, biota and climate, and the future of the food system considering potential changes such as in climate, urbanization, and demography.
To introduce demographic characteristics to students, teachers will help them create a …
To introduce demographic characteristics to students, teachers will help them create a population pyramid. Then, students will use an online tool called QuickFacts to find census data on demographic characteristics for a county in 2017. They will compare it to older data from the same county to find changes and trends over time. They will then use QuickFacts to examine data about their school’s county. Students will use this information to help them understand how business owners and community leaders use data on demographic characteristics to make decisions.
Do you enjoy the competitive challenge of starting up a new business …
Do you enjoy the competitive challenge of starting up a new business or expanding into new areas? Are you involved in economic and community development? Are you considering the best place to work and live? Do you like to gain an advantage? Location Intelligence for Business extends the application of geospatial intelligence analytical methods to the business world for competitive advantage. You will have an opportunity to understand and apply location technologies, geospatial analysis, and business geography (demographics and psychographics) to support competitive business decision-making. You will uncover and explore the key geospatial principles involved in site selection, market analysis, risk and crisis management, logistics, and transportation by solving those problems with available geospatial tools and data.
Students will examine data from the 1990–2010 censuses — and U.S. Census …
Students will examine data from the 1990–2010 censuses — and U.S. Census Bureau projections for 2010–2020 — on population changes in the U.S. island territories to make observations about the populations’ demographics and to make inferences about the purpose of such data.
A map of the eastern United States in 1790 showing the western …
A map of the eastern United States in 1790 showing the western extent of the territories to the Mississippi, and the distribution of European–American population at the time. The map is keyed to show areas of population densities ranging from under 2 inhabitants per square mile to areas with 90 or more inhabitants per square mile.
This course explores the evolution of poverty and economic security in the …
This course explores the evolution of poverty and economic security in the United States, within a global context. It examines the impact of recent economic restructuring and globalization, and reviews the current debate about the fate of the middle class, sources of increasing inequality, and approaches to advancing economic opportunity and security. In this class, students will study the topic of poverty and economic security through the lens of the lived experience of Americans: individuals, families, and households; exploring the history, geography, and forces shaping the likelihood of being poor in America.
This subject is designed to give 21H majors and minors an introduction …
This subject is designed to give 21H majors and minors an introduction to the methods that historians use to interpret the past. We will focus on two areas: archives and interpretation. In our work on archives, we will ask what constitutes an archive. We will visit one or two local archives, speak with archivists, and assemble our own archive related to life at MIT in 2003. Once we have a better understanding of the possibilities and limitations of historical archives, we will turn to the task of interpreting archival findings. We will discuss a series of readings organized around the theme of history and national identity in various parts of the world since the end of the eighteenth century.
This course centers on the changing relationships between men, women, and technology …
This course centers on the changing relationships between men, women, and technology in American history. Topics include theories of gender, technologies of production and consumption, the gendering of public and private space, men’s and women’s roles in science and technology, the effects of industrialization on sexual divisions of labor, gender and identity at home and at work.
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