This unit focuses on the critical aspects of accessibility in various common …
This unit focuses on the critical aspects of accessibility in various common digital formats. It aims to equip learners with a deep understanding of the key considerations necessary for making digital content such as word processing documents, presentations, PDF files, and multimedia formats accessible. The objectives are to familiarize learners with the fundamental principles of accessibility, ensuring they can create content that is usable by people with diverse abilities. Additionally, the unit covers methods for testing, evaluating, and reviewing digital content to identify and rectify accessibility issues, enhancing the overall accessibility of digital materials.
This best practice report pertains to exploring the challenges and processes surrounding …
This best practice report pertains to exploring the challenges and processes surrounding to support organizations in promoting inclusion through ICT by ensuring the procurement of accessible platforms that will support the access needs of PWD within the environment.
Events such as conferences, festivals, annual meetings, award ceremonies, fundraisers and seminars …
Events such as conferences, festivals, annual meetings, award ceremonies, fundraisers and seminars are an important part of the lives of many people including persons with disabilities and the elderly. Thus, it is important to ensure that such events are planned and organized in an accessible and inclusive manner to meet the needs of all visitors and participants. This document aims to help organizations to make events more digitally accessible for persons with disabilities who may be attending as presenters, participants, or sponsors. It provides guidance on how to ensure ICT Accessibility before, during and after the event, offering a set of best practices adopted internationally and locally with reference to the topics outlined in the CPRD policy framework that will open up a section of a potential market that is often overlooked and help to meet existing legal responsibilities of the organizations from an ICT perspective.
Despite the progress that has taken place in the sector of technology, …
Despite the progress that has taken place in the sector of technology, efforts of ensuring the inclusion of persons with disabilities remain limited. This is due to the limited opportunities of capacity building, weak awareness among engineers and industrialists, and the hindering of persons with disabilities’ voices in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) policy development and decision-making.
Inspired by the disposition of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with disabilities regarding accessibility, the Global Initiative for Information and Communication Technologies have been playing a pivotal role in promoting the persons with disabilities’ right to inclusive ICTs. Benefiting from the results of its Digital Accessibility Right Evaluation Index, G3ICT has realized the increasing commitment of CRPD States Parties to issues of ICT Accessibility. Nevertheless, The DARE index data show the remaining challenges encountered by governments’ procurement capacity for offering actual support to inclusive ICT programs, products, and services. ICT accessibility continues to be absent from higher education and vocational training programs. Furthermore, advocacy efforts of persons with disabilities and their organizations remain limited within the realm of digital accessibility.
This paper discusses G3ICT’s Digital Accessibility Right Education (DARE) Academy, and its role in tackling issues of digital divide through offering a platform of educational development and advocacy capacity enhancement for persons with disabilities around issues of ICT accessibility.
The main objective of the MADA ICT-AID competency framework is to provide the …
The main objective of the MADA ICT-AID competency framework is to provide the community with a framework that can be used as a template to assist educational institutions, organizations and individuals in delimiting the required relevant competencies in the ICT accessibility and inclusive design field. This framework can help in creating learning resources and teaching materials on ICT accessibility and inclusive design, and also to make other courses accessible.
This guide will identify E-accessibility standards in the specified domains of: 1. …
This guide will identify E-accessibility standards in the specified domains of: 1. Websites 2. Mobile applications 3. Electronic documents 4. Media (video and audio) 5. Electronic kiosks and automated teller machines (ATMs) 6. Text and video relay services for the deaf
ICT accessibility and inclusive design is considered as a relevant and essential …
ICT accessibility and inclusive design is considered as a relevant and essential topic that needs to be well covered and integrated within capacity building, training and education curricula and programmes. Despite this urgent need, there is a lack of integration of ICT-AID aligned courses in educational institutions and professional development services based on a comprehensive Global competency framework delimiting all required relevant competencies and capabilities in the field of ICT accessibility and Inclusive Design. It is in this context that Mada center has developed an open competency framework in a bid to guide globally training of students and workers on ICT accessibility and inclusive design, so that they will be well prepared to excel in their accessibility professions and contribute in the creation of accessible products, contents and services.
This problem-based learning module is designed to engage students in solving a …
This problem-based learning module is designed to engage students in solving a real problem within the community. The question being “How can I help my community get digitally connected?” Students will choose to investigate one of three solutions of making wifi available in our school district to the most populated areas. They will either choose to put Wifi on bus, placing hotspots in the community or using kajeet. The students will be using Google Earth Pro to place circles on a map and calculating the area of these circles. Students will make a model of these circles onto a hard copy using scale factor. At the conclusion, the students will present findings to administration, the board of education, state and local leaders as well as their peers. These findings can be presented through the choice of a display board, flyer, video production or prezi.This blended module includes teacher-led discussion, group-led investigation and discussions along with technology integration.
This guidebook was created by ISKME, in partnership with the Science Education …
This guidebook was created by ISKME, in partnership with the Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College. The document provides a practical reference for curators and authors of STEM OER, and contains 23 accessibility criteria, or elements, to reference as they curate, design and adapt materials to be accessible for STEM learners.
The primary audience of this resource is STEM postsecondary faculty, instructional designers, and others responsible for course design and pedagogy who seek to:
- Expand their knowledge about accessibility and ways to integrate it into their STEM curriculum and instruction - Design openly licensed STEM courses and course materials that support both access and use by learners - Curate existing STEM content that expands upon traditional textbooks and courseware to address variability in learning - Identify and add meaningful keywords, or tags, to the STEM OER they create, so that their OER can be more easily discovered across platforms
Professional learning teams on campus are also encouraged to use this framework as part of training to facilitate integration of accessibility concepts into STEM course design and pedagogy.
The framework and guide development was supported by a mini-grant program facilitated by Bates College and the SCORE-UBE Network (Sustainability Challenges for Open Resources to promote an Equitable Undergraduate Biology Education), with funding from The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. The framework and guide were developed by ISKME and SERC with input from 21 STEM faculty members from across the United States, and in collaboration with the project’s Working Group of accessibility experts: Andrew Hasley and Hayley Orndorf, both with BioQUEST’s UDL Initiative and the Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis (QUBES) Project; Hannah Davidson, Plymouth State University; and Cynthia Curry, National Center on Accessible Educational Materials (AEM)/CAST.
A Reference for Creating Accessible Office Documents Short Description: With much of …
A Reference for Creating Accessible Office Documents
Short Description: With much of the world gone digital, learning to create documents that are accessible to everyone is becoming a necessary skill. Intended for a general audience, this free resource reviews a wide range of document authoring applications, including the tools they contain for creating accessible documents, and tests them to ensure they do not contain potential barriers. Learn how to create accessible word processed documents, spreadsheets, presentation slides, and PDF documents, among others, so they are accessible to everyone.
Long Description: With much of the world gone digital, learning to create documents that are accessible to everyone is becoming a necessary skill. Intended for a general audience, this free resource reviews a wide range of document authoring applications, including the tools they contain for creating accessible documents, and tests them to ensure they do not contain potential barriers. Learn how to create accessible word processed documents, spreadsheets, presentation slides, and PDF documents, among others, so they are accessible to everyone.
Word Count: 113386
(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)
In April/May 2023, a team from Western Oregon University (WOU) attended the …
In April/May 2023, a team from Western Oregon University (WOU) attended the Strategic Digital Accessibility Training sponsored by Open Oregon Educational Resources and WebAIM. The team worked and met asynchronously between meetings to complete homework assignments and to discuss the intricacies of creating a digital accessibility plan specific for WOU. One major takeaway from WebAIM’s training was that the foundation for a digital accessibility plan is a digital accessibility policy. The creation of a digital accessibility policy was added to the university’s Equity Action Plan.
Web accessibility refers to the design and development of websites, tools, and …
Web accessibility refers to the design and development of websites, tools, and technologies in a manner that enables individuals with disabilities to utilize them. By the end of this course, you should be able to: ― Describe the guiding principles of web Accessibility ― Identify major features of HTML Accessibility ― Review the essential components of web Accessibility ― Discuss approaches towards ensuring Web Accessibility
الاتفاقيات والقوانين والمعايير الدولية المتعلقة بإمكانية الوصول ونفاذية تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات ضمن …
الاتفاقيات والقوانين والمعايير الدولية المتعلقة بإمكانية الوصول ونفاذية تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات ضمن الوحدة الثالثة المشهد القانوني للإعاقة وإمكانية النفاذ
يعتبر الأشخاص ذوو الإعاقة من الفئات الهامة في المجتمع والتي تساهم في …
يعتبر الأشخاص ذوو الإعاقة من الفئات الهامة في المجتمع والتي تساهم في التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية في الدولة. كما يعتبر إشراك هؤلاء الأشخاص في التدريب حقًا أساسيًا لهم لضمان لتطويرهم الذاتي وتنمية مهاراتهم العملية بما يحقق العدالة في المعاملة وتكافؤ الفرص تماشياً مع اتفاقية حقوق الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة التي صادقت عليها دولة قطر في سنة 2008 . إن هناك العديد من العوامل التي تؤثر سلباً على الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة وتجعلهم عرضة لانخفاض مستوى احترام الذات أو انعدام الثقة في قدراتهم ومنها استبعادهم بشكل فعلي من العديد من الأنشطة الاجتماعية وقلة الفرص المتاحة لهم للحصول على التعليم والتدريب وبعض الخبرات الحياتية مقارنة بنظرائهم من غير ذوي الإعاقة. ولهذا السبب كان من الضروري معالجة هذه المشكلة من خلال دمج وإشراك الأشخاص من ذوي الإعاقة في البرامج التدريبية وتشجيعهم على التفاعل والمشاركة الكاملة وتوفير الترتيبات التيسيرية المعقولة لهم لتمكينهم ولإزالة الحواجز التي تعيق مشاركتهم. وسنقوم في هذا الدليل بتسليط الضوء على أحدث الطرق والأساليب المتبعة في مجال تدريب الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة والتعامل معهم وكيفية جعل البيئة التدريبية شاملة وقابلة للنفاذ.
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