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  • gender-studies
Accountability and Repairing Relationships: Training and Facilitation Guide
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Training for Preventing and Responding to Sexual Violence in B.C. Post-Secondary Institutions

Short Description:
A workshop and facilitation guide to support B.C. post-secondary institutions to prevent and respond to sexual violence and misconduct. Accountability and Repairing Relationships is a series of four 90-minute workshops for individuals who have been informed that they have caused harm in the context of sexual violence. Designed for one-on-one or small group facilitation, learners are guided through information and reflection activities that help them recognize the harm they have caused, learn how to be accountable, and develop the skills needed to build better relationships and support a safe and healthy campus. (The slide deck that accompanies this resource can be downloaded from the Introduction).

Long Description:
A workshop and facilitation guide to support B.C. post-secondary institutions to prevent and respond to sexual violence and misconduct. Accountability and Repairing Relationships is a series of four 90-minute workshops for individuals who have been informed that they have caused harm in the context of sexual violence. Designed for one-on-one or small group facilitation, learners are guided through information and reflection activities that help them recognize the harm they have caused, learn how to be accountable, and develop the skills needed to build better relationships and support a safe and healthy campus. (The slide deck that accompanies this resource can be downloaded from the Introduction).

Word Count: 22412

ISBN: 978-1-77420-104-6

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Ethnic Studies
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Social Science
Social Work
Special Education
Material Type:
Sexual Violence Training Development Team
Date Added:
Active Bystander Intervention: Training and Facilitation Guide
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Training for Preventing and Responding to Sexual Violence in B.C. Post-Secondary Institutions

Short Description:
A workshop and facilitation guide to support B.C. post-secondary institutions to prevent and respond to sexual violence and misconduct. Active Bystander Intervention is a 90-minute workshop for all members of the campus community: students, faculty, administrators, and staff. This training helps learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to recognize and intervene in an incident of sexual violence as well as discuss strategies for creating a safer campus community. Uses the 4D’s (Direct, Distract, Delegate, Delay) Active Bystander Intervention Model. (The slide deck that accompanies this resource can be downloaded from the Introduction.)

Long Description:
A workshop and facilitation guide to support B.C. post-secondary institutions to prevent and respond to sexual violence and misconduct. Active Bystander Intervention is a 90-minute workshop for all members of the campus community: students, faculty, administrators, and staff.

This training helps learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to recognize and intervene in an incident of sexual violence as well as discuss strategies for creating a safer campus community. Uses the 4D’s (Direct, Distract, Delegate, Delay) Active Bystander Intervention Model. (The slide deck that accompanies this resource can be downloaded from the Introduction.)

Word Count: 23063

ISBN: 978-1-77420-106-0

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Criminal Justice
Ethnic Studies
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Social Science
Social Work
Special Education
Material Type:
Sexual Violence Training Development Team
Date Added:
American Women's Dime Novel Project
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0.0 stars

Dime novels written by women were once enormously popular with their readers, but the genre has been neglected for most of its history by scholars, collectors, and libraries. The genre suffers from the double burden of being both popular and written for working-class women. This project hopes to overcome the history of oversight to both the form and its readers by providing information about the novels themselves, the authors, the readers, and nineteenth century public reaction.
This site is a source of information about women’s dime novels and includes primary sources on dime novels, biographies for lesser-known authors, lists of relevant archival collections and cover art.

Arts and Humanities
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Social Science
U.S. History
Material Type:
George Mason University
Provider Set:
Center for History and New Media
Felicia L. Carr
Date Added:
Born Naked: Gender Roles in Literature and Life
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

This unit prompts students in a twelfth-grade English class to question and challenge the roles and expectations that are placed upon them by society based on gender identity. By exposing the inconsistencies and contradictions inherent in a binary division of genders, our studies and discussions during this unit will push students to consider that gender identity and labeling need not determine an individual’s behavior, educational pursuits, or career path. Students will use a combination of contemporary and canon literature to reinforce the concepts that we will investigate. Alice Walker’s The Color Purple and Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun will serve as anchor texts for students.

English Language Arts
Ethnic Studies
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute
Provider Set:
2020 Curriculum Units Volume I
Date Added:
Case Studies on Women and their Impact on Society: Using Powerful Narratives of Women to Teach the CRAIGs.
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

Through this unit, students will learn a broad narrative of the women's rights movement in the United States and elsewhere. We will begin with the present as to why there are still issues with equality among men and women, and search back through history for its causes. My objective will be to correct students’ misinformation and to encourage them to understand why gender inequality in its various forms--political, economic, and social--persists to the present day.

The inspirational examples of influential women will teach students the behaviors needed to succeed in the world. Case studies, informed by the CRAIGs structure, will be our starting point.

English Language Arts
Ethnic Studies
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute
Provider Set:
2020 Curriculum Units Volume I
Date Added:
Consent & Sexual Violence: Training and Facilitation Guide
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Training for Preventing and Responding to Sexual Violence in B.C. Post-Secondary Institutions

Short Description:
A workshop and facilitation guide to support B.C. post-secondary institutions to prevent and respond to sexual violence and misconduct. Consent & Sexual Violence is a 90-minute workshop for all members of the campus community: students, faculty, administrators, and staff. This training explores different understandings of consent, including the legal definition. Learners have the opportunity to develop skills related to asking for and giving consent in all relationships as well as discuss strategies for creating a “culture of consent” in campus communities. (The slide deck that accompanies this resource can be downloaded from the Introduction.)

Long Description:
A workshop and facilitation guide to support B.C. post-secondary institutions to prevent and respond to sexual violence and misconduct. Consent & Sexual Violence is a 90 minute workshop for all members of the campus community: students, faculty, administrators, and staff. This training explores different understandings of consent, including the legal definition. Learners have the opportunity to develop skills related to asking for and giving consent in all relationships as well as discuss strategies for creating a “culture of consent” in campus communities. (The slide deck that accompanies this resource can be downloaded from the Introduction).

Word Count: 24282

ISBN: 978-1-77420-102-2

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Criminal Justice
Ethnic Studies
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Social Science
Social Work
Special Education
Material Type:
Date Added:
Current Debates in Media
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This class addresses important, current debates in media with in-depth discussion of popular perceptions and policy implications. Students will engage in the critical study of the economic, political, social, and cultural significance of media, and learn to identify, analyze, and understand the complex relations among media texts, policies, institutions, industries, and infrastructures. This class offers the opportunity to discuss, in stimulating and challenging ways, topics such as ideology, propaganda, net neutrality, big data, digital hacktivism, digital rebellion, media violence, gamification, collective intelligence, participatory culture, intellectual property, artificial intelligence, etc., from historical, transcultural, and multiple methodological perspectives.

Arts and Humanities
Business and Communication
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Graphic Arts
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Trépanier-Jobin, Gabrielle
Date Added:
Feminism 101 introductory lectures
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

I have produced a series of introductory undergraduate lectures on the subject of feminism and gender: the first introduces the concept of gender, the second tackles discussions around universalism and intersectionality, the third explores issues around reproduction, and the fourth applies an intersectional analysis to the topic of gender, power and violence. I have also produced a fifth which covers how to write an undergraduate essay.

The lectures take the form of Prezi presentations. They are free for academic colleagues and others to download, adapt and use as they see fit. They can be simply read out in class, expanding on points where appropriate, used as the basis for a more in-depth lectures by colleagues with expertise in the field, or clicked through and read by students in preparation for discussion sessions. The webpage includes links to transcripts of each lecture, for text readers.

Arts and Humanities
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Alison Phipps
Date Added:
Feminist Thought
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This course analyzes theories of gender and politics, especially ideologies of gender and their construction; definitions of public and private spheres; and gender issues in citizenship, the development of the welfare state, experiences of war and revolution, class formation, and the politics of sexuality.

Gender and Sexuality Studies
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Wood, Elizabeth
Date Added:
Gender Sensitivity
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0.0 stars

The training manual can be used for the orientation of policy-makers, curriculum developers, media professionals, adult learners and the public at large. It is organized into ten sections that build on, one another to sharpen participants’ understanding of gender-biased thinking within, and all around, them.

Gender and Sexuality Studies
Social Science
Material Type:
Unit of Study
United Nations
Provider Set:
Date Added:
Gender Theory Syllabus
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0.0 stars

This is a thirteen-week syllabus on different aspects of gender and feminist theory, for upper-undergraduate and postgraduate students. It contains key and suggested readings and suggested preparation tasks and seminar activities.

Arts and Humanities
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Lesson Plan
Alison Phipps
Date Added:
Gender and the Law in U.S. History
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This subject explores the legal history of the United States as a gendered system. It examines how women have shaped the meanings of American citizenship through pursuit of political rights such as suffrage, jury duty, and military service, how those political struggles have varied for across race, religion, and class, as well as how the legal system has shaped gender relations for both women and men through regulation of such issues as marriage, divorce, work, reproduction, and the family. The course readings will draw from primary and secondary materials in American history, as well as some court cases. However, the focus of the class is on the broader relationship between law and society, and no technical legal knowledge is required or assumed.

Arts and Humanities
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Social Science
U.S. History
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Capozzola, Christopher
Date Added:
Gender in Canada: A Companion Workbook
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
NewParaThis workbook is designed for first or second-year sociology of gender or gender studies courses, focusing on the Canadian context. It is divided into five topics - Theory and Concepts, Institutions, Work, Family and Intimate Relationships, and Bodies and Health. This workbook does not replace a textbook, instructor teachings through lectures, class discussion, class assignments, or other standard undergraduate course materials. Instead, this is an activity book: a course companion, working alongside and with those course materials. It is designed to build competency, capacity, and confidence with course materials, concepts, and arguments. It does this by embracing the concepts of embodied learning, iterative scaffolding, and reflexive insight. "Embodied" means doing things with your body and not just your mind; "scaffolding" means breaking things down into constituent parts that can be gathered together to build something bigger; and "reflexive" means thinking about oneself in relation to broad concepts and contexts around us. The workbook presents four types of content. (1) Each chapter has one or two pages of written content deemed "Insights to Think About," which are summative guides to help students grab onto big ideas. (2) The chapters also have "Words to Try," encouraging a usable lexicon. (3) Chapters have thoughtfully designed "Activities." The activities help students to get ideas down, give those ideas meaning and order, and prepare students to do more engaged work in course conversations and higher-stakes assignments. (4) Finally, each section ends with "My Insights On," where students can record their "big picture" ideas and things they want to explore more in their course discussions and other assignments.NewParaThis workbook works best when printed off and engaged with non-digitally. The print PDF is available as a link to download in the Introduction Chapter and here: Download Print PDF

Long Description:
This workbook is designed for first or second-year sociology of gender or gender studies courses, focusing on the Canadian context. It is divided into five topics – Theory and Concepts, Institutions, Work, Family and Intimate Relationships, and Bodies and Health.

This workbook does not replace a textbook, instructor teachings through lectures, class discussion, class assignments, or other standard undergraduate course materials. Instead, this is an activity book: a course companion, working alongside and with those course materials. It is designed to build competency, capacity, and confidence with course materials, concepts, and arguments. It does this by embracing the concepts of embodied learning, iterative scaffolding, and reflexive insight. “Embodied” means doing things with your body and not just your mind; “scaffolding” means breaking things down into constituent parts that can be gathered together to build something bigger; and “reflexive” means thinking about oneself in relation to broad concepts and contexts around us. The workbook presents four types of content. Each chapter has one or two pages of written content deemed “Insights to Think About,” which are summative guides to help students grab onto big ideas. The chapters also have “Words to Try,” encouraging a usable lexicon. Chapters have thoughtfully designed “Activities.” The activities help students to get ideas down, give those ideas meaning and order, and prepare students to do more engaged work in course conversations and higher-stakes assignments. Finally, each section ends with “My Insights On,” where students can record their “big picture” ideas and things they want to explore more in their course discussions and other assignments.

The complete hardcopy version of this workbook is available here: https://kpu.pressbooks.pub/app/uploads/sites/294/2023/02/Gender-in-Canada-A-Companion-Workbook-2023.pdf

Word Count: 19834

ISBN: 978-1-989864-62-3

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Gender and Sexuality Studies
Social Science
Material Type:
Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Date Added:
Girls Speak Out
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0.0 stars

Today, over 115 million children have never set foot inside a school. The fact is that for children living in developing countries, the dream of a first day of school is yet to be realized. The daily realities of poverty, political instability, regional conflict, geography, and cultural or traditional values all play a role to varying degrees -- and the issue of gender disparity makes this fact even more staggering. Full and equal access to education (Article 26) as outlined in the 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights' and 'The Convention on the Rights of the Child' (Articles 2,3,28, and 29), has clearly been out of the reach of poor children -- and even more so in the case of girls. Nearly two-thirds of children who are denied a primary education are girls. In the least developed countries, nearly twice as many adult women than men are illiterate. (Source: UNFPA http://www.unfpa.org/icpd/10/icpd_ed.htm) If you happen to be a female, you are less likely to have access to a quality primary education and beyond -- contributing to the feminization of global poverty. Yet, there is hope despite this current state of affairs. 189 nations have pledged to meet 8 major Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015. In doing so, nations hope to improve the social and economic development of all peoples. Included in these goals are those that address education and gender disparity: MDG 2: Achieve universal and primary education. MDG 3: Promote gender equality and empower women. Through the activities outlined in this lesson, students will become familiar with the current barriers standing in the way of educational opportunity -- especially for girls. They will watch clips from the WIDE ANGLE film 'Time for School' (2003) to understand the sense of urgency surrounding this issue, the potential benefits that can result from educating girls, and the ways that local communities are trying to address these problems. Note: This lesson focuses on MDG 2 and MDG 3. An introduction to the overall goals of the Millennium Project should be presented prior to this particular lesson.

World History
Material Type:
Case Study
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Thirteen/WNET New York
Provider Set:
WIDE ANGLE: Window into Global History
Yolanda Betances
Date Added:
Guidance, Counseling and Youth Development for Africa
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0.0 stars

The programme on Guidance, Counselling and Youth Development for Africa proposes 10 individual modules categorized by topics, countries or specialists in order to answer to the growing number of social issues faced by African young people, particularly girls.

Gender and Sexuality Studies
Social Science
Material Type:
Case Study
Unit of Study
United Nations
Provider Set:
Date Added:
Image-ing Our Foremothers: Art as a Means of Connecting with Women's History
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This is an 8 week experience for the college student that begins by setting a learning context through using library resources, especially online databases, for locating images and art that reflect a chosen research topic and creating a mural that demonstrates the students’ comprehension of the chosen topic. The experience includes conducting research on 3 significant events or people in women’s US history. The written research will be accompanied by images or art that the student has chosen (described) as reflective of, or related to the researched event or person. In order to determine the students’ level of information literacy, the research will include a detailed description of how the students located the images. The students will also draw or describe a personalized sketch of one of the researched events or people. The culmination of the research is the design and painting of a collaborative mural depicting the students' research topics.

This Reusable Learning Object (RLO) was created out of the desire to infuse university courses with information literacy or research activities. A traditional research project on significant events or people in history is enhanced with the discovery and analyzing of art and images within the context of history. Analysis not only includes written text but the painting of a mural. The RLO is structured in a way that allows for easy replication and alteration to a variety of subjects and learning levels.

Art History
Arts and Humanities
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Social Science
Visual Arts
Material Type:
Full Course
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Indiana University
Kristi L.
Date Added:
Inclusion of Gender in Family Education
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0.0 stars

This training manual is aimed to enable family educators to generate gender responsiveness in parents and other major caregivers, especially those with young children aged 0-8. Divided in 6 modules, includes exercises designed to encourage reflection and discussion on gender issues.

Gender and Sexuality Studies
Social Science
Material Type:
Unit of Study
United Nations
Provider Set:
Date Added:
International Trade and its Implications for Female Empowerment
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

While the unifying focus of my unit will be the outcomes of globalization and trade in women’s lives, I have found it helpful to divide the content into two distinct sections—women in “developed” and “developing” nations around the world. The distinction between countries that fall under these labels was not based on my singular judgement, but rather a dichotomy that academics have discussed at length as emerging from the international trade system of the past several decades.1 Some common features that define nations considered “developed” in this system (to name just a few) include a service-based economy, an importation of goods produced from manufacturing/more labor-intensive industries, and a powerful voice in setting global trade regulations. In contrast, a few features that can be used to identify “developing” nations include an export-oriented economy, rapid urbanization, and the implementation of “shock therapy” structural adjustments promoted by global economic organizations. These distinct categories will provide a useful framework for students to gain a fundamental understanding of how different countries around the world interact with the same system. It would, of course, be more accurate to consider these categories as ends of a spectrum—with several nations existing somewhere in between “developing” and “developed.” I plan on addressing this nuance while not only introducing the unit, but also at various points throughout. By contrasting case studies from countries like the U.S. with Bangladesh, I plan to highlight the opposite ends of the same global system while working to avoid the promotion of a dichotomous, uncritical perspective of the world.

English Language Arts
Ethnic Studies
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute
Provider Set:
2020 Curriculum Units Volume I
Date Added:
Introduction to Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This textbook introduces key feminist concepts and analytical frameworks used in the interdisciplinary Women, Gender, Sexualities field. It unpacks the social construction of knowledge and categories of difference, processes and structures of power and inequality, with a focus on gendered labor in the global economy, and the historical development of feminist social movements. The book emphasizes feminist sociological approaches to analyzing structures of power, drawing heavily from empirical feminist research.

Gender and Sexuality Studies
Social Science
Material Type:
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Donovan Lessard
Laura Heston
Miliann Kang
Sonny Nordmarken
Date Added:
Introduction to Women's Studies
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This course is an introduction to intersectionality and social justice. I’m starting from a beginner perspective assuming that folks are coming into these ideas for the first time. The course begins with some of the typical patterns that people experience when they’re confronting their privilege for the first time, including resistance, fragility, guilt and shame. I encourage folks to always stay focused on their privileged identities, whichever those are. Since it’s an introductory course, there’s a lot of interesting ideas, but we don’t delve deep into any of them. We explore some of the similar patterns that different oppressions face, like victim blaming, competition, internalization, issues around visibility, disclosure, inheritability and familial relationships. We analyze economic systems around work and employment and question the structures and systems that shape our lives. I encourage students to develop their humility, ally and activism skills. We wrap up with hope for how to reimagine a better society.

The course uses a flipped-classroom methodology that centers student conversations during class time.

Gender and Sexuality Studies
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Everyday Social Justice
Jimena Alvarado
Date Added: