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  • guidelines
25-Hydroxyvitamin D assay standardization and vitamin D guidelines paralysis
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This resource is a video abstract of a research paper created by Research Square on behalf of its authors. It provides a synopsis that's easy to understand, and can be used to introduce the topics it covers to students, researchers, and the general public. The video's transcript is also provided in full, with a portion provided below for preview:

"Vitamin D guidelines are currently in a state of paralysis. The problem: the numerous competing ways of measuring levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D, a slightly modified form of vitamin D in the body. This lack of standardization has produced three conflicting sets of guidelines for defining vitamin D status across the globe, those from the UK, the US, and the Endocrine Society. The guidelines from the UK and US set similar standards, defining vitamin D deficiency as 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations less than 10 to 12 nanograms per milliliter. This is the standard typically adopted by government-sponsored committees. Non-governmental organizations, however, tend to adopt the guideline set by the Endocrine Society, which defines deficiency as 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations less than 20 nanograms per milliliter. Despite a wealth of data on vitamin D and how to measure it, a worldwide consensus on determining vitamin D status remains elusive..."

The rest of the transcript, along with a link to the research itself, is available on the resource itself.

Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Research Square
Provider Set:
Video Bytes
Date Added:
ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines (2012 Edition)
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

This resource gives detailed proficiency guidelines for second language learners in the four major categories of speaking, writing, listening, and reading. It separates proficiency into five major levels: distinguished, superior, advanced, intermediate, and novice. Advanced, intermediate, and novice are further divided into high, mid, and low sublevels. The guidelines give detailed descriptions of language use regarding each level, applicable to all languages.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Date Added:
Arabic Oral Proficiency: A Guide for Students
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

This guide is for students who wish to get an idea of what speaking proficiency is, what the guidelines are for speaking proficiency, and what kinds of outcomes can be expected after different amounts of Arabic study. It can also be used by instructors who are looking for similar information. Examples of students at different levels are provided, as are rater comments of the examples. The website includes a list of resources for further instruction and information regarding oral proficiency.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Center For Applied Linguistics
Date Added:
European Senior Volunteers Guidelines
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This basic guideline is a tool addressed to all the seniors and people working in the social field who would like to have a thorough knowledge of what the European Senior Volunteering (ESV) is about. This guideline aims to reach organizations, institutions, seniors, youth and leaders who are willing to organize their first activities addressed to seniors under the EU Programmes or other volunteering actions.
This final output of the “ERASVUS+” project represents the recommendations gathered by the four partner organizations, on how to manage international volunteering projects for seniors, focusing on their needs and expectations and by taking into consideration the effectiveness of the intercultural and intergenerational aspects of the learning paths.

"The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

The freely downloadable version is available on the official website of the project:

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Student Guide
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Asociación Socioeducativa EdupluS
Integrált Kifejezés- és Táncterápiás Egyesület
Fattoria Pugliese Diffusa APS
Date Added:
How to use OER Textbooks in your class (Moodle Specified)
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0.0 stars

This guideline is for those who wants to use OER Commons textbooks in Moodle. Here I described 3 factors; 1)how to search resources at OER Commons, 2) what is the difference between the resources created by Open Author and from other websites, and 3) how to use resources at Moodle.

Material Type:
Student Guide
Date Added:
MADA e-Accessibility Guide
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This guide will identify E-accessibility standards in the specified domains of:
1. Websites
2. Mobile applications
3. Electronic documents
4. Media (video and audio)
5. Electronic kiosks and automated teller machines (ATMs)
6. Text and video relay services for the deaf

Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Computer Science
Information Science
Material Type:
Mada center
Date Added:
Manpower Planning- Problems, Guideline and Trends
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This lecture video describes problems associated with HRP, guidelines for effective HRP and the trends impacting manpower planning.
Problems Associated with Manpower Planning
HR practitioners are perceived as experts in handling personnel matter but are not experts in managing business. The personnel plan conceived and formulated by the HR practitioners when enmeshed with organizational plan might make the overall strategic plan itself defective.
HR information often is incompatible with the information used in strategy formulation. Strategic planning efforts have long been oriented towards financial forecasting often to the exclusion of other types of information.
Conflict may exist between short-term and long-term HR needs. For example, there arises a conflict between the pressure to get work done on time and long-term needs, such as preparing people for assuming greater responsibilities. Many managers are of the belief that HR needs can be met immediately because skills are available on the market as long as wages and salaries are competitive. These managers fail to recognize that by resorting to hiring or promoting depending on short term needs alone, long-term issues are neglected.
There is conflict between quantitative and qualitative approach to HRP. Some people view HRP as a number game designed to track the flow of people across the departments. These people rely on a strictly quantitative approach to planning. Others take a qualitative approach and focus on individual employee concerns such as promotion and career development. Best results would accrue if there is a balance between the quantitative and qualitative approaches.
Non-involvement of operating managers renders HRP ineffective.
Recent Trends in HRP
Automation via Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics Process Automation (RPA)
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Employee experience
HR Guidance
Gig Economy
Real Time Performance Feedback
Generational Shifts
Dr. Chandrakanta Sahoo
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Arts and Humanities
Business and Communication
Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Dr. Chandrakanta Sahoo
Date Added:
A new diagnostic algorithm for paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria based on expert consensus
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This resource is a video abstract of a research paper created by Research Square on behalf of its authors. It provides a synopsis that's easy to understand, and can be used to introduce the topics it covers to students, researchers, and the general public. The video's transcript is also provided in full, with a portion provided below for preview:

"A new diagnostic algorithm could lead to earlier and more accurate diagnosis of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, a life-threatening hematopoietic stem cell disorder. Early diagnosis of PNH is essential to avoid serious, potentially fatal outcomes, but timely identification is complicated by the condition’s rarity and the non-specificity of the attendant symptoms. To address this gap, a committee of PNH experts developed an algorithm for screening and diagnosis based on consensus from physicians with real-world experience in treating the disorder. The result should help non-specialists derive an appropriate differential diagnosis. A handful of core signs and symptoms form the foundation of the algorithm. These include symptoms of anemia, such as fatigue, tachycardia, shortness of breath, and headache; thrombotic events; dark-colored urine; intermittent abdominal pain; esophageal spasms; and dysphagia..."

The rest of the transcript, along with a link to the research itself, is available on the resource itself.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Research Square
Provider Set:
Video Bytes
Date Added:
دليل تدريب الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

يعتبر الأشخاص ذوو الإعاقة من الفئات الهامة في المجتمع والتي تساهم في التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية في الدولة. كما يعتبر إشراك هؤلاء الأشخاص في التدريب حقًا أساسيًا لهم لضمان لتطويرهم الذاتي وتنمية مهاراتهم العملية بما يحقق العدالة في المعاملة وتكافؤ الفرص تماشياً مع اتفاقية حقوق الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة التي صادقت عليها دولة قطر في سنة 2008 .
إن هناك العديد من العوامل التي تؤثر سلباً على الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة وتجعلهم عرضة لانخفاض مستوى احترام الذات أو انعدام الثقة في قدراتهم ومنها استبعادهم بشكل فعلي من العديد من الأنشطة الاجتماعية وقلة الفرص المتاحة لهم للحصول على التعليم والتدريب وبعض الخبرات الحياتية مقارنة بنظرائهم من غير ذوي الإعاقة. ولهذا السبب كان من الضروري معالجة هذه المشكلة من خلال دمج وإشراك الأشخاص من ذوي الإعاقة في البرامج التدريبية وتشجيعهم على التفاعل والمشاركة الكاملة وتوفير الترتيبات التيسيرية المعقولة لهم لتمكينهم ولإزالة الحواجز التي تعيق مشاركتهم.
وسنقوم في هذا الدليل بتسليط الضوء على أحدث الطرق والأساليب المتبعة في مجال تدريب الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة والتعامل معهم وكيفية جعل البيئة التدريبية شاملة وقابلة للنفاذ.

Career and Technical Education
Social Science
Material Type:
Mada center
Date Added: