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  • MCCRS.ELA-Literacy.RST.11-12.9 - Synthesize information from a range of sources (e.g., texts, experimen...
  • MCCRS.ELA-Literacy.RST.11-12.9 - Synthesize information from a range of sources (e.g., texts, experimen...
CIS 101 - Computer Fundamentals - OER (Public) Version
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0.0 stars

In this course, students will learn basic Microsoft Windows 10 Operating Systems skills (including Core PC Hardware Components, Graphical User Interface, Local and Cloud File Management, Applications, Internet Browsers, Security, and key System Utilities), Google Email, Contacts, Calendar, and Drive applications, as well as introduction to Word Processing, Spreadsheet and Presentation applications. Additionally, students will learn to create and convert documents between different format (Microsoft and Google apps).

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Linn-Benton Community College
Ziko Rizk
Date Added:
Concord Consortium: Chemical Bonds
Read the Fine Print
0.0 stars

This interactive activity helps learners visualize the role of electrons in the formation of ionic and covalent chemical bonds. Students explore different types of chemical bonds by first viewing a single hydrogen atom in an electric field model. Next, students use sliders to change the electronegativity between two atoms -- a model to help them understand why some atoms are attracted. Finally, students experiment in making their own models: non-polar covalent, polar covalent, and ionic bonds. This item is part of the Concord Consortium, a nonprofit research and development organization dedicated to transforming education through technology.

Applied Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Concord Consortium
Provider Set:
Concord Consortium Collection
National Science Foundation
The Concord Consortium
Date Added:
Drug Delivery Innovation Project
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0.0 stars

In this capstone course, students will use new and previous knowledge about drug delivery and biopharmaceutics, to design an innovation. Throughout the course students will engage in learning opportunities related to real-world scenarios in drug delivery, gain a better understanding of the anatomy and physiology related to drug delivery, and participate in a self-directed project to solve a fictitious problem. This learning tool will guide students through the process of understanding real-world applications of drug delivery and how drug delivery is applied to treating infectious diseases. DDF’s innovation project is aligned with NGSS and Common Core standards in math and ELA core curriculum subject areas. The learning activities, final project, and mid-unit assessments are provided to the teacher and students in the form of eLearning readings, quizzes, interactive tools, student response sheets, and presentation outlines. Students using this module should find success in self-directed learning, though they may use additional resources in the community, the guidance of teachers, the advice of scientists or biomedical professionals at DDF, or the knowledge presented in scientific literature to help them achieve their goal; though this module should provide most of the tools they will need for guidance. For more information on in-person learning experiences, please contact our DDF eLearning Project Manager, Lindsay Malcolm: lmalcolm@tsrlinc.com

Life Science
Ratios and Proportions
Reading Informational Text
Reading Literature
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Lindsay Malcolm
Date Added:
Harnessing energy from heat changes to solve a problem (final)
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0.0 stars

Using inquiry-focused reading, students will explore an anchor text and supporting resources to investigate the principles of transfer of heat energy with applications of the concept to solve real world problems.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Unit of Study
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High School Health
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0.0 stars

Health covers a wide spectrum of current health topics. It investigates various components of mental, emotional, social, consumer, physical and reproductive health. It provides students with age-appropriate knowledge, skills, attitudes and the preventative measures necessary for creating a life-long healthy lifestyle. Health is designed to arm students with the most current and relevant health information so students are able to make wise, informative and positive choices to enhance their overall well-being. This is an essential class which fosters the concept of living a healthy, well-balanced life in all facets. Health II is a must have class in the virtual world. It fuses everyday real health issues in an invigorating, exciting, explorative, technology filled way allowing students a much more comprehensive, and imaginative way to study themselves and the make meaningful connections to the world around them.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Full Course
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Modern Physics-Stranger than Fiction
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0.0 stars

The lessons in this unit were developed by teachers at Souhegan High School for junior/senior level Physics classes, to be taught during the first trimester of the 2016-17 school year. It includes 5-10 lessons that culminate in students demonstrating their ability to find meaning in complex text and incorporate key ideas of modern physics by completing the final creative writing project.

Modern physics is a very broad topic. We will be focusing on three of the main pillars of modern physics — special relativity, general relativity, and quantum theory. The goal of the unit it to have students use the concepts of modern physics accurately in a creative way and increase their willingness and confidence to learn more about the subjects beyond high school. Modern physics is intimidating to the general public. We hope to spark students interest and have students realize that they can make sense out of the counter intuitive model of reality.

Each topic will be broken into several phases of understanding:

Limitations of classical physics
Key principle that led to modern physics
Models for describing modern physics
Predictions and experiments that support and provide evidence for modern physics theories

The students will explore the phases by using inquiry-based reading. They will explore an anchor text for meaning while looking for where it addresses the four phases above. Students will then perform additional research and apply what they have learned in class to create their final project.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
Date Added:
PEI SOLS HS: Food Waste
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Food waste is a major contributor to greenhouse gas. Wasted food and the resources to produce that food are responsible for approximately 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions. In this storyline, students learn about the resources required to produce food through following the carbon cycle and discover how food waste contributes to climate change. They will also learn the farm to table transport chain as well as how to conduct a food waste assessment. Finally, the students will research solutions to the problem of food waste and, as a final project, present one solution that they have thoroughly researched that can be applicable to their community. For CTE teachers, this storyline provides the basic knowledge needed to develop a deep understanding of WHY reducing food waste is an important solution to climate change. There are several potential extensions that Family Consumer Science teachers can utilize as well as Ag teachers and even Business teachers. There is a partial list at the end of the learning progressions. 

Environmental Science
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Hattie Osborne
Pacific Education Institute
Date Added:
PEI SOLS High School Coastal Hazards: Sea Level Rise
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

As the climate is changing, one of the many consequences is sea level rise, which is not a standalone factor, but is closely related to erosion and extreme weather/storm conditions. The majority of coastal houses, recreational parks, and other coastal buildings were built as sturdy but stagnant structures that do not adjust well to the changing elements. Coastal homes have been collapsing into the ocean and restaurants have been destroyed by storm waves. The economic damage has been accumulating. In this storyline, students will explore the reasons behind sea level rise looking at thermal expansion, glacial ice melt, and sea ice melt. Students will examine real scenarios of coastal damage in Washington state and evaluate current city and tribal resilience plans. Finally, students will evaluate the constraints of existing challenges and propose strategies for solving these challenges.

Environmental Science
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Pacific Education Institute
Washington OSPI OER Project
Date Added:
PEI SOLS High School Renewable Energy: Solar
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Solar energy in the form of light is available to organisms on Earth in abundance. Natural systems and other organisms have structures that function in ways to manage the interaction with and use of this energy. Using these natural examples, humans have (in the past) and continue to design and construct homes which manage solar energy in passive and active ways to reduce the need for energy from other sources. In this storyline, students will explore passive and active solar energy management through examples in the natural world. Students will use knowledge gained to design a building that maximizes the free and abundant energy gifts of the sun.

Environmental Science
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Pacific Education Institute
Date Added:
PEI SOLS High School Urban Forestry: Designing the Urban Forest for Ecosystem Benefits
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This is a solutions-oriented storyline that leads students through a series of investigations to quantify and qualify the ecosystem and social benefits of an urban forest. At the end of the storyline, students will be able to design, evaluate and refine a chosen solution for urban forest ecosystem benefits.

Environmental Science
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Pacific Education Institute
Date Added:
PEI SOLS High School Wetlands: Blue Carbon and Rising Seas
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Students will engage in learning about the function and benefits of coastal wetlands and their role in adapting and mitigating rising carbon levels and sea level rise. Spatial and interactive planning tools will support students in collaboratively designing solutions to enhance coastal wetlands.

Environmental Science
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Pacific Education Institute
Date Added:
SLASL: Relationships between differential equations, population dynamics, and global climate change
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0.0 stars

This unit includes 5 lessons that culminates in a persuasive argument in the form of letter to congressional member or grant proposal to Duke Energy.

Using inquiry-based reading, students will explore an anchor text and then develop their own supporting questions to guide their research.

Life Science
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Date Added:
Systems Are Everywhere
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0.0 stars

The “Systems Are Everywhere” module was originally written for high school science teachers or counselors to use in any setting (in class or in extracurricular programs). However, during field-testing, we found that many elementary and middle school teachers were able to use these lessons successfully with their students. The module is made up of three lessons that serve to foster students’ understanding of systems, systems models, and systems thinking at every level of learning and across many content areas. Blended throughout the lessons are career connections that will introduce students to diverse systems thinkers in STEM, and provide context for how systems approaches are used in real life to address complex problems. The lessons and module can be used as a stand-alone set of activities or can be integrated into any course as an extension or enrichment.

The module begins with students modeling a complex system. Students will brainstorm and sketch the parts and connections of the system, then use an online tool (Loopy) to model the interactions of those parts and connections. Next, students will develop their understanding of systems thinking skills and their application for addressing problems and solutions. Then, students will apply their knowledge and skills to model a system of their choosing. Lastly, they will showcase their skills by creating a student profile and integrating their systems thinking skills into a resume.

Target Audience
This is our introductory module that we recommend teaching before each of our other modules to give students a background in systems and to help them understand the many careers available in STEM. This module can be applied easily to any content area and works best as written for students between 6th and 12th grades but can be adapted for other ages. It works very well when teaching virtually and in-person. If you are looking for an introduction to systems that can be delivered in-person with more kinesthetic activities, please see our Introduction to Systems module. The Intro to Systems module works best with 8-12 grade students, though can be used with some modifications for 6-7th graders. This Systems are Everywhere module can work well for elementary through secondary grades.

Life Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Student Guide
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Unit of Study
Abigail Randall
Baliga Lab
Barbara Steffens
Claudia Ludwig
Eric Muhs
Institute for Systems Biology
Jennifer Eklund
Linnea Stavney
Michael Walker
Rachel Calder
Rebecca A. Howsmon
Stephanie Swegle
Systems Education Experiences
Yuna Shin
Date Added:
United States Government and Civics
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0.0 stars

This course will provide an introduction to the major ideas, institutions, and issues in American government and politics. The focus is on how the structure of our political system influences the practice of politics at the national level -- the ongoing struggles among competing groups and individuals for influence over government activities and public policy.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Full Course
Date Added: