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Sociology and Social Work Textbooks and Full Courses

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LANGUAGE, THOUGHT, and REALITY (1956 edition)
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0.0 stars

A unique perspective on the confluence of the three basic conceptual frameworks in human experience. Contains several studies, with data, of remarkable world views of disparate cultures based on their specific cultures language. The premise is that how people experience the world, then think about it, then create a language around it, alters their perception of the world in very fundamental ways. The radical notion is that thought and language, creates the circumstances of, and contribute to significantly different realities for different peoples.

The internalization and realization of this concept is significant and can possibly radically alter and change how different cultures assess their ability to, at the most basic levels, understand other cultures realities.

Arts and Humanities
Cultural Geography
English Language Arts
Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
Social Science
Social Work
World Cultures
Material Type:
Case Study
Full Course
Primary Source
Benjamin Lee Whorf
Openlibrary Org
Date Added:
La lutte contre le terrorisme au Niger. Les approches juridiques
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0.0 stars

Le phénomène terroriste perturbe aujourd’hui la paix et la sécurité internationale. L’espace sahélien est durablement touché par ce fléau qui déstabilise les États, notamment le Niger qui fait face depuis quelques années à d’importants défis sécuritaires liés au terrorisme. Pour combattre ce fléau, le Niger a adopté un dispositif pénal conformément aux recommandations des instances internationales en matière de répression des infractions de terrorisme. Ces règles sont respectueuses des droits humains et assurent la concordance des décisions rendues en la matière. Ce dispositif instaure également un régime pénal spécialisé et adapté en renforçant la prévention et la répression des actes terroristes et en faisant de la coopération internationale la clé de voute de cette lutte.Ce livre présente en détail ce dispositif juridique antiterroriste, issu de textes divers, qui a permis de mettre en place un cadre juridique complet et efficace de répression du terrorisme au Niger.

Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Science et Bien Commun
Zeinabou Abdou Assane
Date Added:
Latinxs and Black Lives Matter: Latinx Talk Mini-Reader #1
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0.0 stars

Word Count: 25128

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Ethnic Studies
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Social Science
Social Work
Material Type:
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Rosa Amador
Theresa Delgadillo
Date Added:
Law, Social Movements, and Public Policy: Comparative and International Experience
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0.0 stars

This course studies the interaction between law, courts, and social movements in shaping domestic and global public policy. Examines how groups mobilize to use law to affect change and why they succeed and fail. The class uses case studies to explore the interplay between law, social movements, and public policy in current areas such as gender, race, labor, trade, environment, and human rights. Finally, it introduces the theories of public policy, social movements, law and society, and transnational studies.

Cultural Geography
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Rajagopal, Balakrishnan
Date Added:
Law and Society
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0.0 stars

Law is a common and yet distinct aspect of everyday life in modern societies. This course examines the central features of law as a social institution and as a feature of popular culture. We will explore the nature of law as a set of social systems, central actors in the systems, legal reasoning, and the relationship of the legal form and reasoning to social change. The course emphasizes the relationship between the internal logic of legal devices and economic, political and social processes. Emphasis is placed upon developing a perspective which views law as a practical resource, a mechanism for handling the widest range of unspecified social issues, problems, and conflicts, and at the same time, as a set of shared representations and aspirations.
We will explore the range of experiences of law for its ministers (lawyers, judges, law enforcement agents and administrators) as well as for its supplicants (citizens, plaintiffs, defendants). We will examine how law is mobilized and deployed by professionals and ordinary citizens. We cannot cover all aspects of the legal system, nor focus on all the different actors. A set of topics has been selected to develop understanding of the situational and systemic demands within which actors in the legal system operate and perform their roles; at the same time, we will try to discover systematic patterns in the uses and consequences of law. Throughout the course there is concern for understanding what we mean by legality and the rule of law.

Arts and Humanities
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Silbey, Susan
Date Added:
Leading Organizations II
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0.0 stars

Through lectures, discussions, and class exercises, 15.322 analyzes the human processes underlying organizational behavior and change. The class makes students aware of the challenge of organizational change and equips them to better handle it. There are many psychological and sociological phenomena that regularly occur in organizations, though many of these forces are difficult to see. The aim is to increase the students’ understanding of these forces – in themselves and in others – so they become more visible and manageable. The prerequisite for this course is 15.321 Leading Organizations I.

Business and Communication
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Van Maanen, John
Date Added:
Learning by Comparison: First World/Third World Cities
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0.0 stars

The primary purpose of this seminar is to enable students to craft approaches to so-called “First World”/ “Third World” city comparisons that are theoretically sophisticated, methodologically rigorous, contextually grounded, and significantly beneficial. Since there exists very little literature and very few projects which compare “First World” and “Third World” cities in a sophisticated and genuinely useful manner, the seminar is structured around a series of readings, case studies, and discussions to assist students in becoming mindful of the potential and pitfalls of comparative analysis, the types of data, the methods of analysis, and the urban issues or sectors which may benefit the most from such approaches. The course is designed to be interdisciplinary and interactive, and is geared towards masters and doctoral students.

Business and Communication
Cultural Geography
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Inam, Aseem
Date Added:
Les traumatismes routiers en Afrique de l’Ouest
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0.0 stars

L'épidémie oubliée

Short Description:
Cet ouvrage collectif présente les analyses et les expériences scientifiques de plusieurs chercheurs et chercheuses sur les traumatismes routiers en Afrique. L’ambition de l’ouvrage est de rassembler en langue française les rares connaissances produites sur ce sujet en Afrique. Les thèmes sont variés et convergent vers trois axes principaux, celui de l’amélioration des données sur les accidents de la route, de l’enjeu de santé publique que constituent les traumatismes routiers et enfin de l’importance du transfert de connaissances pour aider à élaborer des politiques de sécurité routière adaptées aux contextes des pays. Les traumatismes routiers constituent aujourd’hui une épidémie oubliée sur le continent qui devra pourtant être maitrisée si les États veulent atteindre l’une des cibles des objectifs pour le développement durable consacrée à la réduction de moitié des blessé·e·s et des décès sur les routes.

Long Description:
Cet ouvrage collectif présente les analyses et les expériences scientifiques de plusieurs chercheurs et chercheuses sur les traumatismes routiers en Afrique. L’ambition de l’ouvrage est de rassembler en langue française les rares connaissances produites sur ce sujet en Afrique. Les thèmes sont variés et convergent vers trois axes principaux, celui de l’amélioration des données sur les accidents de la route, de l’enjeu de santé publique que constituent les traumatismes routiers et enfin de l’importance du transfert de connaissances pour aider à élaborer des politiques de sécurité routière adaptées aux contextes des pays. Les traumatismes routiers constituent aujourd’hui une épidémie oubliée sur le continent qui devra pourtant être maitrisée si les États veulent atteindre l’une des cibles des objectifs pour le développement durable consacrée à la réduction de moitié des blessé·e·s et des décès sur les routes.

Word Count: 83974

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Political Science
Social Science
Social Work
Material Type:
Éditions science et bien commun
Date Added:
Let’s Talk About Suicide: Raising Awareness and Supporting Students
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Facilitator’s Guide for Use with Faculty and Staff

Short Description:
"Let’s Talk About Suicide: Raising Awareness and Supporting Students" includes a facilitator’s guide with handouts and a PowerPoint presentation. This adaptable resource offers a sensitive, respectful, and detailed training on suicide awareness and response. It can be used for two-hour synchronous training or for self-study.

Long Description:
Let’s Talk About Suicide: Raising Awareness and Supporting Students includes a facilitator’s guide with handouts and a PowerPoint presentation. This adaptable resource offers a sensitive, respectful, and detailed training on suicide awareness and response. It can be used for two-hour synchronous training or for self-study. It was developed to reduce the stigma around suicide and to help faculty and staff acquire the skills and confidence to ask if a student is considering suicide, listen to that student in a non-judgmental way, and refer the student to appropriate resources. This resource was created to be accessible, adaptable, culturally located, evidence-informed, inclusive, and trauma-informed.

Word Count: 25059

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Applied Science
Ethnic Studies
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Social Science
Social Work
Special Education
Material Type:
Barbara Johnston
Dawn Schell
Jewell Gillies
Liz Warwick
Date Added:
Linguistics and Social Justice: Language, Education, and Human Rights
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0.0 stars

Linguists take it for granted that all languages, including languages in the Global South, are worthy of study. Yet some 40% of children in the world are prevented from studying in and valorizing their home languages—including some of the very languages that linguists study with such fondness. So much research in linguistics and the benefits thereof remain inaccessible to the bulk of the very speech communities whose languages linguists study. This seminar examines efforts by linguists and educators to make their research more inclusive, accessible, and hospitable, and to reduce linguistic-discrimination practices in various communities world-wide.

Arts and Humanities
Cultural Geography
Ethnic Studies
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
DeGraff, Michel
Date Added:
Living Heritage in Saskatchewan: Twelve Recent Projects
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
Whether it is called living, cultural, or intangible, the practices that make up our heritage are at the centre of community and social life. This publication presents twelves projects of living heritage safeguarding and promotion that have recently taken place in Saskatchewan. Each presentation is based on an interview with those who led the project and stands as an example of the kind of work cultural, heritage, and folklore workers and researchers have in mind when they speak of cultural, living, or intangible heritage. As a whole, this online resource also serves to highlight the vitality of heritage work and research in Saskatchewan, as well as the diversity of communities and organizations doing heritage work in the province.

Long Description:
Whether it is called living, cultural, or intangible, the practices that make up our heritage are at the centre of community and social life. This publication presents twelves projects of living heritage safeguarding and promotion that have recently taken place in Saskatchewan. Each presentation is based on an interview with those who led the project and stands as an example of the kind of work cultural, heritage, and folklore workers and researchers have in mind when they speak of cultural, living, or intangible heritage. As a whole, this online resource also serves to highlight the vitality of heritage work and research in Saskatchewan, as well as the diversity of communities and organizations doing heritage work in the province.

Word Count: 7937

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Applied Science
Information Science
Social Science
Material Type:
University of Regina
Date Added:
Local to Global: The Sociological Journey
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0.0 stars

This textbook is a massive long term collaboration between sociologists who want to lessen the cost of higher education for students like you. This book is originally written by a sociologist at the University of Maine, and the textbook publisher for his many other books doesn’t want his name associated with free work… frustrating but not surprising. The sociology faculty at Lansing Community College secured an editable version and worked to provide a more current version in 2018. Their data analysis from the 2016 General Social Survey and from the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample is included in the text. Then in 2020 the sociology faculty at Delta College produced the online version of the book, updated the Census Data to the most recent 2018 American Community Survey and updated the 2017-2020 data from the World Values Survey. Additional editing for readability, a global to local focus, and modern context is underway. This text is a work in progress, and your questions and feedback make it more relevant and relatable.

Social Science
Material Type:
Christina Miller-bellor
Donna Giuliani
Date Added:
MEDIAUCRACY: Why Canada hasn't made global TV hits and how it can
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
MEDIAUCRACY: Why Canada hasn't made global hits and how it can is the story of the fiery collision between Canada's national TV policy and the global, online era. Featuring interviews with Hollywood showrunners, award-winning producers, and top policy leaders, it argues for a new goal -- globality -- policy that incentivizes global reach and popular content. Mediaucracy concludes with an original five-step, goal-driven, evidence-based, critical path including POM to COM, G-Score, and PM to AM. Called an "important, timely roadmap to a much-needed policy update," this 21st century tool kit will future-proof Canadian TV policy via the three key words in the TV biz: Audience, audience, audience.

Long Description:
MEDIAUCRACY: Why Canada hasn’t made global hits and how it can is the untold the story of the collision between Canada’s national TV policy and the global, online era. It argues for a new goal — globality — TV policy that incentivizes global reach and popular content. The book makes it case with interviews with top-tier creators, executives, and policy makers; an authoritative value chain analysis; a review of TV policy around the world; and a comprehensive history of Canadian TV policy, including Canada’s 4 recent federal inquiries on the same issue — the impact of digital disruption. MEDIAUCRACY concludes with an original five-step, goal-driven, evidence-based, critical path including POM to COM, G-Score, and PM to AM. Called an “important, timely roadmap to a much-needed policy update,” this 21st century tool kit will future-proof Canadian TV policy via the three key words in the TV biz: Audience, audience, audience.

Word Count: 68024

ISBN: 978-1-77417-023-6

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Business and Communication
Social Science
Material Type:
Toronto Metropolitan University
Irene S. Berkowitz
Sandy Pearl
Date Added:
Make Work Use Art
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0.0 stars

Art as a Tool for Creating Change

Short Description:
Students present their reflections on the politics and practice of making. Individually, each essay and letter addressed to a historical artist is full of valuable information and great insights. Collectively, these are also an honest and valuable document of the moment: Us, wrestling with the realignment of past, present, and future of why and how to make objects, how to find freedom within tradition, and how to reimagine a more conscientious making practice for ourselves and a more meaningful life for our objects.

Long Description:
Twenty students from a wide variety of majors, including the sciences, humanities, health and medicine, as well as engineering, architecture, and design comprised our vibrant and engaged learning community. We started the quarter by imaginary visits to two important art schools, the German Bauhaus (1919-1933) and the Black Mountain College, located near Asheville, North Carolina (1933-1957). The students co-created participatory collaborative exercises based on the experiential learning principles developed by and practiced at these schools.

Throughout the course, we considered craft and art not as nouns, but as verbs, related the practiced maker’s hand to the process aided by technological tools, and focused on the language of the materials, and the personal, cultural, historical narratives that they help to reveal. We contemplated how individual threads hold the fabric together and transform that, and how individual narratives coalesce into larger histories that signify and hold together communities. We strived to explore and understand both the historical past and the innovative present and future by specifically focusing on needlework (sewing, embroidery, and quilts) during the 1920 and ‘30s (women suffrage movement), the 1970s and ‘80s (second wave of feminism, LGBTQ rights and HIV/AIDS crisis), and in the present. We also considered how new technologies, such as parametric design and 3D printing, introduce new paradigms for solving problems, designing, producing, and using objects. Of course, the effect of technology was inescapable for us in the class too, as it was for billions around the world during this global pandemic.

We made two projects. One, using needlework techniques and textile processes to tell a personal story of Waiting, and a second one, using Computer Aided Design (CAD) to create a Time Capsule which would be opened one hundred years from now. Throughout the quarter, the students researched a Bauhaus or Black Mountain College artist they had picked with the goal of reflecting on the artist’s work, biography, creative process, and ideas about making by drawing parallels to those of their own.

Word Count: 50553

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Arts and Humanities
Business and Communication
Social Science
Visual Arts
Material Type:
HON211 University of Washington 2021
HON211 UW 2021
Date Added:
Making Connections: Group Work in Information Technology
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Word Count: 5245

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Applied Science
Computer Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Making Sense of Digital Humanities
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0.0 stars

Transformations and Interventions in Technocultures

Short Description:
Exploring the pathways offered by the intersection of the digital and the humanities, Making Sense of Digital Humanities seeks to support students and faculty engaging with the complex ways digital humanities enhances our understanding of modern society.

Long Description:
Taking up the challenge of navigating the complex world of digital humanities, Making Sense of Digital Humanities offers readers an exploration of the many ways scholars have employed the diverse toolkit of digital humanities to create a better understanding of the synergies and disruptions created by technological change. Rooted in a concern for the daunting tasks associated with teaching and learning about the digital humanities, this volume hopes to provide easy entry into a complex topic while highlighting how an understanding of digital humanities can transform our thinking about technology in the modern world.

Word Count: 67845

ISBN: 978-1-62610-121-0

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Applied Science
Business and Communication
Computer Science
Educational Technology
Social Science
Material Type:
Michigan State University
Ariana K
Christopher Gilliard
Dorothy Kim
Ellen Moll
Emily Mcginn
Julian Chambliss
Justin Wigard
Lauren Coats
Melih Bilgil
Ravynn K
Sharon Leon
Date Added:
Malaysia Sustainable Cities Practicum
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0.0 stars

The Malaysia Sustainable Cities Practicum is an intensive field-based course that brings 15 graduate students to Malaysia to learn about and analyze sustainable city development in five cities in Malaysia. The students in the Practicum will help determine the extent to which these efforts have been successful. They will identify specific projects or policy-making efforts that the following year’s cohort of International Visiting Scholars can examine more closely. 
Lead Faculty
Professor Larry Susskind
Teaching Assistants
Jessica Gordon
Yasmin Zaerpoor
Administrative Staff
Takeo Kuwabara
Selmah Goldberg

Arts and Humanities
Career and Technical Education
Cultural Geography
Environmental Studies
Physical Geography
Physical Science
Political Science
Social Science
World History
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
MIT OpenCourseWare
Susskind, Lawrence
Date Added:
The Manhood Experience Part Two
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0.0 stars

Hearts of Men have been running community-based mentoring programmes, bringing older and younger men together in support circles in the Western Cape from 2001 to 2021. The approach and the materials included in this manual have been tried and tested in many different communities, working with diverse groups of men/young men, aged between 15 and 70 years. SIx experiential training courses for men and young men are covered in Parts One and Two of this manual. For more background information on Hearts of Men, and a detailed description of our work, please refer to our book In the Hearts of Men (published in 2015). Details are given at the end of this manual.

Social Work
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Nic Fine
Date Added:
Marianne & Max Weber: A digital project | Marianne & Max Weber: Un proyecto digital
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Weber on the Web is a project developed by sociology students at the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. The aim of the project is to collect quality information available on the Internet about Max Weber and Marianne Weber, German sociologists with a great influence on the discipline. This work is part of the course Founders of Sociology: Max Weber, taught at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences.


Weber en Web es un proyecto desarrollado por estudiantes de sociología de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. El objetivo del proyecto es recopilar información de calidad disponible en Internet acerca de Max Weber y Marianne Weber, sociólogos alemanes con una gran influencia en la disciplina. Este trabajo forma parte del curso Fundadores de la Sociología: Max Weber, impartido en la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales.

Arts and Humanities
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Alan Colín-Arce
Brian Rosenblum
Rosario Rogel-Salazar
Date Added:
Marriage, Intimate Relationships and Families
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This introductory level course provides an overview of core concepts and theories which contribute to our understanding of intimate relationships and families. The text provides a structure and sequence of issues for the course, but the students will contribute much of the content. A heutagogical instructional design allows students in the course to provide much of the substantive content and teaching presence. Student led class discussions provide the opportunity for an engaging and personally relevant exploration of the material.

Long Description:
Heutagogy: Learner Determined Learning! The course is designed to provide an opportunity for students to learn the core concepts and theories relevant to the study of intimate relationships and families, and understand how those concepts and theories apply to their lives. Course design incorporates student-led class discussions that empower each student to contribute content which can reflect the diversity within the discipline, as well as the diversity of cultures and communities across the globe.

Word Count: 79387

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Social Science
Material Type:
Edited by Professor Bill Pelz
Ron Hammond and Paul Cheney
Date Added: