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  • Textbook
Cultural Resources for Community Nursing
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Word Count: 19666

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Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Delores McCreary
Date Added:
Culturally Responsive Composition – A Writer's Handbook
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0.0 stars

This book explores the essential elements, processes. and techniques of successful academic writing. Focusing on significant developments in technology, learning styles, and cultural competencies, readers are introduced to the various critical stages of the essay writing process; with relevant links, exercises, and downloadable handouts.

Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
Reading Foundation Skills
Reading Informational Text
Material Type:
Student Guide
Teaching/Learning Strategy
MHCC Library OER Press
Andy Gurevich
Date Added:
Culturally Responsive Computing: An Introduction into Computer Science, Security, and Technology
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0.0 stars

“Culturally Responsive Computing” is a groundbreaking textbook that addresses the critical intersection of technology and cultural diversity in our increasingly interconnected world. This comprehensive guide delves into how cultural contexts influence every aspect of computing, from the fundamentals of programming languages to the intricacies of human-computer interaction.

The book begins by exploring the cultural dimensions of core computing concepts, including data types, algorithms, and information security. It then expands into more complex topics such as artificial intelligence, user experience design, and the ethical considerations of technology deployment across different cultural landcapes.

Key features of the book include:
o In-depth analysis of how cultural factors impact technology’s design, implementation, and adoption worldwide.
o Exploration of computational thinking techniques that promote inclusive and culturally aware problem-solving.
o Practical strategies for developing culturally sensitive user interfaces and accessible design practices.
o Case studies from diverse global contexts illustrating real-world applications and challenges in cross-cultural computing.
o Ethical considerations in technology design and deployment focus on respecting cultural differences and promoting digital equity.
o Interdisciplinary connections, linking computing concepts with insights from anthropology, psychology, and other relevant fields.

This textbook is an invaluable resource for computer science students, software developers, UX/UI designers, and technology professionals seeking to create more inclusive and globally relevant digital solutions. It challenges readers to think beyond technical specifications and consider the broader cultural implications of their work.

By bridging the gap between technological innovation and cultural understanding, “Computing Across Cultures” prepares the next generation of tech leaders to build a more equitable and culturally responsive digital future. It is an essential read for anyone looking to thrive in the global tech industry and make a positive impact through culturally inclusive computing practices.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Remixing Open Textbooks through an Equity Lens (ROTEL) Project
Devan J. Walton
Date Added:
Culturas hispanas a través de la pantalla / Hispanic Cultures Through the Screen
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
Este libro de texto busca fomentar el visionado crítico de productos audiovisuales contemporáneos y el reflexionar sobre la representación de las culturas hispanas en webseries y vídeos musicales. This textbook aims to promote critical viewing of contemporary audiovisual products and thinking about the representation of Hispanic cultures in web series and music videos.

Long Description:
Culturas hispanas a través de la pantalla busca fomentar el visionado crítico de productos audiovisuales contemporáneos y el reflexionar sobre la representación de las culturas hispanas en webseries y vídeos musicales. La difusión y la popularidad de estos dos géneros justifican que se les dedique espacio en el currículo junto a otros géneros audiovisuales más consagrados, caso de los cortos y los largometrajes. El libro se ofrece en inglés y en español para que pueda ser utilizado en una amplia variedad de disciplinas académicas. Asimismo, el libro está organizado en unidades didácticas independientes, las cuales presentan diferentes estructuras y temáticas de forma que el profesor/a pueda seleccionar aquellas que mejor se ajusten a los objetivos concretos de su curso. Hispanic Cultures Through the Screen aims to promote critical viewing of contemporary audiovisual products and thinking about the representation of Hispanic cultures in web series and music videos. Increasing popularity of these two genres justify dedicating part of the curriculum to them along with other more established audiovisual genres, such as short and feature films. The book is presented in English and Spanish so that it can be used in a wide variety of courses. Finally, it is organized into separate units (each based on a different audiovisual product) with different themes, structures and length, so that teachers can select those units that interest them the most for a specific course.

Word Count: 52525

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Career and Technical Education
English Language Arts
Ethnic Studies
Film and Music Production
Social Science
Material Type:
Bemidji State University
Ana M. López-Aguilera
Date Added:
Culture and Psychology
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0.0 stars

How People Shape and are Shaped by Culture

Short Description:
Culture is one of the most powerful forces in the world. It shapes how we make sense of our world, how we express ourselves and how we understand and relate to others. In this textbook we introduce cultural universals and culturally specific constructs in psychology. This textbook was created for an undergraduate course that appeals to psychology majors and non-majors because it meets several general education and transfer credit requirements.

Long Description:
This textbook was part of a grant supported project that remixed and reused existing OER materials, as well as created new content which emphasized cultural universals and culturally specific constructs in psychology. This textbook was created for an undergraduate course that appeals to psychology majors and non-majors because it meets several general education and transfer credit requirements. Additionally, our materials were aimed at meeting lower division curriculum needs where options for psychology and culture are limited.

Word Count: 80452

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Social Science
Material Type:
Fernando Romero
L D Worthy
Trisha Lavigne
Date Added:
The Culture of Science
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
This casebook opens up modes of inquiry into Western knowledge foundations, asking students to embrace epistemological uncertainty as a productive means of developing critical thinking skills.

Long Description:
The casebook offers five reading units organized thematically around significant questions at issue. Reading Unit 1 grounds students in contemporary questions of science and its boundaries, offering a blend of dense and approachable readings intended to spark class conversations on the topic of scientific culture. Units 2 and 3 extend discourses on scientific culture into areas of critical analysis such as gender, race and ethnicity, religion, ethics, and colonialism, as well as examining issues of language and perception. Unit 4 focuses on basic questions of fact, definition, and interpretation by exploring the discourse surrounding anomalies, pseudoscience, and skepticism, making it particularly useful for reviewing and extending students’ understanding of skills learned in Writing 121. Finally, Unit 5 offers a case study on Frankenstein as a techno-moral lesson on overreaching ambition and how it applies to scientific culture today. While the Table of Contents is organized thematically, many readings have cross-unit (and cross-disciplinary) connections and relevance. We encourage instructors to make use of the Alternative Table of Contents and to feel welcome to assign the entire casebook in your courses and/or to use individual readings or units as launching points for individual and team research projects. Supplementary teaching resources can be found in the casebook bibliography.

Word Count: 4502

ISBN: 978-1-63635-020-2

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Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
Material Type:
Jenée Wilde
Steve Rust
Date Added:
Current Challenges in Biodiversity and Conservation, Volume 1
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0.0 stars

Current Challenges in Biodiversity and Conservation, Volume 1 is the third book created by undergraduate students at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, Massachusetts (USA). The series examines the causes and consequences of global biodiversity loss and species extinction.What's new? This open text format promotes the adaptation of materials. After all, biodiversity loss and conservation efforts are rapidly changing, and this information must be updated to stay relevant and accessible.Citation: Bakermans, M.H., L. Hanly, and W. San Martín, Eds. 2023. Current Challenges in Biodiversity and Conservation, Volume 1. Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA, USA. https://doi.org/10.55900/n3bqx5fpThis book is licensed CC BY-NC 4.0..

Environmental Science
Material Type:
Marja Bakermans
William San Martin
Lillian Hanly
Date Added:
Current Frontiers and Perspectives in Cell Biology
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

A numerous internationally renowned authors in the pages of this book present the views of the fields of cell biology and their own research results or review of current knowledge. Chapters are divided into five sections that are dedicated to cell structures and functions, genetic material, regulatory mechanisms, cellular biomedicine and new methods in cell biology. Multidisciplinary and often quite versatile approach by many authors have imposed restrictions of this classification, so it is certain that many chapters could belong to the other sections of this book. The current frontiers, on the manner in which they described in the book, can be a good inspiration to many readers for further improving, and perspectives which are highlighted can be seen in many areas of fundamental biology, biomedicine, biotechnology and other applications of knowledge of cell biology. The book will be very useful for beginners to gain insight into new area, as well as experts to find new facts and expanding horizons.

Life Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Current & Emerging Computing Technology
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This book is written for the typical computer user: someone who uses computers for day-to-day activities (browsing the web, sending/receiving email, etc.) and is interested in delving a bit deeper into some of the current technology concepts and terminology.

Long Description:
This book is written for the typical computer user: someone who uses computers for day-to-day activities (browsing the web, sending/receiving email, etc.) and is interested in delving a bit deeper into some of the current technology concepts and terminology.

Word Count: 24004

ISBN: 978-1-77420-191-6

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Applied Science
Business and Communication
Computer Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Current and Emerging Trends in the Management of International Disasters
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0.0 stars

The book Current and Emerging Trends in the Management of International Disaster explores contemporary practices and strategies in managing global disasters. It offers an overview of current trends, challenges, and innovations in the field, emphasizing the importance of international cooperation and effective management strategies.

Social Science
Material Type:
University of Texas at Arlington
Provider Set:
Mavs Open Press
Annette Chretien
Brenda Murphy
Bryce Gunson
Christine Raj
Christopher J Ainsworth
Christopher Sheach
Cihan Aydiner
Danielle J. Mayberry
David A. McEntire
Dulce Suarez
Hsin-Hsuan “Shel” Lin
Iuliia Hoban
Jack L. Rozdilsky
Jeffrey Glick
Jennifer Russell
Josh Ayers
Joshua D. McDuffie
Kazi Amdadul Hoque
Kelbie R. Kennedy
Kent Cawley
Kesley J. Richardson
Laura J. Brown
Laura M. Phipps
Logan Gerber-Chavez
Lorraine Schneider
Marc Anthonisen
Marcelo M. Ferreira
Michael Prasad
Mikey Latner
Muhammad Awfa Islam
Oenone Chadburn
Ozzie Baron
Patrick S. Roberts
Ray Hsienho Chang
Rebecca Morgenstern Brenner
Rita V. Burke
Romeo B. Lavarias
Shirley Feldmann-Jensen
Tanya Buhler Corbin
Terrence O’Sullivan
Terry D. Cooper
Yi-En “Mike” Tso
Yungnane Yang
Zawad Ibn Farid
Date Added:
Curriculum Design Guide
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0.0 stars

Four Steps to Design or Renew Your Program

Short Description:
A process guide to assist leaders in the design and implementation of an aligned curriculum that meets program level goals.

Word Count: 8034

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Material Type:
Date Added:
Curriculum Essentials: A Journey
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0.0 stars

The purpose of this book is to acquaint the reader with what curriculum is, how it is defined, what is involved in the process of its development, the different types and models of curriculum, as well as innovations to make teaching and learning more engaging and meaningful. This will be balanced by the impact of assessment and adapting curriculum in times of challenges with an eye towards the work of great schools and master teachers during times of change.
The inclusion of Open Educational Resources (OER) provide a new and exciting dimension to the text through the inclusion of educational resources from experts who have graciously consented to share their work with others at no cost, thereby giving all readers the opportunity of learning about curriculum without the burden of cost as a barrier that shuts out capable and enthusiastic learners from gaining the knowledge and skills necessary in becoming thoughtful consumers and practitioners of curriculum.
Each chapter has a short introduction followed by essential questions that are designed to pique the reader’s interest, then by content that will reveal answers to the questions and enhance the reader’s curriculum knowledge base through interactive learning activities (ILA).

Higher Education
Material Type:
Angela Dodson
Linda Button
Date Added:
Curso de Educação Ambiental para Docentes da Educação Infantil
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

Este curso é um produto educacional de uma Pesquisa desenvolvida no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Rede Nacional para o Ensino das Ciências Ambientais (PROFCIAMB), da Universidade Estadual de Maringá, e tem como objetivo fornecer conhecimentos que auxiliem no ensino de questões ambientais para crianças, principalmente as que estão vivenciando a primeira infância.

[Translation of summary: This course is an educational product of a research developed in the Graduate Program in the National Network for the Teaching of Environmental Sciences (PROFCIAMB), at the State University of Maringá, and aims to provide knowledge that helps in teaching environmental issues to children , especially those who are experiencing early childhood.]

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Bruno Douglas Moreno Gomes
Date Added:
Customer Centric Strategy
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
Customer centricity is about organizational transformation making the customer the focus for business decisions, processes, product development, services, and procedures. Some companies purport to be customer centric but they fall short in connecting this concept throughout all functional areas of the business. While it is important to offer superb customer service, being customer centric is far more than that. It's about mapping the customer journey to discover customer needs and wants, what's working and what is not, then taking action to improve the customer experience. Customer loyalty is built through providing exceptional customer experiences. This in turn increases revenues through positive company image, referrals, and increased customer lifetime value. Most organizations today realize that they must focus on the customer to remain competitive.

Word Count: 44793

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Business and Communication
Material Type:
Kerri Shields
Date Added:
Customer Centric Strategy, 2nd Edition
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0.0 stars

Customer centricity is about organizational transformation making the customer the focus for business decisions, processes, product development, services, and procedures. Some companies purport to be customer centric but they fall short in connecting this concept throughout all functional areas of the business. While it is important to offer superb customer service, being customer centric is far more than that. It's about mapping the customer journey to discover customer needs and wants, what's working and what is not, then taking action to improve the customer experience. Customer loyalty is built through providing exceptional customer experiences. This in turn increases revenues through positive company image, referrals, and increased customer lifetime value. Most organizations today realize that they must focus on the customer to remain competitive.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Kerri Shields
Date Added:
Customer Insights
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0.0 stars

Autumn 2022 Edition

Short Description:
This textbook is based on materials sourced from different practitioners from the world of research design, data collection, analysis, and interpretation. The author and her collaborators have also added materials to supplement the available literature. This activity is aligned with SDG4 – Quality Education and SDG10 - Reduced Inequalities.  NewParaThis first edition is running concurrently with Customer Insights. Second Edition.

Long Description:
Increasingly, the concept of marketing research is being replaced with the term ‘customer or consumer insights’. As decision-makers are bombarded with data, it is important to have an Insights Team or Department which can sift through it all and identify those nuggets of information that can meaningfully explain human behaviour. Such insights must translate into an informed business strategy for success. This book has been curated to ensure that the practice of data collection, analysis, and interpretation is presented from an industry perspective. This first edition is running concurrently with Customer Insights. Second Edition https://oercollective.caul.edu.au/customer-insights/

Word Count: 41271

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Applied Science
Business and Communication
Career and Technical Education
Environmental Studies
Information Science
Material Type:
Western Sydney University
Date Added:
Customer Insights
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Second Edition

Short Description:
This textbook is based on materials sourced from different practitioners from the world of research design, data collection, analysis, and interpretation. The author and her collaborators have also added materials to supplement the available literature.

Long Description:
Increasingly, the concept of marketing research is being replaced with the term ‘customer or consumer insights’. As decision-makers are bombarded with data, it is important to have an Insights Team or Department which can sift through it all and identify those nuggets of information that can meaningfully explain human behaviour. Such insights must translate into an informed business strategy for success. This book has been curated to ensure that the practice of data collection, analysis, and interpretation is presented from an industry perspective.

Word Count: 42069

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Business and Communication
Material Type:
Western Sydney University
Dr Aila Khan
Dr Munir Hossain
Dr Sabreena Amin
Jacki Montgomery
Siddharth Jain
Date Added:
Customer Relations for Managers
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0.0 stars

Word Count: 78353

Included H5P activities: 42

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Business and Communication
Material Type:
Date Added:
Customized OpenStax Biology
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Clackamas Community College customized the OpenStax Biology textbook and moved it into Odigia for BI 101.

Catalog description: An inquiry-based laboratory course focusing on cellular biology, genetics, epigenetics, biotechnology and natural selection. Class uses student
centered activities in a collaborative learning environment to enhance appreciation of the biological world.

Life Science
Material Type:
Clackamas Community College
Ernest "Tory" Blackwell
Lillian Mayer
Polly Schulz
Date Added: