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Atoms: Get the Facts
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0.0 stars

This lesson combines a powerpoint lecture and a reading activity to teach students about the theory and structure of atoms. 

Material Type:
Integrated Nanosystems Development Institute (INDI)
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A Story of Epic Proportions: What makes a Poem an Epic?
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0.0 stars

Some of the most the most essential works of literature in the world are examples of epic poetry, such as The Odyssey and Paradise Lost. This lesson introduces students to the epic poem form and to its roots in oral tradition.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
National Endowment for the Humanities
Provider Set:
Individual Authors
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Story Hour in the Library: Laurie King
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Laurie King, a third generation Californian with a background in theology, is best known for her detective fiction. Her yearly novels range from police procedurals and stand-alones to a historical series about Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes, beginning with 'The Beekeeper's Apprentice.' Her books have won the Edgar, Creasey, Wolfe, Lambda, and Macavity awards, and appear regularly on the New York Times bestseller list. (49 minutes)

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
UCTV Teacher's Pet
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WPA Posters: September. Back to Work--Back to School, Back to Books
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Poster for WPA Statewide Library Project, showing a boy holding a book in his raised hand. Date stamped on verso: Aug 30 1940.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Primary Source
Library of Congress
Provider Set:
Library of Congress - WPA Posters
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Puppetry & Drawing
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0.0 stars

This resource was created by Moe Martin, in collaboration with Dawn DeTurk, Hannah Blomstedt, and Julie Albrecht, as part of ESU2's Integrating the Arts project. This project is a four year initiative focused on integrating arts into the core curriculum through teacher education, practice, and coaching.

English Language Arts
Life Science
Performing Arts
Visual Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Arts ESU2
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Is Superman Really All That Super? Critically Exploring Superheroes
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Some Rights Reserved
0.0 stars

What makes a superhero super? By comparing popular culture superheroes with heroic characters in children's literature, students learn to think critically about character traits, and consider how cultural perspectives influence the kinds of heroes we choose.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
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Building Relationships With Business Communication
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Short Description:
Building Relationships With Business Communication combines some of the best available open access content for introductory courses in business communication and supplements this content with new material on personal and social identity; rhetorical listening; inclusive language; storytelling; and territorial Land Acknowledgements. The textbook is focused on a Canadian audience of first-year Commerce students. H5P interactive content, the infusion of real world examples, and an engaging layout make this textbook highly readable for this audience. INSTRUCTORS: If you adopt Building Relationships with Business Communication in part or in whole, as a core or supplemental resource, please report your adoption to https://forms.office.com/r/MDgAuHisSP. Thank you!

Long Description:
Building Relationships With Business Communication is aimed at first-year students of Commerce. The book presents material from Business Communication for Success [Author removed at request of original publisher]; Web Literacy for Student Fact-Checkers by Mike Caulfield; Business Presentation Skills by Lucinda Atwood and Christian Westin; Professional Communications by Jordan Smith, Melissa Ashman, eCampusOntario, Brian Dunphy, Andrew Stracuzzi; and APA Style Citation Tutorial by Sarah Adams and Debbie Feisst. This material is supplemented with new material on personal and social identity; rhetorical listening; inclusive language; storytelling; and territorial Land Acknowledgments. The principles of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion are woven throughout the textbook. Interactive H5P content enhances the student experience.

Part I includes chapters on developing business relationships. The first two chapters explain the importance of effective business communication and the responsibilities the students will have as business communicators. Next, students consider the ways in which the communication context, the purpose of the message, the audience for the communication, and the channel of communication impact their writing or presenting strategy. The final chapter of Part 1 considers the importance of inclusive language in developing and maintaining business relationships.

Part 2 presents tools for effective communication and primarily focuses on rhetoric. Rhetorical listening and visual rhetoric are often overlooked elements of persuasion. These strategies are discussed as well as the classical rhetorical strategies of logos, ethos, and pathos.

Part 3 focuses on preparing and delivering business presentations. This section addresses speech anxiety, ways to alleviate this anxiety through clear presentation structures, and the importance of storytelling in engaging an audience.

Part 4 concerns written forms of communication including email, memos, letters, and reports. Techniques to develop and maintain a positive audience relationship are addressed throughout. An additional resource on APA Style referencing is provided in Part 5.

INSTRUCTORS: If you adopt Building Relationships with Business Communication in part or in whole, as a core or supplemental resource, please report your adoption to https://forms.office.com/r/MDgAuHisSP. Thank you!

Word Count: 72357

ISBN: 978-1-7781696-5-6

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Business and Communication
Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
Material Type:
Dalhousie University
Linda Macdonald
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An Approach to Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

This unit introduces instructional moves for how teachers can use their classroom libraries for deep critical thinking on issues of race, racism, and inequality. This unit uses a middle school level novel Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry (Taylor, 1976), but the content objectives, teaching strategies, and activities are applicable to any novel study. Building upon how classroom libraries function as resources for thought provoking literature and discussions from the 2019 Yale Teachers Institute Seminar Teaching about Race and Racism Across the Disciplines, this unit primarily explores the historical context of the novel primarily using the language of music to analyze characters. Students will develop interpretations about how these conditions influenced characters’ traits, roles, or conflicts and construct a central thesis on a character of their choice. It incorporates pedagogical tools and resources expanding curricular strategies and provides a framework for student discussion beyond the text on issues about race, racism, and forms of inequality.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute
Provider Set:
2019 Curriculum Units Volume II
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Hands-On AI Projects for the Classroom: A Guide for Secondary Teachers
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0.0 stars

This guide provides student-driven projects that can directly teach subject area standards in tandem with foundational understandings of what AI is, how it works, and how it impacts society. Several key approaches were taken into consideration in the design of these projects. Understanding these approaches will support both your understanding and implementation of the projects in this guide, as well as your own work to design further activities that integrate AI education into your curriculum.

Project 1: AI Chatbots
Project 2: Developing a Critical Eye
Project 3: Using AI to Solve Environmental Problems
Project 4: Laws for AI

Visit the ISTE website with all the free practical guides for engaging students in AI creation: https://www.iste.org/areas-of-focus/AI-in-education

Applied Science
Computer Science
Educational Technology
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
General Motors
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
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Automation and Make
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

A Software Carpentry lesson to learn how to use Make Make is a tool which can run commands to read files, process these files in some way, and write out the processed files. For example, in software development, Make is used to compile source code into executable programs or libraries, but Make can also be used to: run analysis scripts on raw data files to get data files that summarize the raw data; run visualization scripts on data files to produce plots; and to parse and combine text files and plots to create papers. Make is called a build tool - it builds data files, plots, papers, programs or libraries. It can also update existing files if desired. Make tracks the dependencies between the files it creates and the files used to create these. If one of the original files (e.g. a data file) is changed, then Make knows to recreate, or update, the files that depend upon this file (e.g. a plot). There are now many build tools available, all of which are based on the same concepts as Make.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Information Science
Measurement and Data
Material Type:
The Carpentries
Adam Richie-Halford
Ana Costa Conrado
Andrew Boughton
Andrew Fraser
Andy Kleinhesselink
Andy Teucher
Anna Krystalli
Bill Mills
Brandon Curtis
David E. Bernholdt
Deborah Gertrude Digges
François Michonneau
Gerard Capes
Greg Wilson
Jake Lever
Jason Sherman
John Blischak
Jonah Duckles
Juan F Fung
Kate Hertweck
Lex Nederbragt
Luiz Irber
Matthew Thomas
Michael Culshaw-Maurer
Mike Jackson
Pete Bachant
Piotr Banaszkiewicz
Radovan Bast
Raniere Silva
Rémi Emonet
Samuel Lelièvre
Satya Mishra
Trevor Bekolay
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Jobs Research Project for Beginning ESL Computer Lab Students
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0.0 stars

This computer-based project was developed for my ESL Computer Lab. Students who attend this lab learn the basics of using a computer and complete mini-projects in English to build English Proficiency. This Job Research lesson may be used as a introductory lesson to preface a deeper career exploration. Additional lessons may include writing a cover letter, identifying personal jobs skills, goal-setting, writing a resume, and practicing for a job interview. However, this lesson is limited to using websites to obtain information about a job of interest to the student. At the end of the lesson, students present their slide show to the class.

Arts and Humanities
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Math, Grade 7, Algebraic Reasoning, Interpreting The Solution To An Algebraic Inequality
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0.0 stars

Students use inequalities to solve real-world problems. They see that the solution of the algebraic inequality may differ from the solution to the problem it represents. For example, a fractional number or a negative number may not be an appropriate solution for a word problem.Students complete a Self Check. They are given an algebraic inequality that they need to solve. They then write and solve a word problem that the inequality could represent.Key ConceptsIn this lesson, students write and solve an algebraic inequality that matches a situation given in a word problem. They then interpret that algebraic solution in the context of the problem. For example, students write and solve an algebraic inequality to represent the number of T-shirts that can be bought given a certain amount of money and another purchase. The inequality produces the solution t < 2.5. Since a fractional part of a T-shirt does not make sense, students reason that 2 is the greatest number of T-shirts that can be purchased.Goals and Learning ObjectivesInterpret the solution to an algebraic inequality within the context of a word problem.

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
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