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  • Higher Education
Urban Health: A Practical Application for Clinical Based Learning
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0.0 stars

Urban Health: A Practical Application for Clinical Based Learning is an openly licensed, peer-reviewed textbook for clinical-based nursing educators covering barriers in urban health and their impact on patient health outcomes. The authors explore perspectives of urban communities, urban patients, and urban healthcare providers to offer insight into how healthcare providers can address disparities in urban healthcare, provide meaningful care with the lived experiences of urban patients in mind, and improve patient-provider communication by moving towards a more solution-driven, team-based care approach. Features include learning activities, exemplars, and case studies.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Higher Education
Social Science
Material Type:
Wayne State University
Cynthera McNeill
Tara Walker
Umeika Stephens
Date Added:
An Urgency of Teachers
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0.0 stars

the Work of Critical Digital Pedagogy

Short Description:
This collection of essays explores the authors’ work in, inquiry into, and critique of online learning, educational technology, and the trends, techniques, hopes, fears, and possibilities of digital pedagogy.

Long Description:
Too many approaches to teaching with technology are instrumental at best, devoid of heart and soul at worst. The role of the teacher is made impersonal and mechanistic by a desire for learning to be efficient and standardized. Solutionist approaches like the learning management system, the rubric, quality assurance, all but remove the will of the teacher to be compassionate, curious, and to be a learner alongside their students.

As the authors write in their introduction: “It is urgent that we have teachers. In a political climate increasingly defined by obstinacy, lack of criticality, and deflection of fact and care; in a society still divided across lines of race, nationality, religion, gender, sexuality, income, ability, and privilege; in a digital culture shaped by algorithms that neither know nor accurately portray truth, teaching has an important (urgent) role to play.” This collection of essays explores the authors’ work in, inquiry into, and critique of online learning, educational technology, and the trends, techniques, hopes, fears, and possibilities of digital pedagogy. The ideas of this volume span almost two decades of pedagogical thinking, practice, outreach, community development, and activism.

Word Count: 80489

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Arts and Humanities
Higher Education
Material Type:
Hybrid Pedagogy Inc.
Date Added:
User Centered School Library Design
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0.0 stars

If we take a constructivist approach to learning in libraries, then library spaces should be responsive to student needs. As Theodore Creighton points out in Setting the Stage for Staff Development,  "the teacher’s responsibilities involve creating classroom environments where students think, explore, and construct meaning, while including opportunities for students to have social interaction."  Similarly, library spaces, which allow support for both classes and "free-range" learning should do the same.  In a previous OER Commons module by this author on library space design, students studied methods for gathering student input into design. The next step is to begin incorporating that input into the actual design process and to apply input to the space as a whole.   Too often librarians start with furniture rather than starting with the purposes and mission of the program and space. As Malcolm Brown points out,"Creating a vision for learning and learning spaces is a powerful leverage point; it informs almost all other decisions about learning space design. A vision also allows us to effectively articulate to all constituents what we are trying to accomplish. The vision helps organize all participants in the design and implementation of these spaces as well as the activities they support. Simply installing wireless access points and fresh carpeting isn't enough if done in isolation; such improvements pay real dividends only if they are in concert with the institution's overall teaching and learning objectives."  (Learning Spaces)Prospective librarians may not have a current space to design, but they can begin envisioning space as a construct that incorporates user needs and wants and that drives program goals, and begin to think about spaces as a whole.   This module particularly focuses on ideas contained in the book Language of School Design(Nair and Fielding) and work by Ewan McIntosh (notosh.org).  Both works  ask library designers to think of spaces in terms of zones and how those zones make a variety of student learning possible.  A series of readings and recordings will provide an introduction to these concepts with examples.  School Librarian Competencies , 4, 5, and 10http://researchguides.austincc.edu/c.php?g=554360&p=3891603ISTE Educator Standards  2 and 5https://www.iste.org/standards/standards/for-educators

Higher Education
Information Science
Material Type:
Carolyn Foote
Date Added:
Using A Facebook Group to Facilitate Faculty-Student Interactions during Preclinical Medical Education: A Retrospective Survey Analysis
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This resource is a video abstract of a research paper created by Research Square on behalf of its authors. It provides a synopsis that's easy to understand, and can be used to introduce the topics it covers to students, researchers, and the general public. The video's transcript is also provided in full, with a portion provided below for preview:

"Background: Strong learner-teacher relationships are associated with more successful learning outcomes. With shortened modular curricula and increased availability of online resources, fostering faculty interaction with preclinical medical students has become more challenging. We sought to enhance learner-teacher relationships by engaging in discussion with preclinical medical students in their own online space. Methods: We utilized a closed Facebook discussion group, where faculty and students voluntarily joined in informal discussions and shared announcements related to their courses. The closed discussion group allowed only participating students and faculty to see others’ posts within the group. This provided a platform to freely interact within the confines of the group while maintaining privacy for the personal Facebook accounts of both faculty and students. We utilized the discussion group through 3 separate organ system-based modules for 14 weeks..."

The rest of the transcript, along with a link to the research itself, is available on the resource itself.

Higher Education
Material Type:
Research Square
Provider Set:
Video Bytes
Date Added:
Using Altmetric Data Responsibly: A Guide to Interpretation and Good Practice
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This guide focuses specifically on data from the data provider and company, Altmetric, but other types of altmetrics are mentioned and occasionally used as a comparison in this guide, such as the Open Syllabus database to find the educational engagement with scholarly outputs. This guide opens with an introduction followed by an overview of Altmetric and the Altmetric Attention Score, Altmetrics and Responsible Research Assessment, Output Types Tracked by Altmetric, and the Altmetric Sources of Attention, which include: News and Mainstream Media, Social Media (X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, Reddit, and historical data from Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Sina Weibo); Patents, Peer Review, Syllabi (historical data only), Multimedia, Public Policy Documents, Wikipedia, Research Highlights, Reference Managers, and Blogs; finally, there is a conclusion, a list of related resources and readings, two appendices, and references. This guide is intended for use by librarians, practitioners, funders, and other users of Altmetric data or those who are interested in incorporating altmetrics into their bibliometric practice and/or research analytics. It can also help researchers who are going up for annual evaluations and promotion and tenure reviews, who can use the data in informed and practical applications. It can also be a useful reference guide for research managers and university administrators who want to understand the broader online engagement with research publications beyond traditional scholarly citations, also known as bibliometrics, but who also want to avoid misusing, misinterpreting, or abusing Altmetric data when making decisions, creating policies, and evaluating faculty members and researchers at their institutions.

Applied Science
Higher Education
Information Science
Material Type:
Virginia Tech
Provider Set:
VTech Works
Rachel Miles
Robyn Price
Date Added:
Using Creative Commons Tools & Licenses to Create Open Educational Resources: A Professional Development Module for Adopting & Adapting OER
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

"Using Creative Commons Tools & Licenses to Create Open Educational Resources" is a professional development module designed to train faculty in the adoption and adaptation of open educational resources. This module explotres what OER are and how CC licenses make them possible, how to use and adopt OER for courses, and how to adapt OER and license new adaptations and creations. This module will prepare faculty to adopt, adapt, or create OER through their understanding and use of Creative Commons tools and licenses.

Higher Education
Material Type:
Veronica Goosey
Date Added:
Using Facebook to Facilitate Faculty-Student Interactions during Medical Education
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This resource is a video abstract of a research paper created by Research Square on behalf of its authors. It provides a synopsis that's easy to understand, and can be used to introduce the topics it covers to students, researchers, and the general public. The video's transcript is also provided in full, with a portion provided below for preview:

"Strong learner-teacher relationships are associated with better learning outcomes But in medical school, in-person interactions can be hard to come by Researchers at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences recently sought to enhance learner-teacher relationships by engaging students online They used a closed Facebook group for faculty and students across 3 learning modules spanning 14 weeks A survey found that regular interaction between faculty and students via the Facebook discussion group built rapport and closer relationships Students also felt more comfortable asking questions and seeking help from faculty This safe and positive environment fostered better learning and emotional wellbeing among students Although the analysis is based on a self-reported student survey in one institution, the results are encouraging Free, efficient, and effective, Facebook could act as a natural extension of medical school to a format that is familiar and convenient to the emerging generation of physicia.."

The rest of the transcript, along with a link to the research itself, is available on the resource itself.

Higher Education
Material Type:
Research Square
Provider Set:
Video Bytes
Date Added:
Using Game-Based Learning Online – A Cookbook of Recipes
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
Game-based learning is a teaching approach that uses different forms of games, and the strategies or mechanics associated with them, for educational purposes. It advocates a student-centred approach that allows learners to explore, fail and take up challenges in a safe environment. Game-based learning also supports students in autonomously exploring situations created by their professor. Additionally, games are likely to reinforce the students’ commitment to the learning process. In an educational context, these characteristics and qualities can greatly enhance student engagement, motivation and learning. This collection of recipes has been created to present game-based strategies to make online learning more stimulating and engaging for students. In this cookbook, an interdisciplinary panel of experts offers recipes for integrating different types of game-based learning activities in the context of remote teaching. An overview of game-based learning strategies will be provided, including trivia games, escape games, co-operative games, crossword puzzles, and more.

Word Count: 4464

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Higher Education
Material Type:
The Egg
Date Added:
Using InCites responsibly: a guide to interpretation and good practice
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This guide has been created by bibliometric practitioners to support other users of InCites, a research analytics tool from Clarivate Analytics that uses bibliographic data from Web of Science; the guide promotes a community of informed and responsible use of research impact metrics. The recommendations in this document may be more suited to other academic sector users, but the authors hope that other users may also benefit from the suggestions. The guide aims to provide plain-English definitions, key strengths and weaknesses and some practical application tips for some of the most commonly-used indicators available in InCites. The indicator definitions are followed by explanations of the data that powers InCites, attempting to educate users on where the data comes from and how the choices made in selecting and filtering data will impact on final results. Also in this document are a comparative table to highlight differences between indicators in InCites and SciVal, another commonly used bibliometric analytic programme, and instructions on how to run group reports. All of the advice in this document is underpinned by a belief in the need to use InCites in a way that respects the limitations of indicators as quantitative assessors of research outputs. Both of the authors are members of signatory institutions of DORA, the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment. A summary of advice to using indicators and bibliometric data responsibly is available on pages 4-5 and should be referred to throughout. Readers are also recommended to refer to the official InCites Indicators Handbook produced by Clarivate Analytics. The guide was written with complete editorial independence from Clarivate Analytics, the owners of InCites. Clarivate Analytics supported the authors of this document with checking for factual accuracy only.

Higher Education
Material Type:
Gray A
Price R
Date Added:
Using Polls on Zoom (Remote Instruction Series)
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0.0 stars

This video shows you how to use the polls tool on Zoom. This series is aimed at helping folks figure out easy methods of adapting materials from face-to-face classes to online modalities during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Higher Education
Material Type:
Student Guide
Ryan Guy
Date Added:
Using SciVal responsibly: a guide to interpretation and good practice
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0.0 stars

This guide is designed to help those who use SciVal, a research analytics tool from Elsevier that sources bibliographic data from Scopus, to source and apply bibliometrics in academic institutions. It was originally devised in February 2018 by Dr. Ian Rowlands of King’s College London as a guide for his university, which makes SciVal widely available to its staff. King’s does this because it believes that bibliometric data are best used in context by specialists in the field. A small group of LIS-Bibliometrics committee members reviewed and revised the King’s guide to make it more applicable to a wider audience. SciVal is a continually updated source and so feedback is always welcome at LISBibliometrics@jiscmail.ac.uk. LIS-Bibliometrics is keen that bibliometric data should be used carefully and responsibly and this requires an understanding of the strengths and limitations of the indicators that SciVal publishes.

The purpose of this Guide is to help researchers and professional services staff to make the most meaningful use of SciVal. It includes some important `inside track’ insights and practical tips that may not be found elsewhere. The scope and coverage limitations of SciVal are fairly widely understood and serve as a reminder that these metrics are not appropriate in fields where scholarly communication takes place mainly outside of the journals and conference literature. This is one of the many judgment calls that need to be made when putting bibliometric data into their proper context. One of the most useful features of SciVal is the ability to drill down in detail using various filters. This allows a user to define a set of publications accurately, but that may mean generating top level measures that are based on small samples with considerable variance. Bibliometrics distributions are often highly skewed, where even apparently simple concepts like the `average’ can be problematic. So one objective of this Guide is to set out some advice on sample sizes and broad confidence intervals, to avoid over-interpreting the headline data. Bibliometric indicators should always be used in combination, not in isolation, because each can only offer partial insights. They should also be used in a 'variable geometry' along with other quantitative and qualitative indicators, including expert judgments and non-publication metrics, such as grants or awards, to flesh out the picture.

Higher Education
Material Type:
Elizabeth Gadd
Ian Rowlands
LIS-Bibliometrics Committee
Date Added:
Using Screen Capture Tools to Record Lectures (Remote Instruction Series)
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0.0 stars

In this video I cover the basic methods to creating video lectures with screen capture tools. I explore simple methods (like recording with Zoom), and more complicated methods (Loom, Screencast-O'Matic, and Camtasia). This series is aimed at helping folks figure out easy methods of adapting materials from face-to-face classes to online modalities during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Tools mentioned in this video
PowerPoint Narration: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/record-a-slide-show-with-narration-and-slide-timings-0b9502c6-5f6c-40ae-b1e7-e47d8741161c

Loom: https://www.loom.com/

Screencast-O'Matic: https://screencast-o-matic.com/

Camtasia: https://www.techsmith.com/video-editor.html

Higher Education
Material Type:
Student Guide
Ryan Guy
Date Added:
Using Zoom and Powerpoint During an Online Speech
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0.0 stars

This video is geared towards folks using PowerPoint and Zoom to give speeches in academic courses. It uses the "reveal/conceal" method of showing and hiding slides. If you are looking for a more basic tutorial of using PowerPoint with Zoom, see my other tutorial : Giving PowerPoint Presentations on Zoom (Remote Instruction Series) --https://youtu.be/RagDree80-Y

Business and Communication
Higher Education
Material Type:
Student Guide
Ryan Guy
Date Added:
Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research 2023 - Program
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

University of Utah

Short Description:
The mission of the Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research (UCUR) is to promote undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activity, done with the mentorship of a faculty member or others, through an annual conference. Visit: our.utah.edu/ucur

Long Description:
The mission of the Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research (UCUR) is to promote undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activity, done with the mentorship of a faculty member or others, through an annual conference. Undergraduate research is a high-impact educational practice – students who participate in research opportunities lead to positive outcomes with retention, graduation, and post-graduation decisions. Student presentations are welcome in all fields and disciplines from the creative and performing arts to biomedical, engineering, and social science research. Visit: our.utah.edu/ucur

Word Count: 152985

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically as part of a bulk import process by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided. As a result, there may be errors in formatting.)

Higher Education
University of Utah
Date Added:
VLSI Design Flow in Spoken Kannada Language
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

This two hour video provides the necessary explanation of VLSI concepts in Kannada.
Introduction to VLSI design Flow,
Analog vs Digital,
Frontend vs Backend etc

The goal of this video is make Technology available in all languages

Applied Science
Career and Technical Education
Educational Technology
Electronic Technology
Higher Education
Material Type:
Rajaniaknth AR
Date Added:
Vamos a Chismear: Queer Chisme with QTPOC Community College Students
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0.0 stars

Queer Chisme is a cultural intuitive way of knowing rooted in survival by womxn, queer, trans, and those at the margins to survive cisheteropatriarchal structures (Gonzalez, 2021; Gutierrez, 2017; Trujillo, 2020). The chisme exposes power imbalances and cultivates community and safety with those who we can build kinship with to resist and exist in collective spaces. I use chisme as a way to share care, to mobilize towards advocacy, and expose inequities in higher education (Gonzalez, 2021). I invite you to listen and use this queer chisme sensory audio experience to reflect, move towards healing, and learn more about the power within you.

Ethnic Studies
Gender and Sexuality Studies
Higher Education
Social Science
Material Type:
The Pedagogy Lab
Provider Set:
2021 Pedagogy Fellowship
Ángel Gonzalez
Date Added:
WA529 Plans - GET Program and DreamAhead College Investment Plan
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

These resources were orginally shared at the FEPPP WA529 Plans Overview Workshop held on April 21, 2021.  You will find resources that will help familes learn about and set up college savings plans.  

Career and Technical Education
Higher Education
Material Type:
Data Set
Primary Source
Barbara Soots
Financial Education Public-Private Partnership
Date Added: