The first step in many digital humanities projects is to digitize whatever …
The first step in many digital humanities projects is to digitize whatever corpus is being used. In order to use digitized text without having to manually transcribe it or laboriously cut and paste it, Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is often used. Using two scanned pages from Virginia Woolf’s novel The Waves, the following screencast offers some basic instruction on how to OCR scanned pages. A few choices of OCR software are also briefly evaluated.
A free, community version of a popular OCR software is tested as well as a free, web-based version and the quality of these is examined. Finally a trial version of a moderately expensive software is tested and evaluated. By the end of the screencast, viewers should have information that will give them a head start when it comes to undertaking a small scanning/OCR project.
Mock direct examination of a witness by the Prosecution. Accompanying recording (5:30 minutes) …
Mock direct examination of a witness by the Prosecution. Accompanying recording (5:30 minutes) is included at approximately 128 WPM. The National Center for State Courts (NCSC) exam is approximately 120 WPM and the duration is 8 minutes.
Corpus Linguistics: Method, theory and practice is a new textbook introducing corpus …
Corpus Linguistics: Method, theory and practice is a new textbook introducing corpus linguistics, published by Cambridge University Press, and written by Tony McEnery and Andrew Hardie.
This is a critical thinking evaluation report that may be used as …
This is a critical thinking evaluation report that may be used as an assignment resource, free of charge, by any educator for the purposes of higher learning. It has been utilized as a resource in:2022-2023 UNC Undergraduate Research Program. Fostering Critical Thinking in Human Motion Analysis. Brown, J., Chandler, R., Fiaud, V., and Armitano, C. This resource was recently featured in a presentation at the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education in January of 2024 and disseminated for public use. For more information, please
Network analysis is one of the four pillars of computational humanities, along …
Network analysis is one of the four pillars of computational humanities, along with geographic, text, and image analysis. Participants in this course will receive a broad overview of networks as they’re applied to humanities problems.
Das Tutorial Digitale Textedition mit TEI besteht aus einer Reihe von Kapiteln, …
Das Tutorial Digitale Textedition mit TEI besteht aus einer Reihe von Kapiteln, die aufeinander aufbauend in die Kodierung und Edition von Texten nach den Guidelines der Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) einführen. Das Tutorial ist für den Einsatz in der Lehre konzipiert, kann aber auch im Selbststudium eingesetzt werden.
Jedes Kapitel behandelt einen bestimmten Aspekt des Themas und besteht jeweils aus drei Elementen: erstens aus einem Foliensatz für ein Inputreferat, das in die wichtigsten Begriffe und Elemente von TEI einführt; zweitens aus einem oder mehreren Aufgabenblättern, die zur praktischen Einübung des gelernten dienen; und drittens aus den diversen Materialien, die für die Bearbeitung der Aufgaben notwendig sind, bspw. digitale Faksimiles, XML-Dateien, und mehr.
Einführung in die Korpuslinguistik: Korpustypen, Erstellung, Annotationen, Anfragesysteme Web als Korpus: Wo …
Einführung in die Korpuslinguistik: Korpustypen, Erstellung, Annotationen, Anfragesysteme Web als Korpus: Wo liegen die Chancen und Risiken der Nutzung des Internets als linguistisches Korpus? Überarbeitet: DeReKo/COSMAS II: Das Deutsche Referenzkorpus DeReKo des Instituts für Deutsche Sprache (IDS) ist eines der wichtigsten Korpora deutscher Sprache. Einführung in die Bedienung mit COSMAS II. Weitere Korpora: Kurze Einführungen in weitere wichtige deutschsprachige Korpora. Eigenes Korpus: Hilfe und Tipps zur Erstellung eines eigenen Korpus, neu mit einem Modul zu maschinellem Wortarten-Tagging (POS-Tagging). Corpus Workbench: Einführung in die IMS Open Corpus Workbench und CQPweb zur Verwaltung von bestehenden und eigenen annotierten Korpora. Anwendungen: Beispiele für die Arbeit mit Korpora Statistik: Statistik für die Korpusanalyse Visualisierung: Einführung in die Möglichkeiten der Visualisierung von Sprachdaten. Anhang: Informationen zu korpuslinguistischer Software, kleine Einführungen in grundlegende Unix-Befehle und in Reguläre Ausdrücke, sowie Literaturhinweise und ein Lexikon.
The Oxford Visual Geomery Groups Computer Vision Practicals is a collection of …
The Oxford Visual Geomery Groups Computer Vision Practicals is a collection of MATLAB-based self-contained hands-on lab experiences introducing fundamental concepts in visual recognition, including: extracting and matching local features to identify an object in two images regardless of variations in viewpoint, illumination, and other factors; quantising local features into visual words to index and search a large archive of images efficiently; representing images as statistics of local features for coarse image matching and its application to the recognition of object categories; learning image classifiers discriminatively, and in particular support vector machines; evaluating the performance of a retrieval system. The practicals are briefly described below. You can also review the requirements and installation instructions.
The online geology lab for community college students was developed during two years …
The online geology lab for community college students was developed during two years of forced online synchronous learning brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. This open educational resource is a cohesive laboratory manual intended for two-year, non-major college students from the New York area. Each lab is accompanied by a Teacher’s Guide and an online answer sheet (formatted for the Blackboard learning management system). A multiple-choice format is used for many questions, making the labs easy to grade.
Die Grammix-VM ist eine Virtuelle Maschine (VM), die mit VirtualBox gestartet werden …
Die Grammix-VM ist eine Virtuelle Maschine (VM), die mit VirtualBox gestartet werden kann und die ein komplettes Grammatikentwicklungssystem (das TRALE-System) und Beispiel-Grammatiken enthält, die den jeweiligen Kapiteln aus dem Buch Einführung in die Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar entsprechen. Außerdem enthält sie das Babel-System und Grammatiken für das Chinesische, Maltesische und Deutsche, die einen gemeinsamen Kern haben und als Semantikrepräsentation Minimal Recursion Semantics verwenden.
This resource is a video abstract of a research paper created by …
This resource is a video abstract of a research paper created by Research Square on behalf of its authors. It provides a synopsis that's easy to understand, and can be used to introduce the topics it covers to students, researchers, and the general public. The video's transcript is also provided in full, with a portion provided below for preview:
"Soil and sediment microorganisms are remarkably diverse and are critical for ecosystem health. However, they are underrepresented in public databases, and assembling new metaproteomic datasets is challenging, which makes it difficult to characterize the microorganisms in specific soil samples. To increase the outputs of soil metaproteomic studies, a recent study compared various database construction strategies. Search strategies using either sample-specific metagenomic databases or public databases produced comparable peptide-spectrum matches for a floodplain soil core. However, a two-step cascaded search combining both types of databases led to greater peptide-spectrum matching. The combination strategy also improved functional annotation of the peptides, and the resulting metaproteome (MetaP) annotations correlated well with the metagenome (MetaG) annotations..."
The rest of the transcript, along with a link to the research itself, is available on the resource itself.
Intermediarios: Introduction to Spanish<>English Community and Legal Translation and Interpreting is intended …
Intermediarios: Introduction to Spanish<>English Community and Legal Translation and Interpreting is intended for students who have advanced skills in both Spanish and English and a basic familiarity with translation and interpretation. Activities are based on the U.S. context. Translation activities increase in difficulty. The sequencing of interpreting activities develops skills gradually by beginning with memory exercises, then moving into class role plays, and finally working with legal interpreting exercises of increasing difficulty. Judicial interpreting activities target the three modes of interpreting used in the judicial setting: sight translation of documents, consecutive interpreting, and simultaneous interpreting.
Statistics are not an end in themselves but they are a means …
Statistics are not an end in themselves but they are a means to an end, the end being to draw certain conclusions from them. This has to be done very carefully, otherwise misleading conclusions may be drawn and the whole purpose of doing research may get vitiated. A researcher/statistician besides the collection and analysis of data, has to draw inferences and explain their significance. Through interpretation the meanings and implications of the study become clear. Analysis is not complete without interpretation, and interpretation can not proceed without analysis. Both are, thus, inter-dependent. In this unit, therefore, we will discuss the interpretation of analysed data, summarizing the interpretation and statistical fallacies.
A checklist used by teachers to assess elementary students’ interpretation skills. It …
A checklist used by teachers to assess elementary students’ interpretation skills. It can be modified to be used by students as a self-assessment or by peers to provide feedback.
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