Elaboração dos Diagramas do Software
- Subject:
- Computer Science
- Material Type:
- Student Guide
- Author:
- Justino Bento
- Date Added:
- 04/08/2024
Elaboração dos Diagramas do Software
Learners will build an open spectrograph to calculate the angle the light is transmitted through a holographic diffraction grating. After finding the desired angles, the students will design their own spectrograph using the information learned. The activity is part of Project Spectra, a science and engineering program for middle-high school students, focusing on how light is used to explore the Solar System.
Microbiology is the study of microorganisms, which are tiny organisms that can only be seen with a microscope. Microorganisms include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. Microorganisms are found everywhere in the environment, including in water, soil, air, and in the bodies of plants and animals. Microbiology is an important science that helps us to understand how microorganisms interact with each other and with their environment. Microbiology also helps us to understand how microorganisms can cause disease and how they can be used to produce food and medicines. Teaching microbiology can be a fun and interesting experience for students. There are many different ways to teach microbiology, and the best way to teach it will depend on the students’ age and level of education. One way to teach microbiology is to use learning materials that are specifically designed for schools. These materials can help to make the learning process more fun and interesting for students. Some of the best practices for developing microbiology learning materials for schools include: 1. Developing materials that are age-appropriate 2. Using fun and interactive activities 3. Incorporating images and videos 4. Using real-world examples 5. Including assessment questions
This lesson allows students to listen to a podcast and check out different links to learn more about political parties, how and why they developed, along with learning key vocabulary terms. There are several options within the lesson, including working with a partner, creating a word cloud, reading an article, watching documentary clips and a clip from the musical Hamilton, and completing a graphic organizer. It also includes information and materials where students can learn more about the major presidential elections of 1800, 1824 and 1860.
The DigiGuide is a guide developed by students to facilitate intercultural and digital collaboration. It shows possible problems and challenges of digital and intercultural cooperation and at the same time offers assistance and solutions through tools and skills. In addition, it is intended to support readers in projects and alleviate possible fears that arise when working together in an international project team. This project is funded by the DAAD and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
In 1999, the University of Chicago began the Digital Dictionaries of South Asia (DDSA) to make electronic dictionaries of South Asian languages available to the public for free. It includes languages from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Gary Tubb, Professor and Chair of the Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations (SALC), and James Nye, former University of Chicago Library Southern Asia bibliographer and COSAS Emeritus, were awarded a grant from the U.S. Department of Education that allows them to expand these digital dictionaries to include Kashmiri, Panjabi, Persian, Sindhi, Sinhala, Telugu, and Urdu languages. James Nye is a CAORC Multi-Country Research Fellowship alum, who traveled to Sri Lanka, Maldives, Nepal, and India on the fellowship.
A Digital Project Preservation Plan is designed to help with organizing preservation efforts for digital projects. Initially drafted as a companion guide meant to fill the gap on best methods for preserving digital scholarship or digital humanities projects, it can also be applied to digital projects outside the humanities. This preservation plan is most beneficial to those digital humanities (DH) project creators who need guidance on how to start a digital project with preservation in mind. Although the DH community has shared resources and case studies, the examples available tend to focus on DH development, and less on DH preservation. These resources are also located in disparate locations. The Digital Project Preservation Plan is a singular guide, focusing on DH preservation, as a starting point with references to more resources and related DH practices. This is a working document, available to practitioners in whole or part; ideally, it will be used in the early stages of project planning and consulted and revised regularly. The preservation infrastructure should be designed and built as a collaborative effort from the beginning of the project. As priorities, methods and technologies change, the preservation plan will need to be updated and modified accordingly.
This book has been used in humanities (history) and media courses but is applicable to any course that has digital/web project components.
The Table of Contents for this publication includes:
Summary, Project Charter, Digital File Inventory, Additional Considerations, Preservation Plan-A Summary and Checklist, References/Plan Resources, Appendix A: Project Charter, Appendix B: Digital File Inventory, Appendix C: Project Profile, Appendix D: Collaborators Web Publishing Agreement, Appendix E: Universal Design Checklist, Appendix F: Preservation Guidance Checklist, and the Glossary.
The Digital South Asia Library provides digital materials for reference and research on South Asia to scholars, public officials, business leaders, and others. Participants in the Digital South Asia Library include leading U.S. universities, the Center for Research Libraries, the South Asia Microform Project, the Committee on South Asian Libraries and Documentation, the Association for Asian Studies, the Library of Congress, the Asia Society, the British Library, the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge, MOZHI in India, the Sundarayya Vignana Kendram in India, Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya in Nepal, and other institutions in South Asia. James Nye is a CAORC Multi-Country Research Fellowship alum, who traveled to Sri Lanka, Maldives, Nepal, and India on the fellowship.
Die Webseite der Digital Learning Base (DigiLeB) der PHBern ist eine zentrale Anlaufstelle für digitale Lehre und Medienarbeit. Hier sind einige der Hauptthemen, die auf der Website digileb.phbern.ch zu finden sind:Medienkompetenz stärken: Unterstützung bei der Nutzung und Gestaltung von Medien in Lehre, Studium und ForschungDidaktisches Design: Beratung und Unterstützung beim digitalen didaktischen Design, um eine flexible und kreative Lernkultur zu fördern Medienproduktion: Unterstützung bei der Herstellung, Nutzung und Einsatz von digitalen Medien. Ziel ist es, mediale Lerninhalte qualitativ, ansprechend und verständlich zu vermitteln.
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Es la clase de Diseño de Proyectos del curso de Evaluación de Proyectos Industriales de la Maestría de Gestión Industrial
Video Lesson with multiple embedded questions
The tutorial that the "DjangoGirls" initiative is using for all of its workshops. It's a very beginner-friendly tutorial with introductions to the command line, Python, Django, HTML and CSS. No previous programming experience is required.
Once participants have finished the tutorial, they will have a small working web application: their own blog. The tutorial will show them how to put it online, so others will see their work.
The tutorial is available in English, French, Chinese and Ukrainian. "beta" versions of translations to other languages are also available. (The English version is considered the "original" and is usually the most maintained, complete and up-to-date one.)
This text serves as a brief introduction to the process of applying to graduate programs. The chapters are structured around concrete tasks for students to complete, and the overall organization of the book overlays onto a 15 week semester. The book was written to be used in a field introduction course so that students could begin the process of researching graduate programs early.
The study guide welcomes students to the adventure of higher education. Dr. CB uses a conversational tone to relate personal experiences as both a student and a professor. She emphasizes the importance of embracing the journey, focusing on personal growth, and recognizing that everyone's path is unique. The book encourages students to believe in themselves and seek support when needed. It also gives practical tips and strategies for a variety of topics, such as time management, study techniques, and mental health care.
This guide is intended to be utilized by students to help them use AI to assist in research and to scaffold their writing. Instructors can use it, if they allow AI to be used in their classes, to assist students in their research and writing endeavors. Some screenshots have been redacted for copyright reasons. A paper using this guide is under review and a citation will be provided when available. The guide can assist anyone when writing, especially research papers, but it is geared toward a student population for use in or outside of the classroom. **This guide has been updated with new ways to utilize AI**
This site is a repository of resources created by and for teachers. The G-Suite items here are free to use, modify, and expand upon.
Summary of Duchess of Malfi
Resouces for educators addressing antisemitism.
O aumento populacional aliado à produção e consumo excessivo de bens faz gerar
resíduos, que se tornam cada vez mais visíveis e prejudiciais ao meio ambiente. A
Educação Ambiental (EA) é a principal ferramenta de mudança ambiental,
considerada a base ao desenvolvimento de uma opinião crítica que engaje os
cidadãos na abordagem das questões relacionadas aos resíduos sólidos, desde a
geração até a sua disposição final. Assim, é fundamental que a noção de preservação
ambiental seja trabalhada desde a tenra idade, sendo complementada e aperfeiçoada
na escola, pois enfatiza o seu papel em relação à formação de cidadãos críticos e
proativos. Dessa forma, o jogo educativo constitui um importante recurso pedagógico
para o desenvolvimento dessas habilidades. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi
elaborar um jogo de tabuleiro pedagógico sobre o meio ambiente, coleta seletiva e
correta destinação de resíduos sólidos (brinquedo físico) para ser aplicado,
inicialmente, na Escola João Paulo I, situada em Jaboatão dos Guararapes-PE e,
posteriormente, disseminado em outras instituições de ensino. A metodologia aplicada
consistiu, inicialmente, na aplicação de uma entrevista dirigida aos funcionários da
escola e, posteriormente, com os alunos e comunidade entorno com a finalidade de
analisar a percepção que eles têm sobre a prática da educação ambiental. Em
seguida, foi desenvolvida uma atividade sobre ações corretas e incorretas sobre o
meio ambiente e, depois, um júri simulado com esta temática. Aposteriori, foi
promovido uma oficina na escola sobre reciclagem e reutilização dos resíduos sólidos
onde o aluno produziu um produto reciclável e pôde levar para sua residência. Por
fim, foi criado o jogo de tabuleiro com conceitos ambientais, com a finalidade de
verificar, didaticamente, a compreensão dos alunos a respeito dessa temática. Os
resultados comprovaram que o produto final foi de grande valia aos estudantes, visto
que todos os professores entrevistados concordam que o jogo explica de forma
didática as questões ambientais, além de proporcionar mudanças de atitude com
relação ao descarte incorreto dos resíduos, romper com as metodologias tradicionais
e ser de fácil aplicação, compreensão e inclusão.