This workshop explores the potential of media technology and the Internet to …
This workshop explores the potential of media technology and the Internet to enhance communication and transform city design and community development in inner-city neighborhoods. The class introduces a variety of methods for describing or representing a place and its residents, for simulating actions and changes, for presenting visions of the future, and for engaging multiple actors in the process of envisioning change and guiding action. Students will engage one neighborhood, meet real people working on real projects, put theory into practice, and reflect on insights gained in the process. This year the course will examine what it means to be an urban designer/planner and how to create a digital teaching tool (using digital storytelling) that supports others in learning about the relationship between design and planning professionals, on the one hand, and members of the communities they serve, on the other. What is the nature of the knowledge that resides in a community and how can designers and planners learn about, tap, and use that knowledge? What is the relationship between community organizing and urban design and planning? What are the relationships between you as a professional, the place(s) in which you work, and the values and care you bring to that work? We will explore these themes in the context of Camfield Estates in Lower Roxbury, MA and its participation in the US Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Demonstration Disposition Project. There have been many stories written about Camfield Estates’ participation in the Demonstration Disposition project, for it has been widely regarded as a model of success. There are two stories that have not yet been told, however: the story of the residents who organized the community and the story of the architects and planners who participated in the project. This course will use digital storytelling to reconstruct and connect these two stories.
This course introduces scholarly debates about the sociocultural practices through which individuals …
This course introduces scholarly debates about the sociocultural practices through which individuals and societies create, sustain, recall, and erase memories. Emphasis is given to the history of knowledge, construction of memory, the role of authorities in shaping memory, and how societies decide on whose versions of memory are more “truthful” and “real.” Other topics include how memory works in the human brain, memory and trauma, amnesia, memory practices in the sciences, false memory, sites of memory, and the commodification of memory. Students taking the graduate version complete additional assignments.
This seminar is a space for collaborative inquiry into the relationships between …
This seminar is a space for collaborative inquiry into the relationships between social movements and the media. We’ll review these relationships through the lens of social movement theory, and function as a workshop to develop student projects. Seminar participants will work together to explore frameworks, methods, and tools for understanding networked social movements in the digital media ecology. We will engage with social movement studies as a body of theoretical and empirical work, and learn about key concepts including: resource mobilization; political process; framing; New Social Movements; collective identity; tactical media; protest cycles; movement structure; and more. We’ll explore methods of social movement investigation, examine new data sources and tools for movement analysis, and grapple with recent innovations in social movement theory and research. Assignments include short blog posts, a book review, co-facilitation of a seminar discussion, and a final research project focused on social movement media practices in comparative perspective.
"Computer Networking : Principles, Protocols and Practice" is an open-source ebook that …
"Computer Networking : Principles, Protocols and Practice" is an open-source ebook that explains the main principles of Computer Networking and the key protocols that are used on the Internet. The first part describes the theoretical foundations of this domain as well and the main algorithms and protocols. The ebook is intended to be used for an upper-level undergraduate networking course. The second part contains a detailed explanation of the main Internet protocols including HTTP, DNS, TCP, UDP, IPv6, BGP, RIP, OSPF, Ethernet and WiFi. The last part contains exercises and practical labs to allow the students to test their knowledge. The Computer Networking: Principles, Protocols and Practice textbook is one of the winners of the first Open Textbook challenge organised by the Saylor foundation in the US.
This resource is a video abstract of a research paper created by …
This resource is a video abstract of a research paper created by Research Square on behalf of its authors. It provides a synopsis that's easy to understand, and can be used to introduce the topics it covers to students, researchers, and the general public. The video's transcript is also provided in full, with a portion provided below for preview:
"New research urges accounting professionals to rethink retail in the face of thriving e-commerce Driven by technology, online shopping is booming in China As retailers and consumers grow farther apart, consumer experience – not product quality – is king Marketing efforts now focus on integrating online and offline stores and boosting convenience but the impact of these changes on retailers has remained unclear Now, researchers have examined these practices using the “Double 11” online shopping festival in China as a case study Incentives like deposit expansion and store-wide coupons led to increased sales but tracking revenue from online sales was difficult Additionally, logistics and business models were disrupted by accounting challenges New strategies are clearly needed, such as reconsidering the role of offline stores These findings could be critical to existing and future online retailers Xiong et al..."
The rest of the transcript, along with a link to the research itself, is available on the resource itself.
Osnove računalništva in informatike, Študijsko gradivo za višjo strokovno šolo, Vesna Lešnik Štefotič, …
Osnove računalništva in informatike, Študijsko gradivo za višjo strokovno šolo, Vesna Lešnik Štefotič, september 2024 Gradivo obravnava osnovne pojme računalništva in informatike, delno predstavi zgodovinski razvoj in trende. V tretjem delu se osredotoči na telekomunikacijo, računalniška omrežja in internet.
Osnove računalništva in informatike, Študijsko gradivo za višjo strokovno šolo, Vesna Lešnik …
Osnove računalništva in informatike, Študijsko gradivo za višjo strokovno šolo, Vesna Lešnik Štefotič, september 2024 Gradivo obravnava osnovne pojme računalništva in informatike, delno predstavi zgodovinski razvoj in trende. V tretjem delu se osredotoči na telekomunikacijo, računalniška omrežja in internet.
Digital technologies old and new are not objects that can be packed …
Digital technologies old and new are not objects that can be packed inside a box. They are a seamless, indivisible combination of people, organizations, policies, economies, histories, cultures, knowledge, and material things that are continuously shaped and reshaped. Every one of us innovates-in-use our everyday technologies; we just do not always know it. We are shaped by the networked information tools in our midst, and we shape them and thereby shape others. While many of the chapters in this book can be approached as standalone explorations, as many around the world have done, its full potential comes when collaboratively taken as a journey through twelve sessions. Each session in this second, revised edition includes two thematically linked chapters, one more socially oriented and one more technically oriented. Sessions are brought together into three larger generative themes that are built from three decades of participatory design in and with community, and from the teaching of these concepts and practices in courses and workshops. Approached within a community of practice, learning outcomes include discovering ways to advance power, both power within and power with others; advancing our technical skills, but also and even more, our progressive community engagement skills, our critical sociotechnical skills, and our cognitive, information, and social-emotional skills; and progressing our culturally competent collective leadership through social justice storytelling within a framing of reciprocity. In so doing, this textbook seeks to address the call placed by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. – to rapidly shift from a ‘thing-oriented’ society to a ‘person-oriented’ society.
Join Frank Vernon as he discusses ROADNet, a new project that allows …
Join Frank Vernon as he discusses ROADNet, a new project that allows a wide variety of environmental research projects to stream data via Wireless and satellite communications in order to observe our dynamic environment. (29 minutes)
Background Sharing research data provides benefit to the general scientific community, but …
Background Sharing research data provides benefit to the general scientific community, but the benefit is less obvious for the investigator who makes his or her data available. Principal Findings We examined the citation history of 85 cancer microarray clinical trial publications with respect to the availability of their data. The 48% of trials with publicly available microarray data received 85% of the aggregate citations. Publicly available data was significantly (p = 0.006) associated with a 69% increase in citations, independently of journal impact factor, date of publication, and author country of origin using linear regression. Significance This correlation between publicly available data and increased literature impact may further motivate investigators to share their detailed research data.
Millions of people are on-line today and the number is rapidly growing …
Millions of people are on-line today and the number is rapidly growing - yet this virtual crowd is often invisible. In this course we will examine ways of visualizing people, their activities and their interactions. Students will study the cognitive and cultural basis for social visualization through readings drawn from sociology, psychology and interface design and they will explore new ways of depicting virtual crowds and mapping electronic spaces through a series of design exercises.
6.171 is a course for students who already have some programming and software …
6.171 is a course for students who already have some programming and software engineering experience. The goal is to give students some experience in dealing with those challenges that are unique to Internet applications, such as:
concurrency; unpredictable load; security risks; opportunity for wide-area distributed computing; creating a reliable and stateful user experience on top of unreliable connections and stateless protocols; extreme requirements and absurd development schedules; requirements that change mid-way through a project, sometimes because of experience gained from testing with users; user demands for a multi-modal interface.
This project-based course explores new design strategies for social interaction in the …
This project-based course explores new design strategies for social interaction in the computer mediated world. Through weekly readings and design assignments we will examine topics such as:
Data-based portraiture Depicting growth, change and the passage of time Visualizing conversations, crowds, and networks Interfaces for the connected city Mobile social technologies
The course emphasizes developing visual and interactive literacy.
This subject presents a range of advanced topics in integrated logistics and …
This subject presents a range of advanced topics in integrated logistics and supply chain management. The course was conducted in a lecture-discussion format, with participation of corporate executives as guest lecturers. Students prepare industry assessment analyses and make formal classroom presentations. Specific topics alternate from year to year, but basic content includes procurement strategies and strategic sourcing, dynamic pricing and revenue management tactics, mitigation of supply chain risk through supply contracts, strategic outsourcing of supply chain functions and operations, management and operation of third party logistics providers, and management of supply chain security.
The wide array of datasets provided in this collection affords educators and …
The wide array of datasets provided in this collection affords educators and learners alike an understanding of several large networks from state roads to the internet. Access data on social networks, Wikipedia use and e-mail communication and much more.
This is a fun excercise for younger students to practice their knowledge …
This is a fun excercise for younger students to practice their knowledge on Digital Citizenship and internet safety. In the attatched resources I have the entire lesson plan and a video turtorial on how to play the game.
In this lesson, through discussion and presentation students will learn how to …
In this lesson, through discussion and presentation students will learn how to conduct productive research online, what valuable online resources look like, and what happens if they don't apply these strategies.
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