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  • oerc-reviewed-textbooks
Integral Calculus with Applications to Life Sciences Exercise Book
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0.0 stars

This exercise book contains a wide variety of problems in integral calculus, linear algebra, and linear regression, with applications to differential equations, probability, and life sciences. Every problem has a very detailed solution, and the book is self-contained, as the summary for every concept is provided. The book aims to help students learn the material more efficiently and get better results.

Material Type:
University of British Columbia
Paul Tsopméné
Date Added:
Integrated Skills: Academic Writing with Sources
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0.0 stars

The focus of the text is on interacting in various ways with academic sources and popular articles, including paraphrasing, summarizing, responding to arguments, and using sources to support and develop your own ideas. Each chapter focuses on a specific type of writing you will be doing in the course and provides scaffolded practice to help you build the skills necessary to successfully complete that type of writing.

The major writing assignments that make up this course were specifically chosen in order to target writing skills that can be applied to various writing contexts. The writing skills you practice in this course can also be applied to other courses in which writing is assigned, such as summarizing a textbook chapter, responding to written opinions, locating and evaluating academic sources, and composing an argumentative research paper.

Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
Higher Education
Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
Material Type:
University of Illinois
Becky Bonarek
Steph Mielcarek
Trischa Duke
Date Added:
Integrated and Open Interpreter Education
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0.0 stars

The Open Educational Resource Reader and Workbook for Interpreters

Short Description:
This Open Educational Resource (OER) on interpreting offers authors and readers free and open access to current, relevant, easy-to-access, and free materials. The editors have created a space where emerging scholars in the field of signed language interpreting make contributions with the ability to revise as the interpreting studies discipline and the scholars, themselves, develop and change. This OER provides faculty and students readings and practical application experiences that connect program specific coursework and concepts across the interpreter education curriculum emphasizing the holistic nature of the field of interpreting.

Long Description:
The purpose of this OER project is to develop current materials targeting newer scholars as authors who have conducted current research, but have not had an opportunity to publish. In this project, each of the five editors will develop and/or compile a collection of reading and ancillary materials on a specific content area. Contributions will be made in written English or digitally recorded American Sign Language (ASL). All contributors retain rights to their own work and may reuse in traditional and transformative ways as OER approaches continue to advance. As authors continue to grow, they are encouraged to remix (create new content over time) and redistribute materials they have developed.

The goal of this OER is to offer faculty and students readings and practical application experiences that connect program specific coursework and concepts across the interpreter education curriculum emphasizing the holistic nature of the field of interpreting.

Additionally, there are different needs for those students who are native English speakers and those who are native/primary users of ASL. We also envision other interpreter educators using the materials. Thus, we expect that the readings and activities will be revised (adapted) as needed.

Courses and topics for this project include interpreter mindset, pre-interpreting skills and knowledge, technical skills, reflective practice, linguistics, cultural intelligence, multicultural competencies, meaning transfer, and coaching.

Word Count: 38589

ISBN: 978-1-63635-025-7

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Social Science
Material Type:
Open Oregon Educational Resources
Amanda Smith
Elisa Maroney
Sarah Hewlett
Date Added:
Inteligencia Artificial
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0.0 stars

Este libro es una introducción al area de la Inteligencia Artificial y presenta algunas de las aplicaciones que puede tener en la vida real en diversos campos de aplicación, El libro esta compuesto de ocho capítulos los cuales abarcan los antededentes, algunos conceptos importantes para la resolución de problemas como es la representación de conocimiento, el planteamiento de los problemas. Asimismo se menciona la teoría de agentes por un lado y por otro lo que es el aprendizaje computacional. Otra area que se aborta es la computación evolutivo y los algoritmos bioinspirados para la resolución de problemas, dandole enfasis a los problemas de optimizacion. Por ultimo se menciona una nueva tendencia en el area de las ciencias computacionales como es el uso de las GPUs para trabajar de una manera mas rapida al realizar el procesamiento en paralelo.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Project LATIn: The Latin American Open Textbook Initiative
Ana Casali
Antonio Silva Sprock
Aurora Torres Soto
Crizpín Zavala D.
Eliana Scheihing
Ember Ubeimar Martínez Flor
Fátima Sayuri Quezada Aguilera
José Alberto Hernández A
Julio Cesar Ponce Gallegos
Ma. Dolores Torres Soto
Nodari Vakhnia
Oswaldo Pedreño
Yván Jesús Túpac Valdivia
Date Added:
Intellectual Property: Law & the Information Society—Cases and Materials
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0.0 stars

This book is an introduction to intellectual property law, the set of private legal rights that allows individuals and corporations to control intangible creations and marks—from logos to novels to drug formulae—and the exceptions and limitations that define those rights. It focuses on the three graphmain forms of US federal intellectual property—trademark, copyright and patent—but many of the ideas discussed here apply far beyond those legal areas and far beyond the law of the United States.

The book is intended to be a textbook for the basic Intellectual Property class, but because it is an open coursebook, which can be freely edited and customized, it is also suitable for an undergraduate class, or for a business, library studies, communications or other graduate school class. Each chapter contains cases and secondary readings and a set of problems or role-playing exercises involving the material. The problems range from a video of the Napster oral argument to counseling clients about search engines and trademarks, applying the First Amendment to digital rights management and copyright or commenting on the Supreme Court's rulings on gene patents.

Intellectual Property Law
Material Type:
Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI)
Provider Set:
The eLangdell Bookstore
James Boyle
Jennifer Jenkins
Date Added:
The Intelligent Troglodyte's Guide to Plato's Republic
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

The Republic of Plato is one of the classic gateway texts into the study and practice of philosophy, and it is just the sort of book that has been able to arrest and redirect lives. How it has been able to do this, and whether or not it will be able to do this in your own case, is something you can only discover for yourself. The present guidebook aims to help a person get fairly deep, fairly quickly, into the project. It divides the dialogue into 96 sections and provides commentary on each section as well as questions for reflection and exploration. It is organized with a table of contents and is stitched together with a system of navigating bookmarks. Links to external sites such as the Perseus Classical Library are used throughout. This book is suitable for college courses or independent study.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Student Guide
Fort Hays State University
Provider Set:
FHSU Scholars Repository
Douglas Drabkin
Date Added:
An Interactive Introduction to Organismal and Molecular Biology, 2nd ed.
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
This "textbook" is interactive, meaning that although each chapter has text, they also have interactive HTML5 content, such as quizzes, simulations, interactive videos, and images with clickable hotspots. Students receive instant feedback when they complete the interactive content, and therefore, can learn and check their understanding all in one place. The first unit introduces students to the nature of science, including scientific controversies, and information literacy, including how to analyze literature and identify stakeholders. Unit 2 is organismal biology, including carbon cycling and population growth, and unit 3 is molecular biology with a focus on gene expression.

Long Description:
This “textbook” is interactive, meaning that although each chapter has text, they also have interactive HTML5 content, such as quizzes, simulations, interactive videos, and images with clickable hotspots. Students receive instant feedback when they complete the interactive content, and therefore, can learn and check their understanding all in one place. I still consider this textbook to be fairly text-heavy and will continue to make it even more interactive content!

The image on the cover represents the creation of this book. I pulled most of the content from open resources, modified them, added questions, and now offer them for you to use!

I chose the content to align with two courses that I teach: environmental and organismal applications and biomedical applications. Unit 1 introduces students to science, which both courses use. Unit 2 covers content necessary for understanding conservation implications (the underlying theme of the course is de-extinction), and Unit 3 focuses on proteins so that students can understand the implications of modifying DNA (the underlying theme is CRISPR).

Please use this book as you see fit for your classes. I look forward to hearing how to make this book even more useful in the future!

Word Count: 34749

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Arts and Humanities
Career and Technical Education
English Language Arts
Environmental Studies
Life Science
Reading Literature
Social Science
Material Type:
Michigan State University
Andrea Bierema
Date Added:
Intercultural Communication
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0.0 stars

Intercultural Communication examines culture as a variable in interpersonal and collective communication. It explores the opportunities and problems arising from similarities and differences in communication patterns, processes, and codes among various cultural groups. It explores cultural universals, social categorization, stereotyping and discrimination, with a focus on topics including race, ethnicity, social class, religion, gender and sexuality as they relate to communication.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
University of Missouri St. Louis
Shannon Ahrndt
Date Added:
Intercultural Communication for the Community College
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0.0 stars

In the quest to explore the multiple facets of intercultural communication, this book is divided into three general areas: foundations, elements, and contexts. The foundations cover the basic principles associated with communication studies and culture. The elements move beyond the basics into self, identities, verbal, and nonverbal process associated with communication and culture. Contexts explore all the different environments such as media, business, and education, in which intercultural communication occurs.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Karen Krumrey
Date Added:
Intercultural Learning: Critical Preparation for International Student Travel
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0.0 stars

International student exchanges are an increasingly popular aspect of the internationalisation of higher education around the globe. Whether as short-term mobility projects or semester long ‘study abroad’ opportunities, the benefits of such international study experiences have been well documented.

Higher education institutions, departments and disciplines, or individual academics are often tasked with preparing students for such international experiences. Such preparation often focuses on the practical and logistical aspects of student travel, overlooking a crucial dimension of student learning.

Intercultural learning: Critical preparation for international student travel aims to take students beyond practical preparation, to equip them with a critical lens through which to view and understand their international experiences. The book leads students toward a deeper understanding of culture and cultural difference through an exploration of challenging concepts such as imperialism, racism, privilege and intercultural practice.

As an adjunct to traditional approaches, the book adds a significant and valuable dimension to the process of preparing students for international study, increasing the potential for meaningful and transformative learning experiences.

Arts and Humanities
World Cultures
Material Type:
UTS ePress
Debra Miles
Narayan Gopalkrishnan
Peter Jones
Date Added:
Interculturalizing the Curriculum
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Interculturalizing the Curriculum is the third in a series of educator development resources on interculturality. Developed for the KPU Intercultural Teaching Program, this short book engages educators in two main strands of interculturalizing the curriculum: (1) revising curriculum to reflect intercultural learning outcomes, and diverse content from multiple perspectives, and (2) supporting student interculturality development.

Long Description:
Interculturalizing the Curriculum is the third in a series of educator development resources on interculturality. Developed for the KPU Intercultural Teaching Program, this short book engages educators in two main strands of interculturalizing the curriculum: Revising curriculum to reflect intercultural learning outcomes, and diverse content from multiple perspectives, and Supporting student interculturality development.

In the first chapters of the book, we explore the process of interculturalization. First, the process is placed within its theoretical context(s) with an exploration of the streams of thought that contribute to understandings of how education can support equity and social justice. From there, Leask’s (2013, 2015) model of curriculum internationalization informs the process of considering how our curriculum currently reflects diverse knowledge sources and ways of knowing, and envisioning what changes might be desired.

The second part of this resource focuses on student interculturality development. One of the overarching goals of interculturalizing the curriculum is providing a means by which our students understand their identities, learn to engage with multiple perspectives, relate effectively with classmates, and prepare to advocate for social change. These chapters discuss how student interculturality development can be integrated into the curriculum and assessed, as well as how educators can support the complex and challenging classroom conversations that arise from an interculturalized curriculum.

Welcome to the journey of exploring what might be possible in our curriculum and classrooms.

Word Count: 15904

ISBN: 978-1-989864-30-2

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Higher Education
Material Type:
Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Christina Page
Date Added:
Intermedia Algebra
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This is a great textbook for Intermediate Algebra or College Algebra course. This textbook includes covers standard topics such as linear functions/equation, graphs and functions, systems of linear equations, polynomials, rational functions, roots and radicals, quadratic functions/equations, exponential and logarithmic functions, conics, and sequences and series. All of topics are self-contained and instructors do not have to provide supplements. However, instructors, who plan to cover trigonometric functions, may need to provide extra materials.

Material Type:
Rice University
Provider Set:
OpenStax CNX
Lynn Marecek
Date Added:
Intermediarios: Introduction to Spanish<>English Community and Legal Translation and Interpreting
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

Intermediarios: Introduction to Spanish<>English Community and Legal Translation and Interpreting is intended for students who have advanced skills in both Spanish and English and a basic familiarity with translation and interpretation. Activities are based on the U.S. context. Translation activities increase in difficulty. The sequencing of interpreting activities develops skills gradually by beginning with memory exercises, then moving into class role plays, and finally working with legal interpreting exercises of increasing difficulty. Judicial interpreting activities target the three modes of interpreting used in the judicial setting: sight translation of documents, consecutive interpreting, and simultaneous interpreting.

Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
New Prairie Press
Julie A. Sellers
Laura Kanost
Date Added:
Intermediate Algebra
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
The mathematics covered in this textbook are at an intermediate algebra level, building upon literacies covered in Mathematical Fundamental and Elementary Algebra.

Long Description:
This book has been adapted from an original work by Wallace: Elementary and Introductory Algebra.

Word Count: 107266

ISBN: 978-1-9991981-7-6

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Material Type:
Terrance Berg
Date Added:
Intermediate Algebra
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

Intermediate Algebra is a textbook for students who have some acquaintance with the basic notions of variables and equations, negative numbers, and graphs, although we provide a "Toolkit" to help the reader refresh any skills that may have gotten a little rusty. In this book we journey farther into the subject, to explore a greater variety of topics including graphs and modeling, curve-fitting, variation, exponentials and logarithms, and the conic sections. We use technology to handle data and give some instructions for using a graphing calculator, but these can easily be adapted to any other graphing utility.

Material Type:
Katherine Yoshiwara
Date Added:
Intermediate Algebra
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

It is essential to lay a solid foundation in mathematics if a student is to be competitive in today's global market. The importance of algebra, in particular, cannot be overstated, as it is the basis of all mathematical modeling used in applications found in all disciplines.

Traditionally, the study of algebra is separated into a two parts, Elementary and Intermediate Algebra. This textbook by John Redden, Intermediate Algebra, is the second part. Written in a clear and concise manner, it carefully builds on the basics learned in Elementary Algebra and introduces the more advanced topics required for further study in applications found in most disciplines.

Used as a standalone textbook, Intermediate Algebra offers plenty of review as well as something new to engage the student in each chapter. Written as a blend of the traditional and graphical approaches to the subject, this textbook introduces functions early and stresses the geometry behind the algebra. While CAS independent, a standard scientific calculator will be required and further research using technology is encouraged.

Intermediate Algebra is written from the ground up in an open and modular format, allowing the instructor to modify it and leverage their individual expertise as a means to maximize the student experience and success.

A more modernized element, embedded video examples, are present, but the importance of practice with pencil and paper is consistently stressed. Therefore, this text respects the traditional approaches to algebra pedagogy while enhancing it with the technology available today.

The importance of Algebra cannot be overstated; it is the basis for all mathematical modeling used in all disciplines. After completing a course sequence based on Elementary and Intermediate Algebra, students will be on firm footing for success in higher-level studies at the college level.

Material Type:
The Saylor Foundation
Provider Set:
Saylor Textbooks
John Redden
Date Added:
Intermediate Algebra I
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This textbook is aligned with the British Columbia Adult Basic Education learning outcomes for Mathematics: Intermediate Level Algebra. The textbook introduces the fundamental concepts of algebra, geometry, and trigonometry while addressing the needs of students with diverse backgrounds and learning styles. Each topic builds upon previously developed material to demonstrate the cohesiveness and structure of mathematics.

Long Description:
This textbook is the second part of three texts that are aligned with the British Columbia Adult Basic Education learning outcomes for Mathematics: Intermediate Level Algebra. The textbook focuses on topics: Ratio, Proportion, and Percent, Measurement, Perimeter, Area, and Volume and Trigonometry, while addressing the needs of students with diverse backgrounds and learning styles. Each topic builds upon previously developed material to demonstrate the cohesiveness and structure of mathematics.

Word Count: 48093

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Material Type:
Pooja Gupta
Date Added:
Intermediate Biblical Greek Reader: Galatians and Related Texts
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

After completing basic biblical Greek, students are often eager to continue to learn and strengthen their skills of translation and interpretation. This intermediate graded reader is designed to meet those needs. The reader is “intermediate” in the sense that it presumes the user will have already learned the basics of Greek grammar and syntax and has memorized Greek vocabulary words that appear frequently in the New Testament. The reader is “graded” in the sense that it moves from simpler translation work (Galatians) towards more advanced readings from the book of James, the Septuagint, and from one of the Church Fathers. In each reading lesson, the Greek text is given, followed by supplemental notes that offer help with vocabulary, challenging word forms, and syntax. Discussion questions are also included to foster group conversation and engagement. There are many good Greek readers in existence, but this reader differs from most others in a few important ways. Most readers offer text selections from different parts of the Bible, but in this reader the user works through one entire book (Galatians). All subsequent lessons, then, build off of this interaction with Galatians through short readings that are in some way related to Galatians. The Septuagint passages in the reader offer some broader context for texts that Paul quotes explicitly from the Septuagint. The Patristic reading from John Chrysystom comes from one of his homilies on Galatians. This approach to a Greek reader allows for both variety and coherence in the learning process.

Arts and Humanities
Religious Studies
Material Type:
George Fox University Library
Jonah M. Sandford
Nijay K. Gupta
Date Added:
Intermediate College Writing: Building and Practicing Mindful Writing Skills
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Intermediate College Writing: Building and Practicing Mindful Writing Skills is an open textbook designed for use in university‐level courses that focus on cultivating study skills alongside effective academic and workplace writing skills. It offers a no‐cost alternative to commercial products, combining practical guidance with interactive exercises and thoughtfully designed writing opportunities.

This textbook’s modular design and ample coverage of topics and genres means that it can be used flexibly over semester‐long or stretch courses, allowing instructors and students to select the chapters that are most relevant for their needs. By blending new material with reviews of key topics, such as academic integrity, the chapters provide fresh perspectives on matters vital to the development of strong writing skills. The book adapts, builds upon, and expands material covered in our first open textbook, Mindful Technical Writing: An Introduction to the Fundamentals (Atkinson & Corbitt, 2021).

Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
Material Type:
Montana Technological University
Dawn Atkinson
Stacey Corbitt
Date Added: