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English Language Arts

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Concord Consortium: Chemical Bonds
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0.0 stars

This interactive activity helps learners visualize the role of electrons in the formation of ionic and covalent chemical bonds. Students explore different types of chemical bonds by first viewing a single hydrogen atom in an electric field model. Next, students use sliders to change the electronegativity between two atoms -- a model to help them understand why some atoms are attracted. Finally, students experiment in making their own models: non-polar covalent, polar covalent, and ionic bonds. This item is part of the Concord Consortium, a nonprofit research and development organization dedicated to transforming education through technology.

Applied Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Concord Consortium
Provider Set:
Concord Consortium Collection
National Science Foundation
The Concord Consortium
Date Added:
Concord Consortium: Excited States and Photons
Read the Fine Print
0.0 stars

This concept-building activity contains a set of sequenced simulations for investigating how atoms can be excited to give off radiation (photons). Students explore 3-dimensional models to learn about the nature of photons as "wave packets" of light, how photons are emitted, and the connection between an atom's electron configuration and how it absorbs light. Registered users are able to use free data capture tools to take snapshots, drag thumbnails, and submit responses. This item is part of the Concord Consortium, a nonprofit research and development organization dedicated to transforming education through technology.

Applied Science
Life Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Data Set
Lecture Notes
Concord Consortium
Provider Set:
Concord Consortium Collection
National Science Foundation
The Concord Consortium
Date Added:
Congo Square: Creating Cultural Community Spaces
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

In this lesson, djembefola Weedie Braimah will introduce students to the cultural traditions of drumming in Congo Square. Students will collaboratively plan and design a community “Square” that represents a collective cultural space.

- Discuss the western African music traditions of Congo Square in New Orleans.
- Describe the essence and purpose of Congo Square.
- Examine personal, social, and cultural identities.
- Identify personal, social, and cultural traditions.
- Design a common cultural community space for expressing music, history, and culture.
- Present cultural community space concepts to an audience.

Preservation Hall Lessons is designed for all K-12 teachers or educational professionals that want to foster the culture and history of New Orleans music genres. The lessons can be integrated into general content areas like Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, and Science, or beginning to advanced Music Education studies.

Arts and Humanities
World Cultures
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Preservation Hall Foundation
Weedie Braimah
Date Added:
Congressional Pugilists
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

A crude portrayal of a fight on the floor of Congress between Vermont Representative Matthew Lyon and Roger Griswold of Connecticut. The row was originally prompted by an insulting reference to Lyon on Griswold's part. The interior of Congress Hall is shown, with the Speaker Jonathan Dayton and Clerk Jonathan W. Condy (both seated), Chaplain Ashbel Green (in profile on the left), and several others looking on, as Griswold, armed with a cane, kicks Lyon, who grasps the former's arm and raises a pair of fireplace tongs to strike him. Below are the verses: "He in a trice struck Lyon thrice / Upon his head, enrag'd sir, / Who seiz'd the tongs to ease his wrongs, / And Griswold thus engag'd, sir."|The Library has three states of the print. Dayton, Condy, and Green are identified by keyed references in the (plate) margins of the second and third states. In all three "Congress Hall, in Philada. Feb.15.1798" is inscribed in the lower right corner. In the second and third this is followed by "S.E.Cor.6th & Chesnut St." In the third only, the number 17 appears in the upper right. Weitenkampf lists four states, some of which (including two of the Library's impressions) appear to be later restrikes. The call numbers are: PC/US - 1798.A000, no. 1 (A size) (first state); PC/US - 1798.A000, no. 2 (A size) (second state); PC/US - 1798.A000, no. 3 (A size) (third state).|Title appears as it is written on the item.|Fowble, no. 329.|Murrell, p. 43, 45.|Weitenkampf, p. 12.|Forms part of: American cartoon print filing series (Library of Congress)|Published in: American political prints, 1766-1876 / Bernard F. Reilly. Boston : G.K. Hall, 1991, entry 1798-1.|Exhibited in: Creating the United States, Library of Congress, 2008.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Primary Source
Library of Congress
Provider Set:
Library of Congress - Cartoons 1766-1876
Date Added:
Congressional Surgery. Legislative Quackery
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

A rare anti-North satire, probably dealing with either the Crittenden Compromise or the Douglas Compromise. Proposed in December 1860 in the form of several constitutional amendments, the former called for restoration of the Missouri Compromise line and prohibition of slavery north of it. Stephen Douglas's compromise, an alternative proposed immediately thereafter, offered two similar amendments but also advocated settlement of the slavery issue by popular sovereignty. "Congressional Surgery" reflects the viewpoint of the lower South, which rejected both compromises. "Doctor North" (Pennsylvania congressman Thaddeus Stevens) sits with hands folded in a chair at left, a young black crouching beside him. On the doctor's desk rests a wooden leg labeled "Constitutional Amendment." The Doctor says, "Help you! Of Course! We will first, with your assistance, take you off your legs, & then fix you up nicely on these Constitutional Amendments." His patient "South," a tall bearded man with his left arm in a sling, replies, "Can't see it." Behind the desk are several crutches and bookshelves holding a bottle of "Black Draught" and a skull.|Signed: A. Del.|Title appears as t is written on the item.|Forms part of: American cartoon print filing series (Library of Congress)|Published in: American political prints, 1766-1876 / Bernard F. Reilly. Boston : G.K. Hall, 1991, entry 1860-44.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Primary Source
Library of Congress
Provider Set:
Library of Congress - Cartoons 1766-1876
Date Added:
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This unit is designed to build inquiry about and interest in the themes and topics woven throughout Educurious’s multi-unit Washington State History course. To start off, students discover and share how they are connected to their classmates by participating in a “Web of Connectedness” activity. Throughout the unit, students engage in mapping, data visualization, and cost-benefit analyses in order to unpack the theme of connectedness and answer the unit driving question: How are people in Washington connected to each other and the rest of the world? As students learn about resources, economies, innovations, people, and places in Washington, they draft a series of six interactive community boards that educate others about the ways in which people are connected. For the culminating product of this unit, student teams finalize one of their six draft community boards to help students in their school make connections between themselves, Washington, and the world.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Unit of Study
Educurious .
Date Added:
The Conquered Banner
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

A sheet music cover for a postwar song lamenting the fall of the Confederacy. A ragged Confederate flag stands draped over an abandoned cannon, which sits in a landscape overgrown with grass and weeds. Almost hidden in the grass is the stock of a rifle.|Entered . . . 1866 by A. E. Blackmar . . . Louisiana.|Lith. Feusier, Hoyle & Co. No. 9, Commercial Place. N.O.|New Orleans. Published by A.E. Blackmar. 167 Canal St.|The Library also has a redrawn version, identical except that the lithographer's imprint is missing.|Title appears as it is written on the item.|Published in: American political prints, 1766-1876 / Bernard F. Reilly. Boston : G.K. Hall, 1991, entry 1866-2.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Primary Source
Library of Congress
Provider Set:
Library of Congress - Cartoons 1766-1876
Date Added:
The Constitution: Counter Revolution or National Salvation?
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Students use Library of Congress primary sources to examine the forces that shaped the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation and the Constitution.

History, Law, Politics
U.S. History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Library of Congress
Provider Set:
Lesson Plans
Date Added:
The Constitutional Amendment!
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

One of a number of highly racist posters issued as part of a smear campaign against Pennsylvania Republican gubernatorial nominee John White Geary by supporters of Democratic candidate Hiester Clymer. (See also nos. 1866-6, 1866-7, and 1866-8.) Indicative of Clymer's white-supremacy platform, the posters attack postwar Republican efforts to pass a constitutional amendment enfranchising blacks. In "The Constitutional Amendment" a group of black men are shown crowding ahead of two white veterans and other whites toward a door marked "Polls." One veterans complains, "Surely, we did not fight for this." Another remarks, "I thought we fought for the Union." A straggly bearded man encourages the blacks, "Come on, my brave boys, you saved the Nation." The black response is, "Dat's so Brudder Yank, and you need our votes now. De poor White Trash must stand back." At right two more white men complain, "Negroes rule us now," and "We have no chance here." On the left is a column of text: "Geary Is for Negro Suffrage. Stevens [Pennsylvania representative Thaddeus Stevens] Advocates it. Forney [Pennsylvania senator John W. Forney] Howls for it, McClure [Alexander K. McClure, Pennsylvania Republican chairman] Speaks for it. Cameron [Pennsylvania Republican boss Simon Cameron] Wants it. The League Sustains it. They are rich, and want to make The Negro the Equal of the Poor White Man, and then rule them both." At right are the names of candidates for Congress that supported black voting rights. Below is the commentary: "The Radical Platform--ˆ_ăˆ_Óegro Suffrage the only Issue!' Every man who votes for Geary or for a Radical Candidate for Congress, votes as surely for Negro Suffrage and Negro Equality, as if they were printed on his ballot."|Block signed: Reynolds N.Y.|Title appears as it is written on the item.|Published in: American political prints, 1766-1876 / Bernard F. Reilly. Boston : G.K. Hall, 1991, entry 1866-5.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Primary Source
Library of Congress
Provider Set:
Library of Congress - Cartoons 1766-1876
Date Added:
Constructing New Understanding Through Choral Readings of Shakespeare
Read the Fine Print
Some Rights Reserved
0.0 stars

After reading "The Tempest" or any other play by William Shakespeare, students work in small groups to plan, compose, and perform a choral reading based on a character or theme.

Arts and Humanities
Performing Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Provider Set:
Date Added:
Constructing a Paragraph
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Students will construct a paragraph using an organizational strategy (TIQA-TIQA-C) and apply that strategy as they write about and characterize the protagonist in Richard Connell's "The Most Dangerous Game."

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Date Added:
Content Learning Centers
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

On this OER, My group and I focused on Content Learning Center, and we focused  on how students and teachers were able to include centers into their curriculm. 

Material Type:
Case Study
Lesley Guerrero
Trixie Hodges
Lindsay Jackson
Daisha Gemarino
Date Added:
Continental Drift: What's the Big Idea?
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

In this lesson designed to enhance literacy skills, students learn how the theory that explains the position of Earth's continents was established and later modified, and gain important insights into how science and the scientific community operate.

English Language Arts
Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
Physical Science
Space Science
Material Type:
PBS LearningMedia
Provider Set:
PBS Learning Media Common Core Collection
Leon Lowenstein Foundation
WGBH Educational Foundation
Walmart Foundation
Date Added:
Conveying important information concisely in public speaking and interviews
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This public speaking lesson focuses on presenting and conveying important information, details, facts, and opinions in a concise manner. This lesson presents several different real-world situations where students are asked to share their perspectives, experiences, and stories where they are to give supporting details and facts that are important to the context of different social interactions (talking with peers, colleagues, community, interviews, etc). With the creation of this lesson, different level options of technology integration are offered to allow for flexibility and modifications for this lesson to best serve various classrooms and their students (low tech, medium tech, and high tech options). This lesson will help students analyze a social interaction and/or topic and have them clearly and concisely give an authentic response.

English Language Arts
Higher Education
Speaking and Listening
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Date Added:
The Coon Party Crossing Cayuga Bridge Novr. 1844. Or The Effects of Cassius M. Clay's Political Tour To Western N. York
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

A cartoon on the defeat of Whig Henry Clay in the 1844 presidential election, ascribing his loss of the state of New York to his cousin Cassius M. Clay's campaign tour on his behalf. Oddly, though given prominence in the title, Cassius M. Clay does not appear in the picture itself. As Clay and his running mate Theodore Frelinghuysen--each having raccoon bodies--cross a bridge, it collapses in pieces, spilling Clay and his entourage of raccoons and starving dogs into the river. Clay grasps Frelinghuysen's tail and says, "Hold on Vice Frelinghuysen I have not only lost my election, I fear my principles are leaking out and will be exposed to the gaze of the Common people." From his open abdomen fall pistols, playing cards, and dice, evidence of his penchant for dueling and gambling. Freylinghusen responds: "Oh! Great Henry this is the effect of keeping bad Company. I think YOU are about the right material for a Vice President. I advise you to study Divinity it is your only hope left." (Frelinghuysen was a prominent churchman.) Assorted exclamations come from the hapless animals, one of whom cries, "help me Casius or I sink." On the section of the bridge at right several roosters holding brooms (symbolizing reform) jeer at the two candidates, the largest one saying, "Humbug has had its days." Below the roosters, in the distance, a crowd dances around a flagpole with a banner inscribed "Oregon" and "Texas." Further on, a fortress with a flag "Our Thunder" fires one of its guns. Standing on the left side of the bridge are two Pennsylvanians. One says, "Did you hear the news from New York-York York all honest & true" and the other, "Oh! give us Polk & Dallas how happy we will be . . . ." In the water below, a boat marked "Make way for Gov. Shunk" rows by with three men aboard. One man in the boat, possibly newly elected Democratic governor of Pennsylvania Francis R. Shunk, observes of Clay, "that large Coon has very black Legs I reckon." "Blackleg" was common slang for scoundrel. |Entered . . . 1845 by Wm. Dohnert . . . E. District of Penn.|Title appears as it is written on the item.|Weitenkampf, p. 85.|Forms part of: American cartoon print filing series (Library of Congress)|Published in: American political prints, 1766-1876 / Bernard F. Reilly. Boston : G.K. Hall, 1991, entry 1845-1.

U.S. History
Material Type:
Primary Source
Library of Congress
Provider Set:
Library of Congress - Cartoons 1766-1876
Date Added:
Cornell Notes
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

In this lesson Students use the Cornell notes tool (developed by Walter Pauk from Cornell University) to do close reading of informational text. Students will be able to read closely and analyze the key details of what they read. Students will be able to summarize informational text.

Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Reading Informational Text
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Utah Education Network
Date Added: