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  • Art History
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  • College / Upper Division
  • Community College / Lower Division
  • Textbook
Telling Stories to Save the World
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Climate Change in Narrative Film

Short Description:
Explores the history and impact of the “Cli-Fi Film,” or Climate Fiction Film, a sub-genre of narrative cinema that depicts, on some level, the effects of climate change on the Earth and its inhabitants.

Long Description:
Telling Stories to Save the World: Climate Change in Narrative Film explores – through text, images, and video – the history and impact of the “Cli-Fi Film,” or Climate Fiction Film, a subgenre of narrative cinema that depicts, on some level, the effects of climate change on the Earth and its inhabitants. This openly-licensed resource covers the following topics: overview of climate change; rationale for the focus on narrative, or feature, film; definition and context of the “Cli-Fi Film”; history and impact of major narrative films focused on climate change, from Soylent Green (1973) to Don’t Look Up (2021). The resource concludes with a consideration of the future direction of Cli-Fi Films. Along the way, learners read about the author and some effects of climate change on her own life, inspiring her to create this resource and hopefully inciting those who use it to action.

Word Count: 23112

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Art History
Arts and Humanities
Atmospheric Science
Career and Technical Education
Environmental Studies
Film and Music Production
Physical Science
Material Type:
Judith Sebesta
Date Added:
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

Starting a new book

Word Count: 4584

Included H5P activities: 20

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Arts and Humanities
Visual Arts
Material Type:
Date Added:
Terra Nostra Curriculum Resources
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
The curriculum shared here utilizes Terra Nostra, a multimedia symphony about climate change. Variations of the curriculum were developed by Kim Davenport for use in several 100-, 200- and 300-level non-major music courses at the University of Washington, Tacoma.

Long Description:
The curriculum shared here utilizes Terra Nostra, a multimedia symphony about climate change. Variations of the curriculum were developed by Kim Davenport for use in several 100-, 200- and 300-level non-major music courses at the University of Washington, Tacoma. More than 50% of UWT undergraduate students are the first in their family to attend college, and nearly 60% are students of color.

Depending on the exact level and subject-matter of each course, Terra Nostra was utilized in support of a variety of learning objectives: Building students’ listening skills, through the combination of music and video, and through the analysis of music without words Drawing interdisciplinary connections between music and other disciplines Providing an example of music created to raise awareness about a timely social issue

Although the assignments shared here were designed for music courses, they could easily be adapted for inclusion in courses in other disciplines, and this is indeed one of the motivations for sharing this curriculum through a Creative Commons license.

Word Count: 2876

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
Atmospheric Science
Career and Technical Education
Environmental Studies
Film and Music Production
Physical Science
Social Science
Visual Arts
Material Type:
Date Added:
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
#TheatreAppreciation is a textbook for introductory level lecture classes such as Theatre Appreciation and Introduction to Theatre. It provides insight about the art and craft of theatre, a brief exploration of theatre history, and discussion about the styles and forms of theatre along with an overview of professions in the field.

Word Count: 97105

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Arts and Humanities
Performing Arts
Visual Arts
Material Type:
SUNY Oneonta
Andrew Kahl
Barbara N. Kahl
Bethany Marx
Emily Jones
Gillian Canavan
Ingrid De Sanctis
John Bagby
Kiara Pipino
Krysta Dennis
Michael Riha
Missy Maramara
Date Added:
Theatrical Worlds, Beta Version
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

From the University of Florida College of Fine Arts, Charlie Mitchell and distinguished colleagues from across America present an introductory text for theatre and theoretical production. This book seeks to give insight into the people and processes that create theater. It does not strip away the feeling of magic but to add wonder for the artistry that make a production work well.

Arts and Humanities
Performing Arts
Material Type:
University of Florida
Charlie Mitchell
Date Added:
Theory Fundamentals Workbook
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This workbook is a practical method for learning the rudiments of music, which are essential to a thorough understanding of music in general. Designed as a supplement to professional instruction rather than a manual for self instruction, the text is intentionally brief. The emphasis is on using practical exercises to develop fluency. Aural, vocal, and keyboard skills must be integrated into the study of music theory from the very beginning. I encourage all students, regardless of their principal instrument, to learn to hear, sing, and play on the piano everything that they do in theory. All exercises in this book should be completed thoroughly. Usually a sample will be completed in brackets for each exercise, as a demonstration. Fluency with these basic materials of music will be a great asset to any further musical endeavors. For students who need additional exercises, suggestions for further study will be given.

Arts and Humanities
Performing Arts
Material Type:
Montana State University
Gregory Yang
Date Added:
Tools for Creating OER
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Selecting appropriate Technologies

Short Description:
The use of open education is growing and has become a global movement. Across much of North America, most post-secondary institutions are in the process of integrating the use of open education resources into their teaching and learning activities. The number of OER repositories from which instructors can draw resources continues to grow each year. The number of resources continues to grow along with the number of different tools used to develop these resources. There are a number of commercial and open source digital technologies available for the creation of open resources. This resource is intended to provide the OER community with a summary of some currently available tools for creating open content. OER creators need to know the range of tools that can be used in the creation process. This guide is designed to provide a starting point for instructors and faculty at post-secondary institutions. Prospective creators of OER can use the guide to pick the most appropriate tool for their specific context and level of technical expertise.

Long Description:
The use of open education is growing and has become a global movement. Across much of North America, most post-secondary institutions are in the process of integrating the use of open education resources into teaching and learning activities. The following are the chapters covered in the guide: Chapter 1 starts with very basic information on the definition and description of what constitutes OER. Chapter 2 introduces the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by providing a brief listing of each goal. Chapter 3 focuses on commercial word processing tool options. Chapter 4 describes a number of open-source word processing and additional tools. Chapter 5 introduces the basic open-source TeX-based systems that arose out of the open-source software movement. Chapter 6 delves further into TeX-based open-source tools by highlighting some packages useful for content creation. Chapter 7 describes other TeX-based tools helpful for creating open content. Chapter 8 introduces the emerging OER tools Pressbooks, EdTech Books and LibreTexts.

Word Count: 32461

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Arts and Humanities
Business and Communication
Career and Technical Education
Computer Science
Educational Technology
Graphic Design
Higher Education
Social Science
Visual Arts
Material Type:
University of Regina
Date Added:
Tools for Creating OER
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Selecting appropriate Technologies

Short Description:
The use of open education is growing and has become a global movement. Across much of North America, most post-secondary institutions are in the process of integrating the use of open education resources into their teaching and learning activities. The number of OER repositories from which instructors can draw resources continues to grow each year. The number of resources continues to grow along with the number of different tools used to develop these resources. There are a number of commercial and open source digital technologies available for the creation of open resources. This resource is intended to provide the OER community with a summary of some currently available tools for creating open content. OER creators need to know the range of tools that can be used in the creation process. This guide is designed to provide a starting point for instructors and faculty at post-secondary institutions. Prospective creators of OER can use the guide to pick the most appropriate tool for their specific context and level of technical expertise.

Long Description:
The use of open education is growing and has become a global movement. Across much of North America, most post-secondary institutions are in the process of integrating the use of open education resources into teaching and learning activities. The following are the chapters covered in the guide: Chapter 1 starts with very basic information on the definition and description of what constitutes OER. Chapter 2 introduces the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by providing a brief listing of each goal. Chapter 3 focuses on commercial word processing tool options. Chapter 4 describes a number of open-source word processing and additional tools. Chapter 5 introduces the basic open-source TeX-based systems that arose out of the open-source software movement. Chapter 6 delves further into TeX-based open-source tools by highlighting some packages useful for content creation. Chapter 7 describes other TeX-based tools helpful for creating open content. Chapter 8 introduces the emerging OER tools Pressbooks, EdTech Books and LibreTexts.

Word Count: 32474

ISBN: 978-0-7731-0777-9

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Arts and Humanities
Business and Communication
Career and Technical Education
Computer Science
Educational Technology
Graphic Design
Higher Education
Social Science
Visual Arts
Material Type:
University of Regina
Date Added:
Transforming Stories, Driving Change
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
A workbook for bringing new voices into public debate based on the performance creation approach developed by Transforming Stories, Driving Change.

Long Description:
Can theatre bring new voices into public debate? Facilitating theatre workshops with community members who experience social marginalization is an art that, when done well, feels more like magic. But even the best facilitators are not magicians. With this workbook we pull back the curtain on the magic by taking readers behind the scenes of the Hamilton-based research and performance initiative Transforming Stories, Driving Change (TSDC.) Since 2015, TSDC teams have worked alongside community partners and performer-advocates to make plays designed to draw attention to the voices and visions of people whose opinions are not often represented in discussions of the future of the City. Through our performances, we have tried to contribute to building the movements that can make public leaders more accountable to people who are affected by their decisions. Five years and four plays later, we offer this workbook as a practical guide to TSDC’s creative approach.

Word Count: 51178

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Arts and Humanities
Performing Arts
Social Science
Social Work
Material Type:
Adam Perry
Catherine Graham
Chris Sinding
Elysée Nouvet
Helene Vosters
Jennie Vengris
Melanie Skene
Date Added:
The Turn of the Screw
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
0.0 stars

Long Description:
This book was imported into the Pressbooks publishing platform using the Project Gutenberg EBook of The Turn of the Screw, by Henry James

Word Count: 43092

Included H5P activities: 1

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Arts and Humanities
Visual Arts
Material Type:
University of Saskatchewan
Henry James
Date Added:
Understanding New Media Art
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Understanding New Media Art is an OER for introductory college art and art history courses that builds on scholarship in the field to propose a long historical context for the technologies and ideas related to New Media Art in the 21st century.

Long Description:
Understanding New Media Art is an OER for introductory college art and art history courses. The book builds on scholarship in the field to propose a long historical context for the technologies and ideas related to New Media Art in the 21st century. This OER is a work in progress and will be updated and expanded periodically as technologies change, new creative approaches and voices develop, and new historical and theoretical frameworks are proposed in the evolving field of New Media Art.

Word Count: 80895

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Arts and Humanities
Graphic Arts
Visual Arts
Material Type:
Christine M. Weber
Elizabeth Bilyeu
Kelsey Ferriera
Luke Peterson
Date Added:
University of Alberta Library Makerspace Certification: 3D Printing
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Word Count: 7669

ISBN: 978-1-55195-484-4

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
Computer Science
Social Science
Visual Arts
Material Type:
Chris Bateman
Grace Telder-Romanow
Hanne Pearce
Jessica Thorlakson
Milamem Gabbar
Sarah-Jeanne Bélec
Date Added:
Unseen Labor
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

Long Description:
Unseen Labor is an international library community-organizing embroidery project created by University of Massachusetts Amherst librarian Ann Kardos. Metadata work is not typically seen as creative work, but work that is guided by national standards, best practices, policies and guidelines in order to produce and maintain standard records for library resources that can be shared between institutions and vendors. Metadata librarians and catalogers create and maintain millions of library resources for our patrons, with whom we may rarely (if ever) interact, and we provide valuable backend support for our front-facing colleagues.

Word Count: 9321

ISBN: 978-1-945764-15-8

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
Computer Science
Visual Arts
Material Type:
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Date Added:
Visuals for influence: in project management and beyond
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Short Description:
‘Visuals for influence: in project management and beyond’ is a practical guide with 24 visuals to download, adapt and deploy to engage your stakeholders. This practical guide will build your confidence and practical skills to quickly and effectively leverage the benefits of visuals to maximise your influence.

Long Description:
‘Visuals for influence: in project management and beyond’ is a practical guide with 24 visuals to download, adapt and deploy to engage your stakeholders. This practical guide will build your confidence and practical skills to quickly and effectively leverage the benefits of visuals to maximise your influence. Uncover the science behind the power in visuals Discover software and tools that make visualisation easy Learn pro design tips that give your visuals a professional edge Download a visual archetype, tailor to your needs, and enhance your influence!

Word Count: 19408

ISBN: 978-0-6487698-6-6

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Arts and Humanities
Business and Communication
Visual Arts
Material Type:
University of Southern Queensland
Bronte van der Hoorn
Date Added:
Vocal Techniques for the Instrumentalist - 2nd edition
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Vocal Techniques, the course title used at many institutions, is essentially a voice class for instrumentalists, and is a required course for instrumental music education majors seeking all-level certification. Students take at least one Vocal Techniques course to learn proper singing technique along with basic pedagogy and can include teaching techniques as they apply to adolescent singers. The focus of the course is the development of the individual singing voice. This includes breathing, tone production, articulation, musicality and textual expression and understanding. Students also develop confidence in front of groups, improve their general vocal quality, and learn that a healthy voice serves them well in the general and performance classroom.

Arts and Humanities
Performing Arts
Material Type:
New Prairie Press
Amy Rosine
Date Added:
Where Does Art Come From?
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
Who am I? What is beautiful? Where do babies come from? These questions populate our lives and inform our perceptions of the world. Explore these questions according to the expressions of artists from all over the world. Go beyond Western art to consider where art comes from and how it impacts all of us.

Long Description:
Contributors to this open textbook offer relatable descriptions, details, and contexts of artworks from around the world, which have often been relegated to the peripheries of art and social history. Art traditions from Africa, Oceania, South and Southeast Asia, Islamicate regions, East Asia, and the indigenous Americas (before colonization) are prioritized to challenge the long-held view that “real art” only comes from the West. Introductory discussions of the history of art history and geographic conventions set the stage for considering the larger question, “where does art come from,” and other questions such as, “why haven’t I heard much about art from Africa, Oceania, etc.?” This book takes a pluralistic approach, forefronting diversity and interconnectedness. Scholars and students collaborated to produce this book. Student contributions will continue to improve the text and interactivity as it evolves. A scavenger hunt of student-made “easter eggs” builds a thread of engagement and humor throughout the book. Make sure to find them all!

Word Count: 129658

ISBN: 978-1-64816-004-2

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Art History
Arts and Humanities
Material Type:
Mavs Open Press
Leah McCurdy
Date Added:
Workbook for Comprehensive Musicianship: A Practical Resource
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This workbook is a supplement to Comprehensive Musicianship: A Practical Resource. Each workbook chapter corresponds to the equivalent chapter in the textbook, and is designed to facilitate the exploration and mastery of the concepts presented through a variety of exercises. Exercises contained in the workbook consist of musical analysis and writing drills, presented both in isolated examples and in context in musical literature, as well as the application of music theory concepts through composition exercises. These exercises can be used as class examples as well as homework assignments.

Arts and Humanities
Performing Arts
Material Type:
University of Northern Iowa
Daniel Swilley
Heather Peyton
Jonathan Schwabe
Randall Harlow
Date Added:
World Cinema Since 1965
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

This ebook provides the outlines for a course on world cinema since 1965. Goals, assignments, topics, and online resources are all provided. Another textbook could be used in conjunction, but this could work by itself. 

Visual Arts
Material Type:
Edward Oneill
Date Added:
A World Perspective of Art Appreciation
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

“An OER text to cover world art on a timeline from prehistoric to modern times with an emphasis on female artists.”Reviewer’s note: this text focuses much more on a chronological, art historical approach than other texts that divide the course into thirds, with the first third covering visual elements and principles of design, the second third covering two- and three-dimensional media, and only the final third giving a brief overview of art history.

Art History
Arts and Humanities
Visual Arts
Material Type:
Deborah Gustlin
Zoe Gustlin
Date Added: